Culture and Ethnic Studies Topic questions over the book: Metamorphoses

Remember to include an opening paragraph that outlines the structure of your paper and signposts the main points you will make. Do not simply repeat the language of the prompt, but briefly indicate the original arguments you will make in response to the prompt. First: Compare Hercules (as we see him in Alcestis) with Pentheus in the Bacchae, considering the following issues: Attitude toward Dionysus and intoxication Apparent failure to behave properly with respect to the gods and ritual custom Ability to recover from this failure and reestablish appropriate boundaries of self-house-city Second: Compare the sufferings of Pentheus, Glaucus, Actaeon, and Hermaphroditus, considering the following issues: Subordination to the feminine Confusion of gender Failure to control physical and emotional boundaries Location of the crucial events in their stories (in the city? in cultivated fields? In a wild landscape?) Finally, consider how the collective experience of these male characters challenges the key points of Ann Carson’s article, “Putting Her in Her Place: Women, Dirt, and Desire.”


Determining your learning style can be both beneficial and fun. Go to the VARK website ( and learn about the four major learning styles: Visual, Aural (Auditory), Read/Write and Kinesthetic. Then take the VARK Questionnaire ( Once you know your style(s) read about the different learning strategies here: Visual Strategies – Aural Strategies – Read/Write Strategies – Kinesthetic Strategies – Now answer these questions: Was this your first time taking this type of inventory? If no, did your results change from the last time? If so, did your learning style results surprise you? Now that you have identified your learning style, how will you apply this knowledge to your studying? Reflect on the studying strategies you have used previously. Have your study habits been effective? Why or why not? What studying strategies from this week do you think will be helpful? Be sure that your Learning Journal entry is a minimum of 400 words.

Research Question and Rational : What do people like about apocalyptic stories

PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to identify a potential Research Question (RQ) that might be used for your formal Research Essay. The RQ should lead you into your thesis statement OBJECTIVES: Identify and narrow topics, form an appropriate research question and hypothesis, and propose a research plan. DESCRIPTION: In one paragraph (150-300 words), you’ll identify a potential research question. This question should be specific and targeted. You may use a topic that you investigated for one of your IAPs or something new. You should identify at least two preliminary sources that might benefit your research. In your paragraph you should answer the following questions in fluid prose: What background information do you have? What are the two potential sides of the argument? What is your possible Research Question? *Include a correctly formatted Work Cited; tone may be semi-formal and include the use of the first person pronoun “I”. Example of a good Research Question: “Are stories of the apocalypse (movies, films, video games) attractive because they provide an opportunity to ‘reset’ society?” Example of a bad Research Question: “What do people like about apocalyptic stories?”

Border Protection Agency

Here are the details of the extra credit assignment: •Listen to this podcast: •After you listen, write up a one-page reflection paper. You will briefly explain what the podcast was about and give your thoughts and feelings on what you learned. •Just writing up anything won’t get you points! The reflection must be well written, and I need to know that you thought critically about the subject matter.

Evaluation of pesticide use in genetically modified (GM) Bt maize and the impact to society


Please make it (at least) level 3 science throughout. This is the tutor feedback for contents page, introduction, and the literature review for 5 papers; -You are not at all mentioning any objectives for your review, nor are you commenting on the scope or the methodology you are using. It should become clear in any introduction what the literature review sets out to achieve -Substructure: Your contents list provides a first idea of the structure of your literature review. However, this first idea cannot really be identified here. What exactly are you planning to convey in each of the paragraphs? How are you organising your narrative? Where does it ultimately lead? This is not at all clear. -Underlying science: There is almost no scientific detail contained in this text at all. For this module you need to aim for level 3 science in order to achieve the expected depth of analysis. It needs to be clear, for example, how the BT maize is produced, what kind of genes are involved etc etc. Use of images and diagrams would be expected here. -CRED themes: Other than some reference to Risk there is little on the CRED themes too. In the absence of objectives it is not clear what exactly your aims are, which makes it more difficult to get an idea. -Substantiation: There are many claims that are not supported with any evidence. A literature review by definition needs to provide just such evidence. -References: The five titles you are listing here are relevant, but overall this is a very small body of sources given the advance stage of the presentation. Do you have many more relevant sources available? I’ve attached the contents page, intro and a bit of literature review. Please can you include an abstract and use the contents page headings as guidance for areas to write about. Every lit review and comparison must discuss the science involved. Is a science & society module.

