Importance of biblical theology and how it strengthens the Christian’s ability to articulate key doctrinal beliefs
Paper details:
You will submit a 1,200–2,000-word rough draft of the final research paper in current Turabian format and include the 5 references from the revised bibliography.
Literary essay comparing Humbert Humbert from Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita and Patrick Bateman from Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho
Must include an introduction and paragraphs comparing the elements of genre/theme, style, narrative technique, characterization (how, not what), setting, plot and structure as well as a suitable conclusion Conclusions must be drawn from a thourough analysis and reference to the texts (quotes) must be made. Attatched a a form of planning that I have started to use as reference as well as a previous essayto use as an example of the standard. Each conclusion drawn or analysis staed must link back to the topic at hand
This Learning Journal consists of two Sections; please read all of the text below before you begin. Section I. (maximum one page, single spaced, 12-point font) An introduction paragraph describing at least three new things that you learned from the readings, in-class discussions, and any other assignments completed this week for this course. Also, describe how the new information you have gained will be useful to you now and in the future. Respond to two of the four following discussion questions with at least a paragraph for each question. 1. Choose a company and analyze its CSR report. In doing so, think about what seem to be its reasons for being socially responsible. Is it pragmatic, ethical, strategic, or some combination? Can you identify its key stakeholders? 2. Using the same company as an example, think about the four types of corporate social responsibility. What is your assessment of how the company is doing? 3. Think about the television programs and films you’ve seen recently in which business’ social responsibility (or lack thereof) was portrayed in some way. How were business and businesspeople portrayed? Is there anything the business could or should do to improve its media image? Some businesses try to stay out of the limelight. Why might that be? What do you think of that strategy? 4. Think about industry‐disrupting companies such as Uber (disrupting the taxi industry) and Airbnb (disrupting the hotel industry). Research them if you don’t know much about them. What are the legal and ethical issues facing them? In what ways are they being responsible, irresponsible? How would you evaluate their corporate social responsibility? Finally, conclude your learning journal entry with at least two questions that you still have about the content of the chapter you read this week. These questions can be about something that you did not fully understand or they could be an area you are curious about and would like to know more about. Section II. Deepwater Horizon (maximum one page, single spaced, 12-point font) Prior to starting this writing section, you should have completed the following: (1) read the HBR article entitled “Creating Shared Value,” (2) read the HBR article entitled “What’s a Business For?”, and (3) watched the Frontline: “The Spill” video. Once you have completed these items, write a maximum one-page, single-spaced answer with 12-point font responding to the following questions. 1. What is the primary ethical issue at the heart of the Deepwater Horizon disaster? Which values are in conflict here that caused the disaster to occur? 2. Do some research online about BP and their reputation prior to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. What was their reputation with regards to the environment prior to this oil spill? Were they a company that was trying to create shared value or at least promoting their efforts to do so? Why or why not? 3. Do you think that the executives at BP who were ultimately responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill would agree with Handy’s explanation of what a business if for? Why or why not? The link of Lynn Brewer: Enron Whistleblower: The link of TED Talk by Mellody Hobson—Color blind or color brave?: The link of Freakonomics: Is it okay for restaurants to racially profile their employees?:
The strategic planning process is essential for all organizations. Strategic plans help organizations’ leaders and stakeholders keep sight of their missions and visions, achieve their goals and objectives, and address their challenges and issues. As a health care leader, you must be able to develop a strategic plan and use it to drive your organizational decision making. For the Final Project, you develop a comprehensive strategic plan to address challenges that have adversely impacted a health care organization. To prepare: Review the Hillsboro County Home Health Agency, Inc. (HCHHA) case study in this week’s Learning Resources. Note: Your Final Project should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations. The Assignment HCHHA’s board of directors and executive leadership team have asked for your assistance with addressing some of the major issues that have adversely impacted the organization’s financial and operational performances. They have requested that you