Social responsibility

Texas is one of only a few states that elects judges in partisan elections. It has been suggested that perhaps this is not an appropriate way to choose judges, given the nature of their job. Discuss the problems that could occur when citizens elect judges in partisan elections, including campaign contributions, lack of minority representation on the bench, perceptions of fairness, and lack of knowledge on the part of the voters. No direct quotes are allowed

Keith Haring


1)Write about the artist Keith Haring 2) Begin doing research on the artist and the art movement(s) he or she is associated with. 3) Make sure to collect all the websites, titles of books, and or magazine articles you read. You should have at less four sources you are working from. 4) Write an 7-10 pages paper using APA style citations. In the paper you should focus on the artwork that your artist has made and the art movement he or she is affiliated with. You can also include information about his or her childhood, education, or other relevant personal information. 5) Follow steps a-i. a. The first page should be your title page. This should include a title and your full name. This should not be counted in the required 7 pages of text. The body of the paper b. Introduction – this should be a paragraph or two. c. Biographical information about your artists, such as where he or she was born, went to school, and other important facts about his or her life. All of this information MUST be cited because you will be finding this information out through research and copying it from a source. This should be 1-2 pages. d. Next, write about the art movement or movements your artist is associated with. You should explain what the movement was, such as the philosophy or ideas of the movement, when the movement started and ended, where it started, other artists that were in the movement, and how or why your artist is associated with the movement. Again, this information MUST be cited. This should be 1-2 pages. e. Next, pick two pieces of work created by your artists. f. Really examine the works deeply, and use one page to describe the first piece and one page to describe the second piece. This could include discussing such things as color, line, material, and the meaning of the work. To help you write this section, go back to the Getty Museum website and look at the principles of design and elements of art. This should be in your own words and should be around 2 pages. g. Next, compare and contrast the two works you chose. While this should be in your own words, you might find reviews or information about the work you selected. You may include it in this section; however, you Must cite the sources. This should be 1-2 pages. h. Next, write a conclusion to your paper. This should be a paragraph or two. You should now be at the bottom of page 7 or onto page 8 of the body of the paper. i. On the next page you should write a bibliography. This should be counted in the 7-10 pages. j. On the next page, after the bibliography, include images of the two works you described. These should not be counted in the 7-10 pages of text. 7) Use Blackboard as a tool to check your paper. Upload your paper to blackboard and check to see if anything is underlined. If anything is underlined rework that part of the paper or go back and cite that part and upload it again. Continue to do this until your paper will past the “plagiarism test.” This 7/24/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing 4/5 means the only things that are allowed to be underlined are direct or paraphrased quotations that are cited. However, for the length of this paper that should be no more than 5 to 10 lines of the entire paper. You should never have entire paragraphs that are cited. 8) Upload your paper one last time to Blackboard by the paper deadline. I will take off points for plagiarism, poor paper structure, misuse of grammar, misspelling, overall lack of information, and papers that are less than 7 full pages. I will give good grades to students that write clear, well organized papers, use their own ideas and interpretation of research, and focus most of the paper on the artist’s artwor

Doctoral Internship Essays

Description 4 Essays (500 words each) – a narrative thread should run through all four. (1) Autobiographical (2)Theoretical orientation (Behavioral Therapy, Family Systems, and Attachment Theory) (3) Diversity experience (Women of color/children with autism and developmental disabilities, men in forensic population) (4) Research interests (Disability Psychology, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intersectionality/Feminism, and Critical Race Theory/African American Psychology)

The formal report for problems of a lecture hall

You need to describe the problems of equipment of a lecture hall at a specific university.  You need to compare those problems to how the same problem is handled at one other college campuses or related venue which you need research by yourselves. Also, for this part, you only need to add the comparing part to the paragraph that you describe that problem as a resource. You only need one compare part. You mainly focus on writing the description of these current problems. Only one paragraph is necessary for proposing a specific, realistic plan to implement change based on your research. You must cite the interview and survey into this formal report. You must reference at least one credible secondary sources(you need to find by yourself) in this report. The formal report will be evaluated not only on the problem, research, and recommendations presented but also on your audience analysis. The problems are : (if you feel weak or not enough details or not enough problems, you can make up some possible problems and reasons.) The number of students has increased in the last few years. The arrangement of chairs in three classrooms of Wickson hall does not make sense. Two classrooms have too many chairs. Another classroom, not enough chairs. Too many chairs make each row very close. Unsafe to take quiz and test. It is easy for classmates to see each other answers. It is uncomfortable to sit. Too many chairs make classroom narrow and not that many students for one classroom. Because only three small size classrooms in this hall for discussion and small upper classes with a size of 30 people. The chairs are not fixed. People are moving those chairs make a mess. No printers in those three classrooms. Not convenience. The noise of putting projection screen down was loud and take too much time. The size of the projection screen is too small. The color of the lighting is not well, and it doesn’t have windows in three classrooms. No natural light because inside the hall. Always need to turn on the lights at 3 classrooms. The color of light made people fall in sleep and too yellow.

