Discuss HOW and WHY interrelationships and interdependencies between capacity inventory and delivery performance

For “interrelationships and interdependencies between capacity, inventory and delivery performance”, capacity means the ability for workers to work on day shift, night shift and weekend, which has max work load each day. Capacity decides how much inventory we have, and we also need to pay little inventory cost. Delivery performance means if we have enough inventory then we have good performance, if we can not fulfill demands we have to pay for penalty fee. For “Critically evaluate your team’s strategies for forecasting, inventory management and capacity management.”, In the game, our forecast strategy is MOVING AVERAGE. we use moving-average(first 4 weeks(wk1-4), moving to getting average from wk2-5) method to forecast the demand in this year, which has a good average number of demand from last year , but it cannot have a quick reaction of few huge demand in that week(like wk1 ask for 2000,wk2 1800, and wk3 suddenly ask for 18000). Strategy for inventory is make to order, which cause the lack of inventory a few times. Strategy for capacity is only production once our inventory is low, which make our unit cost high(factory has fix cost if we dont produce) and cause “lagged effect”(lack of inventory cause capacity is not enough once we have huge order). “financial focus”: earn 10% of initial investment $500,000, we earn 60000 at the end. “customer focus”: 99% customer satisfactory, we only fulfill 82%. lack of inventory. Huge penalty. In order to have 99%, which means we have to have a huge inventory, which is not a good idea, the cost of 99% is too much to be perfect. we should set like 95%. Correct forecast should be macroscopical(see attached pic) and monthly(not weekly). Production should be steady and monthly. inventory should be enough for few weeks. (no need any citations)

Describe the elements that create a satisfying shopping experience game day or vacation

Writing Patterns and Styles Objectives Use description appropriately in writing based on purpose and intended audience List guidelines for using description Use narration appropriately in writing based on purpose and intended audience List guidelines for using narration Assignment Overview In this writing assignment, you explore different writing styles. Deliverables A two-page (500-word) essay The essay MUST be in APA format. You will need to create a document (remember, Blackboard is Windows based, so create a .doc, or .docx, or .pdf, or any other windows compatible document). You will need to format that document using the APA rules as covered in week 2 (or use an APA template-most word processing programs offer them) for both the look of the paper and the in text citations and reference page. Step 1 Select a description assignment topic. Describe a problem you are having at work Describe a goal you plan to achieve Describe an event that influenced you Describe the elements that create a satisfying shopping experience, game day, or vacation Step 2 Write a descriptive paragraph Write a descriptive paragraph based on the topic you selected. Step 3 Write a narrative essay. Incorporate your descriptive paragraph into a two-page (500-word) narrative essay. In your essay, refer to the following tips for constructing a successful story: Emphasize details vital to your point Relate events in chronological order Include dialogue

Mount Olympus

In the reading “The Long Hard Fall from Mount Olympus: The 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games Bribery Scandal” https://scholarship.law.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1499&context=sportslaw the author details the actions of several individuals and organizations which conspired to bring corruption and scandal to the bidding process for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. The article details the history. One of the key things that arose from this incident is that the IOC, USOC, and others, had to activate significant ‘change’ to the process of bidding for Olympic Games, worldwide. The scandal tarnished the image of the IOC, the Olympic Games, and the United States. Once you have read the assigned Salt Lake City Olympic reading describe what happened; Who were the primary actors, and what were the ‘responses to organizational change” in this incident? What changes were made at the individual, group and organizational level, as a result of the findings? What was the “change process”, and, where there any restraints, or constraints to the changes? Finally, pursuant to your reading of Chapter 8 in “Sports Leadership For the 21st Century”, describe the type of new leadership that was put in place following the outcome of the investigation that arose from the scandal.

Psychoanalysis posits that the thing we want is not really the thing we want

Psychoanalysis posits that the thing we want is not really the thing we want. The theory seeks to uncover our hidden desires and expose their roots so as to understand our behavior towards others and ourselves. Psychoanalysis is probably the closest of the theories we’ve explored in this class to Plato’s The Symposium because both are mostly about desire. Essay #2 Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to write an essay with a thesis that is supported with evidence. Texts Slavoj Žižek “Courtly Love, or, Woman as Thing” Carl Gustav Jung “The Principal Archetypes” Plato’s The Symposium. Topic Psychoanalysis posits that the thing we want is not really the thing we want. The theory seeks to uncover our hidden desires and expose their roots so as to understand our behavior towards others and ourselves. Psychoanalysis is probably the closest of the theories we’ve explored in this class to Plato’s The Symposium because both are mostly about desire. Writing Assignment Using either Žižek’s or Jung’s text, answer the following: What can we learn if we read The Symposium with a psychoanalytical theoretical framework? Directions Please type three to four pages of double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font Use one-inch margins Include an original title Include a thesis with one claim and one rationale Quote from Žižek or Jung and Plato For this essay, write from third person perspective Avoid second-person perspective Tips Responding critically in this context means you look closely at logic, rhetoric, theory, metaphor, analogies, symbols, language, gender, ‘structures,’ opinions, beliefs, feelings, the mind, the setting (the context), the culture, and any other linguistically charged letter, word, or phrase to answer the question above. Suggested Outline Begin by introducing the author (Plato), the title of the text, and a summary of how he utilizes language, structures, logic, or patterns. Then, clearly state your thesis at the end of your introduction. In the body of your essay, introduce the author (either Žižek or Jung), the title of his text, and then provide your reasons to support your thesis (make your thesis believable). You should clearly state and develop one reason per paragraph. Remember to provide specific evidence (quotes) from the text(s). Let the quotes support your answer to the question, not the other way around. Conclude your essay by echoing your thesis and leave your reader to believe how or why it is important or not to read The Symposium through a psychoanalytical theoretical framework. If you get stuck when writing, give yourself a break. Walk away from your work for a bit, have a stretch, close your laptop, discuss out-loud what you want to write, talk to someone about your ideas and have that person ask you questions that will challenge your opinions and assumptions until you feel confident that you ‘discovered’ the words you want to use.

