Assessing and Treating Clients With Dementia

The Assignment Examine Case Study: An Elderly Iranian Man With Alzheimer’s Disease. You will be asked to make three decisions concerning the medication to prescribe to this client. Be sure to consider factors that might impact the client’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. At each decision point stop to complete the following: Decision #1 Which decision did you select? Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #1 and the results of the decision. Why were they different? Decision #2 Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #2 and the results of the decision. Why were they different? Decision #3 Why did you select this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. What were you hoping to achieve by making this decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources. Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different? Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients.

Down Fall of the Nasa Shuttle Program

 Down Fall of the Nasa Shuttle Program


Paper details:

The paper will be a minimum of 20 content pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font using Times-New Roman style with one inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right). The minimum length for the paper does not include a title page, abstract, exhibits, and reference page. You must include a title page and a reference page with at least six peer reviewed references (attached) An abstract and a running-header are necessary. All works listed on the reference page must be cited in your work and all citations appearing in your work must appear on your reference page in APA format.

Immigrant Students

This project will require the selection of a student service area within an institution of higher education that work with your chosen constituency. More specifically, this project should be an electronic resource that communicates the type and range of services for selected area. This electronic resource should submitted as one contiguous document that include: A Table of Contents; Part I of the project (with corrections if applicable); A report synthesizing the key elements of this area of student services as described in the literature, including the typical role and mission of the service area, programmatic goals, organizational structure, funding, and current issues/challenges; Sample documents or websites illustrating typical functions for this area of student services from at least three different institutions; and A reference list of journal articles addressing current issues/challenges (including those from Part I).

Agriculture/environmental economics

Analyze an innovation, organization (e.g. firm, NGO, government agency), or region. Three examples are provided in the attachment. For projects analyzing an innovation, explain what it is, its evolution, utilization, constraints, supply chain, economic impact, and potential. For an innovation: explain what it is, how it evolved, and how it’s used. For projects analyzing an organization or region, explain its unique features, purpose, and history. Critically evaluate its activities. Include our own conclusion or recommendation Include a numerical analysis Be based on at least 8 sources (try to pull some from academic journals, interviews, in-depth critiques, etc. The project will bring at least 4 concepts from class into their analysis. For example: Product characteristics Supply chains (inputs, production of raw materials, processing, distribution) Investment decisions Risk Adoption and diffusion Marketing Technology transfer Bioeconomy Climate change US Agriculture Sustainable development Introduction paragraph: Begin by discussing your topic and what your aims are for the paper itself. Why is it important? How does it relate to the course(Agricultural and Environmental Policy)? The introduction should be a general roadmap for the entire paper – preview your main points and set up the structure that you’ll follow. You may want to write the introduction last, once you’ve decided on the organization of your paper and what you want to say. Body paragraphs: Here, you’ll make the claims you established in your introduction and then use your sources to support them. Remember to cite! Each paragraph should have a purpose – generally, they’ll begin with a main point, a few details and evidence, then a conclusion/transition into the next point you want to make. Make sure to organize these points in a logical flow – you may want to use section and subsection headings to keep your thoughts in order and to refer the reader to how a paragraph fits into your argument. A good outline will make this section much easier! Conclusion paragraph: Restate your main points – did you convince your reader of the accuracy of your analysis? Did you answer your main question(s)? Make sure this part relates directly to your arguments and evidence. Persuasions: There are a variety of rhetorical methods to convince your audience of your ideas. They are classically divided into three forms – ethos, logos, and pathos. As you write, make sure to consider how you are applying these methods and in what quantity. Ethos – appeal to ethics. Convince the audience of an author’s credibility, that they are trustworthy and well-informed. Requires research and an appropriate/professional writing style. Logos – appeal to logic. Convince an audience through facts and reasoning. May involve citations of statistics, illustrative examples, use of economic theory, and deductive reasoning. Pathos – appeal to emotion. This should play a much smaller role in your paper. Suggestions: Do: write as if your audience is someone with Bachelors in economics, and apply an economic framework to your analysis. Don’t: use overly technical jargon, but feel free to use common economic terms without defining them. Do: provide some initial context for the reader, such as unique features or context of your topic. Don’t: confuse context with analysis. It is not sufficient to describe an innovation, organization, or region – you must relate relevant characteristics to class concepts. Do: be as objective as possible; think of yourself as an external analyst exploring all sides of your topic. Don’t: “get on a soapbox” and give personal opinions or promote a particular company or perspective. Do: provide evidence for your claims, consider potential criticisms to the claims you make, and cite your sources. Don’t: simply make a claim or argument and expect your reader to accept it without evidence and citations. Do: incorporate a variety of points of view from multiple different sources. Don’t: overly rely on two or three sources for your main arguments. If you find yourself citing the same source repeatedly for your various arguments, see if you can find other sources making the same claims. Alternatively, consider whether other sources emphasize other topics you could include in your paper. Do: include objective sources such as academic articles and professional publications in your bibliography (and as citations for your claims), though you may also draw on company sources and popular media. Don’t: focus your analysis primarily on one source within your bibliography, or use only blog posts and marketing websites as sources. Do: include headings for each section. Don’t: assume that headings are a substitute for a coherent and logical organization of the content! Do: look for ways to improve your paper as you search for evidence for your arguments. Consider new arguments you had not thought about or class concepts you could apply, and think about how you could incorporate them into your paper. Don’t: focus just on sources that back up the arguments you originally wanted to make, or ignore further context in your sources that could add nuance to your arguments.