advise them on the following: Strategies to help the organization address the absence of a Medicare-certified hospice, which has inconvenienced patients and their family members and has led to negative publicity for the organization Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s overall financial performance Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s operational performance Strategies that might assist HCHHA with effectively addressing the various external factors that may potentially threaten its market share In a 20-page strategic plan, include the following components: Mission statement (provided in the case study) Vision statement Core values SWOT analysis Grand strategies or long-term strategic priorities Operational and tactical plan Key performance and evaluation indicators Change management plan, including the following: The size of the change and its impact on the community and the organization The organization’s readiness for change Change management strategy Team structure and responsibilities Sponsor roles and responsibilities Planning and implementation Communications plan Change management resistance plan Training plan Incentives and celebration of successes Timeline/schedule of activities Budget for change management The 20-page narrative plan should be written as if it were to be presented to the board of directors. The plan should also include the following pages that will not count toward the 20-page limit: One-page Executive Summary Tables, graphs, and/or charts The plan should include at least 15 current (no older than 4 years) quality resources, with 10 of those resources being from peer-reviewed sources. In addition to the paper, you must produce a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key elements of the paper. The presentation should not be more than 15 slides, excluding the cover slide and the appendices. Be sure to include 100- to 150-word speaker notes to explain the content on each slide. This Assignment is due by Day 7 of Week 10. Note: Submit your 20-page narrative plan to the Project Part 1 – Week 10 submission link. Submit your PowerPoint presentation to the Project Part 2 – Week 10 submission link. The American College of Healthcare Executives Competencies Assessment tool is used to assess health care managers and executives in critical areas of health care management. This valuable assessment is designed to help you identify areas of strength and areas you may wish to include in your personal and academic development plan after you graduate from Walden’s MHA program. Also, you can use the assessment score to identify gaps in skills necessary for optimizing performance. For the Final Project in this course, your Instructor will assign you an overall competency level score based on the work submitted in the Final Project. This competency level assessment score is for your information only and is offered in addition to the grade rubrics, grade points, and grade feedback provided by your Instructor. The competency level designations are as follows: Novice = 1 Competent = 2 Expert = 3
This is a robust annotated bibliography. Your task is to find ten items related to a turning point in Western civilization. Introduce your turning point, tell us why you chose it, compile your list one item at a time, describe each item, and present the entire list with descriptions to your classmates. What is a turning point? Western civilization is different before and after this point in time. Something happened to change the course of Western civilization, and the change seems rather sudden as we look back at it. The turning point might be a person, an invention, a war, a discovery, an economic shift, a new way of thinking or creating – something sudden and dramatic that is worthy of our attention. Your turning point might be big. In other words, it may have affected Western civilization widely and deeply – a profound change that reverberates even today. Or, your turning point might be more modest. In other words, it may have been isolated to one ethnic group or region, or perhaps the effects faded over the centuries even though it was important at the time. A tip: Sometimes a more modest change is easier to handle for your short final paper. The larger the topic, often the more you need to explain it. The specifics: State your turning point and then start looking around. Most likely, the turning point you state at the start of your search is not exactly the turning point you end up with for your final paper. Pick a turning point that is not too big and hard to state, because then it is hard to narrow it down to just ten items. However, don’t pick a purpose that is too small. A tiny purpose might make it too hard to find ten items that are connected to each other. For example, don’t pick “the British empire” as your purpose. That is way too big. You certainly would find ten items. Indeed, you would find thousands and thousands. On the other hand, don’t pick “the ten funniest tweets ever about changes in French cooking.” It would be pretty darn hard to come up with a substantial paper about ten tiny tweets. Pick a turning point that interests you academically, something related to this class that you would like to find out more about, something you would like to share with the rest