US DOD Cyber-Security Breach

You will write an investigative report on IT issues faced by your corporation. The paper should not only be descriptive but should be analytical and critical. The report may include: Examples of solutions that have or have not worked

Your recommendations regarding the IT issues You can choose the entire corporation, division, segment, or even a single project for this assignment. The final report should be based on solid research, for example, interviews with CIO or key technology personnel, review of internal documents, analysis of external documents, and of course your hunches and intuitions

. This report will be only used for this course and the issues discussed will not be revealed or used in any context whatsoever; that is, if you have privacy and security concerns. Bonus points if your project involves the topics discussed in the course. Deliverable Approximately 8 to 10-page report (single space, standard margins) Appendices, figures, tables, can be in addition to this 8-10 pages. Your instructor is generally lenient when it comes to number of pages or formatting, you can safely exceed page limits, but please do not pad your answers. Include a Bibliography

Project Governance and Responsible Management

Assignment Task As a Project Manager, you are required to write an essay discussing the actions that you would take in this situation (read case study). Your answer must include the following aspects: 1. Discuss your decision drawing on relevant theories, concepts and principles in the area of Project Management Ethics and Responsible Management (e.g. Code of Conduct, Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability, ethical decision making). 2. Critically evaluate the positive and negative consequences of your proposed actions. 3. Make clear recommendations to other Project Managers on how to behave in similar situations occurring in other projects.

My Guilt by Maya Angelou and the autobiographical account of the life of Frederick Douglass


Read the selections “My Guilt” by Maya Angelou and the autobiographical account of the life of Frederick Douglass. The poem written by Angelou reflects her guilt for not standing up for what she deems is a just cause, particularly the issue of Civil Rights. (Maya Angelou was a contemporary writer). Douglass gives his firstperson account, and he narrates the events that cause him to rise up against injustice, in his case, life as a slave. In a well-written essay, analyze the purpose, tone, style, and rhetorical stance of each author. Include your personal reflections on the selections. Include examples of others who have either chosen to stand up for a cause or felt guilty because of their reluctance to act (such as, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Oskar Schindler, and Nelson Mandela). Criteria for This Assignment Length and Formatting Requirements Five to six pages, double spaced Time New Roman, 12-point font Works Cited page In-text citations Content Requirements Analyze Maya Angelou’s purpose, tone, style, and rhetorical stance in her poem. Analyze Frederick Douglass’ purpose, tone, style, and rhetorical stance in his book. Analyze and explore your personal reflection on each of the selections. Explore examples of others who have chosen to stand up for a cause or those who have felt guilty for their reluctance to act




Paper details:

Research a local policy implemented by your local governing board where you live, work, or attend school. Write a 700- to 1,050-word letter or email draft to your local governing board or local government manager or administrator either in support of or in opposition to the policy you researched. Justify your point of view with professional courtesy, respect, and documented facts. Include at least two academic references including one from the library Submit your assignment.

Performance assessment of grey water for mortar and concrete manufacture

Performance assessment of grey water for mortar and concrete manufacture


Paper details:

Only Chapter 2 should be done. (Literature review) using the format attached.

Society of sports therapists


In order to become a full member of the society of sports therapists i have to provide evidence that a CPD has been undertaken from January 2018 until this present date..

The following is what we require from yourself: • A written statement of no more than 300 words giving a summary of your Sports Therapy practice for the last year. – e.g. day to day work as a musculoskeletal therapist at the Royal National Orthopedic Hospital (see CV) • A written statement providing an overview of the CPD activities that you have engaged in from January 2019 until now.