CEO of a Company

You are the CEO of a corporation that makes computer hard drives. The company made $50 million dollars in annual profit this year, after struggling for the 5 previous years. About 6,000 people are working for your company and about 80% of them are directly associated with the manufacturing plant. Workers at the plant have not received a salary raise for the past 5 years, and the workers union is demanding a salary raise this year. The company has an annual payroll of about $500 million dollars, with about 70% of it for the workers in the plant. Factory managers are asking for $25 million dollars to upgrade the equipment and improve the efficiency of the plant. White-collar workers in the head office claim that it is their strategy that turned the factory around and put it on the path to profit. Due to this reason, they think they deserve to get a big bonus. How do you allocate the profits to meet all these demands? Justify your decision.


The purpose of this assignment is to develop the ability to apply professional values, codes of ethics, and a decision-making model to the process of ethical decision making. Choose 1 of the ethical dilemmas below to read and analyze, applying the American Counseling Association’s (ACA) Decision-Making Model as outlined in the document, “A Practitioner’s Guide to Ethical Decision Making.” Divide the body of your paper—formatted in current APA style—into the steps outlined in the ACA document, making sure to address all questions for each section. The body of your paper must be 6–9 pages. Your paper must also include an abstract, title page, and reference page, all in current APA style. Your paper must be well-thought-out and demonstrate critical thinking. When you have completed your paper, save your paper as a Microsoft Word document under your name and assignment title (Example: Doe_J_Ethical_Decision-Making_Paper). Ethical Dilemma 1 Lakia, a counselor in a public high school, decides to start a “relationship skills” group for juniors and seniors. She posts an advertisement for the group in the school counseling office. Her advertisement provides minimal information, including the name of the group, the date and time of the first meeting, and the contact number of the school counseling office secretary. Lakia instructs the secretary for the school counseling office to admit the first nine students who call to enroll. The secretary adds students to the group as they call in, irrespective of the nature of their problems, their personal goals for the group, or their previous experience with groups. At the first meeting, nine students show up, including seven females and two males. Having never talked with or met the students before, Lakia begins by asking them to share why they have come to the group. One of the males, Robert, shares that he was new to the high school this year, and had just been released from a detention center after serving one year for domestic violence. Robert states that he has anger issues especially directed at women. At break, five of the females leave and do not return to the group. Robert breaks down in the group and states that he is going to kill himself when he gets home. Ethical Dilemma 2 John, a 7th grader, was referred to the school counselor by a teacher who said John expressed suicidal intentions because he is having some personal and family issues. The school counselor talks to John long enough to assess that he is at imminent risk of suicide. Since John is a minor, the school counselor contacts John’s parents and prints a resource list of community mental health counselors to give to them. Is this the best course of action, ethically and legally, on behalf of this student? Ethical Dilemma 3 Dan, a licensed professional counselor in a church-based practice, primarily sees relatively well-functioning clients. Dan does not believe he needs to keep client records because his practice is church-based and his clients are so well functioning. Dan reasons that if he was working in an agency setting, and seeing “really sick” clients, keeping records would be of benefit.

Mexico City Political Economy

Mexico City Political Economy

: Based on our readings and our field work you will produce short papers about a topic from the four main sections of the course. The papers must be an equal combination of readings with citations and bibliography. You should not use outside readings but focus on the assigned readings. Your papers must be at least five, double spaced pages long (Arial, 12 point font with one inch margins) with bibliography (abbreviated list of the assigned readings you used) attached after the written pages. Do NOT quote from the readings, use your own words. Short paper grading rubric: Paper grading rubric (based on syllabus instructions) A level paper: A solid analysis of a chosen topic which utilizes course readings and field work observations in equal parts. The chosen topic is incorporated into one of the 4 main fields of the course: culture/society, politics/economy, urban geography, environment. Excellent use of graphics and illustrations that are appropriate and enhance the analysis in the paper. Citations throughout the paper with a bibliography in the back, mostly referring to the assigned readings. Grammar and spelling are perfect as is the prescribed style of the paper.

