Leadership Styles and Conflict Resolution

Identify your own leadership philosophy—also called an approach or a style—supported by a discussion of three to five key aspects of each style that resonate with you and how you feel it matches your strengths. Also, individually identify three to five conflict resolution strategies you will employ to overcome team issues and disagreements. Include a discussion of how and why you believe those strategies will be successful. Your leadership philosophy and conflict strategies discussion should be 500 to 1,000 words.


1. A short introduction of the company? Why does this company want to globalize? 2. What are the most important issues/challenges that confront the company when coming to the US? 3. What is your analysis of these issues? •You can start with SWOT/PESTEL.•You should use Michael Porter’s Five forces analysis as a framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry. •You may also need Michael Porter’s Diamond Model of National Advantages to help understand the competitive advantage nations possess due to certain factors available to them, and to explain how governments can act as catalysts to improve a country’s position in a globally competitive economic environment.4. What, exactly, should the company (case protagonists) do? Recommend an explicit, feasible plan of action that will improve the company’s competitive position and/or outcomes.

Opportunity Analysis Plan

This assignment is the creation of an Opportunity Analysis Plan based on the idea of starting a new business called “Hold the Wheat”, which will be a 100% gluten free restaurant. The main elements that must be included in the plan are: 1) Title page; 2) Section 1 – Description of Idea; 3) Section 2 – Market Analysis; 4) Section 3 – Assessment of the Entrepreneur and the Team; 5) Section 4 – Business Phasing. Each of the sections are described in greater detail on the attached rubric – please follow the rubric to ensure each section has all of the required information.

Contract Management : contract formation and contract enforcement and the laws that impact contracting

Employ contract formation and contract enforcement and the laws that impact contracting, including contract law, the Uniform Commercial Code, agency law and intellectual property law. Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Your boss read an article on contract law and became concerned that proper contracting rules will be applied in subcontracts you will issue in the future. Specifically, you have been asked to meet with your boss and others in the department.

You were asked to explain how agency law and the Uniform Commercial Code complement each other in cases where contract disputes arise. Discuss the following: Discuss important elements of agency law related to employee commitments to other companies. Explain the provisions in the Uniform Commercial Code that are important when one company finds it necessary to stop the shipment of products from their subcontract supplier.

Are cell phones dangerous

The paper must be at least 1500 words and at least five well-written paragraphs. The thesis statement should still be listed in the introduction as the last sentence. You must use at least FOUR sources in your paper: one book (not online), and Internet source, a journal, and another source of your choice. No more than four quotes per body paragraph, but it must contain at least three. Topic: Are cell phones dangerous? Reminders MLA sources must be placed in alphabetical order!! 12 pt. Font must be used! Double Space the entire document! Times New Roman must be used!

Curriculum Map Analysis


The purpose of this deliverable is to assist your team members in understanding how to perform their own analysis of the curriculum and to provide them with a unit-sized set of examples of how to mitigate the curriculum’s shortcomings. In this deliverable, you will describe your analysis and present your findings and mitigation description for a single unit of at least three lessons that aligns well with the Common Core standards. If you are not currently teaching, use the curriculum provided in the Supporting Materials section. Begin your analysis with the following: An explanation of your analysis methodology based on current educational research practice that you cite as appropriate A description of each dimension you will use to examine the curriculum; describe (and use) at least five dimensions A clear statement of how the unit you chose fits within the curriculum Next, perform the analysis. From this analysis, select the unit to cover in your deliverable. Consider your studies in the field of education, your content knowledge, and your teaching expertise to help you to determine both which unit to analyze and to generate mitigation strategies. In the unit analysis section of the deliverable, complete the following tasks: Show the alignment of each part of the unit with the Common Core standards (even if your state uses modified Common Core or has not adopted Common Core). Describe and examine each part of the unit with respect to each of the dimensions you identified in the beginning of the analysis. Include all parts, regardless of whether the part satisfies the dimension or falls short. Identify any parts that you believe should be included but are not. Note any parts that you think would be better placed elsewhere. Finally, where you identified and explained shortcomings or gaps in the unit, do the following: Describe how you would modify the curriculum to bridge each gap. Explain why your modification would work.

Benchmark – Network Threat Identification

Benchmark – Network Threat Identification


Paper details:

This assignment serves to benchmark competency 1.4: Evaluate the appropriate security solutions required to design a security architecture. To properly defend a given network, Cyber Security Specialists have to be able to identify threats as they appear on a network in order to mitigate their longstanding affects, should they go undetected. Using a free timeline creator of your choice (must have download capabilities), create a timeline that outlines the history and evolution of cybersecurity threats. Be sure that the timeline includes the following: A history of viruses, malware, and other recurring software enigmas A history and explanation of the birth of ransomware The evolution of firewalls and other network security defense systems The initiation of white hat vs. black hat hacking The evolution of tools (software and hardware) used to mitigate cybersecurity threats The historical exploits affecting current security architecture and deployment Then, in a 250- to 500-word document, explain how the evolution of cybersecurity threat solutions and cybersecurity laws affect security architecture and design. Provide supporting rationales with concrete evidence.

