Government legislation in health care

Art 1: Legislation is constantly changing the ways in which the healthcare industry operates.

You will be investigating different types of legislation affecting various topics: Managed Care or Long Term Care, Health IT, Healthcare Finance and Special Populations.

Review the assignment directions link for more details

Part 2: For every new law or regulation, new or updated, policies must be created and be disseminated to staff.

There are regularly changing provisions within the Affordable Care Act, other federal healthcare requirements, state laws and regulations, CMS Conditions of Participation, Joint Commission Standards, and other accreditation requirements.

You are to select one of the pieces of legislation you researched. Create a policy that might be adopted by either a hospital or a professional association to implement a component of that legislation. This must be a policy you create—not one that you find on the web or one that is used by your institution.

Ischemic heart and vascular disease

Ischemic heart and vascular disease

Assignment Structure Your final paper must include the following sections:

•Title page.. •Abstract.. •Introduction. (3–5 paragraphs.)

◦Describe the topic you investigated.. ◦Provide a brief background of this topic.. ◦Explain why this topic is suitable for a professional doctoral project as opposed to a PhD research project..

◦Discuss a potential sponsoring organization that would be interested in the investigation of this topic.. .

•Methods. (Methodology and search strategy used for literature search.) ◦Databases searched.. ◦Key search terms used.. ◦Number of articles accessed and number of articles used for the paper.. .

•Critical Review. ◦Compare and contrast peer-reviewed articles and sources in your evidence table.. ◦Provide analysis and synthesis of the articles.. .

•Recommendations. ◦A clear statement of possible solutions found in the literature related to the topic.. ◦Specific planned actions of how this information will inform your future work on this topic.. ◦An evaluation of the appropriateness of this topic with a possible sponsoring organization.. ◦A description of possible next steps for use of this topic.. .

•Conclusions. ◦Summarize and tie together all the information. (3–5 paragraphs.). . •References.. •Appendix: Evidence Table.. Other Requirements Your paper should meet the following requirements: •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.. •APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.. •Length of paper: A minimum of eight typed, double-spaced pages.. •Font and font size: Arial, 10 point..

What is a mental health counselor

 What is a mental health counselor?


Paper details:

Must incorporate chapter 1 of Gerig “foundations of a clinical mental health counseling” Historically, the term “counselor” has often been widely used and frequently misunderstood. As such, helpful definition of what it means to be a counselor is necessary, especially for a field that is considered “young” among the mental health and people helping professions.

Unifying the profession of mental health counseling, as a whole, while solidifying an agreed upon, working definition of what it means to be a mental health counselor has been a developmental process. Students will differentiate the multiple professional settings, roles, and functions of clinical mental health counselors across specialty areas and identify strategies to interface with human service systems, the legal system (for court-referred clients) and integrated behavioral health care systems and personnel, including interagency and inter-organizational collaboration and consultation.

Students will explore the varying practices and will define clinical mental health counseling. Students will reflect on their own understanding of mental health counseling and will begin to establish a personal orientation to counseling that is consistent with their worldview.

Identify some inpatient hospital utilization measures and operational concepts that have been put in place as a result of managed care and the prospective payment system PPS

(a) Identify some inpatient hospital utilization measures and operational concepts that have been put in place as a result of managed care and the prospective payment system (PPS). (b) Discuss legal rights of a patient as they relate to the advanced practice nurse working in an inpatient facility. (c) What legal means of protecting a patient’s rights have you dealt with? (Only use peer-review articles as sources.)

Age related memory loss in late adulthood

Research topic: Age related memory loss in late adulthood. Research question: Which gender and combined environmental factors are more likely to contribute to age-related memory loss in late adulthood? Thesis Statements: Men in late adulthood are more likely to be susceptible to memory loss than women in the same age group, environmental factors, lifestyle and habits can majorly affect memory in the long run.

