A Secret Sorrow by Karen Van Der Zee AND A Sorrowful Woman by Gail Godwin

Compare and Contrast two fiction short stories

1. Chapters 11-12 of “A Secret Sorrow” by Karen Van Der Zee 2. “A Sorrowful Woman” by Gail Godwin

5 paragraph MLA Format 4 quotes from text to support evidence Formula Fiction VS Realism Cliché -> ambiguity Gender expectation / role within marriage Use literary terms to support evidence Set up 1. Intro 2. Author / back info 3. Compare – evidence from text 4. Contrast – evidence from text 5. Conclusion – Work cited

Describe the influence of Christianity and Islam in the life of adherents

Describe the influence of Christianity and Islam in the life of adherents


Paper details:

(800- 1000 words) In your answer make sure that you: Use a range of examples from sources to support your response. Use specific quotes from the Bible and the Qur’an and Hadith. Use specific examples of religious practices.

Problems in UK’s decision-making on asylum cases applications

Problems in UK’s decision-making on asylum cases, applications

This paper should show current substantive and procedural law on asylum applications decision making. I ll provide few links, recent newspaper articles which describes problem. Asylum applications due to procedural flows becomes lottery. Don’t write about accommodation issue of asylum seekers as it is different topic. Describe strength and weakness of current law. Then paper should propose reform , changes which may improve current situation. I ll provide marking criteria for the writer. As a reform which ll be proposed in the paper model’s from other jurisdictions can be used. Finally little bit of critical analysis on the proposed reform itself which ll describe weaknesses of proposed reform in the paper. I ll need skeleton of the paper for the 10 August with arguments. Referencing should be OSCOLA referencing.

Response paper on Street Car Named Desire

Answer the following question. A quote from the works  is necessary to prove your point, and there should be at least one per body paragraph (at the very minimum). The paper should have a clearly defined introduction and conclusion paragraph. A Streetcar Named Desire deals with dysfunctional relationships that are doomed to fail. Explain how this idea is central to understanding the play. Format: Use MLA format: double spaced with the proper heading in the top left corner of the first page (see below) and 12-point font (Times New Roman or Calibri). Type your last name and the page number in the top right corner of every page. At the end of your paper, include a works cited entry. Save your paper as a DOC, DOCX, RTF, or PDF. Requirements regarding content and structure of your essay: No matter which topic you choose, you need to come up with a thesis statement and back up your argument with specific observations about the story This means you should use short, relevant quotes from the story to back up your points. Your essay should begin with an introductory paragraph that ends with your thesis statement. Follow your introductory paragraph with several supporting paragraphs. In each supporting paragraph, incorporate at least one direct quotation from the story. Be sure to cite your quotations correctly End your essay with a concluding paragraph that brings closure to your essay. Avoid using the pronoun I or you in any form (unless it is part of a direct quote). Here is an outline of the basic structure of an analysis essay like this one: Begin with an introductory paragraph (4-5 sentences). In your first sentence, identify the author (use first and last name) and title of the story you are writing about (use quotation marks around the title of the story). Provide two or three sentences that lead into your thesis statement. End this paragraph with your thesis statement. (Note: Refer to the author by first and last name only once; in subsequent references, use ONLY the author’s last name). First supporting paragraph (The length depends on the point you are making, but each of your supporting paragraphs should be longer than either your introductory paragraph or concluding paragraph. However, each supporting paragraph should be approximately the same length. In other words, you do not want to have a lengthy first supporting paragraph followed by two short ones, for example.): Begin with a topic sentence that signals to your reader what point you will make in this paragraph. The point should expand upon or develop your thesis statement. Use a transition to signal to your reader that this is your first point. You should have at least two examples from the story that develop your point; each example should be followed by a direct quotation from the story that explains or supports what you are saying. Second supporting paragraph: Begin with a topic sentence that signals to your reader what point you will make in this paragraph. The point should expand upon or develop your thesis statement; it should also be different from the point you made in the previous paragraph. Use a transition to signal to your reader that you are moving on to a new point. You should have at least two examples from the story that develop your point; each example should be followed by a direct quotation from the story that explains or supports what you are saying. Third supporting paragraph: Begin with a topic sentence that signals to your reader what point you will make in this paragraph. The point should expand upon or develop your thesis statement; it also should be different from the points you made in the two previous paragraphs. Use a transition to signal to your reader that you are moving on to a new point. You should have at least two examples from the story that develop your point; each example should be followed by a direct quotation from the story that explains or supports what you are saying. End with a concluding paragraph (4- 5 sentences): Begin with a reference to your thesis statement. Sum up the points you have made in your essay. Bring closure to your paper.

