Legionella Pneumonia
Paper details:
500 word description of the disease. The description will be in APA format, (Word document, double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman. Three sources, one from Des Jardins, Terry, Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respiratory Disease, 7th Ed., 2016, Elsevier. Second source from Wilkins, Stroller, Kacmarek, Egan’s Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 11th Ed., 2016, Elsevier. And the third source from an online scholarly (peer viewed) journal. If there is availability to access Galileo for the journal that would be most preferred. The seven things that must be discussed in the paper are, what is the disease, causes, prevalence, diagnosis, signs, symptoms, and treatment. Please do not provide bullet points in the paper, sentence form only and please cite
Describe a health promotion model used to initiate behavioral changes. How does this model help in teaching behavioral changes? What are some of the barriers that affect a patient’s ability to learn? How does a patient’s readiness to learn, or readiness to change, affect learning outcomes?See attached for material. This is not an essay but just an answer to a question. I will copy and paste what you write to an online school website. References needs to be APA. Please use attached as a 1 of the sources.
This essay is related to Media Ethics, Policy and Law The main arguments and topics are tightly related to the ethics principles What I need from the essay: 1. You must write an essay relying on arguments made by Scanlon, Mill, etc (I will explain it later). So, you need to ethically analyse the health bloggers but through the prism of arguments of other academics. Their argumentations are not straightforward and mostly related to the broader ethical issues like: – Mill (On Liberty chapter1,2) – Scanlon (A Theory of Freedom of Expression) -Hugh LaFollette (Ethics in Practice) here he explains the basics of deontology and consequentialism -Paul Gomberg (Autonomy and Expression) – Alan Haworth (Freedom of Speech) – Robert Ambdur (Scanclon on Freedom of Expression) – Joel Feinberg (Profound Offence) Sometimes one academic writes a response on others and it is also appropriate to use. Overall, do not write your attitude on health blogging, instead, while analysing it use only thoughts and principles of academics and philosophers. How would they analyse this topic? 2. The introduction should serve as an Abstract. By this I mean, I should understand what do you want to say in the essay and what your final idea on that topic only by reading the introduction. No vague description, no mentioning who are these people (I’m speaking about the academics), do not write a lot about consequentialism and deontology (because the reader is aware of it). Embed these concepts appropriate in your analysis. 3. You do not have to argue in a manner “health logging is good/bad” in the conclusion. Leave this question open, rhetorical (ethical pluralism). 4. I will attach doc document where I described for you the main case study on health logger and what was the issue. The example in Russian, but don’t worry I translated and included everything that you need to know, so please do not ignore this step and read what I included in the word document. Thee name is “Main document!”. Also, there is one example from the Guardian website about English speaking health blogger. You can also use this example. 5. To ethically analyse this problem is not enough, you also need to understand what are the policies of Instagram and why this platform allows health bloggers to propagate a ‘bad’ way of treating people (Elena Kornilova case). 6. The final point is to include different opinions on this topic from ordinary people. I included 3 opinions on Kornilova case on the word doc. You can use direct quotation (everything is translated). 7. You need to include the law (Article 8). I will include the pdf doc it is translated in English. !Be direct, no irrelevant information, no vague descriptions, no explanations of the basic ethical concepts! Rubric (important): – you need to be able to identify different perspectives about why regulation might (might not) be needed discuss the issues in terms of the essential readings, and required readings on the topic. These should be introduced as appropriate (showing that you have an understanding of the main concepts and how they are applied). Use quotations for different perspectives you will discuss. Always discuss any quotation – do not let it speak for you. This means that you might have only four or five quotes in the assignment, including definitions. Critique the perspectives using evidence, the criticisms raised in the reading, and your own thinking. Emphasis should be on explaining and assessing different perspectives about an issue rather than developing an argument of your own. Your opinion should be an ‘informed opinion’ that takes account of the evidence and the different perspectives.
Research paper (1) Instructions: Five-page documented paper on a major education problem within your (approved) state, and actions taken by two of the three branches of government and an advocacy/interest group to address the problem. Use MLA format for your citations. You must have at least five sources, three of which must be academically accepted internet sites. Submit your thesis for approval by the end of the third week of classes.
Description of the group (general characteristics, membership, statistics, relevant issues etc.) (50 points):
Description of the assigned group such as statistics (# of people from the selected population in the Central Valley, California, the U.S., and internationally/globally) and general demographic (gender, income, education level), and cultural characteristics of the selected group. b. Major Health Issues-(50 points): Description and analysis of at least four (4) major health issues of the selected population (morbidity, mortality, health statistics, analysis of health issues from a local and global perspectives)c.
