Kennedy Krieger Institution (Pact)

PACT’s MISSION: World of care is a fully accredited therapeutic and medical childcare center that promotes the social, emotional, physical and educational development of all children, including those with complex health care needs. PACT’s VISION: To provide exceptional holistic care for all children PACT PHILOSOPHY: World of Care supports the holistic development of all children through a play-based and child-directed curriculum grounded in the tenets of the Creative Curriculum: Responsive daily routines; Creating rich and responsive Environments; Supporting Meaningful experiences through exploration and discovery; and Partnering with Families. “I have been doing my internship as teacher assistance, helping the teacher in their daily activities like feeding the toddlers and pre-school children, doing their school activities, playing with them or helping them during OP/PT time. I have also got the chance to go to different facilities like high school to observe and evaluate the daycare facilities with my supervisor. I have also got chance to go to observe at the child life therapy center where I got chance to see one case where one child was brought there who could only say “yes or no but after staying at their facilities he can say what he has in his home, he can also talk to PT/OT very well and follow their instruction. It is very amazing to see all those changes. While working at the Pact, I have learned that I am very passionate about helping the kids with special needs. My supervisor, the school teacher, and the kids have taught me so much. One of the biggest activities/Project I did was planning, organizing the Toy Lending Library where I had some free staffs for the pre-school children to take away, we also had some lending toys for them to lend and bring it back. Plus we had some fliers for IEP children. The main reason we did this project was to build the relationship between the parents and the kids. We also wanted those children to get the staffs they could not have at their home. The project went very well because it involves the parents as well as kids who used their motor skills through (Crayons), their knowledge like what they need for their school by choosing the thing they like, they also show their interest and their intelligence by playing/using the blocks games.”

Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 6, 10 of Understanding Politics: Ideas,Institutions, and issues 12TH Edition Thomas M. Magstadt Lesson Instructions- Aristotle defined tyranny as an illegitimate form of government by one individual that tightly controlled every part of life and government. Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tyrant. Using a totalitarian society from the past or present, discuss how the state and its leader attempt to impede citizens from exercising their rights. In your discussion, explain some components of an “ideal citizen,” consequences of voter apathy, and ways the state controls the citizen. Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 1.5-2 pages (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

Network plan Proposal

In this section, address each of the following. A. Define the network topology that will be used and justify the decision.

B. Select the appropriate cables and connectors and justify the decision. Describe where wired connections will be used within or across the two new academic buildings and justify the decision. Students must use both wired and wireless technologies. o Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

C. Select the appropriate networking and internetworking hardware for each building, and justify the decision. o Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

D. Select the appropriate Wide Area Network (WAN) design and wireless configuration, and justify the decision. Students must use both wired and wireless technologies. o Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs.

E. Select the appropriate computer systems hardware to use to support the faculty, students, and overall network design; and justify the decision(s). o Student should be specific when discussing the models, types, and costs. Students will find the majority of information working through the TestOut LabSim labs. Students should seek additional information to include in each submission as described in the overview by searching scholarly journals and other credible sources as appropriate. Reputable technical websites can be considered a credible source, but make sure to include at least two scholarly sources for each part of the Network Design Proposal.

Corporate crime and Occupational crime

Instructions : Conduct an Internet search on corporate crime and occupational crime Find a current article on either type of crime (Can be informational or regarding a committed occupational/corporate crime) Provide a summary of the article Differentiate between occupational and corporate crime, and discuss their relative impact on society. Requirements : A minimum of 2 full pages of content (not including any title page or citation page) Must include a citation of your article at the end of your paper a. Example: Last, F. M. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Retrieved from URL. 12 point font double spaced

Budgeting and Variance Analysis

Budgeting is an important activity within every health care organization. The particular challenges encountered, however, can vary depending on the type of organization. A state or federally funded organization, for example, will likely have a budget that is allocated to it, and it needs to follow specific guidelines on how the money can be used. A for-profit organization, by contrast, will typically have more influence and flexibility in setting up its budget and making choices on matters such as how much to spend on marketing, patient care, or incentives for employees. In addition to preparing budgets, as a health care administrator, you must also be able to evaluate whether or not you have achieved your budget using variance analysis. This is important because variance analysis measures the differences between the budget and actual results, and provides administrators with a starting point for correcting financial performance. For this Assignment, you conduct a variance analysis for a health care organization. Determine the total variance between the planned and actual budgets for Surgical Volume. Is the variance favorable or unfavorable? Determine the total variance between the planned and actual budgets for Patient Days. Is the variance favorable or unfavorable? Determine the service-related variance for Surgical Volume. Determine the service-related variance for Patient Days. Prepare a flexible budget estimate. Present a side-by-side budget, flexible budget estimate, and the actual Surgical Revenues. Prepare a flexible budget estimate. Present a side-by-side budget, flexible budget estimate, and the actual Patient Expenses. Determine what variances are due to change in volume and what variances are due to change in rates. Zelman, W. N., McCue, M. J., Glick, N. D., & Thomas, M. S. (2014). Financial management of health care organizations: An introduction to fundamental tools, concepts and applications (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Chapter 5, “Working Capital Management” (pp. 209–243) Chapter 10, “Budgeting” (pp. 465–493) Chapter 11, “Responsibility Accounting” (pp. 521–544) Chapter 12, “Provider Cost-Finding Methods” (pp. 551–571) Esquibell, T., & Spivey, K. (2015, 01). Budgeting best practices. Health Facilities Management, 28(1), 22–25.

The importance for nurses to understand the basic principles of research.