of us. Types of resources for your annotated bibliography: Non-fiction books. Scholarly articles in our library. Robust, reputable articles on websites. Novels of historical fiction. A feature-length movie or television show which focuses on the topic. Do not choose items that are too short. Your bibliography is scholarly, and so use substantial resources. You need some scholarly sources from our library. I do not have a particular number as a requirement, but you need some. Visit our online library and browse the scholarly journals. Ask our librarians for assistance as needed. Be sure to describe each item in one solid paragraph per item. Then, in a second paragraph, analyze the item in a way that tells us how it supports your thesis that this is a turning point in Western civilization. A short sentence per item is not enough. A page per item is too much. Tell us enough to let us know what the item is in case we want to take a closer look. You need two solid paragraphs per item, with correct spelling and grammar. Do not plagiarize. In other words, do not copy your paragraphs. Do not quote in your paragraphs. Use your own words. This is very important. You will fail the assignment and perhaps the class if you plagiarize. The format for the reference for each item must be in APA format. The paper is not an APA-formatted paper, but each reference needs to follow the format of an APA reference. Include all of the information about the item that is necessary for an APA reference. Put the information about the sources in the correct order for an APA reference. Your grade: Your professor will be asking the following questions as he grades your paper. Do your opening paragraphs introduce your turning point and make us want to read more? Do you have ten recommended resources which supports your thesis that this is a turning point in Western civilization? Are each of the items substantial, or did the student toss in some items which are too brief to be truly engaging? Does each item have a solid paragraph which describes the item? Does each item have a solid paragraph which analyzes the item? Did you use proper spelling and grammar? Does the reference to the item include all of the necessary information in the correct order for an APA-formatted reference? Did the student submit the paper on time, in the proper format, and in the correct place? Is the information easy to read and understand? Did you use your own words when you wrote the descriptions? More information about grading is available below. A caution: Many students procrastinate on this assignment, and then they are disappointed by their grades. Work on this paper a little bit at a time. Don’t wait until it is due and then scramble to find ten good items. Instead, build your list one item at a time. Make your paper look like this: In the first paragarph, please state the purpose and topic of your paper. Set the scope. Readers must have a clear idea of your turning point before they continue to read. Be sure to set the scope of your topic – it should not be too big or broad. This takes one paragraph. No citations or references are needed. Single-space your work, with a blank line between paragraphs. This makes it very easy to copy from your word processor and paste into a Blackboard discussion posting. In the next paragraph, tell us why you chose this topic. Why is this topic academically interesting to you? Also, feel free to offer any general observations – did your research change your views in any way? Again, you do not cite sources in this paragraph. After your opening paragraphs, start your annotated bibliography. Remember to put each reference in APA format. One exception: You do not need to have a hanging indent or double-space your reference since that is hard to do in Blackboard. However, have one paragraph that describes each resource and a second paragraph that analyzes each resource. Do not copy from your articles – use your own words. Seek assistance from our Writing Center. They are wonderful. Here is an example of a reference and a description. You need ten of them. Suzuki, M. (2007). Rewriting the odyssey in the twenty-first century: Mary zimmerman’s odyssey and margaret atwood’s penelopiad. College Literature, 34(2), 263-0_10. This article can be found in Bellevue University’s online library in the Proquest database. The article addresses … [put your summary here]. The author provides evidence of several features which support … [put your analysis here]. Don’t forget to make it obvious – what is this resource about? How does it support your thesis that this is a turning point in Western civilization? Be clear, be concise, and be scholarly
Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing. Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to your specialty area, or a specialty area in which you are interested. In a 750-1,000 word paper, provide a detailed overview the organization and its advantages for members. Include the following:
Describe the organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area. Include its purpose, mission, and vision. Describe the overall benefits, or “perks,” of being a member. Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network. Discuss how this organization creates networking opportunities for nurses.
