Telehealth and Telemedicine

Description In 22 pages, compare, contrast and describe how Telemedicine and Telehealth can increase access to healthcare. a) On the paper focus on Hospital inpatients –ER, Surgery, PACU, ICU, Medical surgical unity, Neuro unit, Labor and delivery, Behavior health and Oncology unity. b) Rural clients, c) Urban clients d)Flight clients (International and local) e)Home-Health clients f) Cultural influence g) Economy (Insurance, resources, paying for services) h) Telehealth and telemedicine enhanced education to staff, patients and public i) Consultation and counselling j)Urgent disaster response k) Security and confidentiality l) HIPAA compliance Comply to the following guidelines: *Use APA 6th edition format *At least 6 references of not more than 3 years old. *No online similarity (Zero) *Must include abstract, introduction, body, and conclusion

Analyze current research and best practices in the field of behavioral health

Please place your answers directly in the document, using the equation editor if needed to complete the assignment. Upload either the SPSS output file or copy/paste your output into a word document to submit to the dropbox. Please remember to answer the questions, you must interpret the SPSS output. This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: PSY 2.2: Incorporate technology to analyze and interpret psychological data. SOC 2.4: Use appropriate statistical methods for particular situations. BHS 1.3: Analyze current research and best practices in the field of behavioral health.

What can clinicians do to increase awareness on countertransference

Chapter 3 5. What is the effect of race, class, and gender on the social determinants discussed in this chapter? 6. What are the largest impacts of poverty in a country of your interest or your country of residence (USA)? How does this increase vulnerability to trafficking and modern-day slavery? (Remember to be specific to the country you are focusing on.) Chapter 4 7. What can clinicians do to increase awareness on countertransference? 8. What can agencies do to address the risk retraumatization with their clients?

Leadership and Nurse retention


The Retention Study article below describes a study on new nurses, retention rates, and the reasons they stay or leave. This article will be helpful as you write your discussion board and think about ways you as a leader and experienced nurse can impact retention of new nurses. Initial Post: 400-500 words, APA format with references cited in-text and at end of post Discuss the following: • Provide a description of your results from the leadership test. • Are you surprised by any of the findings? Explain why or why not.

• How do you play a role in the retention of new nurses as a soon-to-be BSN RN? **I have attached the nurse retention article and my leadership test results. Hx to include in paper for personalization…I am currently working in a leadership/management role as a clinic nurse manager, so the results of the leadership test is not surprising to me, I am pleased with the break down and explanation of the different styles.**

Compare contrast and describe how Telemedicine and Telehealth can increase access to healthcare

In 22 pages, compare, contrast and describe how Telemedicine and Telehealth can increase access to healthcare. a) On the paper focus on Hospital inpatients –ER, Surgery, PACU, ICU, Medical surgical unity, Neuro unit, Labor and delivery, Behavior health and Oncology unity. b) Rural clients, c) Urban clients d)Flight clients (International and local) e)Home-Health clients f) Cultural influence g) Economy (Insurance, resources, paying for services) h) Telehealth and telemedicine enhanced education to staff, patients and public i) Consultation and counselling j)Urgent disaster response k) Security and confidentiality l) HIPAA compliance Comply to the following guidelines: *Use APA 6th edition format *At least 6 references of not more than 3 years old. *No online similarity (Zero) *Must include abstract, introduction, body, and conclusion




A title slide should be included at the beginning of the presentation, and include the student’s name. Each slide thereafter should have a heading describing which criterion on the above list is being addressed on that slide. The presentation must be a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides in length. Since the purpose of this presentation is to emphasize anatomical structures and their importance in both physiology and pathological conditions, this presentation should include many graphics. Graphics can be borrowed from other sources (source must be cited), or created by the student. Graphics should be applicable to the criterion which they refer to. Graphics can include but are not limited to the following: flow charts, diagrams, tables, pictures, or brief animations. A minimum of 3 APA-style references should be cited in the presentation. The citation may be included on the slide which contains the borrowed material.

When evaluating a patient with this paraphilic disorder what interviewing techniques would help useful

Select one paraphilic disorder and answer the following questions in APA format. 1. When evaluating a patient with this paraphilic disorder, what interviewing techniques would help useful? 2. What is one type of psychotherapy that would be helpful in treating this disorder? 3. What symptoms you would expect a patient with this paraphilic disorder to present with? Identify a pharmacological intervention to treatment the symptoms, with rationale. 4. Identify a research or evidence-based practice article related to the disorder. In 100 words or less, explain how this article increased your knowledge of the disorder. EACH QUESTION WITH SUBHEADING. Utilize the book synopsis of psychiatry

Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems/Pathophysiology

 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems/Pathophysiology


Paper details:

Sources should be quoted on each question and be with 2014-2019. Please feel free to explore some of the nursing psychiatric implications of the assignment in addition to the pathophysiology.

he Relationship between nursing leaders’ Emotional Intelligence and Patient Safety in accredited and non-accredited hospital

The Relationship between nursing leaders’ Emotional Intelligence and Patient Safety in accredited and non-accredited hospital
Software: SPSS


Paper details:

The aim of the study is to explore the relationship between leaders’ emotional intelligence and patient safety in accredited and non-accredited hospitals i need answers to the 4 hypothesis

Hypothesis 1: The level of leaders’ EI in accredited hospital is higher than non-accredited hospital at AL Qassem Region.

Hypothesis 2: The level of patient safety in accredited hospital is higher than non-accredited hospital at AL Qassem Region.

Hypothesis 3: There is a positive correlation between levels of EI leadership and patient safety in hospital at AL Qassem Region. Hypothesis 4: Nurse leaders’ sociodemographic characteristics will predict their EI.

aim will be achieved through the following objectives: a. To determine level of emotional intelligence among nurse leaders working in accredited and non-accredited hospital b. To determine level of patient safety culture among nurse leaders working in accredited and non-accredited hospital

c. To identify the association between the emotional intelligence and the patient safety among nurse leaders working in hospital i need Data Analysis to the xecl attached to answer the hypothesis using spss with figures and tables : Data will be analyzed using SPSS program (version 24). Univariate tests will be used to examine the mean, and standard deviation of the study variables. Bivariate analysis will be utilized to exam the correlations between the study variables and examine the mean deference between the accredited and non-accredited hospitals. Finally, multivariate test will be used to examine the sociodemographic variables predictability of EI.


Nursing Informatics in Health Care


Write a 4-5 page evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes. Introduction Nurses at the baccalaureate level in all practice areas are involved in nursing informatics through interaction with information management and patient care technologies. Nurses must not only demonstrate knowledge of and skills in health information and patient care technologies, but also how to use these tools at the bedside and organizational levels. Moreover, nurses need to recognize how information gathered from various health information sources can impact decision making at the national and state regulatory levels. Scenario For this assessment, assume you are a nurse attending a meeting of your state’s nurses’ association.

A nurse informaticist conducted a presentation on her role and its impact on positive patient and organizational outcomes in her workplace. You realize that your organization is undergoing many technological changes. You believe this type of role could provide many benefits to your organization. You decide to pursue proposing a nurse informaticist role in your organization. You speak to your chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager. These individuals ask you to prepare a 4–5 page evidencebased proposal to support the new role. In this way, they can make an informed decision as to whether the addition of such a role could justify the return on investment (ROI). They need your proposal before an upcoming fiscal meeting.