Theoretical orientation Behavioral Therapy Family Systems and Attachment Theory

4 Essays (500 words each) – a narrative thread should run through all four. (1) Autobiographical (2)Theoretical orientation (Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems, and Attachment Theory) (3) Diversity experience (Women of color/children with autism and developmental disabilities, men in forensic population) (4) Research interests (Disability Psychology, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intersectionality/Feminism, and Critical Race Theory/African American Psychology) Please see my statement of purpose, Curriculum Vitae, Letters of Recommendation in addition to my cover letter, and book chapter to help write the autobiographical essay to assist the writing of these pre-doctoral internship essays.

Focus on the play Endgame by Samuel Beckett ..overcoming nihilism and nothingness (post-) apocalypse, ruins, humor, courage, the continuity of art and humanity.

 PHILOSOPHICAL PAPER focused on the play “Endgame” (by Samuel Beckett) ..overcoming nihilism and nothingness, (post-) apocalypse, ruins, humor, courage, the continuity of art and humanity. Complementing with ideas gained from modern philosophical analysis as of “On the Marionette Theater” (by Heinrich von Kleist) ..dreaming rightly produces illusions, divine / human knowledge, art against / and nature – Show the thesis and objective at the beginning / introduction of the essay (must be a focused essay from the beginning) – During the essay give at least 4-5 central points of the thesis – Make a conclusion – It is CRUCIAL to support the points with evidence in text references / citations – References should be taken EXCLUSIVELY from the documents provided – References must be indicated in parentheses ..eg “(Beckett 24)” – Please make a PHILOSOPHICAL WORK, not just a resume from sources references Sources references: Endgame (Samuel Beckett) + On the Marionette Theater (Heinrich von Kleist)


1) Respond to the following question (there is no word limit but you should write at least a decent paragraph): Before you do the readings, first watch the documentary, Edward Said on Orientalism [the youtube link is under the Module], where orientalism is defined as an ideological framework of an imagined geography that defines the East (the Orient) as inferior and backwards as opposed to the supposedly superior and civilized West (the Occident). After you watch the film, explain in your own words what orientalism is and what it does.

Then, read Abu-Lughod’s article and discuss how Abu-Lughod criticizes the orientalist representations (e.g. media representations) of Muslim women in the US and how those representations have been manipulated to justify US imperialism (exploitative expansion of military, political, economic, and cultural power on the territories of other nations). Make sure you cite or paraphrase the article in your response (don’t forget to give page numbers). 2) write a discussion question. For your question, all you need to do is to find an orientalist image (e.g. cartoon, meme, ad, etc.) or a short text (e.g. news story).

Internationalization and the nature of risk aversion

Define Internationalization (Define + example for smart living technology company related to topic family business in UAE) 2. Discuss the nature of risk aversion (Define +example for smart living technology company related to topic family business in UAE)) 3. Present the characteristics of a typical family business in the UAE (explain brief about the company than the +characteristic related to topic family business in UAE) 4. Identify the factors that support and constrain decisions to internationalize family businesses in the UAE (support and not support related to topic family business in UAE)

Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis

For this assignment, you will analyze the major points of George Washington’s “Farewell Address” and write a 3-page analysis, considering contemporary government and including differing points of view. Be sure to adhere to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document. Your analysis must adhere to the following specifications: • No more than 3 double-spaced pages (12-point font with 1-inch margins). • Must include a title page (not counted in total page number) that contains: o A title, o Your name, o Your section (GOVT 200-S02), o Your instructor’s name, and o The date the assignment is due (all single-spaced in the footer of the cover page). • No page number is necessary for the cover page or for the first page in the body of the paper.

Technology and Love

Developmental theorists claim that finding a partner is one of the things we focus most on during young adulthood. Today, research indicates that more and more individuals are turning to online dating in the search of love. Do you feel this is an effective way to search for a companion? Why or why not? Referencing the article, “Five Myths About Online Dating,” briefly address some of the issues that arise with the quest of finding a partner through the Internet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-online-dating/2015/10/02/a344ba92-5be2-11e5-8e9e-dce8a2a2a679_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.f9bb426b1ea5