The Web

“The Innovators” book chapter 11 ( The Web ). This is the link of the ebook version: Throughout the semester, students will read 1 chapter of the book, The Innovators Chapter 11 ( The Web), and write one paper for this chapter. The paper should be single-spaced, 2-page (excluding cover page and references), and typed in Times New Roman in font size 12. The paper should have a title, and consists of at least two sections: 1) A brief narrative of how an IS/IT (Information system and Information Technology) is realized, initiated, designed, and implemented in terms of what/when/where/how this happened, and key character players involved in the series of events. And, 2) Aha! Moment: Key observations/lessons/implications you have learned from the reading from the perspective of business IS. 1. Please keep a balance of the two sections: Half to half: Story Summary vs. Aha! Moment. For the second section of the paper, we are trying our best to stick with the stories and characters and dig deeper at the following aspects to make the reading relevant to the real IS business world, • Observations/lessons/implications you have learned from the reading can be further enhanced by the appropriate resources (e.g., the textbook materials). • You may want to provide some explanations of the concepts, practice, and theories of business IS using any other resources. • Observations/lessons/implications you have learned from the reading should integrate personal observations and experience, and business cases to illustrate the contexts, content, and/or technical configurations. • The plain easy business language will be strongly preferred to explain concepts, practice, and theories of business IS that is understandable to IT professionals and business users

Chernobyl disaster

This is English writing essay about the chernobyl disaster so i need changes in this essay like first paragraph should be according to you what you think about the this accident and next summary little bit and mention thesis statement as well as compare with another accident i have completed all but i need to put your critical thinking about this essay so word limit is minimum 1450 and maximum 1540 so give a view your about this essay select any main point where you can focus any role of some one and any thing from you and write on the running a head at top of where you more focus it should be your critical thinking . i will send you essay another thing is that 25% of this essay about the structure so i will send you example of stucture essay so you can see that essay for formatting.

Slavery and Freedom: The American Paradox by Edmund Morgan – using the S.T.A.M.P system

 “Slavery and Freedom: The American Paradox” by Edmund Morgan – using the “S.T.A.M.P.” system.


Paper details:

Prepare an essay (1500-words minimum) which evaluates the secondary source – “Slavery and Freedom: The American Paradox” by Edmund Morgan – using the “S.T.A.M.P.” system. Specifically, your essay must provide a clear and substantive discussion of the all of the following: the Structure of this secondary source, the Thesis of this secondary source, the Argument of this secondary source, the Motives of this secondary source, and the Primary sources of this secondary source See the writing guide titled “How to Read a Secondary Source” for a full explanation of the “S.T.A.M.P.” system. Your writing will be held to college-level standards. The due date is listed on class syllabus. Additional Requirements: + Proper citations are required at all times. Any and all uses of a source without proper citation may be considered plagiarism, and will result in severe penalties! + You are limited to scholarly sources only for this assignment. Popular sources, whether in print or online, may not to be used for this assignment without my express written permission. Please contact the campus library for assistance locating and accessing scholarly sources. + You must follow either MLA or Chicago style for this assignment. If you need assistance with this, please contact the campus library for guidance.


Why the Crusades Still Matter Today

In the Learning Activities, you had a chance to look at not only the historical facts surrounding the first four Crusades, but also saw examples of where these centuries old events continue to frame the current political and religious debates that are at the center of our world. This discussion topic asks you to accomplish two tasks.

First, you should identify a figure from the Crusades that you think would be viewed as a heroic or noble by individuals today. They need not be universally perceived in this manner. Indeed, there is a strong chance that making such a selection would be very divisive. Be certain to describe the reasons why you think this individual would be a good choice for such a designation. Provide detailed examples of their actions or accomplishments that led you to make your selection. Second, what impact, if any, do you think the Crusades had in shaping current Christian and Muslim relations today? As you ponder this second question, you need to be certain to cite examples that support your conclusion. You cannot simply state that you think they do or do not matter. Have the central issues that propelled the Crusades changed or been resolved? Why?

