Healthcare Compliance Manager PowerPoint

Instructions You are the compliance manager of a medium sized hospital in a suburban neighborhood. Your facility is a medical surgical facility providing care for the community. Your facility has hospitalists employed and grants privileges to physicians in the community. Using MS PowerPoint as a presentation tool, prepare an informational report about the case from the following article available within the Library. Search for the title of this article using the library search tool. Roberts, R. (2003). Seven reasons family doctors get sued and how to reduce your risk. Family Practice Management. 10(3), 29–34. 1. Choose one reason “doctors get sued” from the article above and let this be the basis of your presentation. 2. Add speaker notes to your presentation discussing how your theme choice impacts physician decision-making in creating a patient healthcare plan. 3. In other words, explain how physician liability concerns relate to your topic choice. 4. As you explain these concerns, include how the regulatory environment in which providers operate at times can hinder the ability for a provider to do what is necessary for patients. Provide an example or scenario illustrating these limitations. 5.Further, address the cost to the facility in addressing such concerns. 6. Lastly, provide solutions to your chosen reason for being sued. Requirements Your presentation should include, but is not limited to, the following: A minimum of 10 slides including a title page and reference page(s).The title slide should include the title, your name, and the date you are submitting the presentation. Use Chapter 3 on negligence to support the information in your presentation. Textbook Information: TEXTBOOK INFORMATION Title: The Law of Healthcare Administration Edition: 8th (2017) Author: Showalter Publisher: Health Administration Press Book ISBN: 978-1567938760 References should be APA style. (For help with this, go to the Writing Center) Include detailed information in the notes section. This will not appear on the slide in order to prevent crowding of information on the slide. Tips for effective PowerPoint presentations: Clear and simple slides are the most effective. Font size: no smaller for 44 for titles on a slide and no smaller than 32 otherwise. Short phrases or single words are best. If you use graphs, charts, and diagrams, they should be very simple. Busily designed slides are very distracting. Avoid using busy patterns and too many colors. One theme for all slides is a great way to unify the presentation. Use a minimum of words for text and title frames: seven vertical and seven horizontal words in maximum per slide. Less is better. Upper- and lower-case lettering should be used: no text in ALL CAPS. Vary the size of lettering to emphasize headings and subheadings — but avoid using more than three font sizes per frame. Use Arial or Times New Roman font style. Try to maintain the same or similar font size from frame to frame — even if some frames have less copy — avoid a “lonely” word on a screen. Contrasting colors work best. A good rule of thumb: use a white background color with dark color for text. Do not use bright colors in a professional presentation. Use black text for this task. Keep color scheme consistent throughout your presentation. Changing colors and type styles can be very confusing and distract from your message. One carefully selected design used on all slides makes for a more attractive, professional look.




Paper details:

Outline the history of the procedure, indications for the procedure, complications, expected outcomes, as well as the evolution of the procedure in today’s practices.

A systematic review: of factors influencing a nurses decision to speak up in regards to patients safety


Recommendation – Elimination of an environment that is punitive to healthcare professionals speaking-up for patient safety AIm Critically discuss the extent to which theoretical perspectives on leadership, management and change, inform the implementation of an evidence-based recommendation. Introduction – one recommendation from Part A Main body – how theory relates to implementation of your chosen recommendation Conclusion – offer review / summary of overall discussion within main body Theory • Leadership • Change • Culture • Management • Teams / teamwork • NHS / Professional considerations What we don’t want to read….. • A description of what leadership is…. • A description of what management is….. • A description of what change management involves….. • A description of how teams work……. What we do want to read • How your chosen recommendation relates / fits with the theory • The recommendation linked all the way through the writing • Evidence of critical analysis and discussion – why does this particular theory work well here? What wouldn’t work and why? Is your chosen theory approach always the best or most suitable, why – or why not even? • A well supported discussion which utilises appropriate evidence sources, NOT JUST BOOK

Nursing leadership course

Introduce yourself and share your nursing background, including any experiences you (finish ASN 2017, processed to get BSN, 2018). Experience working in both inpatient/outpatient psych unit. have been a floor nurse, charge nurse, also intake nurse may have had in a leadership role. What are your goals for this course? is to learn different leadership role especially from being a nurse to nurse practitioner and also to learn leadership skill to apply in current position aswell as future position as a nurse practitioner

Legal and Professional Issues in Prescribing


Purpose Family Nurse Practitioners (FNPs) play an important role in diagnosing and treating patients in the primary care setting.

Nurse Practitioner laws and regulations as they relate to prescriptive authority are specific to each state.

Understanding the regulations for Nurse Practitioner prescribing is essential.

The purpose of the activity is to discuss the role of the Nurse Practitioner as a prescriber across the United States.

Activity Learning Outcomes Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Identify & discuss NP prescribing laws in select US states (CO 6) Requirements: Respond to the following: STATE:

ILLINOIS Describe the importance of knowing the specific laws in your state pertaining to NP prescribing and support your statement with at least 2 scholarly reference Discuss NP practice in your current home state, being sure to address: Level of NP prescribing autonomy Specific laws related to NP prescribing Process of obtaining prescriptive authority and requirements for renewal Include a reference for your research^ Compare and contrast the same criteria as identified in #2 with one other state (besides your own) of your choice.