Explain how Americans relationships with the land changed between 1880 and 1940 and how it remained the same


could use American Horizons: Since 1865 3rd Edition chapters 15-23 Also could use these sources:

Human error and Information Processing

. State facts accurately in your term paper; all sources of information must be properly cited. Follow APA format using double-spacing with one-inch margins all around; use Times-New-Roman size 12 font. (See Writing Help Unit for more information on APA Style) You must include a title page and a reference page.

An abstract is not necessary. You should make sure that your paper is substantive and shows that you have put four weeks’ worth of effort into it. I am willing to accept references from internet sites; however, some of your references should come from the primary behavioral science literature (reports written by the individuals who did the research) Examples include but are not limited to: Am. J. Psychology Am. Psychologist Applied Ergonomics Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine Human Factors etc. TERM PAPER Time Line/Benchmarks: Aug 8 Tentative List of References to be used for term paper due Aug 15 : Rough Draft with References Page due Aug 20 Final paper due

Importance of biblical theology and how it strengthens the Christian’s ability to articulate key doctrinal beliefs

 Importance of biblical theology and how it strengthens the Christian’s ability to articulate key doctrinal beliefs.


Paper details:

You will submit a 1,200–2,000-word rough draft of the final research paper in current Turabian format and include the 5 references from the revised bibliography.

Literary essay comparing Humbert Humbert from Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and Patrick Bateman from Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho


Literary essay comparing Humbert Humbert from Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and Patrick Bateman from Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho

Must include an introduction and paragraphs comparing the elements of genre/theme, style, narrative technique, characterization (how, not what), setting, plot and structure as well as a suitable conclusion Conclusions must be drawn from a thourough analysis and reference to the texts (quotes) must be made. Attatched a a form of planning that I have started to use as reference as well as a previous essayto use as an example of the standard. Each conclusion drawn or analysis staed must link back to the topic at hand

