Apply the principles of the Quality Use of Medicines framework to a patient
Apply the principles of the Quality Use of Medicines framework to a patient scenario.
Paper details Dear writer,
This paper about applying the principles of the Quality Use of Medicines framework to a patient scenario.
I’m not satisfied about the content of this assignment and the way paragraphs divided, the way the paper was written was in wrong direction and i will explain that. when I ordered revision, the writer fix some parts and left the rest. I will try as I can to make clear instructions about the problem that may help you to fix this work. just to be clear we have: – patient scenario – assignment 1 about pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic. – assignment 2 which current paper about applying the principles of the Quality Use of Medicines framework to a patient scenario. 1- this assignment 2 based on two previous papers, first we wrote patient scenario and then the second work based on the patient scenario and the medications that he used, I wrote about the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic of medications (assignment 1). current paper supposed to be built on assignment 1, so I will attach the three works, and after you read them you will have clear idea about what you are dealing with. 2- Please read the patient scenario and assignment 1, you will find the main problem is old patient who have type 2 diabetic and other associated diseases. The case scenario is about specific problem which is possible to happen in diabetic patient (if any diabetic patient takes the diabetic medication without eating before can face hypoglycemia and some time lead to coma if the condition is critical. so, since this current paper should build on previous works, it should be in the same scope or problem. in another word, if we need to write about the four diseases in the patient ( diabetes mulitas, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis transient ischemic attack (TIA) and the patient’s medications that have been discussed in assignment 1 to apply the principles of the Quality Use of Medicines framework to a patient scenario. we need to keep the same direction of the main problem (hypoglycemia) and then we write about the rest problems. for example, when we write about diabetic type 2 in elderly, we should write about hypoglycemia in this case and even in last two important parts in this paper (Strategies for Medical Education of Patients Based on Ethical and Socio-Cultural Aspects, and Recommendations for Further Research). if you read this part you will find it in general and there was no mention or focus on the main problem.