Essay/policy Review

This task will provide you with an opportunity to both develop and demonstrate your understanding of issues that are central to people living with disabilities and their carers and the impact current government policies (i.e. National Disability Insurance Scheme ie NDIS) have on their lives. You will be required to conduct a critical policy review focusing on a topic related to the implementation of the NDIS. Policy review is about how the legislation worked for people with disability focus on policy and practice. What the policy of the relevant to the NDIS means to people with disability. Look at a policy that organisation have (for example, Australian council of social service, NSW council of social services, Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association, Women With Disabilities Australia, look at what policy say about the NDIS and what the policy means for people in practice and in real life) PS: The above is an example so please do good research and source information outside the organisations I provided. Look around the NDIS and intertwined with literature so using literature as well at least 12 sources. The Essay will • have a brief introduction including a thesis statement and provide the reader with a roadmap through your essay. • Be based on sound academic research comprising at least 12 sources; • Be properly referenced including page numbers and in-text references; • Have its own reference list; 1. Identification and exposition of a key issue affecting people living with disability or their carers. 2. Development of a clear thesis connecting ideas or frameworks of theorists with social issues. 3. Accurate identification and representation of key concepts, theories, research evidence. 4. Creative and cogent use of theory to provide a broader and more critical understanding of the issue in focus. 5. Provision of critical reflection of reviewed literature. 6. Effective and well-organised presentation, capacity to write in an appropriate scholarly style, with attention to grammar, punctuation and spelling 7. Demonstrates correct use of APA 6th edition) referencing


Overview When you have a complex research project, it can be difficult to keep track of your sources. The more sources you consult, the more complicated keeping track of their main ideas, relevance, and credibility can be. Organizing your research makes the project easier and less stressful. One of the best ways to keep track of your sources is to create an annotated bibliography as you consult them. For each source create an MLA Works Cited entry (so you don’t have to worry about this when you draft the essay), a short summary of the source’s main and most relevant arguments, and a short analysis of the source’s credibility (the annotations). Then, as you begin to draft, you can consult your annotated bibliography to help you keep track of which sources you wanted to use for each section of your argument. Your annotated bibliography will tell the story of your research and the perspectives you have consulted. In this assignment you will create an annotated bibliography of the sources you plan to use for your Module 5 Assignment: Researched Argument Essay. You should spend approximately 6 hours on this assignment. Instructions 1.Research: Continue to find sources to help you research your working thesis. You may use some or all of the sources from your exploratory essay and research proposal, or you may decide that some of those sources are no longer relevant to your refined thesis. For your annotated bibliography, include only sources you think you might actually use for your Module 5 Assignment: Researched Argument Essay. You will need at least eight relevant, quality sources for this assignment. 2.Pre-Write: Read each source carefully, noting its main arguments and relevant support. Evaluate each source for credibility, argument, support, and relevance. 3.Write: Construct your annotated bibliography. Each source should have its own annotated entry. For each source’s entry, you should write: ◦An MLA Style Works Cited entry ◦3-4 sentences of summary ◦3-4 sentences of evaluation ◦2-3 sentences of reflection on the usefulness/relevance of the source to your research project/working thesis 4.Tips for Success: ◦Your annotated bibliography should have 8-10 sources (no more, no less). Of those eight sources, at least four of them should be academic journal articles. The other sources should be a mix of magazine, news, internet, podcast, TED Talk, documentary, or other less traditional source types. No more than two sources should be general websites. ◦Carefully follow the formatting guidelines in the resources found on the Exploration page. Annotated bibliographies should be alphabetized and should use a hanging indent. 5.Please be sure to use correct MLA Style for your essay and to create an MLA Works Cited page.

The locus of ethics

Ethics is a complicated thing, and trying to define it requires care to understand its various components. Define and describe the differences and logical relationships between “believing/knowing”, “acting”, and “character” using the readings and discussions of Unit 1. Do you find yourself tending to one of these more than the others when you think about ethics? Can you explain why?

peer review

The details of this paper outlines six criteria areas and are provided with this attachment. It is critical that the six criteria are discussed per the instruction. Secondly, Integrate relevant information from at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

Attacks on U.S utilities

What was the impact of this event? Was the incident response effective? Why or why not? What did you like most about your colleague’s presentation? What suggestions would you give your colleague to clarify his or her presentation? Provide at least one comment of an aspect of the presentation that you liked and one recommendation for improvement. Provide an appreciative and substantive response to your peer review with comments of clarifications and what you intend to change. Your written responses should be in paragraph format, with complete sentences, and substantive.

Movie review To Kill A Mockingbird made in 1962

Movie review about the film “To Kill A Mockingbird” made in 1962. Please write a 5 full paged paper that discusses and includes the following: 1) The facts of the case in the movie. 2) If there are crimes/torts involved, what were they and what was necessary for the prosecution/plaintiff to prove? Did the prosecution/plaintiff meet its burden? 3) The entertainment value of the movie (deciphering between facts and dramatic effect) and how it compares to reality. If the same situation were to take place outside of the Hollywood, what would the likely outcome be? 4) How does the movie accurately portray the legal system? Refer to specific scenes. 5) Based on your knowledge of the law, what is the relevance and importance of the effect of movies on the public? Format should be in paragrah form. Double spaced. 12 pt font. Normal margins. Do not cut/paste from resouces such as Wikipedia. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.