The Deep Time Art

Description Go to the “Deep Time” Art Catalogue (Module #6) and analyze several of the artists works in terms (mainly) of how effective a sense of “deep time” is conveyed. Ideally, you should select several artists/several art works, and provide increasingly complex analytical observations (not just artist a, artist b, & artist c … disconnected). You might focus exclusively on those that depict nature per se, or you might move from “realistic” depictions to more abstract ones.

If you really, really like one particular artist: you may (via a Google search) find more of his/her works and focus exclusively on him/her. If easy to do: please imbed images of the art works within your essay. Use the prefatory catalogue material as your secondary source. You may, if you are particularly “into” one the artists, do a Google search to find pertinent biographical or other information on him/her. Above is the link to the deep time art catalogue.

Flowchart/Graphic Organizer of Special Education Process

The process and timelines required for referral, evaluation, eligibility determination, placement, development of the IEP, and implementation of services is prescribed by law and all members of the IEP team are responsible for understanding the process. Obtain information and materials for families of individuals with disabilities. Based on the materials provided to the families, create a flowchart/graphic organizer depicting the special education process and laws followed within a school. The flowchart/graphic should depict the processes of referral, evaluation, determination of eligibility, placement, development and implementation of the IEP, progress monitoring, and the reevaluation process. Timelines and required parental should be included. In addition to your completed flowchart or graphic organizer, write a 250-500 word parent-friendly letter about the special education process. In the letter, explain the roles of the school, the parents, and the students. Support your flowchart/graphic organizer with a minimum of two resources. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines


Answer the following questions based on law. 1. Nuisance refers to a type of legal injury that interferes with the use and enjoyment of land. In the case of Gardiner vs Crosstex North Texas Pipeline LLC (Supreme Court of Texas) [I sent this case to your class email]. Summarize this case (give the facts of the case) and what the court ruled and why. Be sure and give a few definitions about nuisance from the case. You can also read your textbook case of Cook vs Sullivan for more information about nuisance. 2. Go through the property chapter in your book and the lecture and find 5 property terms to define. Must be at least 2 sentences each and give an example to support your response. CHILD LABOR LAWS 3. Last year a local grocery store was fined over $20,000.00 because the auditors found over 100 time card violation of 15 year olds working later than the law allows when school is in session the next day. Read the lecture and tell me what hours a 15 year old can work on a school night. 4. An auditor walked into a Subway and noticed a young worker slicing meat on the meat slicer. When the auditor confirmed that the worker was 16 years old, the auditor issued a notice of fine and issued a ticket to Subway. What child labor law did Subway violate and why do you think we have this law? CRIMINAL LAW 5. _____________ is punishable by fine or imprisonment for one year or more. 6. A student (Jane) went to work for a Not for Profit and her boss (Mike) told her to change the number of kids that were coming to the after school program so that the organization could get more federal money. At first, Jane refused but Mike was persuasive and said that more students were indeed coming next week because the tutoring at the local school had ended and he was certain those kids would come to their after school program. Jane changed the numbers and Mike submitted the monthly invoice form. The additional students never came but the extra money was coming from the government based on the submissions. Several months later Jane and Mike were charged with the federal crime of conspiracy to defraud the federal government. Even though Jane never received any money from her actions of changing the numbers, the prosecutor told her she could get 5 years. She pled out for 6 months in a federal prison. Mike blamed the wrong numbers on Jane and he said he relied on her for the correct numbers. Mike received a 4 month sentence. Apply the definition of 1) conspiracy and 2) aiding and abetting to this case. Be sure and define each and explain how each applies to this story. 3) What else did you learn from this true story?

Induction of labor before 39 week’s gestations

The argument against non medically necessary induction of labor before 39 week’s gestations. 1-Global factors associated with each resolution: Education, Prenatal care, Peer-review audit and Pre-induction checklist 2-Final recommendation 3-Implementation plan (should the policy be adopted) 4-Communication strategy a-Media outlet(s) b-Central message c-Target audience d-Audience e-Supporting organizations 5- Information dissemination process 6-Evaluation plan: a-Definition of outcomes b-Plan to evaluate outcomes c-Quantitative or qualitative approach d-Program sustainability approach e-Monitor cost f-Meeting accreditation standards g-Ethical conflict h-Reporting results

Modern Geometries : Determine what properties a set of axioms possess (complete, consistent, independent, categorical, etc.)

The paper should be 1375 words 5-7 pages in length and be properly formatted and cited.  The book that we are using is 2nd ed. of Henle, Modern Geometries. Objectives: Determine what properties a set of axioms possess (complete, consistent, independent, categorical, etc.) Use Euler’s Formula and construct a geometric interpretation of complex numbers Prove theorems and exhibit examples/models of finite geometry Compute hyper areas and hyper volumes Construct examples of fractals Compute the dimension of a self similar fractal Determine the geodesics on a general 2-Dimensional manifold Define and use Poincare’s Model Compare and Contrast with elliptic and parabolic geometries Determine the image of and graph the transformation of a given set of points under a Mobius Transformation Use the cross ratio, circle inversion, and homothetic transformations as proof tools Define, compute in, and solve equations in Quaternions Use Quaternions to model motion in 3-Dimensional Euclidean space Determine symmetries of patterns in 1, 2, and 3-Dimensional Euclidean space Use the axioms and theorems of classical Euclidean geometry as proof tools

