Florida Everglades and sugar cane – engineered system

Executive Summary *Description of Problem *Description of Client *Thesis – Investigation and Analysis – Management Strategy – Conclusion and Recommendation – Bibliography *At least on reference using APA formatting should be included with your outline

The important thing about choosing a topic is to pick one that you’re interested in, and that is complex enough to involve the kinds of analyses and systems perspective that industrial ecology requires. Some people have written about specific technology systems and others about scenarios involving engineered.

But it’s always more fun to write about something you’re interested in, so start there. Pick an Earth Systems topic which is both broad in scope and also contains a wicked side, complex feedback loops, high degree of interconnectedness and then present environmental and social impacts Examples Meat grown in factories from stem cells — technology systems Florida Everglades and sugar cane – engineered system Floating island country/cities – engineered system Trans Africa railroad – engineered system Lethal robots for military use – technology system Colorado River water management across western states – engineered system

Marcelo Diversi’s article on street children and Nike

The primary research assignment for this semester, will comprise an individual research paper/project focused around Marcelo Diversi’s article on street children and Nike; the article addresses the topics of sport, culture, and advertising as they relate to issues of life in contemporary America, Brazil and beyond. Specific topics: (1) Show your understanding of Ideology and Hegemony; what stories (narratives and discourses) can be found about street kids in Brazilian Society? (2) Divesi’s decide to use the short story genre to (re) present the kids in his work. What are his arguments for this? P.p. 375-6 (3) On page 383 Diversi uses Paulo Freire’s (1970) seminal work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, what is his intention? What is the link between an American corporation and the street kids in Brazil? (4)What is (are) Diversi’s ultimate goal with his article? Does he succeed?Engage in a dialogue with Marcelo. Be creative! It is perfectly allowable to reflect upon your own experience for inspiration. In fact, much of interpretive research (and I would say all research) has it genesis in the experience of the researcher or the reader. Maybe you had an experience (or know about other stories) that relates with Diversi’s stories. Reflect upon that experience, describe it if it helps you clarify your understand of the article. How could street kids believe they can be more than just “little criminals” when they are treated as little criminals so many times a day? How can they believe that they are not inherently vicious when they are treated with hatred by the population and with violence by the police? How can they try to become fuller human beings, as I naively thought at first, when they are often treated as inferior even by those who want to help? At best, it is irresponsible to expect that kids in such obscene health, social, and economic conditions overcome their predicament alone. To redefine the self, to reject the prescribed self- image and learn to respect and admire oneself not for what one is not (lacking the symbols associated with high social status) but for what one is requires social encounters that create conditions for positive feedback and support. Thus, the importance of sensitizing the population to the street children’s condition in the hopes that new and more liberating cultural plots be laid out as alternatives. (p.387) After all, these kids are not much different from the well-to-do citizens when we look beyond superficial external characteristics. Most of us share, to some degree, a hunger for materialistic consumption, for the authentic, for symbols and commodities that project the images associated with the current standards of success. Just Do It! The street kids’ dreams of commodities are only different from ours in that they do not take place in comfortable mattresses, automatic cars, jet planes, or climate-controlled rooms. As superficial as these desires may be, in the end, I dare say we are all looking for the same things: acceptance, acknowledgement, respect, and self-worth. Humanization. In their desperate search, the kids observe, learn, and master the web of symbols that seem to make one “more human” before society’s eyes. Although well-to-do citizens might view these kids’ desire of Nikes as yet another expression of incorrigible stupidity (“The poor devils don’t even have food, for Christ’s sake!”), for the kids, understanding the meanings of these symbols, the symbols of the “more human,” may be an unconscious way of pursuing appraisal, recognition, and acknowledgement so scarce in their street life. Perhaps beneath the desire for Nikes, there lies a most human desire for life with dignity.(pp 387-8)

Elementary Education

Watch the video that is a lesson being taught to a grade 6 class. The lesson focuses on having the student use sensory words and descriptive words. Answer the questions as if you are the person in the video. There must be a thorough analysis of the questions using direct examples from the video. You must use time stamps and direct quotations from the video when responding to the prompts and critically analyze the video.

Coral Reefs

Describe three reasons coral reefs are important to ocean life; then, determine two potential benefits coral reefs provide to both humans and the overall environment. Next, propose three economic or aesthetic benefits of coral reefs, and then explain which benefit you believe is most significant. Justify your response. Discuss three threats that coral reefs are currently facing. Then, for each of your chosen threats, suggest two reasons why these threats are occurring.

