Leadership Styles in Health Care

Leadership Styles in Health Care

Create a Powerpoint presentation Research different styles of leadership and identify three different styles that interest you.

There are MANY resources on leadership styles and some are more appropriate for fields/programs/majors than others. I am not directing you to any one ‘leadership style guide.’ I am however, asking you to select from a verified, credible source. Do NOT use about.com, Wikipedia, personal blogs, etc. Use both books to help identify characteristics of leaders that you find compelling. Different industries have different styles of leadership that are more or less meaningful. Sandberg as well as Kay & Shipman emphasize this frequently throughout their books. Please identify a leadership style that reflects the health care industry. There is NOT a one-size-fits-all for leadership. What works well in finance will differ from criminal justice and those would both differ from education. -Slide #1:Name and Title Slide (include Industry) -Slide #2 identify and define the three styles of leadership you researched, include a summary of each style -Slide #3: provide a pros and cons list for each of the identified styles, aim for at least 3 pros and cons for each (18 total pros and cons) -Slide #4: using the cultural information we have gathered during this module, explain how and why each of leadership styles may be perceived differently between a male and female leader. You cannot say, “there would be no difference” because as we have learned, that is not true from a systemic and cultural perspective. *citation Hyper link or should be included in the notes or at the bottom for each slide. Learn to speak all languages because a powerful presentation can be a powerful negotiation or persuasion tool. -40% Visual Appeal: Is the data presented concise yet informative? Are there too many words on the slide? Color Choices? Are the slide organized so that the data is easily read? 12 points -$0% Data: Thoughtful inclusion of leadership qualities for your Industry (hint: stay away from quick Google searches for “best leadership styles”) 15 Points -5% Citations: 3 Points -Poor Grammar or Misspellings can reduce points by up to 8 points

Why Vaccinate Your Child

Times New Roman 12-point font for the entire document from the headers, title page, abstract, body, and References page

The title page should contain the title of your paper, your name, the course name and number, and your Jag number; all of this information needs to be centered.

The entire document should contain headers and page numbers. The headers will be placed in the upper left hand corner of the document, while page numbers will go in the right had corner.

The header for the very first page (title page) should read Running head: ABBREVIATED TITLE. The headers for the rest of the paper should have the abbreviated title in all caps in the upper left hand corner of the paper. Contain an abstract, which gives the reader a preview of the paper, including the thesis.

The abstract must be a maximum of 125 words, contain the centered heading Abstract, and be on a separate page, after the title page, but before the body.

The body of the paper must be NO LESS than 750 words (3 pages). A minimum of five (5) sources must be used. APA citations must be used to support the paper. The References page must have the heading, References, centered and references must be written according to APA guidelines.

Healthcare in Business

One of the most influential reports that fundamentally changed medical education and healthcare in this country is the Flexner Report of 1910. For this assignment, create a presentation that provides an overview of the Flexner Report of 1910. Consider describing some of the major shortcomings that Flexner found. There are also positive and negative factors that were felt as a result of the report, consider discussing some of each. Your presentation/slide show should contain at least 5 slides, not including title and reference slides. You are required to provide narration for each slide. Your presentation SHOULD BE between 4-6 minutes in length. You will be graded on the quality of your presentation and its visual appearance as well as your verbal presentation.

Global health security

Please if you are not familiar with research, Do not bid on this order. This assignment is for you to start from scratch, Design and write a research paper on the topic Global health security: The lessons learned from the west African Ebola virus disease epidemic, and the future of global health security. Please cite all your sources properly,preferably APA. Do not cite anything from Wikipedia.


Description For each classical theory of ethics (Deontology/Formalism, Consequentialism, Virtue Theory explain: ALL COMPONENTS MUST BE PRESENT for credit for each theory above The premise (main focus) of the theory The meaning of good Strengths and weaknesses For each principle in healthcare ethics explain ALL the following:: the moral basis (definition and origin) and the effect of overemphasis of the principle (the downside) Autonomy Beneficence Nonmaleficence Justice Veracity Fidelity

Impact Health Policy

What strategies can staff nurses use to collect and share evidence that could impact health policy decisions? Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions). ` Review: Hinshaw, A. S (2007). Shaping health policy through nursing research. American Association of College of Nursing. Available at http://www.aacn.nche.edu/membership/members-only/presentations/2007/07fall/Hinshaw.pdf (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site). Read: Majumdar, S. R., & Soumerai, S. B. (2009). The unhealthy state of health policy research. Health Affairs, Supplement 28(5), 900-908.

Advanced Pharmacology NSG6005

Advanced Pharmacology NSG6005 Week 1 Discussion Discussion Question 1

For this questions, please read the following case study and then respond to the questions noted below. Ms. BD is a 33-year-old G2P1 female who has a history of chronic HTN. She was diagnosed with this in the interim since her first pregnancy, and she has been well controlled with Prinizide 12.5/20 PO BID. Her period, usually very regular, was 5 days late. She performed a home pregnancy test which was positive. She states she feel “OK” but is concerned about both her HTN and her developing fetus. She has no other medical problems, symptoms, or concerns. Assessment: Physical examination is unremarkable. Her BP is 128/68 and her pulse is

74. Her urine human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is positive. Her potassium is 4.2, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is 14, and creatinine is 0.6. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is 29. White blood cells (WBCs) are 6.5, hemoglobin (Hgb) is 12.8, hematocrit (Hct) is 39, and platelets are 330,000. 1. Is there any additional subjective or objective information you need for this client? Explain. 2. Is Prinizide safe in pregnancy? What are the possible complications to the pregnant woman and her fetus?

