Regionalism in emergency management
Paper details:
I need to add sections at the attached Literature review 1- regionalism theory: After showcasing the case study of the regional cooperation in the Fukushima nuclear disaster. I want to have one paragraph that introduces the regionalism theory; I also attached some papers regarding regionalism also. 2- Benchmark of Existing Regional Management Centre at the finding of the main paper I wrote about CEMA and ASEAN AHA centers, I need to add a section no more than two pages. explains the main functions of these centers, also if they handled risks on a regional level, what functions they activated
In a Word document, report on the results of your searching with the advanced techniques. Report a minimum of ten articles: Be sure to use both strategies when procuring your articles. Be sure cite all of your articles using APA format. For each article discovered, write a brief description of what it adds to your literature review on the dissertation topic. As always, provide correct in-text citations. locate 10 new articles for your literature review. • Bibliography Mining: Find five older sources from the articles that you already have. • Practice Cited Reference Searching: Find five more recent articles that cite your original articles
Write a 2-3 page paper that examines the moral and ethical considerations of organ conscription policies and theories. Scarcity of Medical Resources For this assessment, you will continue your survey of ethical principles in health care. Especially in our contemporary world, where needs for health care outstrip available resources, we regularly face decisions about who should get which resources. There is a serious shortage of donor organs. Need vastly outstrips supply, due not only to medical advances related to organ transplantation, but also because not enough people consent to be cadaveric donors (an organ donor who has already died). Munson (2014) points out that in the United States, approximately 10,000 patients die each year because an organ donor was not available, which is three times the number of people killed in the terrorist attacks on 9/11. But what is an efficient and morally sound solution to this problem? The policy of presumed consent, where enacted, has scarcely increased supply, and other alternatives, such as allowing donors to sell their organs, raise strong moral objections. In light of this, some have advocated for a policy of conscription of cadaveric organs (Spital & Erin, 2002). This involves removing organs from the recently deceased without first obtaining consent of the donor or his or her family. Proponents of this policy argue that conscription would not only vastly increase the number of available organs, and hence save many lives, but that it is also more efficient and less costly than policies requiring prior consent. Finally, because with a conscription policy all people would share the burden of providing organs after death and all would stand to benefit should the need arise, the policy is fair and just. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria: Competency 1: Articulate ethical issues in health care. Articulate the moral concerns surrounding a policy of organ conscription. Articulate questions about the fairness and justness of organ conscription policy. Explain the relevance and significance of the concept of consent as it pertains to organ donation. Evaluate alternative policies for increasing available donor organs. Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with health care professionals. Exhibit proficiency in clear and effective academic writing skills. References Munson, R. (2014). Intervention and reflection: Basic issues in bioethics (concise ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth. Spital, A., & Erin, C. (2002). Conscription of cadaveric organs for transplantation: Let’s at least talk about it. American Journal of Kidney Disease, 39(3), 611–615. Instructions Do you consider the policy of organ conscription to be morally sound? Write a paper that answers this question, defending that answer with cogent moral reasoning and supporting your view with ethical theories or moral principles you take to be most relevant to the issue. In addition to reviewing the suggested resources, you are encouraged to locate additional resources in the Capella library, your public library, or authoritative online sites to provide additional support for your viewpoint. Be sure to weave and cite the resources throughout your work.
Be sure to use specific evidence properly footnoted from the book Self, America’s History, Volume I: To 1877 (Bedford/ St. Martin’s, Ninth Edition, 2018) [e. g.: (H&H, p 187)] to support your argument. 1.What did Thomas Jefferson mean when he wrote the first thirty-five words of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence? What were the various origins of the ideas thathe wrote? Where did they and his political worldview come from? 2.Was the Puritan experiment in New England by the end of the seventeenth century a success or failure?
Explain why or why not. 3.How and why did the Americans politically and militarily prevail over the British in the American Revolution? Or, put another way, how did the British lose the political and military conflict? Explain. 4. At what point during the rebellion of the American colonists against Great Britain between 1765 and 1776 do you think that the “revolution” became inevitable? What factors or which persons contributed most to this? What elements were necessary to turn a rebellion into a revolution? 5.Examine the origins of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening and compare and contrast the impact that each movement had on British-American colonial culture and society during the eighteenth century.
How do you reconcile the fact that two seemingly opposing worldviews managed to prosper and develop in one country or culture? Which, in the end, had a greater impact on late 18th century life in the new United States? 6.Did the drafting and ratification of the U. S. Constitution complete the American Revolution or constitute a counter revolution? In what ways did the Constitution affect how democratic or how republican the polity of the United States was? Was it more one or the other? Was it a conservative document that emerged out of past colonial political practices or did it represent a dramatic break with the past?
Assignment 2: Evaluation of Agency’s Public Personnel Administration, Part 2 Academic Level : Professional Paper details Due Week 5 and worth 250 points Refer to the Scenario for Assignments 1, 2, 3, and 4. Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you: Analyze the organizational design of the selected agency’s human resource management in relationship to the entire organization. Assess its strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section “Organizational Design”) Assess the agency in terms of its global or international linkages, highlighting its application of theory to its approach to personnel management. (Title this section “Global Linkages and Personnel Management”) Analyze at least three (3) of the major components of the agency’s human resource system’s goals and practices regarding the recruitment and hiring of a qualified workforce. (Title this section “Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practices”) Evaluate the agency’s approach to training and programs provided for new and existing employees for the development of knowledge, skills, and overall competencies, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses. (Title this section “Employee Skills Training”) Recommend at least two (2) actions the agency could take to improve in the areas of recruiting and training a qualified workforce. (Title this section “Recruiting and Training Recommendations”) Appropriately incorporate at least four (4) quality sources. A quality source can be either popular, such as a news article, or scholarly, such as peer reviewed works. In the case of public administration, government websites are appropriate quality resources. Note: Wikipedia, SparkNotes, and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources. Visit the Strayer University Library at to conduct research. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page, revisions of the previous assignment, and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Evaluate the major components of the public personnel management system Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignme
One of the areas of concern to Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital is the integration and adoption of information technology systems that would be needed if the hospital consolidated with a large health system or added more outpatient services or expanded into telemedicine. As a member of the Task Force support team, you have been asked to research and discuss current and future advances and issues related to information technology in healthcare. This would include integration concerns with the Healing Hands Hospital’s current electronic health record system (EHRs), new models of decision support systems, and telemedicine with wearable tracking and smartphone linked devices. Discuss the issues in health information technology advances that will impact Healing Hands Hospital in the future with possible consolidation/expansion and the impact on quality of care and reimbursement for provided services. Include the following information in your paper: -Future health care reimbursement trends impacted by information technology such as big data analytics and decision support systems. -Information system technologies and issues with interoperability and scalability. -Innovations in telemedicine and tracking devices.
For this essay, you need to study the “IFRS vs GAAP Globally.pdf” attached to this assignment. This material covers the important issues of International Convergence and global accounting diversity and the differences between the U.S. GAAP and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). To make it easier for you, I have also provided a summary of the material and also some powerpoints to highlights the main points. This way, you can have a shorter summary for review at your disposal. Once you reviewed the material, you need to write short-essay answers (in a Word Document), answering the following questions: 1- Briefly summarize the GAAP and IFRS systems 2- In one or two paragraphs describe the main differences between the two systems 3- According to the material, why is it important (or is it?) to converge the existing global systems? 4- In one or two paragraphs, write your opinion about what the author discusses: do you agree with his argument? In other words, do you think the convergence of global accounting systems is necessary? or could it be harmful? Why?
Cuban Missile Crisis
Paper details World War II ends and the world effectively takes two sides; those on the side of the US and those on the side of the USSR (Russia). For much of the future, wars and conflicts over influence from these two sides dominate. Without choosing the two main conflicts, Korea and Vietnam, please discuss the conflict of the Cuban Missile Crisis that takes place. It didn’t need to elevate to troops being deployed but find a region that interests you and discover how the “Cold War” may have played out there or if it affected that area at all?
How AI will Rewire Us: This is the source needed. These are argument points. Does interaction with AI technology have a negative impact on developing brains (kids)? What does the future of robotics look like? Should AI technology be further developed or should robots be developed without AI and focused on manual labor?
The Project is made up of five parts. The end result is an eight page written paper about your selected topic: What is next for the LGBT movement? Did the gay-marriage win shift the movement in a good direction? Or has what is referred to as the “mainstreaming of the movement” taken us far away from the transformative vision of the early gay rights movement? What are the pros and cons of this?Your paper will include: Introduction (statement of the problem) Literature review Background information/history Global perspective Future implications Conclusion References Project: Part 3 requires you to develop a your paper in APA format
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