Implications for Multicultural and Global Health-(50 points): Description and analysis of the student’s ideas validated by her/his scientific research on how culture affects the health of the selected population and what recommendations are given/needed to improve the 5health of the selected population.
Describe how health promotion and health education programs may be designed and implemented for the assigned selected population (For this item it will be useful for you to consult the book by Perez & Luquis)d. Word Count – (10 points): A word count should be included on the last page of the paper (exclude the reference pages). This paper should be at least 2,000 words to comply with G.E. requirements.e. Reference Page (Use APA style for reference page and for the citation of references in the paper itself) (15 points): This paper should include at least 6-10 references cited properly in APA style Grammar and spelling will also be graded for this paper
Use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings. Your assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper together. If you have any questions regarding the assignment please contact your instructor using the Course Help forum. Grading Rubric Competency 20 Points 16 Points 12 Points 0 Points Points Earned Reflection Reflects on feelings experienced as the charge nurse related to delegation and caseload management. Describes feelings experienced as the charge nurse related to delegation and caseload management. List feelings experienced as the charge nurse related to delegation or caseload management. . Does not complete assignment. /20 Summarize Summarizes the change nurse responsibilities. Discusses two charge nurse responsibilities. Names three or details one charge nurse responsibility Does not complete assignment. 20 Reflection Reflects on correct and incorrect decisions and responses; considers changes to make if repeating module. Reflects on correct and incorrect decisions and responses OR considers changes to make if repeating module Briefly lists correct and incorrect decisions and responses OR lists changes to make if repeating module Does not complete assignment. 20 Competency 30 Points 25 Points 15 Points 0 Points Application to Practice Reflects on 3 or more experiences can be applied to practice. Reflects on how the 2 of the experiences can be applied to practice. Reflects on how the 1of the experiences can be applied to practice. Does not complete assignment. /30 Competency 7 Points 4 Points 2 Points 0 points Points Earned Format Organization is logical, ideas are clear, and transitions are smooth. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage correct and consistent with Standard American English. No typographical errors For Powerpoint, Bulleted points only, no paragraphs to read Augments all information with voice Organization good, ideas usually clear and transitions usually smooth. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good and consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding. There are a few minor typographical errors For Powerpoint, Usually applies bulleted points. Briefly augments information with voice Organization does not meet requirements. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics and/or usage interfere with understanding and do not reflect scholarly writing. There are major typographical errors. For Powerpoint, rarely applies bulleted point Rarely augments with voice Does not complete assignment. No audio included /7 Competency 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 points APA Format Demonstrates competent use of mechanics and APA Minimal APA errors Many APA errors Complete lack of understanding
To begin this assignment, look over the 2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey that provides information on the rising costs of health insurance to employers and employees, specifically turn to
Section 1: Cost of Health Insurance. Also, read the article, Wellness ROI versus VOI, by Dr. Steve Aldana of WellSteps. Dr. Aldana discusses the importance of using both Return on Investment and Value on Investment in determining the best wellness programs to implement to help drive down health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism. See the area where three calculators are provided found at https://www.wellsteps.com/blog/2018/01/10/wellness-roi-employee-wellbeing-programs/. Watch the videos provided with the calculators for possible impact on health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism of wellness programs. (Adobe Flash is needed for viewing the videos). For each of the topics — health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism — run some numbers to see the impact that wellness programs might have on reducing costs. (It will be helpful for you use some of the numbers from the 2018 Employer Health Benefits Survey for costs of health insurance premiums. Plug in three scenarios for each of the three topics. The numbers used may be the same for each topic, or different. Try to use numbers that show significant differences when calculated, however.) Prepare three tables in Word (Insert>Table) to show the numbers you chose. Your table for each should be set up like this: Health Care Costs: Health Care Costs: Annual Health Care Costs Annual Cost Increase Number of Employees % of employees obese % that are smokers Target percent obese Target percent smokers Example H1: Example H2: Example H3: Absenteeism: Absenteeism: Annual Health Care Costs Annual Cost Increase Number of Employees % of employees obese % that are smokers Target percent obese Target percent smokers Example A4: Example A5: Example A6: Presenteeism: Presenteeism: Annual Health Care Costs Annual Cost Increase Number of Employees % of employees obese % that are smokers % of employees 1 or more risk factor. Target percent obese Target percent smokers Example P7: Example P8: Example P9: Write a 3 page narrative summarizing and analyzing the data. Do not merely repeat the numbers from your tables without analyzing the findings and making recommendations for employers (and employees). Include your tables along with your 3 page summary AND at least one graph to go along with each table. Be sure to indicate which example each graph belongs with. Cite any sources utilized.
