case study : DSM-5 diagnosis
Respond to the following questions in a narrative format.
Be sure to answer all of the questions.
This assignment should be between 5 and 10 pages, typed, double-spaced, and referenced according to APA style. If you refer to works other than the DSM, please cite your sources appropriately. You are expected to work independently on this assignment.
Please list the relevant bio-psycho-social facts of this case. Please list the strengths and competencies of this client.
Describe how the strengths and resources of this client can be used in assessing this client (rather than in providing treatment).
What is the DSM-5 diagnosis or diagnoses for the client? Use DSM5 terms and code numbers.
Include and describe all appropriate specifiers. What is your reasoning for each diagnosis you selected?
What diagnoses did you consider but eliminated?
What is the rationale for eliminating each one? What screening tool(s) would you use in your assessment of this client?
Why would you use this tool for this client?
Create a problem list for this client and make sure to include problems not captured by the mental health diagnosis.
Please reflect on your personal reaction to this client. What are the potential barriers to your ability to engage with this client? How competent do you feel about your assessment skills with this client? Please indicate your response by selecting a number from the following scale. What do you need to do to continue to strengthen your assessment skills in this area?