Data analysis & Findings

Part 4: Data analysis & Findings (6-8 pages) 1. Presentation of Data/findings as per the objective of the research 2. Charts/tables/graphs 3. Test of hypothesis (if any) as per the objective of the research 4. Interpretation of the data analysis Part 5: Discussion and Recommendation (4-6 pages) 1. Discussion on findings of research analysis (if any) 2. Discussion how it answers the questions of the research 3. Recommendations 4. Limitation of the study 5. conclusion References (APA citation and referencing style)

Personal & Profesional Development


A reflective essay which should identify what you consider to be your most important and significant personal quality and your reflection should be focussed on this. The essay should identify the key personal quality that emerges from the various workshop exercises and module experiences and examine how this personal quality is demonstrated across a range of those activities and experiences. This means that you should choose one personal quality that you consider to be your key strength and explore this in depth.

Research Paper on Women’s suffrage

Research Paper (20%) Develop a thesis-driven research paper of 5-7 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins on all 4 sides). The historical newspaper article that you selected must play a critical role in the paper. You will use additional sources, primary and secondary, to provide background information on your topic and evidence to support your thesis. Root the paper in historical facts and avoid incorporating personal opinions and conjectures. Cite your sources using the format style of your choice (Chicago) and include a bibliography (not annotated) at the end of the paper. Criteria for Success You will have successfully completed the final project when you submit a proposal and a well-organized paper that contains the following elements: – A clearly articulated thesis – Factual evidence to support the thesis – Incorporation of primary and secondary sources in an essential and meaningful way (in other words, removal of the sources, including the article, would change the paper in a significant way) – Proper format and style (grammar, spelling, organization, and readability) – Appropriate citations Your proposal and research paper will be graded according to the rubrics attached. Please read the attached word file (Research proposal) and re-write the thesis statement accordingly with the professor’s comment (red comment). Also include additional sources I provide (scanned file, text book) [Faragher, John Mack., Buhle Mari. Jo., Czitrom Daniel, H. and Armitage Susan. H. Out of Many: A History of the American People, Vol 2, 8th edition. J: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009.] In summary, use 6 total sources I provide (5 articles and 1 scanned file) to write at least 5 total pages of research paper with the revised thesis statement. Refer to the research proposal word file.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselling

Use one of the case studies provided below. The first case is about Massimo 56 and the second case is about Reggie, 40. Massimo, 56, is referred to counselling by a social worker at a local hospital. Massimo originates from Italy having arrived in Australia ten years ago. He requested an interpreter for the interview. He has recently been discharged from hospital following a fall downstairs outside of his apartment, where he sustained a head injury. Massimo admits that he smokes marijuana throughout the day, but denies the fall was caused by intoxication. Massimo states he drinks alcohol “on a social basis” and reports rarely exceeding four standard drinks on any one occasion. He denies other drug use and says he doesn’t smoke tobacco unless he is smoking marijuana. Massimo believes he is in control of his marijuana use. Massimo admits that his frequent use of marijuana has “probably” impacted on his ability to work, but says he considers himself retired now. The second case study is Reggie, 40, has come to counselling of his own volition after losing his job. Reggie was employed by a local sporting club as a groundsman. Reggie says that he is an indigenous Australian, whose level of drug use has increased dramatically after he was physically assaulted a year ago. Reggie said he had not told too many people about the assault as the person responsible was well known in town. Reggie said he drinks alcohol to moderate levels, but his main concern was to stop using heroin, which he had started using again after being abstinent from the drug for over 20 years. Reggie said he has felt depressed and occasionally suicidal after the assault, and was concerned that if he continued using heroin, he would probably end up dead. Reggie believes he lost his job because he had too many sick days – which he puts down to heroin use. He is keen to turn his life around with the hope that the club may give him a second chance. The below-marking criteria need to be followed and covered and remember to use headings 1. An assessment and case formulation of the client is provided, specifying the psychosocial needs of the client. 2. Factors that are relevant to the client’s cultural / language background are taken into consideration 3. An appropriate screening tool/s that could be used to assess your chosen client is / are identified 4. The intervention/s that could be used with this client in an initial meeting is described and a rationale for the use of the intervention/s is given. 5. The substance abuse counselling model that could be used is described, along with a rationale for its use. 6. Appropriate referrals that you might make are described, along with a rationale for the referral 7. A brief description of how you might approach relapse prevention is given 8. Case study includes accurate identification of ethical issues

Analyzing the logic of an Article

Critical Thinking is not a new concept; it has Greek roots (‘critical’, ‘logic’) and Latin roots (‘think’, ‘reason’). What is perplexing is society’s lack of understanding of the concept. This exercise is designed to help you understand, internalize, and utilize critical thinking. Complete this assignment according to the instructions in Appendix 1. Basically, 1) all we know are ideas. Think about it, can you know anything without ideas? Would you have experience without ideas? 2) Ideas work in systems. That is because ideas don’t work alone. Think of any idea without having to think of other ideas. Ideas are dependent on other ideas. What is the meaning of being a student if one doesn’t understand the idea of a teacher, a college, an assignment? etc. 3) Ideas have logical interactions. For example, one cannot be a parent without having a child. 4) Ideas require some level of intellectual discipline, and 5) presuppose intellectual criteria and standards. Therefore, an idea must be a part of a system of meaning. There is logic to it. The idea of being a student is only logical when the ideas of teachers, academic institutions, curricula, etc. are taken into consideration. To think about the logic of something is to think critically. This assignment will help you see “the logic of things”. Consider; “You miss the logic of being a musician if all you think you need to do is to strum your fingers on a guitar.” You miss the logic of dancing if all you think you need to do is to put your feet on the numbered squares.” “You miss the logic of being a student if all you think you need to do is do homework and take tests.” (Can you think of other examples?) The idea is that one may miss the logic of things; there is such a thing as “to get the logic of it”, and there is such a thing as “to miss the logic of it”. Therefore, what we attempt to know and understand in fact has a logic to it. We must identify it! We must not miss the logic of it! This will be discussed thoroughly in class to help you with this assignment. This assignment requires deep thinking about the content of the article you selected. Therefore, select a good article for you, and take the time to study it. You MUST follow the TEMPLATE provided in Appendix 1. Do not stray from the template and write a summary of the article. Writing a summary may be a good exercise for you to help you understand the article but do NOT submit it. A summary will earn a zero grade! Answer each point 1 – 8 separately and individually. For example, do not merge points 4 and 5, address each separately. Follow this template: I. Name of Student, Course, Date (Top Right) II. Complete information about the article (it must be an *Academic Journal/Refereed article)Author(s):Title:Journal:Volume number, and issue:Year: III.Follow Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article (See below) IV.Upload your analysis of the logic of your article on Canvas Handouts by the due date.V. Remember to use Bloom’s Taxonomy as a model to practice critical thinking. VI. Do not turn this into an essay, or provide a summary of the paper. Address each point (1-8) separately. Post any questions on Canvas or email me.Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article (Use a separate page and provide significant and meaningful responses.) 1. The main purpose of this article is ______________________________________________________.(State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for writing the article.) 2. The key question the author [addresses] is _______________________________________________.(Figure out the key question in the mind of the author when s/he wrote the article.) 3. The most important information in this article is __________________________________________.(Figure out the facts, experiences, data the author [uses] to support her/his conclusions.) 4. The main inferences/conclusions in this article are _________________________________________.(Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and presents in the article.) 5. The key concept(s) we need to understand in this article is (are) _____________________________.By these concepts the author means _______________________.(Figure out the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the author’s line of reasoning.) 6. The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking is (are) _____________________________.(Figure out what the author takes for granted [that might be questioned].) 7a). If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are ______________________________.(What consequences are likely to follow if people take the author’s reasoning seriously?)1b). If we fail to take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are __________________________.(What consequences are likely to follow if people ignore the author’s reasoning?) 8. The main point(s) of view presented in this article (are) _____________________________________.(What is the author looking at< and how is s/he seeing it?) Source: Foundation for Critical Thinking ARTICLE!!! Cullen, John1, john. g.cullen@nuim. i. “Educating Business Students About Sustainability: A Bibliometric Review of Current Trends and Research Needs.” Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 145, no. 2, Oct. 2017, pp. 429–439. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s10551-015-2838-3.

Marx and modern society

Marx argues that there is a contradiction inherent in modern society. Marx argues that there is a contradiction inherent in modern society—that despite all the wealth, technological advancement, and other successes of capitalism, inequality, and exploitation are byproducts of the improvements of our current economic and political systems. Using Marx’s perspective of power imbalances and the notion of inequality and exploitation, write about how both structural forces and one’s own individual agency affect the concepts of culture the mass media and inequality in the US and around the world

What information standards should the Department of Defense follow and why

What information standard(s) should the Department of Defense follow and why?