3. Why is it important to assess the above laboratory values? How might this information impact your treatment plan? 4. Would you make any changes to Ms. BD’s blood pressure medications? Explain. If yes, what would you prescribe? Discuss the medications safety in pregnancy, mechanism of action, route, the half-life; how it is metabolized in and eliminated from the body; and contraindications and black box warnings. 5. What health maintenance or preventive education is important for this client based on your choice medication/treatment? 6. Would you treat this patient or refer her? Where would you refer this patient?

Mental Health : Depression Anxiety A

Literature Review Assignment:

Topic of research: Mental Health : Depression, Anxiety Any Topic related to Mental Health would work.

This assignment is a literature review of at least 10 sources presented in an integrative and critical fashion. Include a PRISMA diagram for the entire review but only include the 10 sources in the Evidence Table and your references. Use an APA referencing style.

Please ensure the Assignment Attachment Form (file is on Moodle week 3) is the FIRST page of your assignment. All assignments will be submitted on Moodle. A Literature Review is a review of the literature directly related to the topic or problem of interest, followed by an explanation of how your research question grows out of that review, that is, showing how you identify your own research focus in term of a “gap” in previous research.

The purpose of the literature review is to know what others have discovered, to ground your study idea in a particular context of what is known about a subject in order to establish a foundation for the topic (or question) being researched.

The purpose of this assignment is to facilitate your abilities to research a topic of study so you can learn to:

(1) identify and formulate an inquiry question that defines what you’d like to learn,

(2) know how to search and locate literature using library and internet resources;

(3) analyze information found in scholarly journal articles,

(4) synthesize new knowledge into a written literature review and

(5) establish context for your inquiries.

Assignment Description: For this assignment, you are asked to complete a literature review on a health topic of your choice.

You are asked to locate at least 10 peer reviewed journal articles on your topic and write a 5-6 page (double spaced with charts and diagrams included) literature review on the articles you have selected. Steps to complete your literature review:

1. Choose a topic that you are interested in studying

2. Formulate an inquiry question that specifically describes what you would like to know about your topic

3. Go to the library (or e-resources via www.library.yorku.ca) to search for and locate journals that include your topic’s information (refer to lectures from weeks 3 and 4 as well as your first year).

4. Find articles, read the abstracts and skim the articles to determine if they correspond well to your topic AND inquiry question.

5. Select at least 10 journal articles.

6. Read your articles and begin to sort and classify them according to their findings

7. Organize your articles by sorting and classifying their findings in a meaningful way, always considering your original topic and inquiry question.

8. Write an outline for your literature review.

9. Write your review.

What must you check before releasing the patient records

Case Study: A member of the hospital’s medical staff has been accused of improperly billing Medicare for treatments done in his office that were not medically necessary. A subpoena for copies of patient records was received but the subpoena does not include a patient authorization for the release of records.

In addition, the subpoena requests all “peer review committee” records pertaining to this physician. Consider the following questions:

1) What must you check before releasing the patient records?

2) What legal concept described in this chapter will determine the admissibility of the hospital records into evidence?

3) The defendant’s lawyer objects to the subpoena, arguing that the patient records are “hear-say”. To resolve this issue, identify at least one element will likely be required in your testimony.

4) Your hospital attorney objects to the subpoena of the peer review committee materials, citing state law that protects peer review records from discovery. What legal concept describes this protection?

5)While acting on the subpoena, you discover that one of the patient records (which are electronic) has had major sections deleted. Your review of the audit trails determines that a hospital staff member was responsible for the deletions. Under what legal concept could the hospital be subject to liability for the deletions? What should have been done to protect the records? It must follow the case study writing guidelines by using the link below https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2597880/

Competition in Health Care

Competition in Health Care One of the trends marking the continuing transformation of the U.S. health care industry is the dramatic increase in the pace of competition.

The heightened competition is taking place among hospitals, health plans, physician groups, and drug companies, and between physicians and hospitals, and hospitals and health plans. Listen to the Looking Ahead: The Future of Health Care Policy podcast from National Public Radio (NPR).

Then, prepare a three- to five-page paper in which you: Describe the different forms of competition that take place among various types of health care organizations. Evaluate the benefits and pitfalls of competition in health care and suggest alternatives if competition was not the primary driver of operations in the U.S. health care system.

Explain the elements of successful competition and the use of competitive intelligence. Describe the influence competition has on the services offered by health care organizations and the choices patients have. Your paper must be three double-spaced pages (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources that were published within the last five years.

One source must be obtained from the Ashford University Library and focus on competition health care. All sources must be documented in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.