Defensive and Supportive relationships

Defensive and Supportive relationships

Defensive & Supportive Relationships 20 Points Possible Identify one relationship in which you feel on-guard and defensive, and one relationship in which you feel comfortable and supported. Describe and analyze the communication behaviors in each relationship. To what extent do the defensive and supportive communication behaviors explain the climates of these two relationships? I would limit the textual support to include information from chapters 8-10. I will be looking for specific concepts from the text clearly articulating the examples. Within the above mentioned chapters you may limit it to a few of the verbal or nonverbal messages communicated that create a supportive and defensive climate. This essay should be two pages in length and follow standard formatting guidelines.

How assessments influence classroom environments

Write a 750-1000 word reading assessment plan that includes creating and delivering instruction addressing diverse learning strengths and needs, as well as creating opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways. Be sure to include how assessments influence classroom environments. Use 3-5 scholarly sources to support your plan. Include examples of two formal and two informal assessments that you might use in your classroom that can be differentiated for diverse populations, and that would measure vocabulary, fluency, or comprehension. The assessments need to be created, but generic enough to be used in other units. For example, a “ticket out the door” and a “KWL” are examples of informal assessments that can be used to check comprehension (choose assessments other than the two mentioned).

Diversity and Immigration

Argumentative Research Paper You will write a research paper which argues position on a focused topic about Diversity and Immigration. Your arguments must be logical, clear, and well supported using academic sources. You should also use rhetorical devices in your paper to achieve your purpose and convince your audience. Paper Requirements: • 4-5 typed pages, standard font and paper formatting. • At least three academic sources. • MLA citations and Works Cited page. Graded Assignments: 1. Annotated Bibliography (100 pts) 2. Draft (50 pts) 3. Final Paper (200 pts) Grading Criteria for Final Draft • Main Idea (25%): Paper develops a clear position on a focused topic with logical, relevant persuasive reasons. • Content Development (25%): Supporting ideas are well developed using relevant evidence from academic sources. • Organization (15%): Well organized with clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Effective transitions guide the reader through the paper. • Rhetorical Strategies (10%): Effective use of a variety of rhetorical devices to argue your position and convince your audience. • Language (15%): Writing is easy to understand. There may be minor errors in grammar or vocabulary that do not interfere with overall meaning. • MLA Citations (10%): Sources are correctly cited in-text and in the Works Cited page.

Comparing Asa Gray and William Turner

Comparing Asa Gray and William Turner

Read the introduction to Part I in The American Intellectual Tradition (p. 3) You are assigned to read Turner and James and then any two of the others listed. So you will read four authors only, two of which are Turner and James. Asa Gray (p. 6-11) (not required reading) Charles Pierce (p. 16-26) (not required reading) Charles A. Briggs (p. 37-41) (not required reading) Frederick Jackson Turner (p. 60-68) (not required reading) William James (p. 69-82) (not required reading) George Santayana (p.108-120) (not required reading) Write a 450-500 word journal with your thoughts on the following question: Compare and contrast two of the writers and their ideas? What made them so different/alike? When you’ve completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Dropbox by the end of the workshop. Title the paper by the two author’s last names. For instance: “Comparison of Arnold and Jones”. If you quote any thing or use any information that you find in your text or in another source, then be sure to cite it using correct APA format. This means if it is a direct quote, you must have a page number in the citation. Strict APA formatting will be enforced.

Strategic Plan Presentation

Effective oral communication is essential in the business setting, especially when it comes to achieving buy-in for significant, complex, or costly change. To practice your oral communication skills, create a 5-7 minute oral presentation of your strategic plan for your manager or director or other essential stakeholders whose approval you would require. Be sure to address the “why” and “how” for your strategic plan in the presentation, providing all the necessary details your audience needs to make an informed decision. Create a short speech created from the files provided for oral presentation.

Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created (s

Humanities A. Analyze the work by doing the following:

1. Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).

2. Analyze how this work reflects a theme or stylistic characteristic from its period (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).

3. Analyze the work’s or author’s/artist’s/composer’s contributions to the humanities (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs).