Energy Systems Understanding the Flow of Life

Energy Systems Understanding the Flow of Life


Paper details:

Human and universal energy systems, what had to shift inside you to integrate this knowledge? Is there awareness about the environment working as a charge nurse on a surgical floor that has shifted since learning about the concept of energy? Tell us about it. Share a specific story about the human energy system that demonstrates (personally or professionally) what this shift means to you and how it has influenced your way of being. I am a muslim male working as a charge nurse on a surgical floor.

Retailing mix

Learning Objectives Covered LO 03.01 – Describe and discuss four types of marketing channels Background Person online shopping on a laptop screenIn marketing, a channel is the network or pathway between the person or company who created a product and the consumer or end user who purchases it. A channel could be a store in a mall, a website, a mail order catalogue or direct personal communication between a maker and a buyer. How you market varies a bit depending on the channel that is being used. Though it can be confusing, there are four basic types of channels that can help guide you when thinking about your marketing options. The four basic types of channels are: direct selling channels indirect selling channels dual distribution channels reverse channels Direct Selling Direct selling is when makers sell products directly to consumers. These sales happen outside of a conventional retail store. Examples of direct selling include companies like: Avon, Mary Kay, and Pampered Chef. Other examples include farmers markets and craft fairs. Direct selling is a good marketing outlet if you are extroverted and committed to building connections and putting in the time and effort selling your own product. Indirect Selling Indirect selling is a marketing channel where wholesalers and retailers are used to make a product available to customers. Indirect selling most commonly happens in traditional retail stores. For example, when you go to the grocery store you do not buy milk directly from the dairy that produced it. Instead, the dairy sold it to an agent, who sold it to a wholesaler, who sold it to a grocery retailer who then is selling it to you. Indirect selling is a good marketing outlet if you are not as comfortable selling your product on your own. In addition, indirect selling is a good marketing outlet if you would like to reach a wider audience than places you can travel on your own. Dual Distribution Dual distribution is when a product is marketed through two or more channels in order to reach the most customers. For example, a product might be sold in a grocery store and also at a farmer’s market or directly from the maker via a website. Dual distribution is a marketing outlet that combines the best of both worlds. You can both market the product yourself in a direct selling method and have the larger scope of an indirect selling market. Reverse Channels The first three channels flow from produce to consumer. In reverse channel, this flow literally reverses. The consumer is the one who provides raw materials and is paid and the producer is the one who gets the item being exchanged. An example of this is the deposit fee paid in some states for turning in glass or metal. Another example of this is resale or consignment clothing where a consumer brings in and is paid for their used clothing. Reverse channel is a marketing outlet that flips the normal flow of goods and services on its head. It is a way to empower everyone to become part of the consumer goods and services cycle. Prompt Step 1: Discussion Questions to Answer In this discussion, we will be discussing marketing channels. Imagine a friend comes to you asking for marketing advice. Your friend designed a line of illustrated greeting cards and is now looking to market them to a larger audience. They have no idea where to begin and are feeling very overwhelmed. How would you describe the four possible marketing channels to them? Which channel would be better if they were very shy and had a hard time presenting themselves? Which channel would be better if they were very extroverted and loved to talk and meet new people? If you were in your friend’s shoes and wanted to market a product you’d created, which marketing channel would you most likely choose? Why? For your citation, use articles that describe the marketing cycle or read case studies on how you can market/sell handmade or hand-crafted items. Try to write at least 250/300 words in your response. Remember there is not one correct answer in this discussion. Instead, conduct research on what others have done in the same type of situation. Many graphic designers maintain freelance businesses so it is vital to know how to market yourself and your products. For your citation, you might use articles that describe the buying decision process or the types of consumer decision making.


• Describe two common types of graphs, tables, or charts that you see used in your work or school. Discuss whether or not they effectively communicate the purpose, and what other graphics might be more effective for the intended audience. • From the e-Activity, describe what makes each graphic a good or bad example of a graphic. For each, identify at least two more ideas to make each better. E-Activity – Research the internet for one example of a well-designed graphic and one example of a poorly designed graphic. Record the URL’s used in the research.