Discuss how the organization keeps its members informed of health care changes and changes to practice that affect the specialty area. Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
The critical analysis essay is your opportunity to apply class materials (and beyond) to your own cultural analysis. It is a research essay, meaning you must use the course material as a jumping-off point, but you are also required to include other academic materials. It is not an opinion piece – it is a research essay, meaning that you will find an important cultural figure in the public eye and then use academic sources to perform a critical analysis of how cultural themes around gender can be applied and can enlighten our understanding of the world around us. Your essay must introduce the person and make a case for their cultural significance (an included photo always helps, but will not count towards your page count!), and then you will clearly state a thesis and build an argument based on their cultural significance using themes from the course. How people make sense of an interpret and react to a cultural icon tells us a lot about society, rather than the individual. Does their identify confirm common-sense understandings of gender? Does it push against boundaries? What are the boundaries that they conform to or resist against, and why do these boundaries exist in the first in place? What systems of oppression are upheld through how we culturally interpret this person or conversely, how does this person challenge sources of oppression? The analysis must focus on gender, but you are encouraged to take an intersectional approach and explore how race, sexuality, class, or ability intersect with gender and what that tells us about broader cultural themes. It should include materials that we cover in class, but you are also required to include at least 6 additional academic sources of material we do not cover in class. YOU MAY NOT USE ANY CULTURAL FIGURE THAT IS COVERED IN OUR COURSE TEXTBOOK. Reading Synthesis and Critical Analysis essay MUST BE ON DIFFERENT TOPICS and substantively different. The essay should be 2,000 words in length, double-spaced, with 1” margins, and a 12 point font. All pages should be numbered and include your name and student number in the header. Academic citation and bibliography are required and must be in ASA or APA formatting style.
The aim of the paper is to use a comparative approach to offer some concrete recommendations to the Somali Government on how they can create their own ADR policies and provide conflict resolution mechanisms in the country to restore an orderly and trusted judicial system. The topic I want to write about is ADR processes and how they can assist the Somali society in state-building and conflict resolution. The paper will primarily be focused on the use of arbitration and mediation in business, land, and intra-state disputes within the Federal Republic of Somalia. Countries of interest: Asia- Singapore, China (Hong Kong), India North/South America- USA, Canada, Brazil Europe/Middle-East- UK, France, Qatar, UAE
You have to use these sources Daley, Matthew. “Straight Talk about Vaccination.” 2011, Damnjanovic, Kaja. “Parental Decision-Making on Childhood Vaccination.” 2018, Habakus, Louise Kuo., et al. Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children. Skyhorse, 2012. Human services , US deparment of. “Home Page.” Vaccines, 2018, Writers, Staff. “Vaccine Myths Debunked.”,, 19 July 2019,
Paper details:
Apply the component of to an interprofessional team utilizing the iCARE components : C ompassion A dvocacy R esilience E vidence-Based Practice (EBP) How could you contribute to an interprofessional team and patient outcomes through nursing actions of: compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice? This paragraph(s) is to introduce the paper. Explain the type of work setting you are discussing and whether interprofessional teams are present. If present, indicate a team function that could be improved. If not present, indicate what type of team you think might work well in this setting and how it might function. Remember this is a scholarly APA assignment so you cannot use first person. Remember also that you will keep all the bolded headings and just remove the non-bolded content when you start your paper. Compassion In this paragraph, describe a nursing action that could contribute to compassion through interprofessional team support; describe how this might impact the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact on patient outcomes. Advocacy In this paragraph, describe a nursing action that could contribute to advocacy through interprofessional team support; describe how this might impact the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact on patient outcomes. Resilience In this paragraph, describe a nursing action that could contribute to resilience through interprofessional team support; describe how this might impact the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact on patient outcomes. Evidence-Based Practice In this paragraph, describe a nursing action that could contribute to evidence-based practice through interprofessional team support; how this might impact the culture of your unit or organization; and possible impact on patient outcomes. Summary Provide a clear and concise summary. Include a summary statement of how iCARE components can support interprofessional teams and patient outcomes through nursing actions. Address how you may be able to influence this process of support for interprofessional teams on your unit or in your organization. Be creative, use your imagination. I work for a hospital and specializes in med surg/ oncology.
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