Compliance with section 1557 of ACA for Language Access Services impact care for LEP patients

Compliance with section 1557 of ACA for Language Access Services impact care for LEP patients


Paper details:

Guidelines, Leaning Contrast-(TOPIC OF THE RESEARCH PAPER), SMAC Check list-(STRATEGIC PLANNING and the syllabus. The topic of the research paper is as follows; Compliance with section 1557 of ACA for Language Access Services impact care for LEP patients

Briefly discuss the how UVA and UVB rays contribute to the process of oncogenesis in skin cells

A 32-year-old woman is concerned about the possibility of being pregnant. During the initial interview, you discover that she missed her usual menstrual cycle over 3 weeks ago. You also notice that her complexion is markedly tan for this time of the year (winter season). You briefly comment on this fact, and she states, “I want to keep my summer tan. So, I keep going to the tanning salon weekly.” She is here today to confirm the pregnancy with her primary care provider, and you are the nurse completing the initial interview. When asked if she has been taking a folic acid supplement, she states that she had “no concerns of pregnancy and was not aware of the need to take this medicine.” After she sees her primary care provider, he gives you the plan of care. The plan is to have a maternal serum marker test drawn today and recommend that she start on 600 μg of folic acid daily. In analyzing this case, please answer the following questions: Discuss any teratogenic effect of this individual not taking a folic acid supplement. Explain what effect may occur on the developing fetus, identifying specific risks noted in this case. Explain why the primary care provider included a maternal serum marker test in the plan of care for this individual. Discuss the vulnerability of the fetus based on trimesters and teratogens and the role of the folic acid supplement. Briefly discuss the how UVA and UVB rays contribute to the process of oncogenesis in skin cells. How would you educate this individual on the risk of skin cancer related to increased exposure to UVA/UVB rays? Would you expect the primary care provider to perform a skin assessment during this visit? Why or why not?

Stereotactic breast biopsy


Module HCT 254:

Image Guided Interventional Procedures of the Breast Assignment 1 BackgroundWithin current screening and symptomatic breast services there has been a requirement for healthcare professionals to work across traditional professional boundaries to meet service needs.

All those undertaking image guided interventional procedures of the breast require high level clinical skills, competence and autonomous decision making abilities.

The task Critically evaluate and reflect on how your professional development (specifically related to undertaking image guided interventional procedures of the breast) has enabled you to fulfil the role of an advanced practitioner and how this benefits current and future service delivery.

Guidance notes

1. The assignment should be submitted in accordance with the rules laid down in the students’ handbook

2. Your work should be referenced using the Harvard system.

3. Level 7 Theory rubric will apply to this assignment.

4. If you have any queries regarding this task please contact a member of the module team.

Off label and unlicensed drugs prescription for hospitalized children: reasons and justification

Off label and unlicensed drugs prescription for hospitalized children: reasons and justification


Paper details:

off label and unlicensed drugs prescription for hospitalized children: reasons and justification Abstract — Introduction — Literature data discussion—Conclusion — References – Definition of unlicensed and off-label drug use and Benefits of licensing – Epidemiology on off-label and unlicensed drug use – Basic problems for use unlicensed and off-label drug, and describe the safety related issues on off-label drug use here – Common reasons for use off label and unlicensed prescription, and Justification for the use of these drugs – Recommendations of international health organizations to avoid this use – What is changed and happened these days about uses unlicensed and off-label drug – Reasons for insufficient research to license drugs and research justification: Note: for Literature data discussion All research from 2015 to 2019: (setting, methodology, duration, number of patient and prescriptions, rate of used) And for references not less than 2010

Healthcare problems in primary care

1. Identify 3 clinical healthcare problems in primary care. This problem can be either from your clinical site location, personal clinical experiences or a review of the literature. 2. Critically examine this problem within the context of the most current evidence- based research. All references must be within the last 5 years and at least 5 references are required to support your findings. (Description of the problem, background information and significance to nursing). 3. Write a scholarly paper in APA format (6th ed.) that is well organized, succinct and proficient in grammar and composition. 4. The paper has a 3-page limit. This does not include the title page or the reference page. Any paper that exceeds 3 pages in length will get a 1-point deducted per extra page. Your topics MUST be approved by your clinical faculty, failure to do so will result in the paper not being accepted.