Task: You have been accepted as an intern with Queensland Health. Currently you are completely a rotation within a section that has one of the following remits: • Physical activity • Sedentary behaviour • A specific dietary behaviour (e.g. fruit and/or vegetable consumption; consuming sweetened drinks) • Tobacco smoking • Alcohol use or an alcohol-related harmful behaviour (e.g. binge drinking; alcohol-associated violence; alcohol-associated sexual assault; drink driving) • Road-related harmful behaviour (e.g. no seatbelt use; speeding; drink driving) You may choose the same health behaviour as Assessment 1. Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a report reviewing current evidence with respect to the application of a behaviour change theory to one of these health behaviours. Your chosen health behaviour should be considered within the context of a specified target population. Your report should provide a clear rationale for addressing the health behaviour and critically examine the evidence on what influences are known to affect the chosen behaviour. The influences that are examined should reflect the behaviour change theory/ construct. The report should include how theoretical constructs predict the chosen health behaviour based on existing research that tests whether the theory predicts such behaviour or related behaviour. You may choose a single construct or a complete theory depending on the extent of the research available.
You will need to define the full theory (irrespective of whether you choose a construct or theory) and be explicit about what theory you are choosing to cover. You might consider the following theories or constructs from these theories: Theory of Planned Behaviour, Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, Protection Motivation Theory, Health Action Process Approach, Prototype Willingness Model. There are other health behaviour change theories, please check with your lecturer if you have any questions. When constructing your response, you should consider the following elements: Elements: Detail: Purpose To persuade and inform Text type Report Audience and your role Your role: Health communication intern working for a non-government organisation Audience: Senior management within Queensland Health Conditions Report Word count: 2000 words Referencing style: APA 6th edition Criteria (Objectives from ECP) 1. Explain the role of health behaviours in chronic disease and injury prevention and management 4. Critically analyse published research on health behaviours and synthesise it to form a persuasive rationale for health promotion practice 5. Critically appraise and apply health promotion frameworks 6. Demonstrate effective written and visual communication skills Getting started: • Select a health behaviour • Select a health behaviour change construct or theory to apply • Review the lectures notes from throughout the semester • Conduct wider reading around the application of your chosen construct/theory in relation to your chosen health behaviour as it applies to your specified target population for health behaviour change • You may cover sections such as: a. Rationale for the chosen health behaviour b. Definition of theory/construct c. Review of the theory/construct from practice, particularly as relevant to the health behaviour d. Putting it all together • Report templates and sections will be discussed in the Workshops
Times New Roman 12-point font for the entire document from the headers, title page, abstract, body, and References page
The title page should contain the title of your paper, your name, the course name and number, and your Jag number; all of this information needs to be centered.
The entire document should contain headers and page numbers. The headers will be placed in the upper left hand corner of the document, while page numbers will go in the right had corner.
The header for the very first page (title page) should read Running head: ABBREVIATED TITLE. The headers for the rest of the paper should have the abbreviated title in all caps in the upper left hand corner of the paper. Contain an abstract, which gives the reader a preview of the paper, including the thesis.
The abstract must be a maximum of 125 words, contain the centered heading Abstract, and be on a separate page, after the title page, but before the body.
The body of the paper must be NO LESS than 750 words (3 pages). A minimum of five (5) sources must be used. APA citations must be used to support the paper. The References page must have the heading, References, centered and references must be written according to APA guidelines.
One of the most influential reports that fundamentally changed medical education and healthcare in this country is the Flexner Report of 1910. For this assignment, create a presentation that provides an overview of the Flexner Report of 1910. Consider describing some of the major shortcomings that Flexner found. There are also positive and negative factors that were felt as a result of the report, consider discussing some of each. Your presentation/slide show should contain at least 5 slides, not including title and reference slides. You are required to provide narration for each slide. Your presentation SHOULD BE between 4-6 minutes in length. You will be graded on the quality of your presentation and its visual appearance as well as your verbal presentation.
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