Technology: Do you depend on it or Are you distracted by Technology

This essay will be common ground essay. COMMON GROUND ESSAY Example INTRODUCTION The introduction indicates why the topic is interesting, important dedicated to a complex social issue. Some background information about the issue to put your topic in context is needed. Present an overview of both sides of the issue. State your research question (it may change slightly in draft stage):  Present information in a neutral tone detailing the background and importance of the issue:  Present both positions of the issue:   NOTE: The introduction can potentially be up to 3 paragraphs in length. B ODY : Here you will write and support the audience’s position as well as the writer’s position. In order to write a longer essay, you will need to divide the paper into multiple sections. **Each section should have a clear focus; each paragraph within each section should have a purpose; make claims which are supported by research, and sound analysis with commentary as to relevance.  S ECTION O NE : Audience position  S ECTION T WO : Writer’s position  S ECTIONS T HREE : Common Ground  S ECTION F OUR : Solutions for mutual compromise S ECTION O NE Paragraph One:


Analysis of the different dimensions in conceptualizing the PHISHING VICTIMISATION AVOIDANCE approaches such as adopted theories affect the dimensions of PHISHING VICTIMISATION AVOIDANCE , analysis also covered other contributing factors such as the objective of the study, studies..on the following table “- Focus(Dimensions) — Factors—Methods used —- theories used– number of partespents —– Future studies

Outliers Reflection

This Reflection Assignment is based on the book Outliers- the Story of Success. The goal of this assignment is for you to reflect on the ideas and concepts discussed by Gladwell and how they might relate to your own personal experience either at Seneca, or at home, work, or play. It is important that your answers reflect on the actions you might take based on your reading of the text. Outliers Introduction Through a series of case studies, Gladwell insists that most people believe a myth that successful people are always self-made however the reality is that most successful people have had various hidden advantages. These factors have been linked to success in terms of how individuals learn about and make sense of the world around them. Gladwell defines an “Outlier” as “a person out of the ordinary that doesn’t fit the traditional definition of success” (Gladwell, page). He concludes that great people and success are linked to concepts of specialization, collaboration, time, place and culture. In proper paragraph format (no headings or bullets), select two of the following topics in which you define the term with an example from the book and explain how it might assist you in reaching your goals during your studies at Seneca College. Reflection must 3-5 pages (double spaced) in length with font no larger than 12 point and margins no larger than 1 inch. Please use proper MLA referencing format. 1. What is an “Accumulative Advantage”? – page 30 2. Do you believe success is due more to inborn talent or deliberate practice? (Page 38) 3. What is “Practical Intelligence”? (Page 101) 4. What is Power Distance Index? When is a high PDI good and when is Low PDI an advantage? (Page 204) For both topics you decide to discuss, you must highlight at least three ways each of these concepts has an impact on your success at Seneca College and beyond. Take into account the dynamics of working in groups as the nature of employment is becoming more collaborative. Be sure to be specific and diverse in the examples you use. How do you see an understanding and awareness of your strengths and challenges in these domains shaping your future success both professionally and personally?

Relationships of Dependency

There are Four Part to Essays. You will be answering questions after watching a video clip.1 pages paper per questions( single- spaced) . Please also read the questions and instructions carefully. Please copy the following link and paste and you will have access to the video.  1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss (answer) the questions posed in four essays. ESSAY #1: “Relationships of Dependency” In 500-1,000 words, discuss “relationships of dependency.” Address what this term means and how it applied to African Americans’ ability to achieve economic independence. What options were available to African Americans in southern cities and rural areas? How did social inequality contribute to relationships of dependency? How were those relationships maintained during the Jim Crow era? What was the economic relationship of those unequal relationships? Use specific individuals and/or families and their circumstances from the documentary as examples to illustrate your discussion. ESSAY #2 – African American Education In 500-1,000 words, discuss school life for African Americans in the South during the late-1800s to the early 1900s. What was the purpose of education, according to differing philosophies and models, and who were their proponents? What is the difference between “vocational” and “cultural schooling”? What were the advantages/disadvantages of each? Did white Southerners prefer one over the other? Why? How difficult was it to find funding to keep African American schools operating? What did the community and/or individuals do to acquire the necessary funds? Use specific individuals and/or families and their circumstances from the documentary as examples to illustrate your discussion.

