Evidence for phospholipid export from the bacterial inner membrane by the Mla ABC transport system


Critical review on paper titled : Evidence for phospholipid export from the bacterial inner membrane by the Mla ABC transport system

Write a 3000 word critical review on a journal article and my subject area is Molecular Biology and I will upload the requirements and guideline that may be used if needed on how to approach the assignment in a document titled : Help on how to write critical Assignment. I will also upload the paper that I am required to write the essay critique about

Health Care Accounting

Final Paper for Health Care Accounting

Intro to Health Care Accounting Final Paper Locate several health care organizations’ mission, value and vision statements. Use public sources with no privacy concerns. You can look up the mission statement, value statement and vision statement of their local hospital, public health unit, etc.

You should be able to find them online easily enough. Then fit the statements you have discovered into the chapter’s categories of “recognizing a special status or focus within the statements”; financial emphasis within the statements”; and/or “relaying the message”.

Once you have the statements, you need to see how the statements correlate with the information from the textbook in regarding to how things are viewed from a financial aspect as well as a humanitarian – some will have the financial information upfront and right there, others will have it hidden. Be sure to include the missions, values and vision statement in your paper. When you write your paper, you will need to include all the statements and document how you believe it applies or does not apply. Your final submission should be a 3-page written paper (12pt Times Roman font and APA format) along with a reference page. Submit your completed paper.

Theoretical Premise in Healthcare Delivery

Theoretical Premise in Healthcare Delivery


Paper details:

Conceptual and Theoretical Models – Write a 1500-1700 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Support your ideas with at least three (3) scholarly citations in your essay. Use strict APA guidelines to format the paper. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount and an abstract and table of contents are not necessary and if included are not part of the overall word count. Choose a theoretical premise in healthcare delivery. Develop a conceptual model with words and graphics. You may choose a premise that has a conceptual model but you MUST revise the model both in words and graphics. All citations within the last five years


History of Present Illness D.T. is 42-year-old Caucasian woman who has had an elevated blood sugar and cholesterol 2 years ago but did not follow up with a clinical diagnostic work-up. She had participated in the state’s annual health screening program and noticed her fasting blood sugar was 160 and her cholesterol was 250. However, she felt “perfectly fine at the time” and did not want to take any more medications. Except for a number of “female infections,” she has felt fine recently. Today, she presents to the clinic complaining that her left foot has been weak and numb for nearly 3 weeks and that the foot is difficult to flex. She denies any other weakness or numbness at this time. She does report that she has been very thirsty lately and gets up more often at night to urinate. She has attributed these symptoms to the extremely warm weather and drinking more water to keep hydrated. She has gained a total of 50 pounds since her last pregnancy 10 years ago, 20 pounds in the last 6 months alone. Past Medical History • Seasonal allergic rhinitis (since her early 20s) • Breast biopsy positive for fibroadenoma at age 30 • Gestational diabetes with second child 10 years ago • Multiple yeast infections during the past 3 years that she has self-treated with OTC antifungal creams and salt bath • Hypertension for 10 years Past Surgical History C-section 14 years ago OB-GYN History • Menarche at age 11 • Last pap smear 3 years ago Family History • Type 2 DM present in older brother and maternal grandfather. Both were diagnosed in their late 40s. Brother takes both pills and shots. • Mother alive and well • Father has COPD • Two other siblings alive and well • All three children are alive and well Social History • Married 29 years with 3 children; husband is a school teacher • Family lives in a four bedroom single family home • Patient works as a seamstress • Smokes 1 pack per day (since age 16) and drinks two alcoholic drinks 4 days per week • Denies illegal drug uses • Never exercises and has tried multiple fad diets for weight loss with little success. She now eats a diet rich in fats and refined sugars. Allergies NKDA Medications • Lisinopril 10 mg daily • Loratadine 10 mg daily Review of Systems General Admits to recent onset of fatigue HEENT Has awakened on several occasions with blurred vision and dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing: Denies vertigo, head trauma, ear pain, difficulty swallowing or speaking Cardiac Denies chest pain, palpitations, and difficulty breathing while lying down Lungs Denies cough, shortness of breath, and wheezing GI Denies nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating or pain, diarrhea, or food intolerance, but admits occasional episodes of constipation GU Has experienced increased frequency and volumes of urination, but denies pain during urination, blood in the urine, or urinary incontinence EXT Denies leg cramps or swelling in the ankles and feet; has never experienced weakness, tingling or numbness in arms or legs prior to this episode Neuro Has never had a seizure and denies recent headaches Derm Has a rash under her bilateral breast and in groin area Endocrine Denies a history of goiter and has not experienced heat or cold intolerance Vital Signs BP 165/100, T 98 F, P 88 regular, HT 5 feet 4 inches, RR 20 non labored, WT 210 lbs What you need to do: • Develop an evidence-based management plan. • Include any pertinent diagnostics. • Describe the patient education plan. • Include cultural and lifespan considerations. • Provide information on health promotion or health care maintenance needs. • Describe the follow-up and referral for this patient. • Prepare a 3–5-page paper (not including the title page or reference page). Format The paper should be no more than 3–5 pages (not including the title page and reference pages. Assignment Requirements: Before finalizing your work, you should: • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above); • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors. Your writing Assignment should: • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and • use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder. How to Submit: Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit. When you are ready to submit your Assignment, select the unit Dropbox then attach your file. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit. MORE DETAILS When doing the write up of the case study this week, you don’t need to re-write the case study in your assignment. This takes up space. I have the case study information. You can certainly refer to the aspect of the case study you are discussing, but don’t re-write the case study. The format for this assignment is 3-5 pages plus the reference list and title page. As a graduate student and future nurse practitioner, you need to be specific in your discussion. In the week three case study, many students discussed hypertension, the management in general, classes of drugs or diagnostic tests yet never really stated what they would do for the patient. The wrong answer is to send the patient to the emergency department for evaluation and management.

