reate a project that examines a social justice issue which could benefit from a live theatre event

Create a project that examines a social justice issue which could benefit from a live theatre event.

Create a project that examines a social justice issue which could benefit from a live theatre event. Discuss the cultural and historical context of your chosen issue. Cite supporting evidence. Be sure to discuss why this subject is important to you and to our current culture. What impact do you want this piece to have? And for whom? Meaning, ideally who do you want in the room to see your piece? Then discuss your chosen methodology whereby you would create a play text. Refer to the methodologies examined among the 6 plays of the course, citing when appropriate, and/or devise your own methodology of creation. Be sure your methodology follows the following steps: building a team of collaborators (who do you want to create with?), subject research (how and where will you gather all the information you need to fully understand your subject and to make a play?), generating material for the play (how will you create text/raw materials for the play?), synthesizing and refining the final text for the play, where, when and for whom the play should be performed for maximum social impact.

Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace Reflective Paper

Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace Reflective Paper

Paper details Review the website and read about Culture of Safety. Also click on the suggested websites listed when you scroll down to the bottom of the page to research the topic further. Write a paper reflecting on what you learned about patient safety culture. Include examples that you’ve seen in the field (both at your place of employment and in clinical experiences you’ve completed). The paper should be 2–3 pages in length, not including the cover or reference pages, and be in APA format .

Foundations of Political Economy


Students will be required to write a final paper of 8-10 pages. This assignment will ask you to think through how a given theorist would respond to/analyze a contemporary problem through the logic of their political economy. All papers must consult a minimum of six academic sources in addition to course readings. Papers should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and properly referenced. Topic is: Since the 1980’s employment has changed dramatically. It has become considerably more precarious, predicated increasingly on casual, flexible, low and un-skilled positions. At many points in time this has meant considerable unemployment. Why has the labour market been so considerably restructured? Discuss through either Smith, Marx or Keynes. Use reference — AND 6+ others

The risks coming from fast food

For this essay, you will present your argument on the issue you have chosen and you must pick a side. Arguments do not work if they conclude, “Well, I guess they are both right.” If you find yourself changing your view halfway through the paper, edit your earlier statements to fit. The conclusion and introduction should have the same argument. Also, as in any well written argument, you must include and refute the counter argument in a respectful manner. As I’ve said before, do not pick a topic that you are so attached to that you cannot refer to the other side of the issue politely.

Components of Strategic Plan

Nursing care can be carried out through a variety of organizational methods also known as models of care. Consider the following: Team Nursing Primary Nursing Progressive Patient Care Evolving Models of Care Relationship-Based Care Patient Care Transitions Care Management Focus your discussion on the following: What are the pros and cons of each of the models of care? What model is used at your practicum site? In your opinion, which is most effective? Support your answer.

Science lesson plan

Create a science lesson plan using the Concordia lesson plan template, attached. In your lesson plan, you must: follow the lesson plan format incorporate at least one best practice of Inquiry-Based Learning – cite it in the Theorists section incorporate an ELA standard and component employ a reading comprehension strategy (preferably one that we discussed) – cite it in the Theorists section make your lesson student-centered The PowerPoint that I have made for you contains explicit instructions about what to do in each section of the lesson plan. Watch each slide, and go through all the material before you even think of emailing with a question. This assignment must be done in APA style. There should be no spelling or grammar mistakes in your lesson. You must use the attached lesson plan template.