Close-Reading Art

For this assignment, please closely observe the artwork that you are writing about. If it’s a movie, watch the whole thing.

If it’s a painting, just look at it closely and observe. If it’s a TV show, watch at least two episodes. In a list, make at least five observations of choices that the creators have made, that serve as strong evidence towards your critic’s opinion of that artwork, and say why; and five more observations of choices that contradict the critic’s opinion and say why. For example, Emily Nussbaum thinks that Sex and the City is a bold, groundbreaking show. The choice that the creators made, to have Carrie get married to Big at the end, contradicts Nussbaum’s argument by falling into a romantic comedy cliche.

For another example, the fact that the princesses in Frozen are both thin, white, and conventionally beautiful, just like every other Disney princess, serves as strong evidence for Carina Chocano’s argument that the movie isn’t really groundbreaking or feminist. After you’ve made your list, put together a 500+ word “close reading” of the artwork that analyzes whether, from your perspective, the critic is right about it. This corresponds with Section 3 of your essay that we’re working on (Essay #2).

Civil War

Was the Civil War an inevitable conflict? If so, at what point did it become inevitable? Be specific, citing the point (or points) in history where the war became inevitable and explaining why that point produced an inevitable result. If not, what could have been done to avoid the war? Be specific, citing particular points in American history prior to 1865 where the historical actors could have changed the course of history and why that action might have averted the war.

Research Methodology & Analysis Report

Overview: Using the research question and hypotheses you developed in your Module 5 Literature Review assignment, write a report outlining the type data you would collect, how you would collect it, and how you would analyze it. The primary purpose of this Research Methodology Assignment is to give you experience in determining appropriate research methods to be used with the research question and hypotheses you have posed and with the type of data you would need to collect to answer your question. Your report must contain the sections indicated in the assignment instructions, and APA formatting standards must be followed throughout. Assignment Instructions: Your report must contain the following sections. (Use these sections as headings in your paper.) Study Design – This is an overview section that includes information from your previous assignments. You should repeat the research question and hypotheses from your literature review assignment here, then briefly tell what type of study you would do, what type of data you would collect, and summarize how you would collect and analyze the data. Most of these points are covered in more detail in later sections. Population and Sample – This is a short section describing the population for your report, your sample, and how your sample will be selected. Variables and Measures – Describe the variables in your study. Indicate whether they are independent, dependent, moderating, or intervening. Describe the relationship between the variables. Tell how they will be measured. Data Collection Methods – Tell what kind of data you need to collect and how, where, and when you will collect the data. If you plan to use a survey or questionnaire, include a copy of that instrument in an appendix to your report. Also, include a copy of your cover letter for your survey. If you plan to interview, tell if it would be structured or unstructured and why. If it is a structured interview, include the questions you would ask in an appendix to the report. Data Analysis Methods – Describe the techniques you will use to analyze the data. Indicate why you selected those methods and why they are appropriate. You must be specific and detailed in identifying and justifying the processes and statistical tests you will use in the analysis of your data. References – Your report must contain a reference section that includes all sources in your paper. References must be in APA format.

Commercial Script Writing and Argumentation Essay

Commercial Script Writing and Argumentation Essay/ Research Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Paper Guidelines Link: Through out this course we’ve learned that we live in a world of persuasion. We see the use of rhetoric everywhere we turn. Politicians, advertising, music videos and printed media all use rhetoric to convince us how to vote, what to purchase, who to aspire to, or to conform to a particular concept of beauty etc. This course has taught you how to identify the use of appeals (logos, pathos, ethos), articulate the nuances of gaze, and the various tactics others employ to attempt to persuade us and those around us. In this 6-page paper you will create a unique piece of persuasion; a commercial for a product that already exists. You will be the rhetor, you will create the text, and you will determine your own audience. You have full control over the rhetorical triangle. Your second task will be to then prove that your piece of persuasion is in fact effective by comparing it to 4 other academic sources and demonstrating how your work is as or more effective as the pieces that you have researched. You must use scholarly research to support your claims of why your piece of persuasion is effective by using at least 4 academic sources other than your textbook to support your argument. Show me how your work is more successful than other similar works of persuasion. How do you utilize appeals? How did you target your audience more effectively? How is your use of gaze more powerful? Show me with your examples and analysis. This is an essay therefore your paper should meet the following standards: MLA format 6 complete pages 4 outside scholarly sources No more than 2 pages describing your piece of persuasion. The rest should be analysis. Remember, the task is to discuss and analyze how it is persuasive. Thesis statement Topic sentences The goal for this paper is to demonstrate your mastery of rhetoric, so I will expect you to use various rhetorical techniques. If you do not, your grade will be impacted. This means that if your paper only discusses Aristotle’s appeals, then it will not receive a passing grade.

