Problems in UK’s decision-making on asylum cases applications

This paper should show current substantive and procedural law on asylum applications decision making. Asylum applications due to procedural flows becomes lottery. Don’t write about accommodation issue of asylum seekers as it is different topic. Describe strength and weakness of current law. Then paper should propose reform , changes which may improve current situation. Finally little bit of critical analysis on the proposed reform itself which ll describe weaknesses of proposed reform in the paper.

Reflection Essay on Listening Skills

Reflection Essay on Listening Skills

After reading Chapter 6 of your Interpersonal Skills in Organizations text, watch the LBCC Improving Listening Skills video below. Reflect on key points you have learned about active vs. passive listening, the elements and power of nonverbal communication, and the skill of paraphrasing this week. Instructions In an MS Word document, write a 500-900 word response that summarizes your answers to the questions below and incorporates information from your readings and other class learning. Write your reflection using APA format, and give your essay an intro, body, and conclusion. As you watch the video, reflect on the following questions: Why do you think listening is a critical skill for being a good manager? What are the 3 problems/obstacles to listening? Which one is the biggest challenge for you? How many sentences did you get completely accurate? How do you plan to improve your listening skills?

Explain two factors e.g social economic political institutional that influence the need for a BSN program

1. Explain two factors (e.g., social, economic, political, institutional) that influence the need for a BSN program. 2. Explain how at least one of the following external forces has informed the decision for a BSN program: • The Institute of Medicine (IOM) • The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health • Magnet hospital recognition • Patricia Benner’s Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation • Contemporary literature on patient outcomes related to academic preparation for nurses C. Select a recommendation from one of the following organizations or institutions to guide the integration of quality and safety initiatives in the new BSN program: • Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) • The Institute of Medicine (IOM) • American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) • National League for Nursing (NLN) • The Joint Commission 1. Provide a rationale for your selected recommendation. 2. Discuss one possible barrier (e.g., faculty shortage, financial incentives) you may encounter as you implement your selected recommendation. D. Develop an argument for how a learning theory (e.g., constructivist, cognitivist, humanistic) would support the development of critical thinking skills in the new BSN program. 1. Critique the selected learning theory, including the following: • two advantages of using the selected theory in the new BSN program • two disadvantages of using the selected theory in the new BSN program E. Describe the key components of one of the following educational philosophies or conceptual underpinnings that can inform the development of the new BSN curriculum: • multiple intelligences • adult education • critical andragogy/pedagogy • narrative andragogy/pedagogy • authentic learning 1. Critique the selected philosophical approach, including the following: • one advantage of using the selected philosophy in the new BSN program • one disadvantage of using the selected philosophy in the new BSN program F. Select two current modalities for the delivery of the new BSN program (e.g., traditional classroom, online education, live web streaming, telehealth, social networks, electronic health records, simulations/clinical education experiences, competency-based learning). 1. Provide a justification for each of the selected modalities. 2. Analyze whether potential barriers exist in implementing your selected modalities. G. Describe why formative and summative assessments will be used in the new BSN program. 1. Discuss at least two benefits of using formative assessments in the new BSN program. 2. Discuss at least two benefits of using summative assessments in the new BSN program. 3. Discuss at least two limitations of using formative assessments in the new BSN program. 4. Discuss at least two limitations of using summative assessments in the new BSN program. 5. Analyze how one of the following assessment methods could increase student success in the new BSN program: • paper and pencil exams • high-stakes exams • classroom assessment techniques (CAT) • computer-based testing (CBT) H. Explain how the ANA Code of Ethics will be incorporated and applied in the new BSN program. 1. Analyze how each of the following legal accountabilities in nursing education will be incorporated and applied in the new BSN program: a. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) b. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) c. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) d. copyright laws

Transforming Culture Through Resiliency and Teamwork

1. Carefully read these instructions and the Rubric. 2. Download the Week 4 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 Template. Use of the assigned template is required. Rename that document as Your Last Name Scholarly Paper Phase 1.docx, for example Smith Scholarly Paper Phase 1. Save it to your own computer or drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. 3. Type your assignment directly on the saved template. You are required to complete the form using the productivity tools, which are Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. 4. The only resource for your paper is the following assigned article: Article link. 5. Follow the instructions and specifics on the assigned required template and the rubric. You will demonstrate your scholarly writing abilities as well as APA abilities in references, citations, quotations, and paraphrasing. 6. See rubric for length limitations for each section and other criteria. Information below explains how to complete the Article Summary section of the paper (see Rubric for details). 7. Clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article using 175–200 words. 8. Content must include main ideas from across the entire article. Specifics should be excellent. Content must be attributed to the correct source. 9. For the Impact section (see rubric for details) clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice; length must be 125–150 words; 9. writing must be concise and clearly relate the assigned article contents to practice; and use FIRST PERSON in this section. Double check your work with the rubric prior to submission. Note: Assigned Template must be used for this assignment. The Assigned Template has been specially prepared to help you do well on this assignment.