Play therapy

Play therapy 1. Tell who is being interviewed and what the topic is about. 2. Give a detailed summary of what is discussed. 3. Tell how pertinent the video is to the topic being discussed in our class (elementary school counseling) 4. Tell how this video influenced your thinking about the topic, if it is new to you tell what you learned. 5. Tell how you can use this information in the future. 6. Compare the video information to what our text/s has to say about the topic. Write an additional paragraph comparing the techniques/methods of two different types of play therapy.

Chemical Dependency

For this assignment, you will be asked to abstain from a mood-altering chemical, alcohol, substance, type of food, or activity for 7 days. Examples of mood-altering chemicals include sugar, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, etc. An activity can include things like watching television, spending time on the computer, not using social media, not watching YouTube videos, not texting, not swearing, something related to your daily routine, etc. Another option for this assignment is to incorporate a new daily activity such as implementing a diet, exercise routine, practicing something related to daily self-care, or another behavioral modification. Please choose something that is challenging for you to abstain from as this will help you in working with this population much more than if you choose something that is easy to change. The purpose of this proposed abstinence is to assist you in understanding what individual entering treatment experience in their recovery. You are to develop a plan for dealing with the difficulties of abstinence, including the possibility of relapse. Please remember that you WILL NOT be graded on your success or failure in abstaining but on your growth in understanding yourself and understanding the multifaceted issues involved in addictions. It is very important that you make your best effort to abstain for the full week. Please keep a journal to track your symptoms of the following dimensions that we will discuss later in the semester. This is a comprehensive list to provide you with things to think about, but do you not have to cover every question listed. The ASAM Criteria uses six dimensions to create a holistic, biopsychosocial assessment of an individual to be used for service planning and treatment across all services and levels of care. It is important to understand the differences between the six dimension that are used to record a client’s progress in treatment and/or recovery. The six dimensions are: DIMENSION 1: ACUTE INTOXICATION AND/OR WITHDRAWAL POTENTIAL Did you experience any of the following symptoms? PSYCHOLOGICAL • VARIABLE ENERGY • CONFUSED • INDIFFERENT • RESTLESSNESS • SADNESS • MOOD SWINGS • LOW ENTHUSIASM • DEPRESSED • NERVOUSNESS • SLUGGISH • NOSTALGIC RECALL • ANXIETY • VARIABLE CONCENTRATION • DISTURBED SLEEP • HAVING USING DREAMS • TENSE • HAVING NIGHTMARES • IRRITABILITY • DISCONNECTED • DISTRACTED • PANICKED • UNMOTIVATED • PARANOIA • TIREDNESS • ANGRY • FOGGY • RACING THOUGHTS • WANT TO LEAVE • AGITATION PHYSICAL • FATIGUE • HEADACHES • MUSCLE ACHES • SENSITIVITY TO PAIN • LOSS OF INTEREST • CLAMMY • FEELING COLD • HYPERSOMNIA • NAUSEA • TREMORS • INCREASE IN APPETITE • DIARRHEA • FIDGETY • INSOMNIA • RASH • WEAKNESS • ITCHY EYES • DRY MOUTH • LOSS OF APPETITE • LETHARGY • SWEATING • VOMITING • RUNNY NOSE How would you rate your cravings on each day on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the strongest? What would you say were the strongest triggers associated with your cravings? Did you substitute your selection with something else? DIMENSION 2: BIOMEDICAL CONDITIONS AND COMPLICATIONS Do you have any medical conditions that were negatively or positively impacted by your abstinence? Did you have any difficulty sleeping throughout the week? How was your appetite throughout the week? How was your energy level throughout the week? How was your ability to care for yourself during your period of abstinence?

Technology integrated online education & students online testing plan

Build a plan that addresses these 5 questions below? The plan needs to be for educators K-5 to help transition to more integrated technology and online assessments for students which is where the state of Texas is moving. Identify relative advantage for teachers and students to integrate online education & online testing for students? Create a concrete plan of action to transform to online testing for students? Create a flowing activity sequence of instruction for teachers to integrate online testing for K-5 students? Include Online test taking strategies for K-5 students? Analyze results and make revisions integration plan- Who, What When & How often