The Shape of Water Citizen Kane Tokyo Godfathers or Memento

There won’t be any prompt questions to guide you. Please write on ONE of the films from Week 2 and Week 3, namely, The Shape of Water, Citizen Kane, Tokyo Godfathers, and Memento. You can write on the theme, or film form, or genre, or narrative, or cultural/historical background. You have complete freedom to decide which aspect of your chosen film you want to focus on. Just be sure to have a thesis and convincing argumentation. Please use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing throughout. Specifically (10 points in total): — has a clear, cogent, and concise thesis statement (2/2 pts) — has a convincing argument (2.5/2.5 pts) — has an introduction, body, and conclusion (1.5/1.5 pts) — answers the question (2/2 pts) — is within the word limit (1/1 pt) — has few grammar & spelling mistakes (1/1 pt)

The Criminalization of Indigenous Resistance

 The Criminalization of Indigenous Resistance and I want a reflection essay, I want you to follow an argumentation style in the essay. I should see these three aspects in the essay 1. Argument 2. Reasons 3. Evidence The essay should start with a clear introduction that in the first or second sentence succinctly describes the main point you are making in the essay. This should be followed by the main body that should describe your main argument complete with reasons and evidence. The essay should conclude with a restatement of the main point of the essay. I’ll also upload the review from the prof on the first essay you wrote for me, please look at his comments so I can get better mark on the next one.

Explain Confucian moral and ritual theory and practice


This is a paper for political science class. I attached the syllabus and the prompt. Please make sure to read them carefully and please follow everything that is required. there are 5 different topics in the prompt that you can choose from but I’d go with the 2nd one. Also, I have the podcast of the lectures but the website did not let me to include them. So if you need them please let me know and tell me where to attach them.

Describe the communication process that is involved when someone answers

Comprehensive essay: Describe the communication process that is involved when someone answers “Nope” to the question “Do you like ice cream?” You must discuss the anatomy and physiology for each system we discussed and how they all work together to produce a response to a question.

Think about the overall process and do not just discuss the various processes independently. Be sure each idea relates to the production of “Nope” and each idea flows logically to the next idea. Think about what needs to happen first. Remember, just because we studied the respiratory system first in this course, does not mean it is the first step in the production of a response.

Be sure to include any theories that we have discussed in class or in the book that would relate to /i/ (i.e., source-filter theory, myoelastic-aerodynamic theory, etc.). Be sure you include the cranial nerves and all the muscles that assist in actions.

Null and Alternative Hypotheses

The null hypothesis ( H0) refers to a given population parameter, such as a population mean of 100 on IQ. Imagine that we ask two groups of students to complete a standardized IQ test, and then we calculate the mean IQ score for each group. We observe that the mean IQ for Group A is 100 ( MA = 100), whereas the mean IQ for Group B is 115 ( MB = 115). Is a mean difference of 15 IQ points statistically significant or just due to chance? The null hypothesis predicts that H0: MA = MB. That is, the null hypothesis predicts no difference between groups. Remember that “null” also means “zero,” so we could also state the null hypothesis as H0: MA − MB = 0. When comparing groups, in general, the null hypothesis predicts that group means will not differ. When testing the strength of a relationship between two variables, such as the correlation between IQ scores and grade point average (GPA), in general, the null hypothesis is that the relationship between variable A and variable B is zero. By contrast, the alternative hypothesis ( H1) does predict a difference between two groups, or in the case of relationships, those two variables are significantly related. An alternative hypothesis can be directional ( H1: Group X has a higher mean score than Group Y) or nondirectional ( H1: Group X and Group Y will differ). In hypothesis testing, you either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. Note that this is not stating, “accept the null hypothesis as true.” By default, if you reject the null hypothesis, you accept the alternative hypothesis is true. However, if you do not reject the null hypothesis, you cannot accept the alternative hypothesis is true. You have simply failed to find statistical justification to reject the alternative hypothesis. Type I and Type II Errors If you commit a Type I error, this means that you have incorrectly rejected a true null hypothesis. You have incorrectly concluded that there is a significant difference between groups, or a significant relationship, where no such difference or relationship actually exists. Type I errors have real-world significance, such as concluding that an expensive new cancer drug works when actually it does not work, costing money and potentially endangering lives. Keep in mind that you will probably never know whether the null hypothesis is “true” or not, as we can only determine that our data fail to reject it. If you commit a Type II error, this means that you have not rejected a false null hypothesis when you should have rejected it. You have incorrectly concluded that no differences or no relationships exist when they actually do exist. Type II errors also have real-world significance, such as concluding that a new cancer drug does not work when it actually does work and could save lives. Your alpha level will affect the likelihood of making a Type I or a Type II error. If your alpha level is small (such as .01, less than 1 in 100 chance), you are less likely to reject the null hypothesis, so you are less likely to commit a Type I error. However, you are more likely to commit a Type II error. You can decrease the chances of committing a Type II error by increasing the alpha level (such as .10, less than 1 in 10 chance). However, you are now more likely to commit a Type I error. Since the chances of committing Type I and Type II errors are inversely proportional, you will have to decide which type of error is more grievous. You need to assess the risk associated with each type of error. Your research questions will help in this decision. In standard social sciences research, the alpha level is set to .05 (that is, a 1 in 20 chance of committing a Type I error). An alpha level of .05 is used throughout the remainder of this course.