EMI Records

Determine where the cost will be affected from the assumptions on the balance sheet Assumption 1. In 2023 Emi will generate revenue by using virtual reality technology to engage in the younger customers who use wearable products like apple and the Apple watch. Assumption 2. In 2022 EMI music publishing area will focus on delivering AI technology to up and coming artist international where they can developing better production capabilities.

Women author’s in the 17th and 18th centuries Narrowed topic: The reality in women authors lives affected their writing

Description Thesis: Even though women authors in the 17th and 18th centuries had to face many obstacles, they pushed forward and put their pens to paper. A five-page (typed double-spaced) comprehensive research paper on one of the list of topic choices. Topic choices are listed under “Assignments” on Canvas. By the end of the fifth week, submit a brief typed paragraph stating your topic, your thesis (position) statement, and the authors and/or works that you might include in your bibliography. The research paper must be original to this course (not written for another course or previously submitted), and it must deal specifically with some aspect of women’s literature that this course covers. This is not to be a book report or an author biography.

Social Behavior is Goal Oriented – Research Paper O

In the capstone course, you will create a research proposal. To assist you in the creation of that proposal, you have decided on a research topic and begun collecting empirical studies to support the need for research. Your topic must relate to a basic social psychological principle; however it can fall into one of the applied subfields (forensic psychology, psychology of religion, industrial organization, health psychology, etc.). For this assignment you will begin analyzing the current research around your chosen topic.

Using the empirical articles you have collected thus far, compare the current research for your chosen topic, in 1,250-1,500 words. The following information will assist in the analysis of the literature: 1. Introduction: This section should include your research question with a brief explanation of why the research is needed.

2. Compare and analyze the literature in the articles collected. 3. Compare the limitations of the studies you have collected. 4. A conclusion that includes how your research will add to the current field of research. Prepare a document that includes your research question(s), including how your research will add to the current research in your chosen field (from your Topic 3 assignment). Your document will include five scholarly, peer reviewed, empirical studies from the past 5 to 7 years. This section should include APA formatted citations for each article, including permalink or doi number. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

The Institution of Lynching

In 500-1,000 words, discuss why increased numbers of African Americans were lynched. What is the difference between lynching and murder? How were lynchings typically documented? How did the press cover lynchings? Ida B. Wells’ pamphlet LYNCH LAW IN GEORGIA used the reporting of Atlanta newspapers which covered a series of lynchings in Georgia. Read the pamphlet: Lynch Law in Georgia by Ida B. Wells: text on website (Links to an external site.) (http://hierographics.tripod.com/IdaBWells-Barnett/LynchLawinGeorgia.html) (Links to an external site.) or downloadable PDF of original text as a pamphlet (Links to an external site.). (https://ia600502.us.archive.org/30/items/lynchlawingeorgi00well/lynchlawingeorgi00well.pdf) When did the lynching of Sam Wilkes occur? How long did it take for Ida Wells and her Chicago group to prepare this account for the press? What, reports the detective, was the response of whites in Newman when asked about Sam Wilkes’ motives for the murder? What does the detective say about claims that Sam Wilkes assaulted Mrs. Cranston? Who does the detective claim was complicit in the lynching of Wilkes? How does the detective’s accounts of the lynchings of Rev. Strickland and the shooting of the five African American men in Palmeto compare to the newspaper accounts given earlier in the pamphlet? How often were the victims of lynching the apparent subjects of mistaken identity? What seems to have been the purpose behind torturing the victims of lynching? Why were federal anti-lynching bills annually defeated in Congress?

