

Paper details:

Write an essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each number item. There should be three sections, one for each item number below, as well the introduction (heading is the title of the essay) and conclusion paragraphs. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) citations in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment. Write an essay addressing the following prompts: Electronic health records (EHRs) are easier to read than the paper charts of the past, but many complain that healthcare providers are focusing too much on the computer screen instead of the patient. Is this due to lack of skill or training, poor computer system design, or just the nature of computer charting? Is patient care suffering from the implementation of EHRs? Charting in an EHR consist of clicking boxes, do you feel this provides enough detail about the patient, condition, and events if there was a law suit? Hebda, Hunter and Czar (2019) identify three types of data that is currently being tracked by organizations (p. 46). Identify and explain another type of data, specific to your practice, that is being tracked by an organization. Why do you feel this data is important to track? Identify and discuss the organization that is tracking the data. Are there any ethical concerns with an outside organization tracking this data, explain and give examples? In this week’s discussion post, you identified and explain the topic selected for the project. Provide a description of your selected topic based on input from the discussion forum. What is your project, why is it relevant to this class, and why is it important to you? Identify an informatics/healthcare theory from pages 29-30 of the textbook that aligns with the project and explain why. Assignment Expectations: Length: 500 words per essay prompt/each section (1500 total for this assignment) Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. All APA Papers should include an introduction and conclusion. References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims. Rubric: This assignment uses a rubric for scoring. Please review it as part of your assignment preparation and again prior to submission to ensure you have addressed its criteria at the highest level. Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) or a PDF document (.pdf) File name: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the module number (for example, “RHall Module 1.docx”) NOTE: Looking Ahead: Module 8 Signature Assignment – research and present a 7-12 minute presentation on a healthcare informatics topic of your choice. For this first week, determine the topic of your project and begin to look for scholarly sources for the topic. Each week you should be adding to your research. (See Module 8 for details of the assignment)

Compare and/or contrast two of the films

ESSAY PROMPT: Compare and/or contrast two of the films shown in their entirety in class using Cult Films terms and definitions. Make your analysis transcend plot comparisons and examine style. Please include the impact of each film’s respective decade and cultural geography in your study. Be detailed in your allusions to films and reading material within your paper. State your theme in your first paragraph and render your theme using clear thoughts to advance your argument. Give ample evidence rather than generalize. Proof read your paper for logic, spelling and grammar. Avoid lengthy summarizing of film plots to pad your paper. Make your concluding paragraphs concise, definite and connected to your strongest points. Surprise yourself, use footnotes/citations, and enjoy your original ideas. Straying from essay prompt or late essay submission will mean severe penalty. Place citations after page 4, on page 5

Film studies : Die hard the movie 1988

Identify one or two scenes or sequences in particular where you think that the editing in the film was especially notable either for enhancing or detracting from the cinematic storytelling. If you think that a given scene or sequence works particularly well, explain in what ways the editing is effective; if you think that a given scene or sequence fails to deliver a narrative moment, or otherwise compromises the movie, discuss how and why you find the editing to be problematic. You should consider breaking a scene down into some of its component shots to examine how the juxtaposition of certain shots interact with each other to deliver a narrative theme; or, conversely, how the shots don’t come together toward a narrative end and what results instead. Be sure to also name the types of cuts that are used. Are there jump cuts in the film? Graphic matches? If so, what impact do these have on the story? Think about the pacing of the movie and the compression of time. How does the narrative progress not only within a scene, but between scenes, and from one sequence to another? Are there pauses or breaks in the action, and what effect do those have for telling the story or creating a connection to characters? Remember that editing lends itself directly to the making of meaning in a film and that such meaning can be at once overt and subtle, conveying both a basic surface meaning, as well as a deeper social, cultural, psychological, or other intellectual meaning. These layered meanings may pertain just to the characters themselves and the story within the film, or they may also point outward, to the world beyond the film. Address any moments of montage that you recognize as transcending the movie itself, and how such examples help or hinder the story.

Recommendations : Social Networking and the Job Search in a Connected World

This is a team work, my part is the recommendations, please include 1 graphics. Integrate illustrations (infographics and other graphicbased on your research into your report . Please ensure all illustrations are labeled correctly, have descriptive captions, and are cited. Topic: Social Networking and the Job Search in a Connected World For this option, your team will be researching about finding a job in today’s connected world. Your final report will propose a personal branding strategy relevant to people in your career field. To this end, you will have to research social networking tools currently used by professionals to make their expertise known to companies looking to hire.

Political Philosophy

Your job is to read the paper guideline, paper criteria and additional materials such as link to the articles and presentation. The follow link below is what should read through. 1. 2. 3. 4.The Making of Black Lives Matter: A Brief History of an Idea Book by Christopher J. Lebron 5. **Note: Above are the link to the articles about segregation happened in 1960s until today…You also need to take a look at the power presentation I provided to you as well as again the paper guideline and the paper criteria.