This statement should also demonstrate how your CPD activities are linked to your sports therapy practice and how they have improved the quality of your work and benefited your patients. E.g. Hip, knee, ankle modules, care certificate. Inservice training at Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (see cv) 100 words Write a breif statement of reflection about how the courses and modules listed in the CV have helped me become a better therapist. E.g improved understanding of some of the patholgies relating to surgical sports med implants such as total knee replacement, total ankle replacement etc. 100 words

Email Migration

Email Migration

A company wants to migrate their email, calendar, and other associated applications to the web. You are to write a plan to perform this migration so that it includes backups, storage, and whether email clients can also be used on the desktop i.e. Thunderbird. The requirements for your paper are: • The plan must address: o Migration of email, calendar, and associated applications o Backups and storage o Option for a desktop application o Difference between POP3 and IMAP o How encryption can be used to keep data protected and ensure it is not delivered in plain text

Find a unique website who’s article you find interesting but also follows Saint Leo’s core value of responsible stewardship

Basic Computer

Paper details:

I have 7 discussion questions that are due. The questions only require about 120 words. This is not an essay or researh paper. They are only questions that have to be answered. Discussion Question #1. On the Internet, there are many websites who support and provide responsible stewardship. Please find a unique website who’s article you find interesting but also follows Saint Leo’s core value of responsible stewardship. Describe the website and provide a URL [this site must be unique and not used by other students]. Tell us why you chose this site, and why you believe they support or provide responsible stewardship. Also, tell us why responsible stewardship is important. Discussion Question #3. Log into the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library, ACM database ( ) and find an article which talks about respect but the overall topic may be any topic that you are interested in. Talk about the article you have chosen and provide the APA citation for the article [this article must be unique and not used by other students]. Tell us why you chose this article and how respect played a part in the article. Also, tell us why is respect is important. Discussion Question #4. Excel is a very powerful tool for many businesses today, regardless of the size or type of business. Businesses can thrive with the use of the Excel software, and with the use of core values such as community. If you were to open a new business, tell us what type of business it would be, why, and then tell us how you could incorporate the core value of the community into your new business. Discussion Question #5. With the business you created in the previous discussion, tell us how you could use Excel and the new functions, graphs, and features covered in this Unit at your company. Additionally, tell how important or unimportant the integrity of your data in Excel would be for your company to grow. Discussion Question #6. Image your company has now grown larger and you have now moved to using an Access database so that 15 of your employees may enter data, rerun reports, and keep things going. Tell us what types of data would need to be collected (what table names and fields would you need). Also, tell how important or unimportant the integrity of your data in Access would be for your company to thrive. Discussion Question #7. Companies use lots of reports to see how their company is developing. With your company now using Access, tell us what types of reports your company would need. Additionally, personal development is also very important to many businesses. Tell us how you might use a report to show the personal development of your employees at your company. Discussion Question #8. For your company, you have weekly meetings with stakeholders and employees. You need to present your weekly successes and challenges using PowerPoint. Tell us what types of PowerPoint features you would use in your presentation, and how you would ensure you are abiding by the core values of excellence, respect, and integrity.

Risk Management Program Analysis for health care facilities or organizations

For this assignment, you will research risk management programs for health care facilities or organizations. Review the criteria below in order to select an exemplar that applies to your current or anticipated professional arena. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully.) In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, provide an analysis that includes the following: Brief summary description of the type of risk management plan you selected (new employee, specific audience, community-focused, etc.) and your rationale for selecting that example. Description of the recommended administrative steps and processes in a typical health care organization risk management program contrasted with the administrative steps and processes you can identify in your selected example plan. (Note: Select an example plan with sufficient data to be able to complete the assignment successfully.) Analyze the key agencies and organizations that regulate the administration of safe health care and the roles each play in the risk management oversight process. Evaluation of the selected exemplar risk management plan regarding compliance with the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management (ASHRM) standards relevant to privacy, health care worker safety, and patient safety. Proposed recommendations or changes you would make to your selected risk management program example to enhance, improve, or to secure compliance standards. In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer-reviewed references. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

What are the key attributes of a successful strategic leader in the public sector

the question is What are the key attributes of a successful strategic leader in the public sector? Critically analysing the essay question What are the key attributes of a 1)successful 2)strategic leader in the 3)public sector? What do we mean by “successful”? How do you measure “success”? What/who is a strategic leader (as opposed to a tactical or operational leader for example?) What do we mean by public sector (not private sector)? Use the existing academic and policy literature on leadership (theory) Draw on your own experiences of leadership Draw on the experiences of other “strategic leaders”