Christina Falling Baby-sitter from Hell and Killer Baby-siiter

This writing project consists of you creating a PowerPoint presentation on the topic listed below. You must have at least 5 credible resources cited in your PowerPoint as in-text citations and in a reference citation slide in APA format. You must also have a title slide in APA format. For this project, you may choose any criminal in history that you find interesting. ( chose Christina Falling also known as “Baby-sitter from Hell” and “Killer Baby-siiter”). In the first part of the project you will briefly discuss the life of the criminal (for example school, work and family history). You will discuss the crime or crimes that the person committed. Finally, you will apply at least two theories that you have studied this month as an explanation as to why they committed these crimes; be sure to discuss why you chose these theories. Below are the theories: Rational Choice Theory Social Structure Theory Trait Theory Social Process Theory Developmental Theories: Life Course, Propensity, and Trajectory

Funding for Projects Includes Finance and Engineering

Funding for Projects (Includes Finance and Engineering)


Paper details:

on the basis of the information throughout the module, and any projects with which you are familiar, prepare a short paper (About 5500 words) addressing the key point of the following issue: Distinguish between “Debt” and “Equity” in PPP Private Finance. Discuss the nature and the role of Debt/Equity ratio and its significance. At Large stage of a project there may be a need to swap Debt and Equity how this might operate. After reading take look at the brief and the assessment criteria.

According to Aristotle music imitates the passions or states of the soul such as gentleness anger courage temperance and their opposites.Discuss

Essays must be at least 800 words in length. Your content must be substantial and well thought out. Briefly introduce your topic in the first paragraph, and then go on to discuss it in some detail in subsequent paragraphs. Your essay should not be scattered in its flow or design. Always try to illuminate, or bring insight to some aspect of your topic. Always address the topic directly. In most cases there is little to no need for retelling the history of a subject as mentioned in the textbook or from my lessons; this essay is an opportunity for you to give your personal insight into the matter. Remember, you are graded on grammar and spelling, so please, take the time to proofread and check for spelling errors. Essays showing little to no regard for spelling will not receive a passing grade. Be sure to use complete sentences. This means to capitalize the first word of the sentence, use correct punctuation, use the correct verb tense, and avoid abbreviations. Do not be afraid to add a personal touch to your writing; however, avoid using both the first and second person point of view altogether (this means never use the words I, me, you, your, and the like). Instead, show me your best work. Take the time to express your thoughts in a professional yet eloquent manner. When applicable, use musical terminology in your writing. Although your essay should be based on your own insight, always be mindful of your writing style. Too often students fall into an overly informal tone. You may want to draft your essay “as you would speak” but remember to follow up by reworking a more collegiate tone into your paper. Imagine that you would be reading your essay aloud to an informed, yet interested audience; you would want to connect with your listeners by providing personal insight, all the while maintaining a professionally eloquent tone. Think deeply about what you want to say and choose your words carefully. Be very careful NOT to commit academic dishonesty by plagiarizing within your essay. I have found there is a tendency with some students to simply copy and paste paragraphs, or sections of paragraphs, right out of the textbook or off of a related website. You must use your own words when writing any college-level paper for credit. Any essays found guilty of academic dishonesty will receive an immediate zero with no opportunity for resubmission. When you are finished click Submit. Choose 1 of the following topics to discuss at length. 1. According to Aristotle, music “imitates the passions or states of the soul, such as gentleness, anger, courage, temperance, and their opposites. Music that imitates a certain passion arouses that same passion in the listener. Habitual listening to music that rouses ignoble passions distorts a person’s character. In short, the wrong kind of music makes the wrong kind of person, and the right kind tends to make the right kind of person.” Respond to this claim in terms of your understanding of music. Do you feel that Aristotle is correct or not? Use specific examples to support your claims. 2. The play The Marriage of Figaro (1784), which ridiculed the privileges of the aristocracy and set a common servant above his master, was banned throughout France and Austria. It has been considered an early indicator of the French Revolution. Certainly authorities of the eighteenth century felt justified in their banning of the work. Please discuss your position on artistic restrictions. Do you feel there is ever justification for a piece of art being restricted or banned from public consumption? Use specific examples to support your claims. 3. In recent years the question of whether or not to place high importance on film music has seen much debate. Many feel that, given the nature of the film industry (e.g. director restrictions, editorial cuts, etc.), that film music can not rightfully be considered alongside works of past masters. Others, however, champion some film scores as modern masterpieces in their own right. Given your understanding of the history of music, please discuss your thoughts regarding the status of film music. Do you believe that orchestral scores composed for films deserve to be an important part of the history of classical music? Why or why not? Use specific examples to support your claims. Remember, there is a strict due date/time for this assignment: Sunday, August 4 at 11:59 pm. Therefore, please do not wait until the last few minutes as you run the serious risk of the assignment closing just before submitting your work. Seeing that you are allowed ample time, the assignment will NOT be accepted after the due date/time has passed.