Depression in geriatric population use chart during interview

Geriatric depression is a common problem that can impact the quality of life for any older adult. This is a common problem, however, it is never a normal problem. Depression can lead to unexplained pain, feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, memory problems, and self neglect. When assessing a geriatric patient, the assessment must include a depression assessment. Interview any patient, friend or relative over the age of 75 years and complete the “Geriatric depression Scale” found on page 837 of the text. What problems have you identified by using the scale? What are their relevance to the patient? And, how effective did you find this scale in determining if depression might be an issue?

Federal health agency

Choose a federal health agency for this assignment (you may use readings and resources of our course or choose one that is not listed but it must be a federal health agency). Chose an agency that you are not familiar with (you never know where you may find potential job openings). Discuss this mission of the agency, the structure, their day to day operations and special projects. Look up and find the current year’s budget for this agency. Has it increased, decreased, remained steady? Do you think this amount is enough to accomplish the purpose of the agency or is it underfunded and specifically why. Length: Minimum of two full pages of text in length. Please ensure you cite your references in APA format.

Health economics

Based on the readings below, write an individual essay arguing your point of view on the tradeoff between pharmaceutical innovation (as patent system and lack of price controls in the U.S. preserve financial incentives to invest in drug development) and consumer cost (higher/unaffordable drug prices). What do you think would be a feasible strategy (or combination strategies) that would balance pharmaceutical innovation incentives and lower consumer costs? – From the drug manufacturers’ perspective and societal perspective: Required readings will include journal articles on the effect of innovation incentives on drug development and journal articles evaluating the high economic (opportunity) cost of drug development: • Goldman, D. P., Lakdawalla, D. N., Malkin, J. D., Romley, J., & Philipson, T. (2011). The benefits from giving makers of conventional ‘small molecule’ drugs longer exclusivity over clinical trial data. Health Affairs, 30(1), 84-90. • DiMasi, J. A., Hansen, R. W., & Grabowski, H. G. (2003). The price of innovation: new estimates of drug development costs. Journal of Health Economics, 22(2), 151-185. • Danzon, P. M., Wang, Y. R., & Wang, L. (2005). The impact of price regulation on the launch delay of new drugs—evidence from twenty‐ five major markets in the 1990s. Health Economics, 14(3), 269-292. – From the patient perspective and societal perspective: Required readings will include opinion articles from the NY Times on patients skipping or rationing essential medications due to their high costs, frequent changes in drugs covered due to negotiations between drug manufacturers and PBMs, etc: • (Links to an external site.) • (Links to an external site.) • (Links to an external site.) • (Links to an external site.) Rubric: You will have to write an opening statement paragraph illustrating your point of view (25 points) and argument with 3 reasons illustrated using evidence from the readings in one paragraph each (15 points each).

Why do healthcare providers skip sexual orientation what can be done to make it easier to disclosed info and can it improve care

Why do healthcare providers skip sexual orientation, what can be done to make it easier to dislcosed info and can it improve care? on the New York Times article “Gay and Transgender Patients to Doctors: We’ll Tell. Just Ask.” and any other relevant literature, discuss why you believe healthcare providers often “skip” the sexual orientation question. Furthermore, what do you suggest can/should be done to make it easier to disclose the information and open the line of communication? How may it improve care?

Develop an intervention to address double burden of malnutrition


Develop an intervention to address the double burden of malnutrition

The double (dual) burden of malnutrition is characterised by the coexistence of undernutrition along with overweight and obesity within individuals, households and populations.

It is particularly evident in populations undergoing significant nutrition transition and has been observed in both developing and industrialised country contexts. It is an emerging global phenomenon, having been reported in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. Associated with the increasing prevalence of double burden malnutrition in recent decades is the shift away from traditional food systems towards Westernised diets characterised by increased consumption of energy-rich, but otherwise nutrient poor, foods.

