Army health system

Army health system

4 pages long apa format 18Back to Table of ContentsEXPERIENTIAL ESSAYPurposeThe purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding of writing fundamentals and application of APA 6thed. Guidelines.TopicSelect only one of the topics below.-Army Health System -Convoy Operations-Medical Readiness -Military Decision-Making ProcessResource Requirements•Essay Outline / APA 6thed. Quick Reference Card•ADRP 6-22 Army Leadership •ADRP 6-0 Mission Command•Army Publishing Directorate

Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare principles

Paper details

Please review Chapter 2 of Evidence-Based Management in Healthcare before responding to the below prompt. Hospital leadership continues to increase efforts to enhance the application and use of evidence-based decision making. Provide an example of evidence-based decision making based on your work experiences, and discuss the EBM principles you would use improve operations.

Compare Ingraham’s concept of heterosexuality with Launius and Hassel’s definitions of Privilege and Oppression

Paper details

In “Heterosexuality: It’s Just Not Natural!,” Chrys Ingraham argues that heterosexuality isn’t simply an affectional orientation, it’s a social institution. First, sketch Ingraham’s model. Why is heterosexuality an “institution” properly speaking? What features does it have that distinguish it from simply being a type of affectional orientation? Second, compare Ingraham’s concept of heterosexuality with Launius and Hassel’s definitions of Privilege and Oppression. Be sure to define the unique ways Launius and Hassel use these terms, and pay close attention to the ways in which Ingraham’s description of heterosexuality is/is not an example of an institution shaped by privilege and oppression. Finally, provide your own view with respect to the following two points: 1) Is Ingraham’s description of heterosexuality accurate (at least, for the modern West)? Does Ingraham miss anything, or not give emphasis to something that needs it? 2) What aspect (or aspects) of the concept of Privilege/Oppression (if any) did you find most helpful for analyzing Ingraham’s model, and why?

Strategic communication plan for the ministry of health in the UAE


Assignment 2 – Strategic Communications Plan Value: 30% Word Count: 2000 words Due: As per schedule In the form of a report, prepare a formal strategic communication plan for an identified client (more information on this client is on LMS) including the following components: • outline the (real/potential) communication issues/situation/problem, specifically as it relates to your organisation • describe the research that you have undertaken to devise and implement the campaign

• identify the key (internal and/or external) publics and stakeholders and their role in the campaign • identify the main goals of your campaign • identify the SMART objectives of the campaign • write a strategy statement for the campaign • identify and explain the key message/s for the campaign • outline how the success of the campaign is to be monitored, modified and evaluated Your reference list for this communications plan should contain a minimum of four (4) academic sources including two (2) from the COM214 reading list. You are required to develop a strategic communication plan to address an issue faced by a given organisation who will be your client. More information will be provided in class and on Moodle. You do not need to provide a budget or timetable for this plan, so you are encouraged to present an ‘ideal’ campaign, without the constraints of a formal budget or schedule. However, you do need to be mindful of how realistic your strategy is, which a consideration in the marking criteria is. Please be mindful that this is a hypothetical assignment and the organisations below are not real clients. ie: they have not been involved in the development of this brief. You should not contact them for information. * Obesity in School Children Obesity is a growing issue and common health problem worldwide, including in the United Arab Emirates. It can affect the quality of life for people diagnosed and recent research suggests In addition to adults being at-risk, there has also been an increase in the prevalence of the obesity in children. The study “Increasing Obesity Rates in School Children in the United Arab Emirates” found that 40 percent of schoolchildren were overweight and a further 24.4 percent were obese. You are a strategic communication consultant for the Ministry of Health and have been given the job of creating a strategic communications plan to address the issue of a lack of awareness and behaviour change surrounding the risks associated with obesity in children aged six to 13.

Promoting the Shingles Vaccines in Geriatric Patients

 Promoting the Shingles Vaccines in Geriatric Patients


Paper details:

Health promotion paper (8 pages)and powerpoint presentation (10 slides). See attachment for details

