How does the author succeed in making the reader sympathise with the protagonist


Part A ASSIGNMENT This is the final critical analysis essay on “My Last Duchess”. This essay should be very simple by using the outline correctly. The first paragraph should be the introduction sentence(s) and the thesis statement. Once you place them together then indent. Please, you cannot use personal pronouns or contractions. Use Times New Roman, 12 point font size. Double-space the work and of course indent all paragraphs. The outline should start to look like an essay and NOT an outline. It should be 5 paragraphs in total that is the introduction paragraph, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. PART B ASSIGNMENT Type a 200-word essay on Anita Florence Hemmings. Find out who she is and what drastic event happened in her life. The work is double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font size. Lastly, give a Work Cited page of where this information came from.

English Language and Linguistics



1: Report on variation in British EnglishQuestion 1: Accent variation in the BBC Voices Project Resources: BBC Voices recordings: Focusing on 2-3 selected pronunciation features (e.g. glottal stop, TH-fronting, BATH, STRUT, FACE vowels, etc.), listen to and analyse a selection of BBC Voices clips (minimum 10). You can select the geographical region from the drop-down list. Your report should include at least the following: (i) a summary of what you observed in the clips, e.g. a table of which speakers do or do not have a certain feature; (ii) if applicable, a discussion of whether the results of your study correspond to what the Trudgill reading and the course textbook describe; (iii) a discussion of which social features (age, gender, etc) seem to relate to the use of certain pronunciation features. You might find that there is no difference across, e.g., genders, but this is fine (and you should report that you found no difference). You may want to pay attention to more than one ‘token’ per speaker for a given feature, as individuals do vary.

Should parents be able to opt out of vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons Why or why not

1: Should parents be able to opt out of vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons? Why or why not? Link : 2: Should Nevada consider an unhealthy foods tax? Should the federal government regulate advertising of products high in sugar or fat? Why or why not? Link: 3: The dissent focused on possible infringements on the Fourth Amendment. Was the court ruling correct? Why or why not? Link: 4: Should federal judges have lifetime appointments? Why or why not? Link: 5: Should felons ever be allowed to vote? Why or why not? Link:

Describes INSOMNIA from a scientific and/or mathematical/analytical perspective of inquiry

Compose a focused paper which explains and describes your INSOMNIA from a scientific and/or mathematical/analytical perspective of inquiry. What are the anatomical, physiological, pathological, or epidemiological INSOMNIA? Which body systems are affected? What happens at the cellular or genetic level? Which chemical or biological issues are most important? • What are the economical INSOMNIA involved? • Which economic theories or approaches best explain the INSOMNIA?

• What are the statistical facts related to the INSOMNIA? Which statistical processes used to study the issue provide for the best explanation or understanding of the INSOMNIA? • What laws govern or pertain to the INSOMNIA? • What ethical obstacles affect how the issue is addressed by the medical community

? • How do ethical theories apply to the INSOMNIA? How are money, power, and control matters related to INSOMNIA and its treatment? • Which cultural values and/or norms influence the INSOMNIA? • How is the INSOMNIA addressed differently in varying cultural contexts and situations? • Which cultures or societies are most affected by the INSOMNIA? Why? Which cultural traditions affect the treatment(s)? INSTRUCTIONS Be 16 pages in length Introduction (1–2 pages) Conclusion (1–2 pages) Reference 14 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources NOT MORE THAN 3 YEARS OLD Follow APA formatting guidelines for this paper.

Stuck in the middle with good ideas

Read the New York Times article “stuck in the middle( with good ideas)” from workoligiat section write an opinion paper on what you have read. The paper must answer the following questions in the article and employee is described as wanting to be the best advocate for the organization and his co workers. The article that “managers should not require a mole to understand workers view. Do you agree with this statement why/ why not When faced with being promoted and supervising the recommendation is to establish your credibility and decisiveness with all your chargers(employees) do you agree with this statement why / why not ? What are your overall thought on this article and the issues it raises

HIV and AIDs in the 21st Century

For this assignment, you will look at that population and see how the U.S. health care policies offer access to health care services. Prepare an analysis based on this population. Complete the following: Identify the current U.S. health care policies that impact the special population you selected. Explain the current status of this population as a result of the current U.S. policies. Identify the political, economic, and cultural factors that influence the formulation of health care policy for this population. Examine how the policies for this population impact communities. Propose improvements to existing policies to advance the overall health of this population. Discuss both the anticipated and unanticipated effects on community health should these improvements be implemented.

IT Auditing

Complete your APA format annotated bibliography of ten references minimum for your final project due in week 8. A sample is attached. In an APA compliant composition of at least 1000 words (at least 100 words per resource), summarize the content of each resource, and provide rationale for your selection.