Sleep as Performance predictor

Results and conclusion are needed. Draft of the Method section and Introduction will be provided. For the results, no calculations are needed but simple interpreation of a SPSS output that had been calculated. The study did not deliver any significant results and therefore we already know that sleep seems not to have a significant influence on the performance of the soldiers. Don’t hesitate to contact me for further information. Provided by me: all article’s needed, SPSS calculations. Method and Introduction. NOTE : the number of words are more important than the number of pages.

Child Abuse/neglect

Description You should include an introduction which will state what you know (if you have any prior knowledge) about child abuse and/or neglect prior to this assignment. Do some research and tell me about child abuse and/or neglect in the US today. Did you learn anything you didn’t know before…or is all of this ‘old hat’ to you? Do you know anyone who has committed child abuse/neglect or was a victim of child abuise/neglect? What are the chances of getting a prosecution on these types of cases? What is the evidence? How it is investigated? And then…wrap up in a conclusion ….did you learn anything? You may compare child abuse/sexual abuse/neglect cases in the body of your paper (if you would like). What is the difference? Please type the paper, include a copy sheet with your name, class name, and assignment name – along with my name and date you submit it. Be sure to use a size 12 Times New Roman font, double spacing and spell check your work. Use APA format as well.


In a 2-3 page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, research the topic of menopause and address the following: Explain perimenopause, surgical menopause, stress menopause, and postmenopause. Describe the signs of menopause. Which other life changes (e.g., physical, psychosocial, and cognitive) may influence a women’s experience during menopause? Which women are at the highest risk for osteoporosis? Describe the traditional and alternative therapies for the conditions associated with menopause. Suggest appropriate health, nutrition, and exercise guidelines for middle-aged and older adults.

Article Review

There should be five paragraphs clearly labeled. Paragraph 1: Should be labeled as: • Article Summary (This is to be a detailed review/summary of the article you read. Do not make vague statements, you should give specifics. For example do not say ‘several techniques were used’. Tell what each was in specific detailed summary. Paragraph 2: Should be labeled as: • Authors’ Contribution (This paragraph should answer this question: How does the author contribute to the field of counseling by writing this article? If there is no contribution, you need another article! There must be purpose ! Paragraph 3: Should be labeled: • Benefit to the Counselor (This should answer this question: How does this article benefit me as an aspiring counselor? How can I use it? If it doesn’t benefit you, you need to choose another article). Paragraph 4: Should be labeled as: • New Research (This paragraph is the most difficult to answer. It does NOT deal with what the author/s have done. It comes from you as a future researcher! You look at the article critically. What could the authors have done differently, done better, done to expand the results or make the results more able to be generalized? You look at the research completed and then tell what you would do to this research to make it better. YOU are now the RESEARCHER!) Paragraph 5: Should be labeled: • Reaction (Your reaction to the article. This should be your last paragraph. You should say whether you liked the article or not and why or why not. You must give your reasons for your opinion to get full credit.)

Alliston Instruments

Case Analysis Check List 1) The Issue Identify the immediate issue(s) Determine the importance of the issue(s) Determine the urgency of the issue(s) 2) Analysis Identify the theories or frameworks that you will apply to the analysis of the case

Determine the causes and effects of the problems 3) Alternatives Generate at least two alternatives Determine the selection criteria Assess the alternatives Select preferred alternative 4) Action Plan Implementation Schedule Intermediate measures of success Long-term measures of success Consider a contingency plan Case Study is in Strategic Compensation In Canada 4th or 6th edition and should be included in references (Chapter 7 & 10)

Human Development/ Motivation and Emotion

Reflection papers are designed to formally consider what they have been learning and to organize it through writing. The following will help you understand the assignment: Papers must be typed • Papers should be at least 1 page long (no more than 2) • Writing should use formal language and correct spelling and punctuation • Topics reflected upon may include any information covered in the reading • Papers may take 1 or 2 topics and examine them deeply, or more topics examined in less detail • When writing, consider the following: o What have we studied that is interesting? o What new things have you learned? o How has your learning affected preconceptions or misconceptions you brought with you into class o How does your learning affect you view of the world and the universe? o Will what you have learned change your behavior in the future? Ultimately writing these papers encourages you to find what is meaningful to you and thus it adds value to your learning. Do not simply outline or summarize the material we have covered. I want to know what the material means to you. I am providing the ebook to be used in the paper if you cannot access it please contact me right away Please cite the chapters twice on each page Only use the following chapters for the pages, not the whole book Page 1- Ch. 9 Human development -pg 286 Page 2 – Ch. 10 Motivation and Emotion -pg 324