The benefits of protection to your bone joints muscles and ligaments

The benefits of protection to your bone joints, muscles and ligaments for the position paper


Paper details:

https://edge.apus.edu/portal/site/408622/tool/a3516913-bcd5-45ae-a942-bf793d3a3149/student-submit/807988 https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/attachment/408622/Assignments/763b69d3-2369-45ab-8ed5-16feb853a609/Essay%20Rubric.pdf https://edge.apus.edu/access/content/attachment/408622/Assignments/c124bd60-dc86-4b80-8dbd-84b5bed60bb4/Citation%20Styles%20are%20Different.pdf

Senior Seminar Health Care Management – Collaboration

Introduction You are an analyst at an accountable care organization that has recently been formed due largely to state funding that was allocated to improve population health, and management. You are planning to invite stakeholders to a presentation to explain why there is a need for a combined population health management system. This system will collect de-identified patient data into one central repository that can be used to analyze and even predict population health trends. You are creating a memo inviting each of the stakeholders to participate. In this memo, you will explain key population health ideas so they understand why their contribution is essential and why they should plan to attend the meeting. This requires you to create buy-in across multiple organizations: County hospital, medical school (provides ambulatory care services via physicians, residents, fellows and medical students), a private for-profit healthcare system, and a Medicare Advantage Plan through United Healthcare. In creating this memo, you will need to demonstrate why it is essential for collaboration to occur which may feel counterintuitive to the for-profit entities for example. Plan to explain what the Institute of Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim initiative is. You will also need to explain why each entity is actually a stakeholder in Population Health and why everyone should be prepared to consider contributing their information in an attempt to explain Population Health, Population Health Improvement, and Population Health management. Directions Carefully Read: Swarthout, M., & Bishop, M. A. (2017). Population health management: Review of concepts and definitions. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 74(18), 1405-1411. doi:10.2146/ajhp170025 Initial Post: Based on their observations, in this scenario, and upon a careful review of the available literature, the student is to: Consider him or herself to be the analyst at an accountable care organization. The student is to prepare a formal memo which will go out to the leadership team of each stakeholder. As a reminder, the student must convince the stakeholders to at least attend a meeting for which the analyst will give a separate presentation.

Duty of care and Psychiatric injury

This a problem question on issues relating to psychiatric injury: At the Wessex Recreational Ground a travelling funfair has been constructed to celebrate May Bank Holiday. During the day the roller coaster ride comes off its tracks and crashes into an adjacent ‘Donut’ stand, injuring Jane, Pete and Gillian. An investigation into the crash has determined that the owner of the funfair, Wessex Fun-for-U, failed to make the appropriate safety and maintenance checks recommended by the relevant Trade Body. Geoff is the owner of the ‘Donut’ stand who suffers a nervous breakdown when he sees the extent of the damage to his property, the only source of his income. Jane is Gillian’s sister. Gillian had been seriously injured and had been taken straight to hospital. Janet heard about the disaster from the local radio and drove straight to the hospital. After making enquiries she is told Gillian is in intensive care. After a 3 hour emergency operation Gillian dies. Janet is taken to view the body and subsequently suffers a serious nervous disorder. Harry was at the funfair and on hearing about the crash ran to the scene of the accident and helped drag Peter from the debris. Later on reflecting on the disaster he suffers from clinical depression. Alf is Jane’s Father, who already suffers from a form of mental illness. He was watching the local live TV report of the incident and saw his daughter on a stretcher waiting to be airlifted to hospital. The sudden shock caused him to suffer an extreme version of his illness. Advise Geoff, Jane, Harry and Alf whether Wessex Fun-for-U owes them a duty of care. LEARNING OUTCOMES BEING ASSESSED This task is assessing the following module learning outcomes, and you must therefore demonstrate achievement of these learning outcomes to be awarded a pass mark: Demonstrate a knowledge and an understanding in relation to pure psychiatric harm in the law of tort Locate and extract legal information from a wide range of primary and secondary sources to include key cases relevant to pure psychiatric harm Make reasoned judgements based on an informed understanding of legal principles in relation to pure psychiatric harm in the law of torts Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate legal principles in relation to pure psychiatric harm in the law of torts The maximum number of words permitted for this assignment is: 1,000 WORDS – excluding footnotes, appendices and the source list/bibliography. Remember – you are required to include a word count at the end of your submission. The penalty for non-compliance with a word range is set out in your course handbook.