B. When you use sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, provide acknowledgement of source information for any content that is quoted, paraphrased or summarized. Acknowledgement of source information includes in-text citation noting specifically where in the submission the source is used and a corresponding reference, which includes the following points:

• author • date • title • location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, website URL) Poem below to be used for essay When I have Fears That I May Cease to Be Launch Audio in a New Window BY JOHN KEATS When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain, Before high-pilèd books, in charactery,

Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain; When I behold, upon the night’s starred face, Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance, And think that I may never live to trace Their shadows with the magic hand of chance; And when I feel, fair creature of an hour, That I shall never look upon thee more, Never have relish in the faery power Of unreflecting love—then on the shore Of the wide world I stand alone, and think Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.

Gardner’s Intelligence Theory

Identify one of Gardner’s 8 intelligences that you excel in and briefly explain how you know that you excel in it. State whether you think your talent in this area is due to nature or nurture and explain your reasoning. Then, identify one of Gardner’s 8 intelligences that you are not as good at, and briefly explain how you know that this isn’t one of your talents. The following are the eight intelligences Linguistic- includes vocubalry and the use of language Logico-Mathematical- Includes reasoning (logic) and mathematical skills Musical- Inlcudes ability to appreciate music or to express one’s self through music (by playing or creating music) Spatial- Includes the ability to manipulate objects mentally through space or to understand spatial relationships Bodily-Kinesthetic- Includes the ability to understand and use one’s body in creative or athletic ways. Interpersonal- Includes getting along with others and undestanding social relationships Intrapersonal- Includes self-control and knowledge of self; mental health, metacognition Naturalistic- includes the ability to see the “big picture” in the world- identify how things fit with others, see relationships among categories

Annotated Artifacts& annotated bibliography

Annotated Artifacts& annotated bibliography

5 APA formatted bibliography citations with accompanying annotations from this quarters readings Annotations should include: APA citation; A statement of the readings thesis; A statement of a personal/professional connection. Each one has at least 150 words no more than 180 words. 1Annotated Artifacts (i.e. samples of your work) Each annotated artifact need at least 100 words. Each annotation should answer these five questions: what is it? by whom was it produced? (aka acknowledge if it was a group project or solely created by you) (all 5 essays solely created by myself) when was it produced? (summer quarter) why was it produced? (aka what was the assignment) (Foundations of strategic communication management class Reaction Paper and Stakeholder Statement) what is it intended to show? (i.e. what learning outcomes does it represent and/or what skills, tool, or technique did you develop? what did you learn from its production?)

Law Office Management

Law Office Management

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be at least four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

The following information should be on the first page on the top left side of the page in the format provided below. Do not provide a cover sheet (unless the assignment requires one). Student Name Student Identification Number Course Number and Title Assignment Number and Title Date of Submission To increase your knowledge of law office management, please read The People of the State of Colorado v. Milner, 35 P.3d 670 (2001), and then answer the following questions:

-Identify the claims set forth by the Colorado Court against Attorney Milner. Hint: There are 14 in total. -What consequences did Attorney Milner suffer? -What consequences did paralegal Kemp suffer? -Discuss the violations Milner committed against each client. For this portion of the assignment, also discuss whether you agree with the Court’s findings. For example, do you believe Milner should be allowed to reinstate her bar? Do you believe it was fair to order her to pay restitution to a handful of her clients? Why did her defense that she was relying on Kemp fail?

Differential Case Presentation with 3 disorders


Using your knowledge of pathophysiology and research, you will need to present a differential of three disorders that could account for your patient’s symptoms. Patient: 12-year-old male with no past medical history, developmentally normal, and has recently been bullied at school although he hasn’t told anyone. Immunizations are up to date. Likes to play Lacrosse and is normally very active, but over the summer he has put on 15 pounds. His mother has noticed that he is drinking a lot of water and is up and down all night going to the bathroom. One younger sister with no issues. Currently raised by mother; father not regularly involved in care. To complete your assignment: Choose one patient scenario. Consider what you have learned this semester and review Chapters 23 and 27. (using the book by Hubert and VanMeter -Goulds Pathophysiology for Professionals) **Offer 3 differential diagnosis for what might be troubling your patient. -Provide rationale with citations for each of your differential diagnosis. -What would be your first course of action for your patient. -What safety issues, if any, did you recognize for your patient? -Summarize the scenario and what you chose as your final diagnosis for your patient and why. **Make sure that you address psychosocial issues/concerns/contributors along with content related to substance abuse should this be appropriate*