For the introduction paragraph section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words : The need for nursing research. The importance for nurses to understand the basic principles of research. The purpose of your paper. For the quantitative research section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): The importance of quantitative research. One type of quantitative design; explain one important feature of this type of design. How quantitative research can help improve nursing practice. For the qualitative research section, your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): The importance of qualitative research. One type of qualitative design; explain one important feature of this type of design. How qualitative research can help improve nursing practice. For the research sampling section, your learning using mostly your own words: What is sampling and why is sampling important. One sampling strategy used in quantitative research. One other sampling strategy that you learned. For the credible nursing practice section, your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): How research can help to make nursing practice safer. Why research is critical for creating an evidence-based nursing practice. For the conclusion section, summarize your learning using mostly your own words (see the grading rubric for details): Short, concise, thorough summary of the main points of the paper. Double check your work with the grading rubric to ensure you have met all grading criteria for this assignment. Two or more supporting scholarly references are required. Textbooks are not allowed and should not be used as a scholarly source. Use the Chamberlain Library to locate relevant, scholarly sources. No more than two direct quotes are allowed. You should be using mostly your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the topics/criteria for this assignment. Citations and references must be included. This is a short, scholarly paper. The assignment should be 3-4 pages in length not including the title page and references page. Submit the completed assignment on the Week 5: Assignment page. References American Association of Colleges of Nurses (AACN). (2008). Executive summary: The essentials of baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice (2008). Retrieved from Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). (2018). QSEN knowledge, skills, and attitude competencies. Retrieved from

How to install virtualization software and install a Linux based server

Write a summary of Install virtualization software and install a Linux based server. You will then write a summary of the experience that follows the outline provided. A. Virtualization 1.Explain the virtualization software requirements. 2.Explain the advantages of virtualization. 3.Discuss distributed systems. 4.Description of the process for installing virtualization software (using Oracle VirtualBox (or the software you currently use for virtualization.) B. Multi-Tasking OS 1.Discuss the benefits of multi-tasking to an end user. 2.Describe what processes are and how they working in a modern OS. 3.Explain what single-stack means. C. Hardware and Software 1.Select and download a Linux server distribution. Explain how this distribution fits into the four generations of operating systems. Provide specific examples. 2.Explain how the virtualization software provides the key hardware for the operating system using virtualization software and the Linux server distribution chosen. 3.Install the selected Linux distribution in the virtualization. D. Perform Basic Installation 1.Memory and Storage i) Explain the purpose and type of memory provided by the virtualization software/host computer and how much will be required by the VM to function adequately. ii) Describe type of data storage that will be used by the Virtual Machine that you are installing and how that compares with a type commonly used a decade ago. 2. Intro to File Systems using your chosen Linux distribution i) Using your newly installed VM and video capturing, demonstrate how to navigate directories, manage files, and directories. VirtualBox provides the capabilities to capture video using the webm format. You may find compatible players here:

Diasporic media

Task Description ● Choose (only) one of the topics below ● Identify a relevant example of media which allows you to explore the issues or concepts implicated by the question. ● Research the existing academic literature on your topic, concepts and example. ● Offer a response to the question that critically analysis the trends and issues involved with your topic. Research Questions 1. Analyse an example of diasporic media. Are the identities and values implied in that media anchored in an original homeland? In what ways might they be transnational and/or multilocal? 2. Research and discuss a recent localised version of a television format program. What is the balance of global and local culture in that particular rendition of the format? How might the term cultural hybridity apply to help us understand your case study? 3. Choose an example of globally available journalism. Does it promote the ethics of cosmopolitanism? Why or why not? 4. Research and discuss the role of participatory media in relation to a particular social movement or situation of social unrest. How should we understand what role, if any, new media technologies might play in this context? Assessment Criteria: ● Demonstrate a deep understanding of the core arguments and concepts from one of the topics in the course ● Demonstrate an ability to apply academic theory and concepts in the critical analysis of a specific example of global media. ● Be able to express your ideas clearly in writing in a manner that engages the reader and presents a rigorous argument in your response to the selected essay question ● Be able to reference your ideas using the Harvard in-text referencing style.

Why might defensiveness hinder effective communication When faced with criticism how can you respond non-defensively

Each question to be answered in 250 words. Text book Looking Out, Looking In 15th Edition 1) Select one of your friendships (past or present) and discuss where the friendship falls in the categories: youthful vs. mature, long-term vs. short-term, relationship oriented vs. task oriented, high-disclosure vs. low-disclosure, high-obligation vs. low-obligation, and frequent contact vs. occasional contact. Give at least one example of why you selected what you did. 2) Why might defensiveness hinder effective communication? When faced with criticism how can you respond non-defensively? 3) How do you handle conflict in your life? In Chapter 12 of your textbook, there is a list of “Crazymakers”. Which ones have you found yourself using? Which one do you recognize in a friend, co-worker or significant other?

Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 to Beethoven Symphony

 Music Study Comparison Report


Paper details:

Two pieces to compare for the music study report: Grieg: Peer Gynt, Suite No. 1 to Beethoven Symphony #5 first movement Identify: – The full titles of the pieces – The composers’ full names, birth and death dates, and nationalities – The years when the pieces were written and where they fall within the composers’ lifetimes. Compare: Juxtapose the two pieces using these criteria: – instrumentation – form – harmony – tempo – meter – texture – style period – text (if any) – absolute or programmatic meaning – sacred or secular orientation Evaluate: What do you perceive to be the strengths or weaknesses in each piece from an aesthetic point of view? This will involve subjective judgment on your part, but please use examples to support your opinions.