Learning Journal 3

This Learning Journal consists of two Sections; please read all of the text below before you begin.  Section I. (maximum one page, single spaced, 12-point font) An introduction paragraph describing at least three new things that you learned from the readings, in-class discussions, and any other assignments completed this week for this course. Also, describe how the new information you have gained will be useful to you now and in the future. Respond to two of the four following discussion questions with at least a paragraph for each question. 1. Choose a company and analyze its CSR report. In doing so, think about what seem to be its reasons for being socially responsible. Is it pragmatic, ethical, strategic, or some combination? Can you identify its key stakeholders? 2. Using the same company as an example, think about the four types of corporate social responsibility. What is your assessment of how the company is doing? 3. Think about the television programs and films you’ve seen recently in which business’ social responsibility (or lack thereof) was portrayed in some way. How were business and businesspeople portrayed? Is there anything the business could or should do to improve its media image? Some businesses try to stay out of the limelight. Why might that be? What do you think of that strategy? 4. Think about industry‐disrupting companies such as Uber (disrupting the taxi industry) and Airbnb (disrupting the hotel industry). Research them if you don’t know much about them. What are the legal and ethical issues facing them? In what ways are they being responsible, irresponsible? How would you evaluate their corporate social responsibility? Finally, conclude your learning journal entry with at least two questions that you still have about the content of the chapter you read this week. These questions can be about something that you did not fully understand or they could be an area you are curious about and would like to know more about. Section II. Deepwater Horizon (maximum one page, single spaced, 12-point font) Prior to starting this writing section, you should have completed the following: (1) read the HBR article entitled “Creating Shared Value,” (2) read the HBR article entitled “What’s a Business For?”, and (3) watched the Frontline: “The Spill” video. Once you have completed these items, write a maximum one-page, single-spaced answer with 12-point font responding to the following questions. 1. What is the primary ethical issue at the heart of the Deepwater Horizon disaster? Which values are in conflict here that caused the disaster to occur? 2. Do some research online about BP and their reputation prior to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. What was their reputation with regards to the environment prior to this oil spill? Were they a company that was trying to create shared value or at least promoting their efforts to do so? Why or why not? 3. Do you think that the executives at BP who were ultimately responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill would agree with Handy’s explanation of what a business if for? Why or why not? The link of Lynn Brewer: Enron Whistleblower: The link of TED Talk by Mellody Hobson—Color blind or color brave?: The link of Freakonomics: Is it okay for restaurants to racially profile their employees?:

Developing a Strategic Plan

The strategic planning process is essential for all organizations. Strategic plans help organizations’ leaders and stakeholders keep sight of their missions and visions, achieve their goals and objectives, and address their challenges and issues. As a health care leader, you must be able to develop a strategic plan and use it to drive your organizational decision making. For the Final Project, you develop a comprehensive strategic plan to address challenges that have adversely impacted a health care organization. To prepare: Review the Hillsboro County Home Health Agency, Inc. (HCHHA) case study in this week’s Learning Resources. Note: Your Final Project should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations. The Assignment HCHHA’s board of directors and executive leadership team have asked for your assistance with addressing some of the major issues that have adversely impacted the organization’s financial and operational performances. They have requested that you advise them on the following: Strategies to help the organization address the absence of a Medicare-certified hospice, which has inconvenienced patients and their family members and has led to negative publicity for the organization Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s overall financial performance Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s operational performance Strategies that might assist HCHHA with effectively addressing the various external factors that may potentially threaten its market share In a 20-page strategic plan, include the following components: Mission statement (provided in the case study) Vision statement Core values SWOT analysis Grand strategies or long-term strategic priorities Operational and tactical plan Key performance and evaluation indicators Change management plan, including the following: The size of the change and its impact on the community and the organization The organization’s readiness for change Change management strategy Team structure and responsibilities Sponsor roles and responsibilities Planning and implementation Communications plan Change management resistance plan Training plan Incentives and celebration of successes Timeline/schedule of activities Budget for change management The 20-page narrative plan should be written as if it were to be presented to the board of directors. The plan should also include the following pages that will not count toward the 20-page limit: One-page Executive Summary Tables, graphs, and/or charts The plan should include at least 15 current (no older than 4 years) quality resources, with 10 of those resources being from peer-reviewed sources. In addition to the paper, you must produce a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key elements of the paper. The presentation should not be more than 15 slides, excluding the cover slide and the appendices. Be sure to include 100- to 150-word speaker notes to explain the content on each slide. This Assignment is due by Day 7 of Week 10. Note: Submit your 20-page narrative plan to the Project Part 1 – Week 10 submission link. Submit your PowerPoint presentation to the Project Part 2 – Week 10 submission link. The American College of Healthcare Executives Competencies Assessment tool is used to assess health care managers and executives in critical areas of health care management. This valuable assessment is designed to help you identify areas of strength and areas you may wish to include in your personal and academic development plan after you graduate from Walden’s MHA program. Also, you can use the assessment score to identify gaps in skills necessary for optimizing performance. For the Final Project in this course, your Instructor will assign you an overall competency level score based on the work submitted in the Final Project. This competency level assessment score is for your information only and is offered in addition to the grade rubrics, grade points, and grade feedback provided by your Instructor. The competency level designations are as follows: Novice = 1 Competent = 2 Expert = 3