Mass extinction

As you have seen in the tutorial, we have gathered a lot of information about the organisms that lived before our time here on Earth. We have learned that many organisms no longer exist on our planet. We describe these organisms as extinct. From our fossil record, we have evidence of mass extinctions, during which huge numbers of organisms completely disappeared during a short period of time. In fact, it appears that mass extinctions have occurred several times in the earth’s history. Review the mass extinction( link to learn why this happens and how we know. Be sure to read the information found linked to each of these headings (located on the left-hand side of the website): End-Ordovician mass extinction Late Devonian mass extinction End-Permian mass extinction (the Great Dying) End-Triassic mass extinction End-Cretaceous mass extinction Now review the ( that have occurred due to the effects of human activity. These Web sources, provided by the Sam Noble Museum(, will also be components of your Case Assignment. How many major mass extinction periods are listed here? Follow the links from that page to learn more about each period. What caused each, and which major groups of species disappeared from each period? Read the article link on Recent Extinctions: Choose two of the recent extinctions( listed on this link and explain why they occurred. Case Part II: Global Climate Change Scientists have concerns that human activities are changing our environment at rapid rates that could result in a sixth mass extinction. Let’s examine the evidence: Review the “Recent, Past and Present” section from Mass Extinctions( Also review the following link from the NASA website: Define greenhouse effect. Describe which gases are important to the greenhouse effect. What were listed as human activities related to greenhouse gas production from each link? How do humans contribute to both climate change and major extinction events? Some scientists think that human activities may be contributing to a sixth mass extinction event. What specific evidence do they site for this possible event? (you may need to conduct additional research to support your findings). Part III: Drawing Conclusions Now provide a summary that explains what conclusions you can make for yourself based on the evidence provided and what you now know about the geologic time scale of the history of the Earth. Assignment Expectations Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Part I: Geologic History of the Earth/Major Events. Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to use APA formatting throughout your essay with 1-inch margins, 12-point type, and double spacing throughout. Include a title page, introduction, answers to the questions with subtitles, and concluding paragraph. Remember to include in-text citations within the body of the essay referencing your resources (e.g., Murray, 2014). Also, be sure to include a reference section at the end of your assignment listing all required readings and any additional resources you used to complete your essay. A helpful guide to writing a quality essay can be found in Trident’s Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper. This guide also provides links to example essays written in APA format.

Explore the different types of graphs used to visualize data


In this week’s assignment, you will explore the different types of graphs used to visualize data. Results from both Excel and SPSS should be copied and pasted into a Word document for submission. Each graph must contain a narrative description of what it represents and an interpretation of the image. Please use the provided datasets for building these figures. Pie chart Bar chart Scatterplot Histogram Minimum of 5 scholarly resources (Some possibilities below) 1. utm_source=ss360&utm_medium=discovery-provider 2. 3. direct=true&db=edselp&AN=S0378378218300094&site=eds-live 4.

History of Airline Regulation

History of Airline Regulation

Paper details Read the following article highlighting historical governmental economic regulations in the years preceding deregulation: Then, review this video that highlights the events that led up to the enactment of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978:



DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS Analysis of Argument: You should prepare a 3-4 page typewritten argument on one side of a prescriptive issue). You may select topics that pertain to your personal/family life, workplace environment, or community. The intent is to engage you with an issue that is important to you and that has meaning in your life. The topic must be approved by the instructor in advance. A minimum of three sources should be used employing the APA format of documentation/citation. CRITICAL QUESTIONS to use: 1. What are the issue and the conclusion? 2. What are the reasons and supporting reasons? 3. What words or phrases are vague/ambiguous, euphemistic, or emotional? 4. What are the values and value conflicts inherent to the controversy? a. What are the value preferences of the writer? b. Are those value preferences in agreement with your values?

Neo-Classical Art and Romanticism

Neo-Classical Art and Romanticism

Select a work of art from the Romantic or Neo-Classical era that catches your eye, other than the one reviewed in the Case Assignment. It can be one that reminds you of an event from your own life or otherwise elicits some kind of emotional reaction. It is not necessary to include an image of the artwork. SLP Assignment Expectations •Write a two to three page essay discussing how the artwork of your choice reflects the typical values and characteristics of Romantic or Neo-Classical art. •Provide a brief background on the artist as well as a description of the work. •Include observations of a few stylistic elements to produce a convincing argument

Managerial Decision Making Research and Analysis

Managerial Decision Making Research and Analysis


Paper details:

Research a specific company of your choice and identify some of the managerial decisions that were made over time and in response to changes in its market or competitive environment. Use the Ashford University Library and web-based sources for your research. At least three external scholarly sources must be used in addition to the textbook. Address all of the following areas: Describe the company and provide a brief history of its operations. Find or use graphs to illustrate its financial performance over the years. Describe any sources of risk or uncertainty in its operations. Do the financial reports indicate risky or uncertain activities or changes to the economic environment that ultimately appear to have affected the company’s financial outcomes? Be specific. Are there any government regulations that have affected this company’s operations domestically or abroad? Explain. Describe the inputs that are used in this company’s production function and identify any challenges to securing these inputs. Determine if the company has introduced new products in existing markets or created new markets over time. What is the impact on its finances? Determine if the price of its products increased or declined over time and analyze the reasons for price fluctuations. Study the demand elasticity for its products and discuss the availability of close substitutes for its products. How does that affect pricing decisions? Analyze the company’s profitability. Identify the economy or industry influences on its costs, operations, and profitability. Describe the competitive environment in which the firm operates, the distribution of market power, and the strategic behavior of the firm and its competitors. Apply your knowledge of the theory of this company’s market structure. How does the company make pricing and production decisions? Is your observation supported by the theoretical models? Refer to the financial reports for illustration. Describe any non-price competitive strategies that the company might be engaging in. Provide specific examples. Evaluate if the company made any mistakes in its decisions over time, and recommend any changes or improvements for future operations. Refer to the financial reports when making specific observations or recommendations.. Use economic language and demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and theories of this course. Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (excluding including the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement which identifies the focus of the paper. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least three scholarly sources, in addition to the text. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style

Peter Rubin’s Future Presence

MLA format with MLA in text citations and a works cited page A comprehensive discussion some of Rubin’s ideas in Future Presence and your reflections on how well the author discusses his own thesis. You own thesis that clearly shows an interpretation of the book and its value as a text on Virtual Reality. (This involves some summary but more critique of the information, the speculations and concepts, the voice and writing style). Other sources other than yourself and Rubin’s book are not mandatory but encouraged as your paper need specific and concrete examples that move way beyond referring only to the Internet, smart phones and television. You must well explain and reflect on how VR –in your estimation–will influence our entire culture. An outline must accompany the final paper( The outline should be in the same MS Word attachment and presented at the start of your paper.) The essay without the works cited or the outline must still equal three to five pages in length. I would think this essay should lean closer to five pages to be thorough. Clear thesis and clear topic sentences for each body paragraph Body paragraphs that fully develop an interpretive stance toward the book and its information. Well integrated quotes from the primary source with full in text citations Assertive interpretations showing a collegiate level and scholarly approach to the idea of technology’s influence on society as presented by Rubbin. You are critiquing the book and the author as well as its predictions. No personal pronouns: you, I, we. If you use any other sources like a study guide, reviews or critical articles in your essay they must also be cited A creative and memorable conclusion that does more than parrot the introduction but leaves your reader with an understanding of what your comparison has brought forth in relation to the social and cultural trends. Accurate works cited page Sophisticated collegiate approach to writing using active verbs, present tense, and Standard English with proper punctuation and grammar. ( You may also use future tense).

Issues with the Elderly in prisons

The research paper MUST include an introduction/statement of the problem; literature review; analysis;discussion and policy implications; conclusion. Follow the standard research paper model:Introduction/statement of the problem; literature review; analysis; discussion and policy implications;conclusion with appropriate APA citations.Use scholarly articles and journals as well as credible news articles such as (The New York Times or Al Jazeera)

Communication systems and Internet Technology Threats to Privacy ITTP

Communication systems and Internet Technology Threats to Privacy (ITTP)

For this assignment, write a report on the topic of Communication systems and Internet Technology Threats to Privacy (ITTP). Please include the following information into your report: Discuss the legal issues related to computer and Internet technology networks Identify three of the social and ethical issues related to electronic technology systems. Describe the flowchart analysis of Internet threats to privacy. Your report should be 10 – 15 pages. Use Microsoft Word to write your paper. Cite your sources using the APA style guide. Discuss you analysis of your research and be sure to provide your conclusions. Your report should incorporate a minimum of two credible sources. Include a flowchart analysis of the system. It is expected that your writing will be clear and concise and free of spelling and grammar errors. Format Use the format below to write your report. Cover Page Abstract: A brief description of the topic. The abstract should not exceed four or five sentences. Introduction: In your own words, motivate the topic and give a concise summary of the theory involved, including any mathematical detail relevant to later discussion in the report. Body: Discuss the topic and points drawn from the articles read. Conclusion: This section should reflect your understanding of the topic. Important points to include are a brief discussion of all final conclusions reported by the author(s) on that topic. Future applications discussed by the author(s) or ones that you see feasible. References: Please cite any material used in the preparation of your report. Include the following information on your cover page:

Bubonic Plague

Capstone Essay Pretend you are planning a major trip with your family to visit one of the National Parks in the United States or one of its territories. Identify a rather esoteric public health disease that people may not be familiar with such as Bubonic Plague from prairie dogs, Hantavirus from a mouse in the Four Corners region, the bite of a Hobo spider at Yellowstone, water borne Shigellosis from beavers in the Pacific Northwest, a sting from “fire coral” while swimming off the island of Culebra (Puerto Rico) or a mosquito borne encephalitis such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis in New Jersey at Cattus Island Park in October. Research the available scientific literature and post or attach a paper of no less than 1200 words (6) pages including the natural history, epidemiology, treatment and public health considerations (i.e. prevention) of the disease. Alternatively, you may use a bioterrorism organism or chemical agent of terrorism as the subject of your report. The paper should be written in APA format and include at least six scholarly references. Here is a suggested list of diseases: ProMED Mail A great resource: To get the latest epidemiological news about the disease you are researching go to ProMED Mail.