Philip Kennicot – the New Republic Philip Kennicot – the New Republic

*You MUST read OIC: Philip Kennicot – the New Republic and answer the questions and analyze your ideas deeply with quotations *Choose other assigned reading in the file for helping answer the first question below. A. Answering the three questions after reading OIC and another reading that you can choose any of them in the files. B. MLA format, HOWEVER, please single-spaced for paper. C. The main reading is OIC: Philip Kennicot – the New Republic D. You have to read another assigned reading for the paper. —– It appeared recently in the periodical, New Republic. Please read the entire article and write a no-more-than 2 page (single-spaced) response to the article that addresses the following three questions: 1. What is your general response to the article, in relation to at least one other assigned reading? 2. What is your take on the quote, “The “totalitarian” concert experience that Dare criticized is in fact countercultural, obliging listeners to explore humility through attention to unfamiliar ideas, without regard to their own immediate need for gratification.”? In other words, do you agree with Dare or the author? Why? 3.In the 21st century, what role should an orchestra play in the community?

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)

As a Green Branch Coffee HR Manager, it is your responsibility to advise your organization on unions and labor relations. Employees at Green Branch Coffee are considering becoming unionized. Therefore, it is important that the shop managers at Green Branch understand the key U.S. labor law, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Please respond to the following questions: What are the historical foundations of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)? Describe a real-world example of how the NLRA guides the activities of unions and employers. What is the role of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and how would someone file a claim with the NLRB? REFERENCE: Strecker, D. (2016). Labor Law. CRC Press. “Fact Sheet on the National Labor Relations Board.” United States National Relations Board. Internet on-line. Available from National Labor Relations Act. Retrieved from Health and Safety and theNational Labor Relations Act. Retrieved from

Determining Group Rationale

Determining Group Rationale

Write a 750-1,000-word paper that addresses the following: When to form literacy groupings for the class. How the groupings will support individual and collaborative learning, encourage social interaction, and self-motivation. How the groupings create environments that support individual and collaborative learning and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. How to use a variety of classroom configurations to differentiate instruction. If the opportunity did not present itself to share with the classroom teacher ideas, suggestions, and strategies, address those issues in the reflection. Use 5-7 scholarly sources

Romeo and Juliet

Write a short essay (1600 words) that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of one (or two) literary works and supported by at least 3 secondary sources. This essay relies mainly on textual support from the primary text but includes at least 3 secondary source that supports/sustains the student’s argument. Do not confuse “critical analysis” with “plot summary”; the goal is to develop, sustain, and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text but supported in part by at least 3 secondary sources.

Political Science-Research Skills


Data Analysis Paper Structure: The paper must follow this specific structure. You must label each section of your paper as such: • Introduction. This section introduces your reader to the topic, provides a sense of why the topic is important and includes a detailed thesis statement. Your thesis statement must: specify your hypothesis, mention what data you are using, and include a summary of your findings. For example: In this paper I study the relationship between sunlight and plant growth. Using an original dataset, I test the hypothesis that as sunlight increases plants grow at a faster rate. Findings are consistent with expectations. This study shows that plants grow faster when exposed to sunlight. • Literature Review: an organized review of previous studies on your chosen topic. This is not a summary of prior studies, but an analysis that leads the reader to understand what your contribution will be. Your literature review must include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources, these must be academic journal articles or academic books. Reports from other sources are not scholarly sources and do not meet this criterion. See the earlier lessons on how to write a literature review. • Data and Methods—this is the core of your paper (describe your hypotheses, data, and methods). You must describe how you obtained the dataset and where it comes from, cite accordingly. For example, first you would state your hypothesis. Then, describe the data. Next, present your statistical model (see the lesson on Bivariate regression, this is your Y= α + βX +μi, describe the variables, explain how these are coded and also how you recoded them. Note that unless you are creating your own dataset, you must recode your variables. Then, describe your method, which in this case is bivariate regression analysis—a statistical model. • Results. This is the section where you interpret the findings—it’s one of the most important sections of your paper. In this section you need to interpret the regression output, explain the magnitude and direction of the coefficient (is it consistent with expectations?), are the results significant? If the results are not significant, what might we take away from the analysis? Are the findings substantively significant? What might improve this model? • Discussion/Conclusion (In the discussion explain what we take away from these findings. In the conclusion you might discuss how the results fit within the literature, the contribution made, and you should provide thoughts on what further research should be conducted to study this question.

Crime and Delinquency

Background Information Before you dive into this assignment, know that there is a difference between delinquent juveniles and children in need of supervision (CHINS). CHINS are homeless children, and the courts handle their cases differently. Instructions 1. Review Chapter 15 of your textbook, Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the Twenty-First Century. Use the link below to access the link 2. Review the media 5.4: History of the Juvenile Justice System 3. Visit the website: National Council on Crime and Delinquency 4. Using Microsoft Word, prepare a one to two-page response to the following prompts: a.Describe some of the areas in which the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) is working to prevent and understand delinquency? b.What other areas do you think that the NCCD should be exploring? c.Which area has the least/most promise for the future? Explain why.

