Analysis of Yukio Mishima’sTemple of the Golden Pavilion

You are to write a five to eight page (1250-1500 word) analysis of Yukio Mishima’sTemple of the Golden Pavilion. Speaking of your thesis . . .You will be responsible for developing your own thesis. Remember that a thesis is thewriter’s (in this case, yours) opinion on the subject (in this case, Mishima’sGolden Pavilion).Your thesismust focus on the novel’s setting(s), characterization(s), plot, point of view,symbolism, theme, or writing style. If you feel confident (or at the very least comfortable), youmay fill our requisite pages with nothing more than your own analysis of whichever element(s) offiction you have chosen to apply to Mishima’s masterpiece (awesome alliteration!) Or, if youlike, you may put Temple of the Golden Pavilion into the context of Mishima’s life, times,culture, the true life arson that inspired the novel, or any of his other work or the work of any ofhis literary or historical inspirations (if you’re willing to do some outside research)

Banking: Personal and Organisational Ethics

Banking: Personal and Organisational Ethics


Paper details:

Must be expert in Personal and Organisational Ethics. Please play close attention to the requirements in the paper. Remember this is a UK based paper not US. The last “TOP” writer failed this so I hope this does not happen again.

What is moral relativism? How might someone justify a relativistic account of morality? How does this position relate to what Mary Midgley calls “moral isolationism?”

Your essay should be 1,000-1,250 words (about 4-5 pages), double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12pt font, with one inch margins. Your essay should also include internal citations where appropriate, and a bibliography. Citations and other aspects of paper formatting (headings, page numbering, etc.) should consistently follow the requirements of an academic style of the student’s choice (MLA, Chicago, APA, Harvard, etc.).


What is moral relativism? How might someone justify a relativistic account of morality? How does this position relate to what Mary Midgley calls “moral isolationism?” Outline some of the arguments that Shaw and Midgley make against these ideas. Do you agree with them, or do you align yourself more with relativism? Why?

Economic and financial impacts of the refugee crisis between 2015-2019 on Germany and what can be applied to ameliorate them

Economic and financial impacts of the refugee crisis between 2015-2019 on Germany and what can be applied to ameliorate them


Paper details:

Research Proposal for PhD studies, needs to be serious and professional, following all the attached guidelines.

Analysis on the Effects of Population Growth


Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing: A growing global population that consumes natural resources is partially to blame for the release of greenhouse gases since human consumption patterns lead to deforestation, soil erosion, and farming (overturned dirt releases CO2). However, the critical issue is the burning of fossil fuels (hydrocarbons) such as coal oil and natural gas to produce energy that is used for things like electricity production, and vehicle, heating, and cooking fuels. The UN has asked that you choose a developing country from this list: The UN has also given you the following guidelines. see attached country picked is Haiti

Describe the control function

Describe the control function.


Paper details:

Write a short paper answering the following questions: Describe the control function. What is the purpose of organizational control? Where and why is control used, and why is it important to the ongoing success of organizations? To receive full credit your paper must incorporate important elements and concepts from chapter 14 of your text into the body of the paper. Essentially you are being asked to do a chapter report. Parameters:4-6 pages Double spaced12 pt. font

Media power

You are required to design an effective and viable research topic/question for this final assessment.

Make productive use of the materials and topics from the course as a whole, to creatively reflect upon and analyse SPECIFIC examples/elements of contemporary media power. You will have the opportunity to seek feedback/workshop your topic/question in the tutorials before submission.

To come up with an original research question it’s recommended that you stay up-to-date with contemporary media issues, and actively consider connections between course content and topical iterations of media power. Keep regular notes on weekly subject material, and use this research essay as an opportunity to show conceptual links across different weeks in our subject.