In this case assignments, you are required to go over the “required” readings available in background material about security standards. You are also encouraged to browse the optional material for other relevant material. When you’ve read the required articles and conducted additional research on the optional readings and other readings you find interesting. What information standard(s) should your company follow and why? Some of security standards available are ISO27002, ISO17799, Rainbow Series, TCSEC, ITSEC, Common Criteria, IETF, GMITS, GASSP, OECD, and the 800-series. Below are some questions for you to think about to help you get started: Select an organization that you want to focus on in this assignment (it could be your own or just any company that you know about). Provide a comprehensive definition of security standards Make sure you refer to ISO17799 (ISO17799 has been replaced by ISO27001 and 27002 but you may refer to ISO17799 since that is the one that has more material available online). What are the most important categories or standards that you would recommend your company to follow and why? In your justification describe the type of company you are referring to. Remember, you do not have to explicitly answer these questions in your assignment. You should think about these questions and then integrate your thoughts into a well-organized answer to the primary question. the first page of your paper, have an introduction, titled as INTRODUCTION, that explains the purpose of the paper (i.e. what will be discussed) and what specific answers will be answered. You can also cover what each of the future paragraphs will address. Have section headings appropriate to what will be discussed or answered in each section. The last section heading should be called Conclusion or Summary. Each paragraph should have a least 1 citation or more especially in the case paper. i.e. where did you derive the discussion from – what reading? You must use all the required readings at least once as a citation; they can be used more than once if appropriate – demonstrate to us that you read all the required readings and can apply them to your writing. Outside sources are welcome and encouraged

Rhetoric in Sports

Rhetoric in Sports

Texts Reel Baseball by Stephen Wood and David Pincus, ISBN 0-7864-1389-1

Understanding Movies by Louis Giannetti (available online in “Resources”) Stars. Stripes and Diamonds by Marshall Most and Robert Rudd, ISBN 0-7864-2518-0. approximately 2000-3000 words in length each are to be completed. Each essay includes readings from one, two or all three of the texts and screenings of one or more films. Essay 5. Mise en Scene: The Visual Elements the Raging Bull and Rocky After screening the boxing movies Raging Bull (1980) and Rocky (1976), write an essay that systematically and directly applies chapter 2 of Understanding Movies. Your analysis should be based on still frames from both films.

You should include a still or stills from each movie for each of the Mise en Scene concepts. Your introduction should refer to the importance of these two films. In preparation for this assignment: read Chapter 2, Understanding Movies; screen Raging Bull and Rocky. The essay should consist of an introduction (which may include a very brief summary of the films), five sections with headers (1. The Frame, 2. Composition and Design, 3. Territorial Space, 4. Proxemic Patterns, and 5. Open and Closed Forms), each concept clearly defined (using Giannetti’s exact words), and a conclusion. As always, a bibliography and filmography are required.

Literary Analysis Essay

Compare and contrast the representation of narrative elements within the images with those in the text. How do the images change or stay true to your interpretation of the story? The images are at: MLA Format Include textural evidence in body Paragraphs Tyler Spallina Mrs. Erikson English 12B Date that You Turn In the Paper Title Introduction. This should have three different parts. 1) A hook that will make your reader interested in your topic. Do not start this with “Do you know…” 2) Background information that gives your reader an idea about the topic without talking about what is in your body paragraphs. 3) Your thesis statement copy and pasted from your brainstorm. Body 1. This should be about your first literary element in your thesis statement. Explain how both of the stories show this literary element with a quote from each. This paragraph should be 6-8 + sentences long. Body 2. This should be about your second topic in your thesis statement. Explain how both of the stories show this literary element with a quote from each. This paragraph should be 6-8 + sentences long. Body 3. This should be about your third topic in your thesis statement. Explain how both of the stories show this literary element with a quote from each. This paragraph should be 6-8 + sentences long. Conclusion. Make sure that this restates your thesis and gives your reader something to think

The Inuit Paradox: Discussion and summary

Answer the following questions based on the article of The Inuit Paradox: 1.Why there are essential nutrients but not essential foods? 2.The differences between the fats in wild animals and those in farm animals, and how that relates to the Atkins diet? 3.Make sure to cite & reference credible scientific references for your justification! “The Inuit Paradox” from Discover magazine, and it discusses the diet of people who live in the Arctic region of the world. It contrasts the foods they eat with many of the foods we eat, and makes some excellent points about nutrition. Please read the article to become familiar with the concepts, and then create a thread to discuss: Hit the reply button, below. Then create a thread to discuss 1.Why there are essential nutrients but not essential foods? 2. The differences between the fats in wild animals and those in farm animals, and how that relates to the Atkins diet? 3. Make sure to cite & reference credible scientific references for your justification!