Diffusion networks or change agents/opinion leaders

Format An individual project that will take the form of an essay. Overview This project combines elements of Units 6 – 9, covering diffusion networks, change agents and opinion leaders, innovation consequences, and large-scale/societal implications. Instructions Identify a large-scale innovation that has been introduced within the last fifteen (15) years. Please avoid choosing an innovation that is a communication or computing technology. Remember, it can be a new idea, practice, behavior, etc. Be creative and surprise us! Once you have identified the innovation: Introduce the innovation by providing a brief, 1 – 2 paragraph summary of its history, use(s), key features, etc. If it helps to visually depict the innovation, feel free to do so in the report; however, limit the total number of images to no more than two (2) and keep them small. Images should not significantly take up writing space. Then, analyze either the role that diffusion networks or change agents and opinion leaders played in the innovation’s spread. Then, assess the positive and negative consequences of the innovation using a perspective of your choice (e.g., direct – indirect). Lastly, evaluate the possible long term societal implications of your chosen innovation. You may have to speculate here, but do more than just predict – also evaluate your predictions. Conclude with a brief paragraph that summarizes the main points of your analysis. Requirements Submissions are to be typed, double-spaced, with 11 or 12 point font, and 1-inch margins. Length is 1250-2750 words, plus the reference list. Within the body of the paper, use headings to organize the content. The first page (no separate title page, just the top of the first page) must include: Title of paper (Make it interesting! Don’t just give it the title, “Project 2”) Your name Course prefix and number Date Reference page (this is the last page of the paper) Must include a minimum of four (4) outside sources to support the main points of the paper. One source for each section of the paper, excluding the conclusion. The sources must be from credible organizations, such as academic, professional, news, or governmental groups. Basic format for the reference list should be: Author (year), Article name, URL or Journal/ Magazine/ Book name; example:


Write an essay explaining the reason(s) you feel this designer should be remembered and why.

This is a minimum of one page plus assignment. You are encouraged to add more content for an in depth perspective. Note each page is approximately 250-300 words without sources cited or heading. For full credit consideration, you are encouraged to add more content for an in depth perspective, 500-600 words. As this is a short report, please refrain from using quotations or keep them brief.  Please use the material posted in Lectures and Additional Resources Folders throughout the semester.  Additionally, research must include professional trade sources found in our Berkeley Library such as WWD (Women’s Wear Daily) and WGSN.

These sources are available in our Berkeley Library databases.  This are to be clearly stated in the References (cited sources) Page.  Use only a 12 size font and APA1 Format. Use Spell and Grammar Check.  Please research and WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS to demonstrate an understanding of the topic.  Please document all sources including images.  The Assignment is to be submitted as WORD DOCUMENT, a Word Format. APA STYLE: Written submission must follow the APA-style. Here is a useful link to ensure you follow these guidelines: Sample of APA Style Paper:

Discuss Factor of Safety and why it is an important concept in Aviation Safety

Please answer each question separately

1. Discuss Factor of Safety and why it is an important concept in Aviation Safety. Provide an example and discuss design tradeoffs which would likely need to be considered.

2. Fatigue is a time dependent failure. Select a part of an aircraft that will be subjected to this mode and explain how this might be reduced or accommodated with design and maintenance. You must explain in detail the material properties affected and why.

3. How does the cross-section, length and material properties of a beam affect buckling? Include the concept of “slenderness ratio” in your response. For a circular column of length “l” and radius “r”, the slenderness ratio is equal to (l/r). 4. Briefly discuss 5 structural and mechanical design factors as they apply to airworthiness and crashworthiness.

5. An aircraft with two main spars has a tapered design for the depth and chord length from root to tip. How does this affect the bending and torque resistance on the wing and how do modern manufactures ensure the strength meets the theory predicted?

Racism on African Americans


Your PowerPoint should cover the following: the social issue you researched for your literature review, the organization you choose that relates to the issue, and a connection to the issue as it occurred in Othello.(racism in Othello) Your number of slides is up to you, but here is a basic idea: Slide One: Intro Slide ( 1.why I am choosing this organization, 2. what does it do) 3. why is it important Slides 2-5 (ish): Background research (from lit review) on the issue. Slides 6-10 (ish): Info on the organization Slidea 11-12: connection to Othello Slides 13-15: APA formatted References TIP: Be sure you have revised the PowerPoint! You will be penalized for grammar mistakes, spelling errors, and the use of incorrect format! TIP: pictures, quotes, data, and statistics must be cited in the slide with a proper parenthetical citation!