* Textbooks, non-US journals, nursing journals not intended for advanced practice providers or websites are not considered scholarly. ^ State specific websites from regulatory boards are acceptable Direct Quotes Good writing calls for the limited use of direct quotes. Direct quotes in discussions are to be limited to one short quotation (not to exceed 15 words). The quote must add substantively to the discussion. Points will be deducted under the grammar, syntax, APA category.

Clinical psych

Clinical psych


Paper details:

Hello, I’m a physical therapy student and I need you to write a critical review for my psych class based on a book called Childhood Disrupted: by Donna Nakazawa. I attached the book for you. Please No Plagiarism. I need to submit it on turnitin. And, No reference page. Here’s the instruction for the paper.Thanks. Write a critical review of the following book:Childhood Disrupted: by Donna NakazawaStructure the paper in the following way. Part one (one paragraph) should be an abstract that simply summarizes the author’s book. Part two should answer the following question: “What do you consider the strengths and weaknesses of authors’ views?” Part three should discuss what insights you gained personally from this book. Part four should discuss the implications for your physical therapy practice.. GRADING CRITERIA for TERM PAPER:Quality of narrative (clear picture of your thesis)Quality of analysis (range and depth of argument; logic of argument)Quality of research or original thought (appropriate sense of complexity of the topic; appropriate awareness of opposing views, supporting documentation)Organization & Development (effective use of transitions; unity & coherence of paragraphs)Clarity and Style (ease of readability)Sentence Structure and Mechanics (grammatically correct sentences; accurate spelling)

Clinical Research Administration

You will develop a topic for the Capstone Project that synthesizes major themes from the entire program.

Topics for the project, as well as your approach, should be personally tailored to suit your unique perspectives and areas of interest or an area of concentration that you intend to pursue. You will submit a project title and a summary of your topic in which you identify topical concepts from the Clinical Research Administration program that you will integrate.

You should include a rationale for your project to your Instructor for guidance and approval. Include a title page, sources to support your rationale, a reference page, and follow APA format. Sample topical areas of interest might include:

Issues in the IRB approval process Challenges in subject enrollment, protection, and informed consent Good Clinical Practice and the International Conference on Harmonization The impact of regulatory requirements on product development Ethics and legal issues in domestic and international clinical trials Developments in monitoring and protocol compliance Using technology in managing data in clinical trials Trends in pharmaceutical product and device development Important links between pre-clinical and clinical research Economics and financial management of clinical trials Internationalization of the clinical research enterprise

online doctor consultation

Description This is a project which involves writing an analytical paper ,using have to write how it impacts human civilization and in the other hand, the ethical issue .About the bibliography , find attached least three 3 sites that identifies and describes the ethical issues on the topic,find attached least three 3 sites that identifies the topic I chose, and then keep all 6 URL in a word document

Government legislation in health care

Art 1: Legislation is constantly changing the ways in which the healthcare industry operates.

You will be investigating different types of legislation affecting various topics: Managed Care or Long Term Care, Health IT, Healthcare Finance and Special Populations.

Review the assignment directions link for more details

Part 2: For every new law or regulation, new or updated, policies must be created and be disseminated to staff.

There are regularly changing provisions within the Affordable Care Act, other federal healthcare requirements, state laws and regulations, CMS Conditions of Participation, Joint Commission Standards, and other accreditation requirements.

You are to select one of the pieces of legislation you researched. Create a policy that might be adopted by either a hospital or a professional association to implement a component of that legislation. This must be a policy you create—not one that you find on the web or one that is used by your institution.

Ischemic heart and vascular disease

Ischemic heart and vascular disease

Assignment Structure Your final paper must include the following sections:

•Title page.. •Abstract.. •Introduction. (3–5 paragraphs.)

◦Describe the topic you investigated.. ◦Provide a brief background of this topic.. ◦Explain why this topic is suitable for a professional doctoral project as opposed to a PhD research project..

◦Discuss a potential sponsoring organization that would be interested in the investigation of this topic.. .

•Methods. (Methodology and search strategy used for literature search.) ◦Databases searched.. ◦Key search terms used.. ◦Number of articles accessed and number of articles used for the paper.. .

•Critical Review. ◦Compare and contrast peer-reviewed articles and sources in your evidence table.. ◦Provide analysis and synthesis of the articles.. .

•Recommendations. ◦A clear statement of possible solutions found in the literature related to the topic.. ◦Specific planned actions of how this information will inform your future work on this topic.. ◦An evaluation of the appropriateness of this topic with a possible sponsoring organization.. ◦A description of possible next steps for use of this topic.. .

•Conclusions. ◦Summarize and tie together all the information. (3–5 paragraphs.). . •References.. •Appendix: Evidence Table.. Other Requirements Your paper should meet the following requirements: •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.. •APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.. •Length of paper: A minimum of eight typed, double-spaced pages.. •Font and font size: Arial, 10 point..