To what extent does dissociative identity disorder have an impact on patients relationships with others

To what extent does dissociative identity disorder have an impact on patients relationships with others?


Paper details:

Psychology extended essay. I already have 2 pages done (and a bit work cited), so you can just add the additional 10 pages to it lol. I found some helpful website and pasted the link in the ‘copy of EE for psychology’ file. I also have a outline listed but you can ignore it if you want:) The introduction I have if you find it useful you can keep it but if it’s tooo trashy just delete it that’s fine. I can do the abstract, I just need the body paragraph and conclusion (and maybe the intro) . Thank you so much for your work :))) I really really appreciate it !

Local interviews

Four page paper, APA format, on your interviews with “locals” about healthcare in Italy and patient access and disparities.

Local interview 1 with Federica at Sorrento train station. She expressed that healthcare is accessible and the doctor and nurses treat her well. But she feels the money is not allocated in the right areas. She feels more money goes to northern Italy so things are of better quality and access is much easier and the best doctors are in that area. Family doctors also known as GPs(general practitioner) perform home visits which she is satisfied with being visited at home. Local interview 2 with owners of A. espositos sportswear in sorrento husband and wife natives of Italy.

The wife alesandra felt the healthcare was not free because she paid taxes while her husband Esposito would consider it free healthcare. They feel the system was corrupt on the higher levels and monies are not allocated for the most common necessitates. They expressed their appreciation for dedicated care for those that have or are being treated for cancer. They also stated that northern Italy has more doctors and better healthcare overall.

Brain Disease

Description Final Paper: Brain Disease At the beginning of this week, you were introduced to the idea of mental illness as a disease rather than a set of symptoms or behavior. Physiological psychology forms the basis for this paradigm shift. A better understanding of mental illness and its associated symptoms/behavior will result from the combination of both a psychological and biological model of study. Assignment Instructions For your final project, choose a mental illness to research from both a biological and a psychological standpoint. Look at causes of the mental illness (both biological and environmental), brain structures affected by the illness, hormonal differences in the nervous system, neural pathways affected, etc. You will also need to include a section on treatment options and the specific physiological effects of the chosen treatment method on the nervous system. In conclusion of your assignment, include a paragraph on the importance of using a combination of physiology and psychology in understanding the illness you chose. What insight would be missing without one perspective or the other (physiology or psychology)? You will need to include in-text citations from at least four different resources. Your assignment should also include an introduction, body and conclusion with a reference page listing the resources you cited. Include at least one paragraph for each of the following sections: Introduction: introduce the mental illness and its importance Body Biological view of the mental illness Psychological view of the mental illness Brain structures affected by the mental illness (including structures, locations, hormones, neural pathways, etc) Treatment options and physiological effects of treatment Conclusion: importance of using both physiology AND psychology to understand the mental illness Reference Page: four reference entries that correlate with in-text citations Should you have any questions regarding this assignment, direct them to your course facilitator. Format Requirements Document Type MS Word Paper Size 8.5 X 11″ Length 4-5 pages Margins 1″ Font Times or Times New Roman, 12 pt. Line Spacing Double. No extra double space between paragraphs please. In-text Citations & Reference List Style APA Paper Structure Introduction Body Conclusion Reference Page File Naming Convention LastNameFirstNameFinalPaper Example: DoeJohnFinalPaper Submission After preparing your assignment in Microsoft Word, you will submit it, as an attachment below. When you are ready, scroll down to access the +File attachment area. Upload the file first, then write something in the input box, such as “Please see attached.” Then, you will see the ORANGE save button appear. Click the button to submit your assignment. Questions? Questions about this assignment? Feel free to post them in the Ask Questions forum, which you can access by clicking the “Discussions” tab from top of the Course Outline.