Pyschosomatic diease psoriasis

Please read the details of the paper very carefully Literature Review Paper Identify a psychosomatic disease (e.g., asthma, cancer). The disease may be psychogenic or somatogenic. Conduct a literature search on the role of stress in the manifestation and/or maintenance of the disease. Review the stress management techniques discussed in the literature to treat the disease. Cover the following topics in the paper: 1. Begin with an introduction of the psychosomatic disease (e.g., what is the disease and its impact. About a paragraph or two, do not extend beyond two paragraphs for this section). 2. Discuss the impact of stress on the identified disease. Provide empirical support (e.g., data/findings) on the association between stress and the disease (about 1/3 of the paper, not counting the introduction and conclusion). o In this section, discuss the role of stress in the manifestation and/or maintenance of the disease. Provide support for your discussion using data/findings from the literature. 3. Review stress management programs documented in the literature for disease management. Provide empirical support (e.g., data/results) on the efficacy of the treatments on the identified disease (about 2/3 of the paper, not counting the introduction and conclusion). o In this section, discuss multiple cognitive behavioral stress management programs that have been empirically tested to manage the stress associated with the disease. Organize each strategy with a subtitle. Under each subsection, provide support for your discussion using data/results from the literature. This discussion must be linked directly to the disease. For example, discuss how the stress management program impacts the disease outcome. 4. Conclude with a summary of the existing literature on #2 and #3 above (one paragraph). Review Chapter 3 on psychosomatic disease. Consider running your topic by me to make sure it is an appropriate topic. Examples of appropriate topics are asthma, headaches, and hypertension. Examples of inappropriate topics include anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and somatic symptom disorders as these are mental disorders. All your statements in the paper should be supported by the literature with appropriate referencing. Please keep in mind that intuition and personal opinions/experiences are not empirical. As expected, do not plagiarize. The penalty for plagiarism includes filing an academic misconduct report and point deduction (for minor violation), failing the paper, or failing the course. Plagiarism means the presentation of the ideas and/or the words of someone else as one’s own. A student commits plagiarism if he/she uses any part of another person’s ideas without proper citation. Plagiarism also includes using another person’s written words without paraphrasing even when proper citation is used. Additionally, the plagiarism penalty also includes plagiarizing yourself. Please do not submit a paper that has been submitted for a previous class. Using sections of a previous paper is also not permitted for this assignment. Please do not use quotation in the paper. When you discuss the literature, you should summarize the literature in your own words rather than quoting other people’s words verbatim. Points will be deducted for quotations with a single point deduction for each percentage point in quotation. For example, if 30% of your paper is in quotes, 30 points will be deducted from the paper. The paper must be written in APA format (6th edition) with a cover page and a reference page. For more information about APA writing, go to: or visit the following site to download the APA Handbook compiled by the Office of Academic Services. A minimum of five references from peer reviewed journals are required for this assignment. Aside from reporting statistics on the disease (e.g., the prevalence of asthma), web pages are not permitted as sources of information for this paper. Do not use the Greenberg textbook as a reference. Five points will be deducted for each citation made using the Greenberg textbook or the web (aside from reporting statistics on the disease). For example, if the paper cites two web pages and the Greenberg text book, 15 points will be deducted from the total score of the paper. This assignment requires that students submit a 5-7 page paper with one-inch margin (12 point font) on all sides (excluding cover and reference pages). Points will be deducted for papers falling outside of the stated range (10 points per page). Grading Rubric: Quality/style of writing 10% Introduction of a psychosomatic disease 10% Stress and disease 15% Empirical support (e.g. data) on stress and disease 15% Stress management programs for disease control 15% Empirical support (e.g. data) on stress management programs 15% Summary of Literature 5% Proper referencing in text 5% APA Style 5% 5 References 5% Total: 100%

Dialectical behavior therapy as treatment for borderline personality disorder

Topic Clare is brought to the ER after slashing her wrist with a razor. She had previously been in the ER for drug overdose and has history of addictions. She can be sarcastic, belittling and aggressive to those who try to care for her. She has a history of difficulty with interpersonal relationships at her job. Clare is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. First, identify the defense mechanisms Clare is using, and second,discuss the various dialectical behavioral activities that can be utilzed with Clare.