Data integrity as a key strategic resource

As an HIM Data Quality Analyst, you know that information interoperability enables the movement of electronic health information to where and when it is needed to support individual healthcare needs and population-oriented uses Create a data project plan for a large, county hospital system. In your data project plan, justify data integrity as a key strategic resource and mission tool in a 4 to 5 page document. You can accomplish this by: (1) Selecting a population-oriented use for electronic data (examples: disaster management, bioterrorism surveillance, community healthcare tracking); (2) Advocating how information interoperability and information exchange can be efficiently achieved; and (3) Demonstrating how data stewardship can be accomplished using secondary databases and population databases. the assignment should include: Selection of a population-oriented use for electronic data. Definition and discussion of data integrity and documentation integrity Discussion on HIE and HIE Discussion on how information interoperability and information exchange could be efficiently achieved. Definition and discussion on data governance and stewardship. Demonstration on how data stewardship can be accomplished using secondary databases and population databases.


Prompt Assignment Guidelines

Please prepare a short paper that incorporates responses to the 2 prompts listed below. Include specific examples to illustrate your points and cite scholarly source material as appropriate. 1) Class introductions are a traditional way to start off the semester. Please introduce yourself in terms of the major bio-psycho-social domains that characterize who you are. - 2) Select one of the core values/ethical principles from the NASW Code of Ethics that is particularly important or meaningful to you. Then, please: a. define what it means in your own words, b. describe why it is important in your professional work as a social worker or nurse, and c. discuss its personal importance/meaning in light of who you are (see item 1).

Mental Disorders

Write a 3- to 5-page paper in which you address the following thoroughly. Cite specifics from the case to support your arguments: Compare and contrast three key similarities and three differences between mental illnesses and mental disorders. Provide one example of each similarity and difference to support your response. Examine the potential stressor(s) that could have triggered the defendant to act out in the criminal behavior. Next, hypothesize whether or not the defendant would have been a good candidate for treatment of his/her mental illness. Justify your response. Identify possible actions psychologists could have suggested to help the defendant before committing the criminal act. Support your response. Differentiate between the key characteristics associated with functional mental disorders, minor mental disorders (i.e., neuroses), and manic-depressive behavior. Next, support or criticize the notion that one disorder is more severe than the other. Justify your response. Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar types of websites do not qualify as academic resources.

How crucial is access to quality health care in determining health Based on insights from this lecture, what proportions of total available resources would you allocate to (a) health care,

week 2 Discussion Board Posting (on Week 1 presentations—due by 11:59 PM on Sunday, September 1): This assignment is the first of 14 weekly original topical essays (based on questions pertaining to the previous week’s video presentations) that I will be using, in lieu of exams, to assess your mastery of course material. Each of your original essays (worth up to 3 points toward your final grade) should be around 400 words (please include a word count at the end of your posting), and should use appropriately cited concepts, theories, facts, etc., from the assigned videos and/or from peer-reviewed journals or reputable internet sources (NOT Wikipedia). When posting, type or paste directly into the Messages box so that your readers will not have to open attached files (use attachments only for supplementary materials such as photos). In this essay, you are to discuss the following:

(1) Questions from Nolen presentation: How crucial is access to quality health care in determining health? Based on insights from this lecture, what proportions of total available resources would you allocate to (a) health care,

(b) health education, and (c) socioeconomic and environmental conditions so as to maximize population health equity—and WHY?

(2) Questions from Marmot presentation: What is the social gradient of health and mortality? Based on insights from this lecture, what kinds of intervention would you recommend to reduce avoidable health inequalities—and WHY?

Female Immigrant Sex Trafficked Survivors and the role Mental Health Play in their Recovery

Female Immigrant Sex Trafficked Survivors and the role Mental Health Play in their Recovery


Paper details:

Title: Female Immigrant Sex Trafficked Survivors and the role Mental Health Play in their Recovery “Topic Focus: Female Immigrant Victims/Survivors Sex trafficking “ Theme Historical Background of Human Sex Trafficking -Define SEX TRAFFICKING and HUMAN Trafficking, sexual exploitation etc. An overview of sex trafficking and its history and nature- define all terms Supply and Demand: Focus on Female Immigrants, and add some about the global stats of victims Recruitment of Immigrant Women, how are they being recruited? Focus in the United States but also add global stats for a complete overview Immigrant Trafficking Victims ABUSE: Type of Abuse a. Physical Abuse b. Psychological Abuse c. Legal Abuse Factors Contributing why they are being trafficked? Focus on Immigrant women Contemplation of Leaving How do they leave? What is the Cycle after they leave? What Role does Mental Health professionals play in their recovery