How can Aldo Leopold’s ‘The Land Ethic’ help to think through the culling of feral pigs in western New South Wales

Choose two of the following topics and write a 750-word response to each.

You are to refer to the set reading in your response. You may research wider if you like, but it is not necessary. The set readings are enough to answer the question. You may also refer to any of the course content covered in the 12 weeks of class. You CAN NOT write on the topic that relates to the presentation you delivered. Eg. If you presented on whether or not athletes have a duty to be good role models – you can not respond to topic 4 on Israel Folau.

1. Martin Luther King, in his Letter from Birmingham Prison, provides an argument for when it appropriate to break the law. Do you think the recent acts of civil disobedience by vegan protesters were justified? Refer to King’s letter in your response.

2. How can Aldo Leopold’s ‘The Land Ethic’ help to think through the culling of feral pigs in western New South Wales?

3. Do you think the Federal Government is right to deregulate gene editing in the case of agriculture? Refer to Steven Pinker’s essay in your response.

4. Using the arguments of Thomas Nagel about the responsibilities of those in public positions, evaluate the morality of: Israel Folau (in relation to his ongoing dispute with Rugby Australia over controversial social media posts). 5. Milton Friedman argues that the social responsibility of businesses is to increase their profits. Consider the controversy over Woolworths new store operating model and consider whether or not Friedman’s argument applies.

Gibbons v. Ogden 1824

Instructions: explain why this particular case is the most important of the list. Do not restate the questions in your responses. Use the actual Supreme Court case text as a primary source here as well. Supreme Court Cases List (Pick one) Marbury v. Madison (1803) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Korematsu v. United States (1944) Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Mapp v. Ohio (1961) Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) Miranda v. Arizona (1966) Roe v. Wade (1973) United States v. Nixon (1974)

The Jerusalem Council Account (Acts 15) and Paul’s Experience on the Road to Damascus.

Two topics on different pages do not connect the two thoughts The Jerusalem Council Account (Acts 15) Page 1 Paragraph One: Outline the problem being dealt with in the chapter. What has the council been called together for? Read chapter 14 to understand the context. What are the various opinions involved, Paul’s, Peter’s, and the others their, for example, the Pharisees. Paragraph Two: What is the council’s decision? Who does the council’s decision specifically directly affect in terms of practice, Gentiles, Jews, both? Sources: For this assignment please use the commentaries that have been provided for this class in order to answer the questions. You are required to use at least two and cite them in your answers. You are required to use at least two sources that are not the BIBLE. 4. Paul’s Experience on the Road to Damascus page 2 There are three occasions where we ae told of Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus: (1) 9:3-8; (2) 22:6-11; and (3) 26:13-19. Please compare and contrast all three of the accounts, answering the following question:. 1. What are the similarities? 2. What are the differences? 3. What are the reasons for these differences?

Recitatif Toni Morrison’s


Research Essay RequirementsChoose your own topic based on one of the ASSIGNED readings from Modules 2-6. You may also choose one of the promptsDevelop a clear, debatable thesis statementMinimum 1000 words (not including heading or works cited)MLA format (including works-cited page)No more than 15% of your paper should consist of other people’s ideas/words (In other words, don’t try to pack in a bunch of random quotes)Primary source (the text you are analyzing)

TWO credible secondary sources from PEERREVIEWED SOURCESONLY IF YOU WANT EXTENSIVE FEEDBACK–Next to your name in the heading, indicate you want extensive feedback by writing the following: (Requesting Feedback). You will upload your paper using the Turnitin link provided. Submit your paper by the due date listed in the course syllabus. In regards to my topic: I chose Modeule “Recitatif” Toni Morrison’s How does shame play a role in the characters’ lives? Writing about shame would probably involve researching child abandonment since the two are closely connected for the girls who are left by their mothers in the shelter for orphans. Both girls seem to feel on the outside, even in a place where the other children are pitied by society because they are not “real o

Developing a marketing strategy for one of the 25 Democrats seeking their party’s nomination

Political Marketing Project Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details You are tasked with developing a marketing strategy for one of the 25 Democrats seeking their party’s nomination. Your job, given that you are now an expert on how Donald Trump got elected, is to explain to them what they could do to use these techniques to beat him. The reason why I do not want you to use the Trump re-election campaign as a case is because his strategy is simple: keep his core voters happy by pointing out all the great things he did for them. You are to develop the product, brand, positioning and distribution channels for the product. Following that, you are to define who the audience targets are using the segmentation tools discussed in the class. This should be no shorter than 7 and no longer than 9 pages. I expect standard citation and bibliography formatting for this. Sources to use: Private Government by Elizabeth Anderson Coming apart by Charles Murray The Great Revolt by Salena Zito and Brad Todd

Olmec culture and its role as the mother-culture of Mesoamerica and its impact on subsequent generations in Mexico

In a post of at least 500 words compose an original response to one of the prompts below. Your answer to the question should utilize the information from the assigned readings. The answer that you provide should show that you have read and understood the information in the textbook and supplementary material. Make sure to include citations and references for both quotes and paraphrases of information from other publications including our text and the complete URL address for all web sites. Examine and discuss the Olmec culture and its role as the mother-culture of Mesoamerica and its impact on subsequent generations in Mexico. Use the following guidelines to organize your answer: How did the Olmec affect the evolution of the visual arts? Compare the features of the Colossal Olmec heads, the Olmec ceremonial ax and the Chacmool Maya figure from Chichen Itza-for more jade see the Metropolitan museum site Jade in Mesoamerica? Resource: Kleiner, Fred S. Gardner’s Art Through the Ages. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2016. Print.

What Jose Zagal ethically notable games: games that provide opportunities for encouraging ethical reasoning and reflection

Paper details what Jose Zagal ethically notable games: games “that provide opportunities for encouraging ethical reasoning and reflection.” Choose a game that you think is ethically notable, but is not discussed by Zagal or myself. Explain, in detail, what you think makes it morally interesting. Games you cannot use: Heavy Rain, Ultima IV, PeaceMaker, Manhunt, The Walking Dead, and Life is Strange.

Reflecting the expansionism of the Japanese Empire literary works of the 20s and the 30s were often set in the neighboring regions

2) Reflecting the expansionism of the Japanese Empire, literary works of the 20s and the 30s were often set in the neighboring regions. Yokomitsu Riichi’s Shaighai, is set in the busy international city of Shanghai, Yuasa Katsuei’s “Kannani” in Colonial Korea, and Kobayashi Takiji’s Crab Cannery Ship in the Sea of Okhotsk where the tension with Russia and China was rising. In these works, Japan is redefined in relation to those places in Asia. Choose two from the above-mentioned texts and discuss how these texts describe Japan’s relationship with its setting. While discussing this, you need to address the language of colonialism and/or nationalism. Make sure to use the keywords and incorporate them into your essay. Keywords: nationalism, Asia, Marxism, the colony, the body

Outline for Contract Draft

Key Assignment 400–600 words Your boss has asked you to complete an outline of the contract that will become the document guiding the companies in the fulfilling the requirements you have presented in the previous weeks. Prepare a key assignment outline: Choose appropriate contract types based on risk and purpose. Demonstrate basic knowledge of government protocols influencing those who contract with public agencies. Describe contract closeout procedures Discuss the nature and purpose of contract administration.

Employ contract formation and contract enforcement and the laws that impact contracting, including contract law, the Uniform Commercial Code, agency law and intellectual property law. An introduction discussing what topics will be discussed and an explanation of the purpose for administering a contract. A statement of expectation, also considered the statement of work, defining the c services required.

A request for information/proposal using stakeholder requirements from previous phase. Select appropriate contract format (example, fixed price, cost plus expenses, etc.) and explain why the selected contract type is appropriate for this effort. Select appropriate terms you desire to incorporate from the Uniform Commercial Code.

Provide the UCC designation and the title The legal terms and conditions should be detailed in the UCC section. The statement of expectation should include all rules the two companies (the contract provider and the buying company) must comply with for the contract to be considered fulfilled. You will be expected to show they understand the specific rules each company must adhere to.

Workplace stress among nurses

Workplace stress among nurses

A good paper requires a clear, strong thesis statement. Your paper should be unified and cohesive; a close relationship between the beginning (introduction), body of the content, and the end(conclusion or summary) should exist. Grading will be on content, writing,and critical thinking. Research documentation must be from reputable sources. Students must obtain all sources from academic, peer reviewed sources such as Journals or Academic Books. A minimum of at least seven sources must be used;at least six must be from peer-reviewed, academic sources,and at least one should be from a professional or academic web site. The majority of the published sources should have a publication date after 1980. At least four of the sources must be from peer-reviewed journal articles. An example of an academic, peer reviewed source other than a journal would be a book, e.g., the textbook