Acute psychiatric hospital project- new ideas to implement for our facility

Acute psychiatric hospital project- new ideas to implement for our facility

Thank you for taking on this project. Let me give you some background about our hospital. We are an acute psychiatric hospital. No medical treatment, just psych. We have 63 beds. Our hospital is locked and so most patients are there against their will. Our population consists of patients that admitted to the hospital on 72 hour, involuntary holds(5150) for being a danger to them self, danger to others, or gravely disabled. Our demographic is ages 18 and above, mostly Kaiser members but about 10% people with no insurance or medi-cal insurance. The majority of patients have diagnoses of Depression, Psychotic Disorders (Schizophrenia), or Bipolar Disorder. Our patient have suicidal thoughts and or homicidal thoughts, They can be aggressive and impulsive, they can be depressed and mute, and anxious. Also, we have a few people with dementia or cognitive disorders. About 10% of our patients are homeless. Our clinical staffing consists of Psychiatrists, nurses, nurse practitioners, an internist, social works, case managers, recreational therapists, dietician, and pharmacists. The social works, recreational therapists(rehab), dietician, and pharmacists all run groups. Your focus is rehab. Currently, Rehab’s role is to provide recreational therapy and leisure activities to the patients: exercise, ADL’s (activities and daily living), art and music therapy, relaxation and meditation, games, karaoke, arts and crafts, etc. Right now the rehab department has 3 groups a day: exercise group, education group, and leisure group. But often patients are not interested in attending, the groups are boring, the rec therapist plays a board game and it simply isn’t stimulating the patient nor contributing to alleviation of symptoms. We need to incorporate the latest interventions into our groups. Our project is to look at the daily schedule of groups and activities for the patients and revamp it as our groups have been the same probably for 15 years. We want to develop a program that is fresh, innovative and up to speed with the community standard. We want to know what type of groups research supports for an acute setting, as well as what other psychiatric hospitals or units are offering to their patients. We want to look at the role of the Recreational therapist, consider their training and background and determine their capabilities because I don’t think we are using them to their potential. Additionally we want to bring activity aides aboard to assist with the groups. We want to find out what groups can we have that will interest the patients enough to want to attend, get them up and moving to alleviate their depression and anxiety, get them communicating and socializing with peers. There are some things to consider. Being that we are a Psychiatric hospital, there are strict guidelines of what devises or equipment we can use with the patients. For example, We can’t have anything that can be used as a weapon, nothing with strings or cords, no scissors or sharp objects, even staples and paper clips cannot be on any paper work given to the patients. We don’t use pens on the unit, just markers and small pencils that after use need to be collected and accounted for. Heavy balls are a concern if they are heavy enough to knock someone out, where as something soft as a beach ball seems appropriate. We can talk more about various restrictions we have regarding safety. Basically we need the recent research that tells us things like what type of groups we should have, the structure of them, who should lead them, what can be safely used on a locked psychiatric unit.

Exploring the Social Determinants of Health

Paper details

This has to be on Hypertension

Exploring the Social Determinants of Health: This is the third in a series of homework assignments related to the disease/health condition you chose at the beginning of the semester. For this assignment, you will describe the social determinants of health for your disease topic through the process of writing a vignette about a fictitious person who has your chosen disease/health behavior. Your textbook lists 10 key categories of the social determinants of health: social status, social support or alienation, food, housing, education, work, stress, transportation, place and access to health services. For this assignment you will choose AT LEAST THREE of the social determinants of health to include in your vignette. Using the 10 key categories of the social determinants of health listed above, identify AT LEAST THREE you think are applicable to your disease. Then, write a 1-1 ½ page vignette that tells a story about a fictitious person who has the disease/health condition and the social determinants of health related to the disease/health condition that have impacted the person’s life in relation to that disease/health condition. If you are looking for inspiration, your textbook includes short vignettes related to specific diseases and public health issues at the beginning of each chapter. Important Details: • You can be creative in how you write your vignette (i.e. you can give the fictitious person a name, an occupation, a state of residence, etc.) but the specific social determinants of health that you include in your story should reflect the actual social determinants of health that are linked to your disease based on current data/research (in the US). • You must cite a source (CDC, journal article, disease related organization, your textbook, etc) that supports that the social determinant of health chosen does impact your disease/health condition. • Remember to use in text citations for any information that is not your own idea or thought. • Please cite at least TWO SOURCES and provide a reference list at the end of your vignette. • Please proofread your submission for typos and spelling errors! Assignment Rubric: Your submission – worth 30 points total – will be graded using the following rubric: Properly relevant and complete SDOH’s 10 points Creative, original content for the vignette 10 points Grammar, punctuation, spelling 5 points Works cited 5 points

Using public health descriptive data to describe a community/population

Pick a public health issue, describe in terms of person, place, and time.t. the paper needs to focused on cholera as a whole and not as a specific event in Haiti since it affects countries all over the world. You should only be focusing on the person, place,and time of the disease in general. What persons are generally affected? (age, gender, race, ethnicity) What place is most affected? (residence, country, county) What data are described by time? (Year, month, season) For example: Immunocompromised people are most susceptible to cholera. Cholera generally affects people in poor countries. It’s normally prevalent during the rainy season or hurricane seasons.