Female Immigrant Sex Trafficked Victims and the Role of Mental Health Professionals Play In their Recovery

Female Immigrant Sex Trafficked Victims and the Role of Mental Health Professionals Play In their Recovery


Paper details:

Title: Female Immigrant Sex Trafficked Survivors and the role Mental Health Play in their Recovery “Topic Focus: Female Immigrant Victims/Survivors Sex trafficking “ Theme Historical Background of Human Sex Trafficking -Define SEX TRAFFICKING and HUMAN Trafficking, sexual exploitation etc. An overview of sex trafficking and its history and nature- define all terms Supply and Demand: Focus on Female Immigrants, and add some about the global stats of victims Recruitment of Immigrant Women, how are they being recruited? Focus in the United States but also add global stats for a complete overview Immigrant Trafficking Victims ABUSE- a. Physical Abuse b. Psychological Abuse c. Legal Abuse Factors Contributing why they are being trafficked? Focus on Immigrant women Contemplation of Leaving How do they leave? What is the Cycle after they leave? What Role do Mental Health professionals play in their recovery

Biological weapons

Biological weapons


Paper details:

Biological weapons: Choose a communicable disease and determine if it is possible for the disease to be weaponized. Based on your research, should the United States support research into biologically weaponized products? Why, or, why not? Defend your argument. PAPER INSTRUCTIONS & ASSIGNMENT RULES: PAPER INSTRUCTIONS • Select a topic from the list provided. • Using valid research, take a position based on the question being asked. • From your position and the question being asked, formulate a thesis statement. • Publish an argumentative essay supporting your thesis statement. • Follow the assignment, formatting, structure and section rules. ASSIGNMENT RULES • Papers WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED if they are submitted through email. Papers will be submitted in Moodle. • Late papers will be docked 10 points per day (including weekends). Due dates will be given in class, posted in Moodle and on the OFFICIAL course schedule. • Collaboration: Collaboration on this assignment is encouraged. Cadets are free to discuss their topics with one another, read each other’s papers, and offer suggestions. Any suggestions or ideas contributed by another Cadet must be acknowledged, just as you would acknowledge an idea taken from any other source. See Academic Dishonesty [Plagiarism] in the student handbook. • Use a minimum of three VALID references. See PAPER FORMAT, SECTIONS & STRUCTURE: PAPER FORMAT • Typed, double-spaced on standard-sized (8.5”x11”) paper with a 1” margin on all sides. • Use 12 point, Times New Roman font • Include a “running head” at the top of each page (see “General APA Guidelines” for guidance) MAJOR PAPER SECTIONS & STRUCTURE • Title Page (All text should follow the “Paper Format” section of these instructions.): o Should be typed in upper and lowercase letters, centered in the upper half of the page. o Titles should be no longer than two lines long. o The Title page should include: Title, Author’s Name (positioned below the title) and institutional affiliation (positioned below the author’s name). The institutional affiliation is Edgecombe Community College. • Abstract (All text should follow the “Paper Format” section of these instructions.): o Begin on second page. o Should include a “running head” o Should summarize the paper o Should not exceed 250 words (half a page) • Body (All text should follow the “Paper Format” section of these instructions.): o First Paragraph: Introductory paragraph which includes the thesis statement o Refutation Paragraph: Provide a paragraph of a refutation of the opposing view(s) to make your reader aware that you have considered but rejected it (them). The “Refutation Paragraph” may be placed as your second paragraph or as the paragraph just before your conclusion. o A minimum of three evidentiary paragraphs that support your position and thesis statement. o Final Paragraph: The final paragraph should be the conclusion. The conclusion should not introduce new information. It should be a synthesis of the information provided in the paper. Restate why the topic is important, review the main points and review your thesis. • References (All text should follow the “Paper Format” section of these instructions.): o In-Text Citations see o Basic Rules for Reference List see o Reference List Rules see Clicking “Next Resource” at the bottom of the webpage will give you more material

Literary Interpretation Paper : Compare attitudes about spirituality in the works of Flannery O’Connor and another writer of American Literature since 1900

