Are net neutrality rules necessary

The topic is “are net neutrality rules necessary?” it requires 6pages and 4 sources. the first page requires 350 words or one page of introductions. then 4 pages of the source. and the last page or last paragraph is of conclusion. For the Introduction: In about 350 words, present the question you want to research and show why it interests you, why it is significant, and why it is problematic rather than easy to resolve. For each source, you will write annotations using three paragraphs: 1 ) Summary of the source. 2) Evaluation of the source’s authority and credibility. 3) Reflection on the relevance of the source to your research journey

Inequality Diversity in Education

No specific page length requirement but needs all of the following components: 1. Brief topic description, including: a. Problem addressing, with statistics/evidence for the existence of this problem b. The roots/history of how this problem came to be, including specific legislation, policies, or other concrete causal factors c. An explanation of how this problem relates to/causes inequity in education 2. Background about the population(s) who experience this problem as an inequitable barrier in education 3. A preliminary thesis and brief explanation about how you will address this problem (i.e. your solution or preliminary findings regarding possible solutions) 4. Focus Group participants or potential participants (a brief descriptor of who you might have in mind) 5. A Bibliography containing your sources for the project a. At least 3 of your sources must be scholarly journal articles, monographs, government reports, or other scholarly sources. These cannot include the assigned course materials. b. The Bibliography should be formatted according to APA, MLA, or Chicago Manual of Style guidelines; please be consistent with what style guide you use, including with in-text citations for your Final Project

Integrated Liberal Studies

This activity asks you to find a video from one of two specific video channels. These videos are very short (1-3 minutes) and do not have a lot of description available, which is odd considering who produced them. So you might have to go through 3 or 4 before you find one that is suitable for discussion.

The first is New York Public Library. Library stories [YouTube playlist]. Available online: The second is American Library Association playlist – Libraries Transform Choose *one* video from *either* of these video sources. Your task is to choose one that addresses the digital divide in some way – how public libraries are helping their users bridge that divide or otherwise supporting them in ways that involve information and information technology. Post to your discussion forum the video you found, and where you found it How you see it relating to the digital divide as we have been talking about it in this course this summer

Your thoughts about the future of American public libraries as community agencies to cross the digital divide. Some prompts: What are public libraries already doing right? What should they do more of? What should they do differently? SHOULD taxpayer dollars support them to do more or different than they are doing? You might find this June story from the New York Times to be interesting in this regard! All opinions are welcome! But please support your statements with citations so that others can see what you saw.

Short Essay/Book Analysis : the Life of a Slave Girl

Potential essays topics/prompts (choose one): Using examples from Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl – address one of the following: 1. Slave narratives appealed to white audiences, especially potential abolitionists, who had the political authority to combat slavery.

How does Jacobs appeal to her white audience? (Use at least three examples.) 2. Slave narratives by enslaved women give unique insight into the gendered nature of slavery, this is often characterized as “double oppression” for black women (both racial and gender oppression).

Provide two or three examples of this “double oppression” faced by Jacobs AND explain how she dealt with these events. 3. Write a traditional précis AND address the following question: PART 1 – A précis, is a short paper or an academic abstract that addresses a book’s argument, scope, and methodology as clearly and concisely as possible.

For this assignment it will be no longer than 2 double-spaced pages of the total 4 pages for this assignment. PART 2 – Address the following: Why does Jacobs think white and black women should not be judged by the same standards of morality? For this option BOTH parts must be completed. Each will be about two pages in length.

Contract document guiding the companies

Your boss has asked you to provide a draft of the final contract that will become the document guiding the companies in the fulfilling the requirements you have presented in the previous weeks. You are to provide a white paper that includes the following: An introduction discussing what topics will be discussed and an explanation of the purpose for administering a contract. A statement of expectation, also considered the statement of work, defining the services required. A request for information using stakeholder requirements from previous phase. Select appropriate contract format (example, fixed price, cost plus expenses, etc.) and explain why the selected contract type is appropriate for this effort. Select appropriate terms you desire to incorporate from the Uniform Commercial Code. Provide the UCC designation and the title; not the complete wording in the code. The legal terms and conditions should be detailed in the UCC section. The statement of expectation should include all rules the two companies (the contract provider and the buying company) must comply with for the contract to be considered fulfilled. Students will be expected to show they understand the specific rules each company must adhere to.

Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper

t. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include: 1. Summary of teaching plan 2. Epidemiological rationale for topic 3. Evaluation of teaching experience 4. Community response to teaching 5. Areas of strengths and areas of improvement Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Just Wages and Compensation

After viewing the documentary, and in reflecting on your previous experience with documentaries and knowing the current economic circumstances, what do you view is a “just wage”? Instructions: (1.) What do you argue is a just wage? (2.) Is everyone entitled to benefits such as healthcare? (3.) Are individuals expected to behave like the economic man? (4.) And, is everyone entitled to have some luxury in their lives?

Wolf Sheep or Sheepdog

For your fourth essay you will argue whether a character from literature or film or television of your own choosing is a Wolf, Sheep, or Sheepdog. You’ll need to choose a subject about whom a sufficient enough publication record has been established in order to encounter a wide enough spectrum of sources to choose from to create an ethos-driven argument. Generally speaking, it will be easier to research things older rather than newer; however, characters from television and film that are more recent may provide a number of exceptions. In essence you are writing a similar assignment to what you did in Essay 2, only now you’re choosing your subject, sources. Your essay should have a Works Cited Page with at least three sources derived from library research databases or books. “If you have no capacity for violence then you are a healthy productive citizen: a sheep. If you have a capacity for violence and no empathy for your fellow citizens, then you have defined an aggressive sociopath–a wolf. But what if you have a capacity for violence, and a deep love for your fellow citizens? Then you are a sheepdog, a warrior, someone who is walking the hero’s path. Someone who can walk into the heart of darkness, into the universal human phobia, and walk out unscathed.”( it’s explain what means about sheep , sheepdog and wolf)

Leaderships & ethic social responsibility

The paper will be a focus on researching in the banking industry about how upper leaders and followers misbehave in their position. In this paper,  provide with some solutions and recommendations to resolve the ethical problems such as coaching/ training the employee’s behavior, emphasized and implementing the company’s rules, and knowing the results if they don’t follow.  Indian Banking Industry: Challenges And Opportunities Dr. K.A. Goyal1 and Vijay Joshi2 A STUDY OF SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN BANKING INDUSTRY Dr. K.A. Goyal1 and Vijay Joshi2 Fractional Reserve Banking, Client Collaboration, and Fraud Securities Fraud Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk about How to Do It Right

Free Trade

Students will fill in a chart determining the country of origin of various products that they may purchase. Where Was That Made(3).doc (ATTACHED this is the chart already filled out with my own personal products) If there is a category that does not apply to you or your family (such as auto or toys), then you may substitute some other category that does reflect your actual purchasing habits. Once you have completed the chart, answer the following questions: (The response for each question should be between 250-350 words, typed, and double-spaced, and contain proper grammar and spelling as well as in-text citations to solidify your answers) Please provide a reference page. (preferably a resource from the USA or one that talks about USA Trade) 1. What does the chart tell you about the things you buy? 2. Given your purchasing patterns, to what extent do you think that you are a beneficiary of free trade? 3. How would you feel if efforts to protect other economic actors (that is, efforts to restrict trade) resulted in either an increase in the price of the goods you purchase or their disappearance from the market? That is, do you feel that trade benefits you so much that trade restrictions would be intolerable? Some helpful links that were provided: