How can early literacy skills be promoted in a cultural and linguistically diverse classroom

How can early literacy skills be promoted in a cultural and linguistically diverse classroom?


Paper details:

PART I: INTRODUCTION (15 points) Topic: Make sure the proposal starts on a general level with some type of introductory remarks before going into the details of the specific research problem you are planning to research. This can be accomplished by providing a frame of reference, a definition, or a discussion of the significance of the topic in the field. Provide a statement of the problem and significance of the study that you are examining. (remember: this is more than one sentence or paragraph. You should explain and support your problem. Make sure you also clearly explain why it is important (significance) as a transition in the writing to your research questions.) Rationalize the importance of your study. Make sure the research question/s (and hypothesis) are fully listed. (optionally, these could go in the method…if you do that then make sure to put an overarching broad question here that frames your study- this is more likely in quantitative where you would also need hypothesis) Additional information is optional. This may include aims, objectives, limitations, and a summary. PART II: LITERATURE REVIEW (15 points) The literature review is written to place your study within the context of existing knowledge and other studies in your discipline. It gives recognition to other scholars and it also allows you to point out what is new about your research. Ideally, at least five studies should be discussed in the literature review. After you have written the literature review, read it carefully and make sure it is clear. Notice whether you can easily determine how the proposal is building on earlier studies, as well as exploring a line of research that is new. Synthesize the information into topics that are specifically relevant to your research question. When you mention other studies they are usually cited by the author’s last name and the date of publication. For example: “Another important study in the area (Chan and Gibbs, 2017) found that…” Later on, in the bibliography, you will provide a full citation to all the studies you cited in your proposal. 4. if you have a theory supporting your study, you should include this in your literature review. (second weekend) 5. a final short paragraph should explain how your study is situated in the current literature (second weekend) PART III: METHODOLOGY (15 points) Provide a full description of your general method and design. The methodology should be sufficiently detailed so that it can be replicated. The details that you include in describe your method will depend on the type of method you feel is best to propose for studying your topic. Explain the details of your data collection. Describe the instruments or means of data collection you are planning to use. Please include any relative information pertaining to each instrument or protocol. (References, Appendices) Validity and reliability or trustworthiness information – Process and citations of used measures should be included. (Validity/Reliability = quantitative & trustworthiness = qualitative) Discuss the data collection procedures (HOW) (primary or secondary texts, interviews, surveys, experimental, etc.) Describe the analysis process you will use with data. (reference the theory as needed) You are making the best match of analysis based on the data you think you will produce through your data collection. PART IV: Conclusion (2 points) Wrap up your proposal and make a predictive statement about your research. (this is unique to our proposal and not the typical research study conclusion)

IT System Recommendation

IT System Recommendation

For the Final Project, you are asked to write an eight-to ten-page research report (typed, double-spaced) in which you describe a company of your choice, the nature of its business, a specific product or service, and how that product or service is produced and distributed by the company and then recommend the information technology system you think should be in place and why. Address the following questions in narrative form (according to APA style). Be sure to provide examples and supporting rationale throughout the paper.

Company Background and Information Systems

What is the name, nature of business, and specific products or services of your chosen organization?

How are the products or services produced and distributed by the company?

Why are information systems essential in managing the organization’s business?

Describe the existing information systems supporting the major business functions of the organization (e.g., sales and marketing, manufacturing and production, accounting, human resources, etc.)

Information Technology Recommendation

What is your recommendation for the information technology systems you think should be in place and why? Your recommendation should include the following:

Information needs:

What types of decisions do users need to make by accessing the information systems?

What are the different levels of information groups?

Need for system automation

Benefits of the proposed system (savings, quality improvements, faster processing, etc.)

Types of database data elements (data, images, photographs, sound, video, etc.)

Networking and interactive processing

Centralization versus decentralization

End-user computing needs

Your recommendation to develop or acquire the system software

Potential Security Threats

Describe the various threats and security threats to the proposed information system. What security controls are required to address the threats?

Social, Political, and Diversity Impacts

Summarize the social and political issues raised by the proposed information system.

Discuss the impact of diversity to the development and management of the proposed information system.



The Final Project – IT System Recommendation

Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.

The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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Artistic Expression: Robert Frank and Brassaï

Art & photography have been linked from the beginnings of photography. In the contemporary art world, photography is a major player as a stand-alone voice and as an integrated medium with traditional art forms and digital technology. For this essay, search for photographers who are in the art genre and who grab your attention. (If you would like a starting place for your search, there is an excellent list on page 210 of our London text.) Select two artists, and compare and contrast their work. Defend your choices by explaining how their work qualifies as art. Would you characterize their expressions as photographs? or mixed media images? or multiple images or sequences? Is size an element in their work? In what way does the work relate to earlier traditions such as artistic photography or documentary photography? What other artistic, cultural, social, or political influences are evident in the work? What effect do you think the digital revolution has had on how artists define photography and make photographic images? For all essays in this course: Your essay should be at least 600 words. Cite any sources you use for your essay and include a list of works cited in either a MLA or APA format. Please include images, and remember to provide proper citations for each. Proofread your essay for grammatical and spelling errors.

Factors influencing the dietary fibre consumption of older people living independently and the impact of dietary fibre intake on health in this population

Factors influencing the dietary fibre consumption of older people living independently and the impact of dietary fibre intake on health in this population

Paper details I want just a discussion section about dietary fibre and related to sex, retire, have children, marital status, highest degree, monthly income, monthly household income, people live with you, economic factors affect food choice, physical factors, psychological factors, good appetite, biological factors, social factors in older people over age 65 years old

Story intervention from the movie Freedom Writers

Description: watch the freedom writers movie (very wholesome movie and a good watch) then provide a story intervention from the perspective of one of the characters from the movie Freedom Writers. Imagine you are taking a freeze frame from the movie at a very significant moment or a moment with lots of context from One of the characters from the movie like Marcus or Eva coming into the film like Eva wearing the ankle bracelet at the start of the film representing her being tracked and things that lead to it as an example. Please let me know what u are to write about before commending.

History of Architecture a building completed any time before 1900

Choose a building completed any time before 1900, and consider the ways in which its architecture has been influenced by its energy context. Core text: Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima and Paul Warde, Power to the People: Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries (Princeton, 2014) Please note that this text is available online through the university library website. Search for it in the catalogue and follow the instructions to find the text. You will need to add your own reading about your particular choice of building.  choose one that you can visit, and about which you can find good information in local libraries wherever you are based when writing the essay. Think about how your building is different from older buildings serving the same purpose. If you choose housing, how and why is it different from housing for people of similar social standing two hundred years earlier? If you choose a university building, how is it different from the old buildings of universities like Oxford and Cambridge? How has increased energy availability helped to shape those differences? Guidance Read the relevant parts of the core text carefully, taking notes (you do not need to read all the chapters on earlier history, though you may find it useful to dip into them to understand how things changed in the twentieth century – the start of the book is helpful as a summary). As you read, think about things which might affect architecture: materials and technologies, but also things like major social changes which might make particular types of building more or less important than they had been earlier in history. Make notes about the text and any other reading you do to prepare for your essay, and be careful to include in all your notes the page numbers and publication details of the places you found your information. Take notes throughout all reading (even online if you’re using some online sources) saying where you got each piece of information from, including page number (for printed sources and online journals) and date retrieved (which means the date you first read it) for other online sources. The thing which this essay will be marked on above all else is good analysis: your own observations and careful thought about the topic. NOTES AND PLAN: (use these titles for your own notes, to help you make sure that you are including everything you need. You do not need to submit your notes.)

Theological Research Article on Ecclesial Leadership for an organizational leadership journal

Paper details:

Write a Theological Research Article on Ecclesial Leadership for an organizational leadership journal of your choice. Please include the Abstract, Introduction, 75 References and the final Appendix Page. Use the journal scope of your theological enquiry, and the research methodology you intend to employ the focus of your paper. Note: Please cite your resources with

Criminal Justice: Effect of diversity on crime in police in a post-Ferguson era

Criminal Justice: Effect of diversity on crime in police in a post-Ferguson era


Paper details:

This section contains only peer reviewed research that is related to your particular topic. I want to make it very clear, you should choose a topic that has many peer reviewed research articles for you to use. Do not choose something abstract where you cannot find anything.

This is VERY important. It is very important that you check this out in advance using the online library. You have to make sure of this or you will struggle with the class. Peer reviewed research articles are those that appear in criminal justice or public policy related journal articles that have passed a rigorous review process to validate the research contained in the article. The review process for these journals involves forwarding the research study to several researchers associated with the journal and these researchers review the study for reliability and validity, bias, proper research policies and procedures, ethical treatment of research subjects, ethical practices of the researchers, etc. If all of these and other criteria are met, the study can then be published in that journal. This section is expected to be very thorough and substantial.

Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson

Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson.

-Book Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson. -Courage how do the characters in this novel exhibit courage? Does courage look the same for everyone? How does courage in the novel resemble courage in my own life? why is it important to be a courageous person? -Write a book review as it would be done for a newspaper that focuses on the theme you have chosen begin your review with an introduction should include the author, the title, and theme you have chosen. Also, provide an overview of the novel after you have written an introduction and an overview of the novel you will write your explanation for the rating you will at the end. This will include references to the book that demonstrate the theme you have chosen. Includes quotes and descriptions of relevant scenes. Finally, you should end the review with your rating. This usually done on a scale of 5 stars, but you can come up with your own creative, but school appropriate, rating scale

Debunking the Skin Improvement Myth – Product review

 Anatomy and physiology


Paper details:

Debunking the Skin Improvement Myth – Product review Locate an ad for a skin improvement product that attempts to use evidence-based data to promote its effectiveness. For example, an ad might say something like this: with natural botanical enzymes that exfoliate your skin. Analyze the ad’s claims and categorize these claims as accurate or inaccurate and explain why. (Minimum length of paper 500 words.) Papers need to be referenced and follow APA formatting guidelines. Paper will go through plagiarism program