Effects and Cause of Immigration

Research Question: What causes people to immigrate, and how does it effect the host nations economically and security? REFERENCES: Alexseev, Mikhail A. Immigration phobia, and the security dilemma: Russia, Europe, and the United States. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Alkopher, Tal Dingott, and Emmanuelle Blanc. “Schengen area has shaken: the impact of immigration-related threat perceptions on the European security community.” Journal of international relations and development 20, no. 3 (2017): 511-542. Collado, M. Dolores, Inigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe, and Guadalupe Valera. “Quantifying the impact of immigration on the Spanish welfare state.” International Tax and Public Finance 11, no. 3 (2004): 335-353. Constant, Amelie, and Klaus F. Zimmermann. “Immigrant performance and selective immigration policy: a European perspective.” National Institute Economic Review 194, no. 1 (2005): 94-105. Karyotis, Georgios. “European migration policy in the aftermath of September 11: The security–migration nexus.” Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 20, no. 1 (2007): 1-17. Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. Economic impacts of immigration: A survey. No. w16736. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011. Lee, Ronald, and Timothy Miller. “Immigration, social security, and broader fiscal impacts.” American Economic Review, 90, no. 2 (2000): 350-354. Reitz, Jeffrey G. Warmth of the welcome: The social causes of economic success in different nations and cities. Routledge, 2018. PLEASE FOLLOW DETAILS: Thesis Proposal: Your title page should include the working title of your thesis, your name, and your working abstract. The abstract includes the following components: purpose of the research, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The body of the abstract is limited to 150-200 words Introduction: The introduction is where you identify your specific research question and where you set the general context for the study. In this section you need to include: a statement of the problem or general research question and context leading to a clear statement of the specific research question; background and contextual material justifying why this case or topic should be studied; and a purpose statement. Literature Review: This short preliminary literature review section reviews the literature important to your specific research question. The literature review focuses on discussing how other researchers have addressed the same or similar research questions. It introduces the study and places it in larger context that includes a discussion of why it is important to study this case. It provides the current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to your specific research question. In this section you should: Summarize the general state of the literature (cumulative knowledge base) on the specific research question. For example if you discuss other studies that have been conducted you would summarize the researcher’s findings, how those findings were obtained, and conduct an evaluation of biases in the findings. This section should provide a broad overview of the primary arguments related to the topic and organizes the general views on the main aspects of the topic by theme, which could be the prevailing arguments or schools of thought, or commonly held beliefs that your particular topic may challenge. Include a short conclusion and transition to the next section.

Plato’s Euthyphro Dialogue

Select one of the readings provided below, separated by topic: Possible Readings Plato’s “Euthyphro” Dialogue (http://classics.mit.edu/Plato/euthyfro.html) For this reading, describe three of Euthyphro’s attempts at defining “piety” and Socrates’ criticism of each. Consider whether Socrates’ criticisms of his definitions are justified. Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Book I (http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/nicomachaen.1.i.html) For this reading, discuss Aristotle’s argument that happiness is that which is “final without qualification” and how virtue relates to happiness. The Dhammapada (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2017/2017-h/2017-h.htm#link2HCH0005) AND Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s article on Buddhism (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/buddha/) Read Chapters V-VII of the Dhammapada and the Stanford article and relate the Dhammapada readings to the article (what is at the base of the arguments being made in the Dhammapada?). Write a paper in which you: 1. (7 points) Follow the directions for the reading you chose. This includes in each case describing key arguments that are being made. For instance, what conclusion is the author forwarding and what reasons are provided in support of it? 2. (7 points) Put the argument into context by referring to other philosophers and arguments we’ve been studying in class. If you are writing on Euthyphro, you can discuss Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Socrates’ realism versus the subjectivism of the Sophists, the arguments of the Presocratics (Parmenides and Heraclitus), etc. If you are writing on Aristotle, you can compare his concept of virtue and happiness with Buddha’s ethics (a part of the Eight-Fold Path). You can also contrast Aristotle’s empiricism with Plato’s rationalism, explaining how their methods differ. If you are writing on Buddhism, you can compare/contrast Buddhism with Hinduism, reflect on “the fool, wise person, and venerable person” with reference to Plato’s concept of different kinds of people being ruled by different parts of the tripartite soul (explored in our upcoming reading on social justice – pages 92-96). 3. (7 points) Critique the argument. For instance, do you agree or disagree and why? 4. (4 points) Use correct grammar and formatting (MLA or APA) and write in an organized and clear fashion. Your paper should be roughly 750-1000 words (~3-4 pages with 1-inch margins, 12-point font, double spaced, and include at least three references – at least one will be the online assigned reading, one can be our class textbook). Use MLA formatting. Here is a great resource on formatting: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/

Counseling Adolescents

View the media, Disruptive Behaviors. Select one of the four case studies and assess the client. Post an explanation of your observations of the client in the case study you selected, including behaviors that align to the criteria in DSM-5. Then, explain therapeutic approaches you might use with this client, including psychotropic medications if appropriate. Finally, explain expected outcomes for the client based on these therapeutic approaches. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. Diagnosis will be ADHD