Workflow Redesign

Current-state workflow models and gap analyses often reveal workflow issues and inefficiencies. These issues and inefficiencies (gaps) help nurse informaticists determine possible directions for improvements and revisions. These possibilities help inform the creation of a future-state workflow, in which the gaps in the current-state workflow are addressed. In Part 3 of the Course Project, you will apply what you have learned about workflow throughout this course by redesigning the current-state workflow. Using the information obtained from your gap analysis and current-state workflow model, you will create a future-state workflow model that provides a solution to the workflow issues you have identified. Your future-state workflow model MUST be tied to meaningful use and, therefore, MUST involve either implementing a new electronic health record (EHR) or revising an existing EHR. To prepare for Part 3 of the Course Project: Review the results of your gap analysis and your Visio model of the current-state workflow (Part 2 of the Course Project). Reflect on the most significant issue revealed by your gap analysis and Visio workflow model. Identify possible EHR-related solutions to this workflow issue. Select one solution that relates to EHRs and meaningful use. Begin developing a new Visio workflow model that incorporates the solution you selected. This model does not need to be extremely complicated, but it must clearly show how your EHR solution fits into the workflow. Outline a use case that illustrates the details of each step in your future-state workflow in a real-world scenario. Consider the organizational changes that would be necessary to make the transition from the current-state to the future-state workflow. For example, how would organizational and departmental buy-in be obtained, and how would training and support for staff be provided? Examine possible implementation strategies for integrating your redesigned workflow into the current workflow. To complete Part 3 of the Course Project: Create a Visio model of the future-state workflow, clearly illustrating the solution you would implement to address the gaps in the current-state workflow. Then, in a 3- to 4-page paper, respond to the following: Explain the proposed solution you selected, how it addresses the major gap you identified in the current-state workflow, and how it is related to meaningful use. Create a detailed use case of a real-world scenario that shows the steps of the future-state workflow you developed. Outline the major steps and organizational changes that would be necessary to transition from the current-state to the future-state workflow. Explain one potential implementation strategy that would be useful for this project. Justify the strategy’s appropriateness for your workflow and practice setting. In a reference list, cite a minimum of three scholarly references (with APA citations) that you used to identify your solution, write your use case, and outline the organizational process for transitioning from the current to the future state.


Create either a 2- to 4-minute podcast, a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, a 1- to 2-minute video, or other presentation on the interaction and influence among leadership tactics according to the following criteria: Explain power and compare how it relates to leadership Analyze the five sources of power Summarize the relationship between influence and power Determine how relationships between leaders and staff affect influence and power Cite a minimum of two references other than the text. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Ethical Considerations in Your Research GMO products

The topic is on GMO products. What are the ethical considerations in my research. In this discussion: State your research topic and purpose. State your research question(s). List and label the variables as independent, dependent, intervening, or moderating. State your hypothesis. Describe the potential ethical issues that you would need to consider in conducting your research. Be specific in rating the issues to the details of your study. Describe how you would address the identified ethical issues.

Leaderships & ethic social responsibility

Leaderships & ethic, social responsibility Academic Level : Bachelor Paper detail

The paper will be a focus on researching in the banking industry about how upper leaders and followers misbehave in their position. In this paper, I needed to provide with some solutions and recommendations to resolve the ethical problems such as coaching/ training the employee’s behavior, emphasized and implementing the company’s rules, and knowing the results if they don’t follow. I will be providing 5 articles that I found online, please use those as reference. Indian Banking Industry: Challenges And Opportunities Dr. K.A. Goyal1 and Vijay Joshi2 https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vijay_Joshi8/publication/262144765_Indian_Banking_Industry_Challenges_And_Opportunities/links/0deec536c6b9584499000000/Indian-Banking-Industry-Challenges-And-Opportunities.pdf A STUDY OF SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN BANKING INDUSTRY Dr. K.A. Goyal1 and Vijay Joshi2 http://ijeronline.com/documents/volumes/Vol%202%20issue%205/ijer20110205SO(5).pdf Fractional Reserve Banking, Client Collaboration, and Fraud https://www.jstor.org/stable/24703072?Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=banking&searchText=fraud&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dbanking%2Bfraud&ab_segments=0%2Fdefault-2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=search%3A38d7897c204d572b76872aea65bf55aa&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Securities Fraud https://www.jstor.org/stable/1344764?Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=banking&searchText=fraud&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3Dbanking%2Bfraud&ab_segments=0%2Fdefault-2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=search%3A38d7897c204d572b76872aea65bf55aa&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about How to Do It Right https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=w0uMDgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA15&dq=how+to+avoid+ethical+issues+in+banking+industry&ots=LAf9AhfYX9&sig=_ShKxKnJwhQQ9qxnEk2WuDZcQgs#v=onepage&q&f=false

Clostridium Difficile

Clostridium Difficile

This is a microbiology term paper. It must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The topic is focused on the bacteria Clostridium Difficile. What it is, its significance in microbiology and in medicine. How we treat it, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Some points to touch on include: – Super infections and Antibiotic- associated colitis due to use of antibiotics and disrubtion of natural biota. – s layers and bacterial endospores and their role in Clostriduim bacteria ability to adjust and survive adverse habitats through a look at their two phase life cycle (sporulation and germination) -the medical significance of pathogenic bacterial endospores and the precautions taken to guard against Clostridium Difficile that causes gastrointestinal diseases. – how the diseases caused by clostridium difficile are spread, and how we treat them including the use of fecal matter transplants from a healthy patient via colonoscopy

Translations (Play) by Brian Friel

Translations (Play) by Brian Friel


Paper details:

Identify and examine a key argument the play Translations appears to be making about education, language, history, cultural identity, gender, communication, and/or imperialism. Analyze specific, quoted evidence to show HOW the text makes this argument.