Complexity of Human Liver


. Provide a general description of your assigned organ in the introduction. In the general description, you will include the following: a brief description of the primary functions of this organ, its general shape, and the location of this organ in the human body. Describe in detail the importance of this organ to the function of the body as a whole. What are the functions of this organ and how is it critical for survival? Identify and describe which of the four tissue types (epithelial, connective, muscle, and/or nervous tissues) are present in the organ. Describe any organ-specific cell types that are present and if these cell types have any special structures (e.g., presence of microvilli and/or abundance of particular organelle such as mitochondria). Discuss in detail how these different cell-types work together to provide the overall function of the organ. Include a discussion of why each organ requires the different tissue types as well as unique cell types to function. Why can the organs not be comprised of just one cell type? What is the advantage of having so many different types of cells?

Board of Directors Presentation

You have done a tremendous amount of planning, research, and strategizing with your marketing plan in your role as the marketing manager. It is now time to present it to the company’s board of directors. You are to create a presentation in which you synthesize your research and recommendations from your previous assignments. As you know, the ability to create and deliver strong presentations is a critical skill for all managers, leaders, and employees. You can improve this skill through practice. In this unit’s assignment, you will have the opportunity to hone your presentation skills. In this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation for the board of directors, and include speaker notes to elaborate on the information on each slide. Your presentation should contain at least 8 slides, not counting the title and reference slides. You need to ensure that you address the items listed below. Executive Summary: Use the Executive Summary from the Unit VII Project assignment to prepare and present the key elements associated with your research and recommendations in the marketing plan. Remember to use bulleted text, and include a minimum of two graphics. Ensure you reference the sources for your images. Include speaker notes for each slide of your presentation, to indicate what you want to convey in your presentation to the board of directors. Your presentation should have a professional style and appearance.

Short Fiction A Good Man Is Hard to Find Flannery O’Connor Lusus Naturae Margaret Atwoo “Roman Fever” (Eudora Welty), “Girl” (Jamaica Kincaid), “The Management of Grief” (Bharati Mukherjee), “The Birth-Mark” (Nathaniel Hawthorne), “The Lady wit

Stories covered: “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” (Flannery O’Connor), “Lusus Naturae” (Margaret Atwood), “Roman Fever” (Eudora Welty), “Girl” (Jamaica Kincaid), “The Management of Grief” (Bharati Mukherjee), “The Birth-Mark” (Nathaniel Hawthorne), “The Lady with the Dog” (Anton Chekhov), “A Pair of Tickets” (Amy Tan), “The Jewelry” (Guy de Maupassant) and “Boys and Girls” (Alice Munro).  Each of the following is a separate question to be answered in a minimum of two to three paragraphs each (that is, you need not join your responses into one essay).

QUESTION 1: How do you know that a woman (and not a man) is the author of any two of the above stories that are indeed written by women? You may consider in your response any elements of the story (such as style, narrator’s perspective, subject matter, tone, etc.). Be specific. This is a highly subjective question, to be sure, but rely on textual evidence to support your point of view.

Convince your reader. QUESTION 2: Identify and discuss the symbolic value of each of the above story titles to the thematic message of the story to which it belongs. (For example, in O’Connor’s story, how does the symbolism of the words “good man,” “hard” and “find” connect with O’Connor’s message? ) QUESTION 3: If you were to have the privilege of meeting each of the above authors and be allowed an hour to chat, what would you want to ask, and why? Be specific. Avoid questions that you could find answers to on your own. Value the author’s time – and ask questions that only he or she could answer.

The Deep Time Art

Description Go to the “Deep Time” Art Catalogue (Module #6) and analyze several of the artists works in terms (mainly) of how effective a sense of “deep time” is conveyed. Ideally, you should select several artists/several art works, and provide increasingly complex analytical observations (not just artist a, artist b, & artist c … disconnected). You might focus exclusively on those that depict nature per se, or you might move from “realistic” depictions to more abstract ones.

If you really, really like one particular artist: you may (via a Google search) find more of his/her works and focus exclusively on him/her. If easy to do: please imbed images of the art works within your essay. Use the prefatory catalogue material as your secondary source. You may, if you are particularly “into” one the artists, do a Google search to find pertinent biographical or other information on him/her. Above is the link to the deep time art catalogue.

Flowchart/Graphic Organizer of Special Education Process

The process and timelines required for referral, evaluation, eligibility determination, placement, development of the IEP, and implementation of services is prescribed by law and all members of the IEP team are responsible for understanding the process. Obtain information and materials for families of individuals with disabilities. Based on the materials provided to the families, create a flowchart/graphic organizer depicting the special education process and laws followed within a school. The flowchart/graphic should depict the processes of referral, evaluation, determination of eligibility, placement, development and implementation of the IEP, progress monitoring, and the reevaluation process. Timelines and required parental should be included. In addition to your completed flowchart or graphic organizer, write a 250-500 word parent-friendly letter about the special education process. In the letter, explain the roles of the school, the parents, and the students. Support your flowchart/graphic organizer with a minimum of two resources. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines