What does it mean to live a good life according to Socrates

Description For the Final Project stage 3 you will present the answer to your philosophical question in the form of a speech. You will write this speech on a Word .docx to submit. You can also supplement your written speech by recording yourself saying it on an .mp3. but this is optional. Your speech will take the form of what is known as the Classical Style: The Classical Style is divided into four (4) parts: (1) The Introduction and Narration: In the first part of the classical style, you, as the speaker, introduce the question that is going to be answered by making the speech relevant to the audience. You can do this by contextualizing the speech and narrating the problem that the question brings. Philosophers often use narration, stories, analogies, and events to introduce problems or controversies that the question elicits. Common devices for introducing philosophical questions to an audience are: “Have you ever asked this question?” or “Many people have debated this topic.” The aim of the first part is to make the audience feel comfortable before beginning the argument proper. The more relevant the introduction is to the audience, the better the argument. A very short introduction will not be persuasive, but neither will an overly long one. (2) Arguments supporting your Claim: In the second part of the classical style, you present your arguments and evidence to back up or substantiate the main points of your claim. Your arguments and evidence are connected together in a chain of reasoning that link the facts and examples, and testimony that support the arguments you are making. Remember, it’s important to faithfully present the arguments of the philosopher(s) you are studying in order to bolster your claim. When presenting your arguments, it is most persuasive to present your best argument and evidence first, your worst argument and evidence second and your middle argument and evidence third (if you have one). You have already done this step in the Final Project stage 2 assignment. Now, put your arguments and evidence into a convincing speech. (3) Addressing the Counter-Claim: In the third part of the classical style, you concede and/or refute the arguments that support the counter-claim. The aim of the classical style is to persuade, and your persuasion will be more effective if you take into account these arguments: “Some people say this….but they are wrong because of XYZ” etc. You can anticipate and respond to objections before they are stated, or concede a particular point in order to make another point stronger (as long as you don’t undercut your main claim). You have already identified the arguments that support the counter claim in your Final Project Stage 2 assignment. Now, address these arguments in your speech; your strongest refutation first, your weakest refutation second, and your middling refutation third (if you have one). (4) Conclusion: In the fourth part of the classical style, you tie everything together, creating a sense of finality or closure to the question, convincing the audience that the question or problem stated in the Introduction has been answered. Often, speakers will include an emotional or ethical appeal in the conclusion in order to help sway the audience to their opinion.

Literature Review: Women Issue

Literature Review: You are required to select a feminist issue/question and produce a five page literature review on the topic. A literature review is an analysis (rather than a summary) of scholarly articles that answer a research question. A literature review will help the reader understand background information on your subject, why the subject is important and identify themes and/or gaps in research. As this is formal research writing, your final submission must include a title and reference page in addition to the five page paper. A grading rubric will be provided for the final submission. You are required to submit the paper in two stages: Stage 1: Topic, Sources and Draft: Submission of issue/question that your research is designed to explore/answer. A reference page (in APA style) listing the eight peer reviewed journal articles (published within the last six years) that you will use to complete your analysis. Two page draft submission. (20 points) Remember, for a journal article source to count for this assignment, it must be scholarly, meaning that it is peer-reviewed, and published no earlier than 2013. There are many, many articles available online through databases held by the UNC Charlotte library. Websites, textbooks, podcasts, etc. will not count. When citing a journal article without a doi: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number if available). Retrieved from https://www.journalhomepage.com/full/url/ Kenneth, I. A. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 8. Retrieved from https://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/twocont.html When citing a journal article with a doi: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number if available), page range. doi:0000000/000000000000 or https://doi.org/10.0000/0000 Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161 Your submission is worth a total of 20 points. Each article submission is worth 2 points (8 sources) for a total of 16 points. You will be evaluated on source selection and citation. Each page of the draft is worth 2 points (2 pages) for a total of 4 points. You will be evaluated on content and length. Points will not be deducted for grammar and editing at this draft stage. Your question will be evaluated for feasibility. There are no points allotted to this, but your research question is critical for article selection and drafting.

The Story of Buddhism.

It could be about an individual, a group, a scripture, a specific devotion, an event, a phenomena, but should not be of a general nature such as “The History of Islam” or “The Story of Buddhism”. Also try to refrain from writing about well-known topics very common to your own faith such as “The Seven Sacraments”, “The Five Pillars”, “The Life of Christ”, “The Prophet Muhammad” or “The Ten Commandments”. You could however (if you are wed to these topics) write a more narrow well-researched paper about one particular commandment, one pillar, one sacrament, or one or two events from the life of a religion’s founder.

Nordstrom vs Macy’s: The practice preference

This assignment asks you to analyze various companies’ mission or organizational vision statements to determine how such statements guide leadership practices within an organization. Select a mission statement or organizational vision statement from one company that professes to practice servant leadership and one that practices a standard leadership model. Some well-known companies that practice servant leadership are Southwest Airlines, REI, and Aflac. Conduct additional research to locate others. Once you have selected two companies, write a 1,000-1,250 word analysis that addresses the following: 1. Compare and contrast the mission and/or organizational visions statements of the two companies. What are the similarities and differences? How do you think these statements impact the culture of each organization? 2. What servant leadership principles or values are either explicitly or implicitly apparent in the mission/vision statement of the company that professes to be servant-led? 3. Explain how you see the principles expressed in the statements manifested in each company’s public reputation, and how they treat their employees in the services they provide, their marketing, etc. Provide a few specific examples to demonstrate your points. 4. Do you think each company is living out the values/principles expressed in their statements? Why or why not? If the more traditionally led company adopted a servant leadership model, what revisions to their mission/values statement would be warranted? Be sure to comment on your understanding of how such mission/vision statements can or should guide a company’s treatment of its employees and clients. Include the mission or organizational vision statements of the companies you selected in your analysis. You are required to locate four articles that support your selected organization’s mission or vision statement. Two of the selected articles must be peer reviewed journal articles. Include information from the articles in your discussion. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Dismissal Meeting

Assignment 3: Dismissal Meeting Imagine that you are an office manager and you have been tasked with the job of coordinating and heading the dismissal meeting for an employee layoff. Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you: Propose three (3) ways that a manager can cope with any negative emotions that may accompany an employee layoff. Describe a step-by-step process of conducting the dismissal meeting. Determine the compensation that the fictitious company may provide to the separated employee.

Using Microsoft Word or an equivalent such as OpenOffice, create a chart that depicts the timeline of the disbursement of the compensation. Predict three (3) ways that this layoff may affect the company. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Formulate HRM strategies and policies to recruit, select, place, and retain the most efficient and effective workforce.

Develop effective talent management strategies to recruit and select employees. Design processes to manage employee performance, retention, and separation. Analyze laws governing employment and how organizations can ensure ethical practices. Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic human resource development. Write clearly and concisely about strategic human resource development using proper writing mechanics.

Define health and wellbeing

TASK 1. Defining and describing terms For each of the terms below: (a) Define the meaning of each term. It is expected that you will source key references such as the World Health Organisation Health Promotion Glossary (1998, online) and other similar recognised sources for definitions (New Zealand and/or international). Do not use the Te Ara Encyclopedia as a reference. These definitions can be direct quotes from the source. Remember to reference these correctly. (b) Imagine you had to explain the difference between the terms to someone else who wasn’t sure or was confused about their meaning. Describe the differences between each of the terms. These descriptions need to be in your own words. (c) Include in your description any overlaps or interrelatedness of meaning between the terms, and/or any confusion that you encounter between the use and meaning of the terms.

As a guide, you should aim for 400-500 words for each grouping. TERMS Maori Health Promotion (i.e. Te Pae Mahutonga) and WHO-style Health Promotion (i.e. The Ottawa Charter). Public health and health promotion. Community-based health (i.e., IN) and community-driven health (i.e., WITH) TASK 2. ‘Health and wellbeing’ The phrase ‘health and wellbeing’ is often used in the area of health promotion. The fact that the terms ‘health’ and ‘wellbeing’ are used together this way suggests there is a distinction between them and that they are not one and the same. Use at least 3 references including a selection of New Zealand and international literature to make a case for the terms ‘health’ and ‘wellbeing’ as having distinct but interrelated (or overlapping) meanings.Do not use the Te Ara Encyclopedia as a reference.

The Grand Canyon Collision Case Analysis

Read Grand Canyon Collision – The greatest commercial air tragedy of its day! from doney.net, which details the circumstances surrounding one of the most prolific aircraft accidents of all time—the June 1956 mid-air collision between two commercial aircraft over the Grand Canyon. Prepare a case analysis addressing the factors surrounding the enactment of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. Please write the case analysis using the following format: summary problem significance of the problem two alternative actions recommendation reference page

Demonstrate knowledge of communication models by applying course vocabulary to a personal relationship and communication moment

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of communication models by applying course vocabulary to a personal relationship and communication moment.  1. By completing this assignment, you will be able to… Create a model of communication Assess the communication behaviors of others 2. To complete this assignment… Apply one of the communication models described in your text to a moment of communication in an interpersonal relationship you have. Write/Create a representation of that moment that includes an application of appropriate course vocabulary. Whatever method of representation you choose the parts of the model should be clearly identified with course vocabulary and the relationship should be defined with course vocabulary. Assess whether this moment was a competent use of communication and describe which goals were accomplished by this moment of communication. 3. Show the following  in your work: Creativity in how the model is constructed, created or relayed Effort and attention to detail Selections reflect actual types, forms or modes of communication not internal musings or thoughts Communication model components are identified and applied accurately Selection of communication model is appropriate for encounter described Communication competence is defined and accurately assessed The relationship is defined with appropriate course vocabulary accurate to the nature of the relationship Overall, your assignment must meet the requirements stated above in a manner that is clear, concise, and proves you understand the content and assignment.

Red Tides

How do red tides effect our oceans and ecosystems. How do we as a society contribute to red tides and how can we prevent red tides. What are red tides. The paper should be double-spaced, written with a font size of 12. Please cite references with in the body of the text. Following the body of the paper should be a detailed documentation of your sources. You may organize your paper in any way you wish. The paper should have a central theme that ties it all together. This theme should be described in your introduction. The paper should then conclude with a summary of what you have learned relevant to that theme. A good paper should have an introduction to the topic, outlining what you plan to discuss. Then should follow your discussion of the topic, and then some conclusions, or a closing.

Private Club Trends

Description https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280445248_Case_Studies_in_Club_Membership Go to the link above. Select 1 of the 4 cases covered here. In no less than two pages (12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, standard margins) please tell me the following things: 1. What did you learn from this case that you had not heard of before reading it? 2. What might you have done differently, both before the situation mentioned in the case, and compared to the solutions proposed in the case? 3. Does the location that a club calls its home have a serious effect on the types of issues they will face? If so, how? 4. How can club managers better focus on potential future issues like those listed here?