How plasticpollution impacted on Tesco plc


prepare one bit of the group coursework, discussion on how plasticpollution impacted on Tesco plc. Critically evaluate and analyse using a bit of SWOT analysis and any other appropriate interesting framework (excluding PESTEL, Porters five forces, VRIO) to show how this ethical issue has impacted on Tesco plc as a business. all news should be no longer than 2 years old

Interventions for Offenders : Substance abuse related offending

Subject of study: Interventions for Offenders Topics: Choose one of three offerings groups: 1. Sexual offending 2. Violent offending or 3. Substance abuse related offending. IDENTIFY: 1. An appropriate theoretical model to understand the offending behaviour and how it would apply; 2. An evidence-based treatment plan, and; 3. Potential process (practical, clinical, administrative) issues that may arise during that treatment.

Differentiating Classroom Guidance

Using this document, tell how you can use this information in working with special populations in your school. Find Table 2 in this article and make a copy. Fill in each area using a guidance lesson of your choice. Be sure it addresses the social emotional area. How do you use a needs assessment in your school? If you are not a school counselor, interview a school counselor and discuss these questions with the counselor.Attach an example of a needs assessment recently given, or make your own.What were needs of your population discovered?

Analyze the song Protect Ya Neck by the Wu Tang Clan using the check list as a guideline to evaluate the song in a well-organized paper of at least a 550 words.

1. What is the Song explicitly about and WHAT IS GOING ON IN THEIR COMMUNITIES AND THE LARGER U.S. SOCIETY?(Social conditions/politics at that time see readings & Power points to help) 2. What are the central issues and ideas raised as the plot or rhyme unfolds? 3. Who are the central characters and in the song and are their views fully developed or are they a stereotype or caricature? 4. What particular points of view are being expressed about race and racism? On ethnicity, gender, family, social class, and other social issues? What other values and beliefs are being probed? Whose or what point of view is being privileged (i.e., that is presented in an exclusive manner or developed in a way to win audience identification with it). 5. How are these issues/ideas/viewpoints manifested on the individual, group, and community levels in the song? How are individual characters in the film/song linked to family, small groups, and their community? 6. What relationship is there between the song content and the historical period in which it is made? 7. Is the song catering to the interests/prejudices of a particular audience or is it attempting to be more universal in its appeal? 8. Does the song attempt to cast light on social differences? Does it promote tolerance or Intolerance of cultural diversity? What value judgments are being expressed? 9. Is there any expression of religious, ethnic, political, and class solidarity and for what aims? 10. How does the song define human nature? To what extent is human society portrayed as predatory, competitive (Social Darwinist) or one based on cooperation, mutual respect, and mutual aid? 11. If oppressive conditions exist for some of the song MC’s or film’s characters, how is that oppression resolved?

Recommendations and Implementation

Recommendations and Implementation (15 marks) – Make recommendations provide rationale for your decisions (refer back to your evaluation). The recommendations you make should be specific. Explain which action items should be done (presented in a logical order), who would be responsible for the action item how long each should take. AVOID general suggestions such as “improve the reward programs” or “increase communications between teams”. These suggestions raise the question “How?” Good recommendations do not create new problems or questions to solve, but offer specific solutions.

Republic of texas and texas secession

section 1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the Republic of Texas. Was there much for Texans to take pride in during the era, or was the Lone Star Republic more of a bumbling, slapstick affair? section 2 From a 19th century viewpoint, did Texas make the proper decision in seceding from the Union? Was there any other viable course of action that might have had less disastrous consequences? and no plagiarism

Football and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Football and Traumatic Brain Injuries


Paper details:

Write 10 page research paper about traumatic brain injuries in American Football (CTE). I’d like for the main cause, recovery, and possible preventative measures covered Please include: causes, prevention and long term effects

Argumentative essay about Immigration

Write an argumentive essay on immigration and the positive impact it has on the U.S. economy. The thesis/ core of the essay is written below. Write it based on the thesis. The thesis of the argumentive essay is: Immigrants that come to the U.S. do have a positive impact on the U.S. economy by increasing the number of businesses around the U.S., increasing the number of people in the workforce, and contributing financially to the government in a positive way. Make each point given in the thesis a section in the paper. Also, include a heading and a conclusion. Five paragraphs in total. Must be between 600-700 words. Use the two sources I proved as the research for this paper. Links to the sources:

Law Office Management

Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be at least four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements. The following information should be on the first page on the top left side of the page in the format provided below.

Do not provide a cover sheet (unless the assignment requires one). Student Name Student Identification Number Course Number and Title Assignment Number and Title Date of Submission To increase your knowledge of law office management, please read Doe v. Condon, 532 S.E.2d 879, 341 S.C. 22 (S.C. 2000) found on pages 451-455 of your textbook, and then answer the following questions: -According to the South Carolina court, what role should a paralegal play? Provide the case reference cited within Doe v. Condon to support your answer.

-Which ethical rules did (or might) the attorney have violated? -You know that attorneys are prohibited from fee-sharing with non-attorneys, but what are the reasons for implementing such ethical rules? -Discuss the reasoning behind the South Carolina court’s decision that the paralegal had engaged in the unauthorized practice of law (UPL). oe v. Condon, 532 S.E.2d 879, 341 S.C. 22 (S.C., 2000) (Cite as: 532 S.E.2d 879, 341 S.C. 22 (S.C., 2000) Supreme Court of South Carolina. John DOE, Alias, Petitioner, v. Charles M. CONDON, Attorney General for the State of South Carolina, Respondent.

The Global Factory in the World Economy – tests of the conceptual structure.

Criteria 1. Title Page 2. Outline3. Abstract 4. Table of Contents 5. At least 10 Academic References (additional sources maybe used to complete this assignment) 6. 10 double-spaced pages, Times New Roman 12pt.font 6. Headings and Subheadings must be included within the paper APA Format required – both in-text citations as well as full references at the end of the paper. The topic may be developed in any way that you wish. Createan Outline that will then act as your Table of Contents.