choose one of the options in the paper details Literary Interpretation Paper Write a paper in which you engage in a thorough interpretation of a theme, idea or key social issue as presented by one of the texts read in our course. Or you may choose to compare how two texts by the same author treat the same theme/issue. Here are few possible examples of themes/issues you could investigate: Compare attitudes about spirituality in the works of Flannery O’Connor and another writer of American Literature since 1900 (this other writer does not have to be one of those covered within our course). Compare attitudes about the role of race in individual identity as discussed in the works of two writers we’ve read (such as Hughes, Cullen, Baldwin, etc). Compare how sexuality influences identity/self-perception in at least 2 works that we’ve read (Baldwin, Ginsberg, possibly Cather, etc). Interpret attitudes about sexuality, human nature, or relationship to the Divine in the works of Allen Ginsberg and/or another Beat poet. Compare authorial methods for making explicit social commentary via at least 2 short stories by different authors we’ve read. Interpret attitudes about death, mortality, and/or relationship to the Divine in at least 2 texts by an author we’ve read. Interpret attitudes about religion and/or death in the works of Robert Frost. Compare the poetic styles and major themes of 2 poets we’ve read whose styles/ideas can be seen as connected. Compare the portrayal of war’s effects in at least 2 works by authors we’ve read. Interpret The Zoo Story as intending to portray a specific social critique. You may connect/compare this to another text if so desired. Develop an interpretation of Beloved as making a modern-day critique about the effects of historical trauma Compare the ideas about family in at least 2 works by authors we’ve read. Compare the discussion of “the minority experience” in at least 2 texts that we’ve read. Compare how social identity affects self-perception in at least 2 texts we’ve read. Compare views on human nature in at least 2 works by authors we’ve read. You may choose to create your own thematic focus, but to do so you MUST submit your intended topic by the date indicated receive my approval of your topic. In this paper, you must use at least 3 secondary research sources (beyond the literary text you’re analyzing) to help build the case for your interpretation. Your research sources need to be useful, intelligent sources that fully meet the requirements of “legitimate academic sources.” In addition to this, of course, you must engage in significant close textual analysis of your chosen text. The key to this assignment is developing an original thesis statement regarding your interpretation of a text. Then use your own textual analysis as well as research (i.e. literary criticism) to investigate & ultimately “prove” your thesis. Key Requirements: The text of the essay itself must be at least 5 pages in length, double spaced, using a standard font size (Times New Roman 12), and 1 inch margins. In addition to the minimum of 5 pages, a title page and a Works Cited page should be included. The Interpretation Paper should be cited via MLA format, including in-text citations and a Works Cited Page (not included in the 5 page minimum). You will not earn a passing grade on this paper if your paper does not include research cited in MLA format. Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, phrasing, paragraph structure, and essay structure are expected and weigh enormously in the grading of your paper. In other words, if your paper is not well-written, you should not expect a passing grade. If ANY part of your paper is plagiarized, you will automatically fail the course. PLEASE do not make this mistake. There are no second chances or “do-overs” with this issue. If you don’t earn a passing grade (60% or above) on this paper, you can’t earn a grade higher than a “D” in our course. For more information on how to write a proper paper that uses research, please review the lessons on essay structure, thesis statements, use of research, incorporation of quotes, legitimacy of online sources, use of academic databases, and MLA format available on our course website.

Compare and Contrast the way that two different religious groups use art or dance in their approach to the divine

Description Compare and Contrast the way that two different religious groups use art or dance in their approach to the divine (e.g. some traditions embrace pictorial representations of the divine while others forbid such representations). These groups do not need to be from different broad religious traditions. How do the groups explain their stance on the arts, especially if they both draw upon the same textual traditions (e.g. both Judaism and Christianity use many of the same sacred texts)? Answer the question with a six page research paper, 12 point font double spaced. Please complete an outline. You should also have a minimum of four sources Finally you cannot have more than half of your research come from the internet. The exception to this is if you use a site like JSTOR, ALTA religion Database or EBSCO Host which are sites that store Journals electronically. These are fine as they are a means of searching through scholarly journals.

Ludwig Van Beethoven

Description Term Paper – This is a written report of 4-5 pages in length (typed with 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, double spaced, with top and bottom margins of 1 inch and side margins no larger than 1.25 inches).  For information on MLA citation and how to cite internally, consult the mla guide provided in the welcome module in Canvas. Please note: a bibliography alone is not enough documentation for a college level term paper. Thoughts within the paper taken from other sources, even if reworded, must be cited using internal citations. If you do not internally cite your sources it is considered plagiarism, as you are not giving the author credit for their intellectual property. A simple title will suffice, no need for class name. After which you should proceed with the content of your paper. NOTE: IF IT IS NOT AN ORIGINAL THOUGHT, IT MUST BE CITED! The report should include the following: When and where the composer was born, lived, and died Major influences in his or her artistic life Major compositions or texts written Other elements you deem important to the composer’s life and compositional output. Emphasis in your paper should be on the historical and musical impact of your chosen composer. Avoid theoretical analyses of the works of the composer, as that is far beyond the scope of this particular class. Biographical materials are available in both the Richland Community College LRC and the Decatur Public Library. You may also find recordings of each composer’s music at the public library. A good resource for beginning research is the New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, which may be found in the reference section of the LRC or the reference department at DPL. AT LEAST four sources should be used in writing the paper, with only two coming from the internet (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source!). The other sources must either be a book or an article from a scholarly journal.