Propose two strategies to protect coral reef systems from the threats you mentioned in Section 2, with special consideration to the costs and benefits of each of the protection methods. Discuss whether or not you believe that the two protection strategies you described in Section 3 should be implemented. Next, take a stance on whether you believe these actions should be strictly voluntary or mandated by local, federal, or international law.

Predict two kinds of enforcement methods you believe would be most effective in ensuring their success. Use at least three quality resources/references in this assignment, in addition to the course text. Note: Wikipedia and personal blogs do not qualify as quality resources. Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are as follows: Analyze the negative and positive impacts of human interaction with a specified ecosystem. Determine the fundamental principles of ecosystems and ecology. Assess the impact and effectiveness of environmental conservation methods and policy.


This paper requires you to analyze, evaluate, and recommend improvements to a leadership situation in a feature film. You should integrate 2-3 of the leadership theories we have reviewed in our class work. As an example, if you selected the film “Apollo 13,” you might apply the LMX theory to the leadership shown by Jim Lovell in his attempts to keep the team together. Why did it work or perhaps it did not? Submit your 3-5 page paper on a critique of one of the leaders identified in one of the films you have watched. The critique should be supported by a minimum of 3 references. It should identify the leadership model exhibited (your choice), your recommendations for improvement, and what you learned from this particular film and leader.

Recent attack or vulnerability of interest

Select a recent attack or vulnerability of interest in the cyber field (within the last six months). You will incorporate what you learn in your chosen event and its accompanying actors into a presentation. Please be detailed in this report and cover all requirements. You’ll need to include the following elements in your presentation, so keep these in mind as you choose an event. -Summary introduction of the event itself -An incident timeline -The attack vectors -A description of the major players in the attack and response -Any analyses completed thus far, i.e., what is currently known and what is not known -A spotlight on one role that you think is critical to the team response to this attack (Use information from the professionals interviewed in the news for this event and any others similar to it, and write up a one-slide profile of what this character’s role might entail). -Lessons learned -An annotated bibliography with at least three reliable sources with a short description of their value to this event analysis. (How do you evaluate a resource?). Use proper cites (easybib) in MLA7 format

Nursing History Theories and Conceptual Models

How many nursing practice evolved over time? Discuss the key leaders and historical events that have influenced the advancement of nursing, nursing education, and nursing roles that are now part of the contemporary nursing profession. Discuss the difference between a nursing conceptual model and a nursing theory. Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it. Provide an example in nursing practice where the nursing theory you selected would be effective in managing patient care. References are required

Case Study : therapeutic intervention based on counseling components

You will review the two case studies provided below. You will be responsible for reviewing the case and identifying how you would go about your therapeutic intervention based on counseling components.

You will also be responsible for identifying any “red flags”, a discussion of what’s going on, how you would treat the case, and provide your rationale for your treatment. THIS ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE TWO (2) PAGES IN LENGTH PER CASE (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, times new roman 12). Think like a Therapist!

Cold War Relflection

Cold War Relflection

This assignment gives you the opportunity to think critically and more deeply about an historical topic or issue. Consider carefully the question(s) posed in the prompt. Your answer should be rooted in the course materials, not in outside sources. Support your arguments and points with evidence, using Chicago citations as necessary. Prompt Reflect on what you have learned about the Cold War Era in a response to following question: Q: Were Americans’ fears regarding the Second Red Scare legitimate? Please follow the rubric I provide and use only 2 sources I provide (textbook and pdf file of the book). Also, do not write more than two pages. For bibliography, use these following sources and change those to Chicago style. Faragher, John Mack, et al., Out of Many, Chapter 26 Leffler, Melyvn, The Specter of Communism

A treatment option or approach to working with people who struggle with substance use

A treatment option or approach to working with people who struggle with substance use.

Paper details:

You will be able to think critically about the treatment approach, its pros and cons, and how you may use it in your practice. exploration of a treatment option or approach to working with people who struggle with substance use. Examples include but are not limited to AA/NA/12-step groups, SMART Recovery, harm reduction, motivational interviewing, replacement therapies/psychopharmacology, overdose prevention, relapse prevention, Housing First, etc.