Traditional food systems generally involve the production, acquisition, processing, consumption, and disposal of longestablished culturally-accepted foods within a particular population supplied by local resources. This assignment enables students to develop an intervention strategy designed to address the growing issue of dual burden households through the preservation of traditional food systems applicable to a country from one of the following regions: Africa, Asia, South America or the Pacific.

The written task should comprise a description of dual burden malnutrition, its determinants, aetiolgy and epidemiology (1000 words), and a summary of the food production statistics and a general summary of the national dietary patterns (500 words) of the country of choice.

The task should then proceed to describe an intervention strategy (1000 words) to address increasing prevalence of dual burden malnutrition. It is expected that the task will contain a minimum of 20 high quality, recent references from the peer reviewed and grey literature.

Application of strength-based nursing care SBNC principles into specific situation in health care


Application of strength-based nursing care (SBNC) principles into specific situation in health care

Firstly, you need to spend time on skimming the book attached and select one point in Emma’s healthcare journey based on the requirement stated in the attached document below.

You also need to read the brief introduction about Strength-based nursing care to gain a general view about the concept. I also attached the AFSNA (family assessment) below which will be used in the paper. Please based on the child-wellbeing plan format to complete the whole plan with sufficient detail and attach in a seperate paper. other requirements of the assignment are included in the attached document below. Please have a thorough look

Best practices for screening and early treatment for HIV in the Hispanic Community

Best practices for screening and early treatment for HIV in the Hispanic Community


Paper details:

Dear WRITER, THESE ARE CORRECTIONS FOR SECTION 4 CORRECTIONS 1. Model for Analysis 2. Action in Networks 3. Policy Initiatives 4. Actions to promote Testing and Adoption of Treatment 5. Community Initiatives-1/2 page 6. Comment 9-1/2 page 7. Comment 10-1page 8. Comment 15-1 page

Key health facing Australian society


Look through a Marxist lens at type 2 diabetes as a health issue among Indigenous Australians. Apply concepts from sociology and anthropology to understand this health issue. Analyse social, cultural and environmental determinants to demonstrate the how and why type 2 diabetes is such a major issue among Indigenous Australians. Make recommendations to address this disease drawing on analysis and application of theory. There MUST be a minimum of five peer reviewed academic journal articles along with other references.

The relationship between internet addiction and depression/mental health

Literature Review

(these instructions have been translated from french to english!, if you need any clarifications let me know) Now that you have chosen your topic and research questions, you are ready to immerse yourself in the lectures on this topic to allow them to study the authors before you.

The goal of this work A flawless stay To this work, you have to post-to-play, to one to play, to read, to read, to make, not one. Your job must include: title A clear statement of your research problem and your question. What do you want to know? Why is this an important question? (maximum ½ page) Summary and analysis between 4 and 6 scientific articles in pairs on your question or similar questions (2-2 ½ pages). Summarize how your research question is improved or build on existing literature (maximum ½ page). A complete list of bibliographic references.

The details: 2.5 to 3.5 pages, not counting the list of references (1000-1500 words). Maybe be a little longer. Use MLA / APA. Use page numbers 12-point font, double spaced Evaluation criteria: Follow instructions Clarity and quality of work References cited correctly Articulation of text with happy Solidity and coherence of argumentation Writing: quality of syntax and spelling

Compare and contrast the evolution of cancer treatment in the history of medicine between two cultures regions or countries

In paper proposal: 1. Title 2. Introduction: should contain A.research question B.scope – time C.geography(introduction of the two regions that the compare and contrast is being made) 3. Sources: where to find and how to use the sources(since this is paper for ucla, the sources could be databases, article and books from UCLA library and databases) 4. Working timeline: your weekly plan to complete the paper before it is due (the paper is due on december 9th) 5. Bibliography: list of sources About the format of footnoting and citation: 1. The citation of this class is Chicago Author-Date Citation System (not Notes and Bibliography System) ( 2. The footnotes are not to cite the sources but to explain or add information that is better to separate from the main text.