Include a separate page for the title and a separate page for references (you will end up listing the references twice, once as part of the annotated bibliography, and once as part of the reference list). Also, you might explore the following: Word Annotated Bibliography – See Attached. NOTE: Wikipedia is not a valid reference because it can be changed by the community. Delivery: Submit this to the Dropbox Rubric: Refer to the Annotated Bibliography for Final Paper rubric for your assessment criteria. NOTE: Due date adjusted is given to allow you time to make any adjustments based on feedback from your proposal (week 4 written assignment). Annotated_bibliography_example.doc (68.5 KB)

Conflicting Viewpoints on Guns

When looking for information about a particular issue, how often do you try to resist biases toward your own point of view? This assignment asks you to engage in this aspect of critical thinking by playing the “Believing Game.” The Believing Game is about making the effort to “believe” – or at least consider – the reasons for an opposing view on an issue. The assignment is divided into two (2) parts. In Part I of the assignment (due Week 3), you will first read a book excerpt about critical thinking processes: “The Believing Game and How to Make Conflicting Opinions More Fruitful” at Next, you will review the Website in order to gather information. Then, you will engage in prewriting to examine your thoughts. Note: In Part II of the assignment (due Week 5), you will write an essay geared towards synthesizing your ideas. Part I – Prewriting: Follow the instructions below for this prewriting activity. Use complete sentences and adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling. Select one (1) of the approved topics from the Website and state your position on the issue. From the Website, identify three (3) premises (reasons) listed under either the Pro or Con section – whichever section opposes your position. For each of the three (3) premises (reasons) that oppose your position on the issue, answer these “believing” questions suggested by Elbow: What’s interesting or helpful about this view? What would I notice if I believed this view? In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true?” The paper should follow guidelines for clear and organized writing: Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph. Address main ideas in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling

Accomplishments of Charles-Édouard Jeanneret

Your assignment is to choose ONE architect from the class text or video lectures (you can select from ANY module) to finish a 6,000 words minimum paper. How to write an academic paper? you may refer to UF writing center: Remember: Find Something Important to YOU! You don’t have to cover everything that the architect ever did, just find something to research that interests you so that this paper can benefit you in some way. This paper requires a significant effort on your part – so be inspired to write about an aspect of architecture that brings you joy! Yes, you should discuss major accomplishments and/or influences of this architect. However, you don’t need to limit yourself to buildings – architecture is far more interesting than that – consider literature, stylistic movements, architectural philosophy and impacts on architectural education. You can also zero in on one minute detail that interests you and expand upon it. For example: If you like gardens, then research the gardens in and around the buildings; write about garden design during that time. Another example: If your architect designed furniture, your whole paper can be about his/her furniture design; write about the history of furniture design and how this architect fit into it. *You are welcome to email the instructor a short, 1-page submission detailing the main ideas for the research paper for advice. However, you should do it at least ONE week before the deadline. Detailed Requirements Format Use Arial font, 12 point, double-spaced, with 1” on all margins. Citation Style Use Chicago Style 16 footnotes and a bibliography.The footnotes and bibliography do not count toward the 6000 word count. More information on Chicago Style 16 can be accessed at The Chicago Style Manual through the Purdue OWL and at Fairfield University. Please see “Chicago Style 16 Sample Paper Actions ” as an example of what a completed paper should look like in Chicago Style 16. Use 10 Sources You are required to use at least 10 sources total for a 6000 word paper.Information for this paper should come from a variety of sources. You are encouraged to use books, videos, interviews, documentaries and academically recognized scholarly web sources in order to develop your own “big idea” that will clearly articulate an organized set of ideas about the architect you have chosen. Web page sources may be used, but online journals and publications that are accessed through the UF Libraries Databases are more appreciated. Do not use Wikipedia as a source as it is unverifiable and can be edited at any time. To begin your search for scholarly sources, please visit the AFA Library page. Bibliography Please include a Bibliography for your sources. Note that the Bibliography format is slightly different from the footnote format, as it is alphabetized by last name. Cover Page Title of Paper Student’s Name Course and Section Number Word Count: not including footnotes cover page or bibliography Images Images are not required. You may use images that enhance or illustrate an idea, but remember – the word count still needs to equal 6000 words.

Five-Year career plan

Five Year-Career Questions: • Personal and Career Self-Reflection: Where are you at in your life and career, and how did you get to this point? • Skills, Abilities, Traits, and Character Audit: Analyze your individual skills, abilities, traits, and character in detail as a guide for preparing your SWOT Analysis. How can these areas be improved? • Personal and Professional Development Plan: Based on your personal analysis in your Personal and Career Self-Reflection, Learning Style Inventory Self- Reflection, Decision Making Style Assessment Reflection, Skills, Abilities, Traits, and Character Audit, and your Personal SWOT Analysis, address the specific areas you need to improve. Develop a plan for improvement that encompasses the short term (one year) and long term (one to five years). • Personal Mission Statement: Develop a mission statement to guide you on your path to personal and professional development. Your Personal Mission Statement must have specific attainable goals set in time. • Career Objectives: Establish your specific career objectives (minimum of three and no more than five). • Career and Industry Profile: Evaluate the current industry your career falls within and determine the industry’s potential during the next decade, including growth potential, jobs needed, technology requirements, specific skill requirements, education requirements, and geographic requirements. • Career Action Plan: Develop a plan for how you desire to attain a job in your specified career path. Where will you enter the career path and how will you progress? • Career Feedback Plan: Describe how you plan to assess your success in your chosen career path. Then each student will develop a personal development plan to include: 1. What will be done (Tasks/Action Steps) 2. Resources needed, including time, support, and finances 3. Timeline Students must communicate how they will show evidence of success and evaluate their process. Additionally, students are required to complete a long-term career goal, identify where he/she would like to be in the next five years, determine the steps to take to get there, and identify the five-year goal, yearly benchmarks, and action steps.