Dealing with Diversity in America from Reconstruction through the 1920s

For History 105: Dr. Stansbury’s Classes Due Week 3 and worth 120 points. The formal deadline is on Monday morning at 9am Eastern Time; this is the next day after Week 3 ends. Watch announcements, emails, and postings for exact dates and any holiday notes that sometimes arise. [NOTE ON ECREE: The university is adopting a tool called ecree for helping and doing writing assignments in many classes. In our History 105 class, we will be using the ecree program only for EXTRA CREDIT as a tool for doing work on your rough draft of the paper. We hope this approach encourages more rough drafting and revision work by students as well as makes students familiar with this useful new tool. For Assignment 1, in the Week 3 unit, you will see the link “EXTRA CREDIT: ROUGH DRAFT….”—that is where you can get up to 5 points of extra credit. Instructions will be posted there in the early days of the summer course. If you try this option, you will be able to use the file developed in ecree as a rough draft; you will then download that draft and edit it further. Then, once your paper is fully polished and finished as you see fit, you will then submit it at the next link in the Week 3 unit, which says “ASSIGNMENT 1: DEALING WITH DIVERSITY….”. ] BACKGROUND FOR THE PAPER: This is a 5-paragraph paper based on research in designated sources. It is a position paper in which you support a thesis statement by reason and historical examples. After the Civil War, the United States had to recover from war, handle western expansion, and grapple with very new economic forms. However, its greatest issues would revolve around the legacies of slavery and increasing diversity in the decades after the Civil War. In the South, former slaves now had freedom and new opportunities but, despite the Reconstruction period, faced old prejudices and rapidly forming new barriers. Immigrants from Europe and Asia came in large numbers but then faced political and social restrictions. Women continued to seek rights. Yet, on the whole, America became increasingly diverse by the 1920s. Consider developments, policies, and laws in that period from 1865 to the 1920s. Examine the two statements below and drawing from provided sources, present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position. [Don’t use this background paragraph in your paper.]

Describe the three main components of changing a person’s behavior biological psychological and social

Behavior Change


Paper details:

Behavior Change Describe the three main components of changing a person’s behavior (biological, psychological, and social). Please go beyond a summary of each component. Include the benefits and challenges of each one. Response parameters: * Use APA-style format for references s These must be substantive to promote continued learning. These responses are not a simple, “Good,” “Bad,” or “I agree” post, but a more in-depth reply. Also, you should make an effort to find a source of support for your follow-up response.

The Merchants of Cool

Assignment: Please watch the 53-minute video,

The Merchants of Cool, located here: (Links to an external site.)

Even though the video was produced more than a decade ago, it remains very much relevant today. In fact, you may want to watch it more than once before answering the following questions: Is the “mook” (the stereotypically crude, adolescent male) real, or just a media construction? How about the “midriff” (the girl as sex symbol)? Do you know any “mooks” or “midriffs”? How do the “mook” and “midriff” stereotypes relate to the corporate interests of the media outlets that perpetuate them (in other words, why these particular stereotypes and not some other stereotype)? Many media observers have claimed that programs like Beverly Hills 90210 or Dawson’s Creek were popular because they were reflective of teen life.

In what ways are shows like 90210 and Dawson’s Creek reflective of how teenagers really live and in what ways are they distortions? Do these shows mirror the way you live? Because they do so much research, media makers think they know a lot about you. Do you agree or disagree with the following assertions from “The Merchants of Cool”: “Sex is a part of teens lives, so it better be in their media, too.” and “No teenager is going to be satisfied with a PG-13 rated horror film. They want to see blood and guts. That’s what they want to do.” What are the implications of cool hunting for the development of new ideas, new music, new art forms, etc.?

Case of Ewing v. California


Its two parts: an outline and a paper Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft you will complete next week. In those states with the three strikes laws, any person who has 2 felony strikes and commits another felony, whether it be violent or not, can be required to serve a sentence of 25 years to life.

Look at the case of Ewing v. California: Ewing v. California Click on the PDF link next to the case title. The defendant had his third strike when he committed grand theft at a golf course in Los Angeles County. This was not a violent crime but he was subject to the three strikes laws. He appealed this case up to the United States Supreme Court—and lost. The public has always been worried about violent crime, but just how worried are citizens about nonviolent crime? With mandatory sentencing, society will have many older inmates within the prison system. In the criminal justice community, it is known that inmates “age out of crime.” Can you imagine a 68-year-old man climbing in a window or jumping an 8-foot fence? By keeping these older inmates incarcerated, is this a disservice to society? State prosecutors have the discretion to lower the charge so that the third offense would not be considered a third strike. For this assignment, you are a policy maker in your state legislature. You are concerned about the heavy tax burden on your constituents. The cost of the actual running of the prison and costs of personnel will rise. You are also up for re-election, and the feedback that you have received from your constituents has shown that they are dissatisfied with the law that now stands. They are afraid of violent crimes, not just felonies, and are very aware that the last crime committed by the perpetrator does not have to be a violent crime. They are also worried about the use of their tax dollars to incarcerate nonviolent offenders.