Benchmark – Network Threat Identification

Benchmark – Network Threat Identification


Paper details:

This assignment serves to benchmark competency 1.4: Evaluate the appropriate security solutions required to design a security architecture. To properly defend a given network, Cyber Security Specialists have to be able to identify threats as they appear on a network in order to mitigate their longstanding affects, should they go undetected. Using a free timeline creator of your choice (must have download capabilities), create a timeline that outlines the history and evolution of cybersecurity threats. Be sure that the timeline includes the following: A history of viruses, malware, and other recurring software enigmas A history and explanation of the birth of ransomware The evolution of firewalls and other network security defense systems The initiation of white hat vs. black hat hacking The evolution of tools (software and hardware) used to mitigate cybersecurity threats The historical exploits affecting current security architecture and deployment Then, in a 250- to 500-word document, explain how the evolution of cybersecurity threat solutions and cybersecurity laws affect security architecture and design. Provide supporting rationales with concrete evidence.

Effects and Cause of Immigration

Research Question: What causes people to immigrate, and how does it effect the host nations economically and security? REFERENCES: Alexseev, Mikhail A. Immigration phobia, and the security dilemma: Russia, Europe, and the United States. Cambridge University Press, 2006. Alkopher, Tal Dingott, and Emmanuelle Blanc. “Schengen area has shaken: the impact of immigration-related threat perceptions on the European security community.” Journal of international relations and development 20, no. 3 (2017): 511-542. Collado, M. Dolores, Inigo Iturbe-Ormaetxe, and Guadalupe Valera. “Quantifying the impact of immigration on the Spanish welfare state.” International Tax and Public Finance 11, no. 3 (2004): 335-353. Constant, Amelie, and Klaus F. Zimmermann. “Immigrant performance and selective immigration policy: a European perspective.” National Institute Economic Review 194, no. 1 (2005): 94-105. Karyotis, Georgios. “European migration policy in the aftermath of September 11: The security–migration nexus.” Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 20, no. 1 (2007): 1-17. Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. Economic impacts of immigration: A survey. No. w16736. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011. Lee, Ronald, and Timothy Miller. “Immigration, social security, and broader fiscal impacts.” American Economic Review, 90, no. 2 (2000): 350-354. Reitz, Jeffrey G. Warmth of the welcome: The social causes of economic success in different nations and cities. Routledge, 2018. PLEASE FOLLOW DETAILS: Thesis Proposal: Your title page should include the working title of your thesis, your name, and your working abstract. The abstract includes the following components: purpose of the research, methodology, findings, and conclusion. The body of the abstract is limited to 150-200 words Introduction: The introduction is where you identify your specific research question and where you set the general context for the study. In this section you need to include: a statement of the problem or general research question and context leading to a clear statement of the specific research question; background and contextual material justifying why this case or topic should be studied; and a purpose statement. Literature Review: This short preliminary literature review section reviews the literature important to your specific research question. The literature review focuses on discussing how other researchers have addressed the same or similar research questions. It introduces the study and places it in larger context that includes a discussion of why it is important to study this case. It provides the current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to your specific research question. In this section you should: Summarize the general state of the literature (cumulative knowledge base) on the specific research question. For example if you discuss other studies that have been conducted you would summarize the researcher’s findings, how those findings were obtained, and conduct an evaluation of biases in the findings. This section should provide a broad overview of the primary arguments related to the topic and organizes the general views on the main aspects of the topic by theme, which could be the prevailing arguments or schools of thought, or commonly held beliefs that your particular topic may challenge. Include a short conclusion and transition to the next section.