Critical engagement with the course is best approached by seeking theoretical connections that illuminate real-world examples. You should have an initial sense of your essay question by the end of Week Six, and your tutor will discuss this with you over the weeks leading up to submission. Assessment Criteria:

• Writing and presentation: clarity and coherence of expression, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, layout • Conceptual understanding: ability to show a strong understanding of key issues, concepts, arguments across the course • Critical reflection: an ability to coherently develop and articulate your own opinions and scholarly reflections

• Research depth: effective engagement with a sufficient range of scholarly research material and resources, to support your opinions and critical perspective • Referencing: adherence to proper referencing conventions

Band of Brothers

Consider one of the following questions in a five page essay: 1) Why is does this book carry this particular title? How did the men of Easy Company come to consider themselves a “band of brothers”? What happens during training and during combat to bind them closer together? What issues and events resulted in tension or splits within this brotherhood? How did those who had trained together and climbed the mountain at Currahee treat the replacements? How was this ideal of brotherhood tested at Bastogne? How was it maintained after the war was over and the men returned to postwar life? 2) Evaluate the role of leadership in the success of Easy Company. What did Ambrose consider to be essential qualities of leadership? What was the difference in leadership style between Captain Sobel and Lieutenant Winters? How were the officers expected to behave towards the enlisted men? Who did the men consider successful leaders? What role did leadership play in Easy Company’s experiences during D-Day and during Bastogne? 3) Discuss some of the different ways the men of Easy Company dealt with the stress of combat. What characteristics seemed to define an effective soldier? What motivated these men to continue to fight despite the horrific conditions all around them? How did Bastogne threaten the cohesiveness of their unit? Which men and officers were viewed as effective in combat and why? Why did some of these men have a rough adjustment back to civilian life? Format: Your essay must be at least five full pages (cover page and works cite page are not included).The essay should be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins. Any clear 12-point font is acceptable. Include a cover page with your name, date and class information. If you pursue further research then a bibliography must be included in the essay All information and opinion, which does not come out of your own head, must be cited in the body of the essay. To do otherwise is plagiarism, which is rewarded with a zero. Use the standard MLA format for citations i.e. (Ambrose 34) The essay should be formatted in MS Word.

Program Evaluation : Family Life Education Program

In this assignment, you will review a Family Life Education Program. Please read the directions carefully as well as review the grading rubric below. Select a program focused on family life education (exclude marriage for the focus) to review and evaluate. This may be a program within your local community or you may conduct a search for one online. You may present your review using a Prezi or Powerpoint. In your evaluation of the program you must address the following areas: Program 1.Title: Name of the Program or Organization. 2.Resource: Provide a reference or source for locating information on this program (e.g. website) Need 1.Purpose: What need is your program designed to meet? (e.g., relationship education, sex education, bullying prevention, etc.). 2.Benefits: What are benefits of this program? Population 1.Audience: What individuals and groups may have an interest in this program? Context 1.What is the program’s context? That is, what contextual or cultural factors may affect its implementation or effectiveness? 2.How long has the program been in place? Activities 1.What specific are conducted (or planned) to achieve the program’s outcomes? Discuss a few. Outputs 1.What do the activities produce (e.g., materials/resources, learning experiences)? Outcomes 1.What are the program’s intended outcomes? (short-term outcomes) 2.What does the program ultimately want to change as a result of the activities (long-term outcomes)? Critique 1.How would you rate this program on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being highly effective? Why this rating? 2.Areas that are favorable: Provide some positive aspects of the program. 3.Ares for improvement: What changes or additions would you make to this program to make it more favorable? Why?

Base on the campaign slogan Let’s make America great again

Base on the campaign slogan “Let’s make America great again” research its historical background. Then write analysis using the 7 questions below. 1.What value, morals, and ideals does the piece communicate? 2.How do the images appeal to the senses? 3.What appeals are employed? 4.What is the context of the slogan? Cultural? Political? 5. What is the premise of your assigned slogan? 6.Does the slogan reference outside sources such history, pop culture, other slogans etc.? 7.Who is the intended audience? Each question is answered by one paragraph which composes with 4 components: 1. Topic Sentence 2.Context 3.Evidence 4. Analysis