Aral Sea Crisis: Health Issues as Human Rights Issues around Aral Sea

Aral Sea Crisis: Health Issues as Human Rights Issues around Aral Sea

The research paper should tackle any aspect of the dynamic relationship between health and human rights with specific attention to Aral Sea Crisis and people living in that region who have been affected by this man made catastrophe. The paper must answer these questions/themes: (1) Foundations of human rights as a framework for global health governance (2) The role of the WHO in the pursuit of a rights-based approach to health in a specific context (3) The role of inter-governmental or civil society organizations in advancing health-related human rights, (4) The recognition of global health among institutions working to advance human rights and/or good governance

Medicare is a federally regulated program that mandates compliance

Medicare is a federally regulated program that mandates compliance to its standards through state and federal oversight. One of the primary purposes of Medicare regulations is the protection of its recipients.

Medicare is a federally regulated program that mandates compliance

Medicare is a federally regulate d program that mandates compliance to its standards through state and federal oversight. One of the primary purposes of Medicare regulations is the protection of its recipients. Medicare Advantage is part of the Medicare Modernization Act, which was pass ed in 2003. Search the Internet by using the following keywords:

Medicare regulations
Centers for Medicare
Medicaid services

On the basis of your research, answer the following questions:

What are the purposes of Medicare regulations other than the one mentioned above?

How will the federal government enforce compliance in the Medicare Advantage program? Which two other Medicare regulations do you think are the most important for managed care organizations and why?

Do you think Medicare and Medicaid programs face challenges from the perspectives of providers, the government, and consumers (recipients of Medicare or Medicaid)? Why or why not?

What are the different services provided by the Medicare and Medicaid programs? Do you feel there is a need to have two different programs? Why or why not?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Medicare programs such as Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D. Do you think Medicare Advantage programs ensure the survivability of Medicare? Why or why not?

Additionally, respond to the questions given below after reading the following information in regard to control of managed care organizations at the state level.

States have a broad range of control of managed health care organizations. The main interests of the states are to protect the interest of the consumer and regulate the structure of MCOs.

Discuss the regulatory structure used to regulate MCOs and health insurers at the state level.

Further, Discuss how states came to be the primary regulators of insurance.

Moreover, Evaluate the most critical components of state oversight of HMO operations.

Also, Review the licensing requirements for MCOs in your state and describe the specific requirements to obtain a Certificate of Authority (COA). Compare to the requirements discussed in the course textbook.

Furthermore, What are the protections available to consumers under the law in your state? Also, Compare these protections to what is discuss ed in the textbook.

Finally, In your opinion, are the state regulations designed for the consumers, or are they designed for the MCOs? Use your course and text readings to support your answer.

Healthcare is a complicated system that includes unique economic

Healthcare is a complicated system that includes unique economic processes, regulatory requirements, and quality indicators that are not found in traditional business settings.

Healthcare is a complicated system that includes unique economic

Firstly, Healthcare is a complicated system that includes unique economic processes, regulatory requirements, and quality indicators that are not found in traditional business settings. Therefore, developing unique skill sets relating to organizational leadership and interprofessional team development is essential for leaders. Also, Leaders within the healthcare industry at any level. As the complexity within the healthcare industry increases. Additionally, It is important to understand the comprehensive approach to patient care management across the continuum. Moreover, How the concepts of organizational leadership and team development support leaders in creating a patient-centric environment.

The purpose of this assessment is to provide a framework through which you can experience. Further, understand the unique leadership concepts within healthcare. Additionally, understand the implications of business and regulatory requirements in providing patient-centered care. You will also use a system theory or a change theory, self-assessment tools, and team development concepts to design a strategy to increase patient-centered care. Using leadership concepts and theories, you will ensure a sustainable model of healthcare delivery throughout the changing healthcare system. This considers future trends, evidence based practice, and regulatory expansion.

For this assessment, you will use the attached “Patient-and Family-Centered Care Organizational Self-Assessment Tool,” . Use this to analyze how patient- and family-centered the healthcare setting is. This form will guide you in evaluating this healthcare setting for strengths and weaknesses in patient-centered care attributes. Based on your analysis, you will create a strategy to improve patient-family-centered care.

More details;

Institute for Healthcare Improvement (in collaboration with the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality and the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care)
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

This self-assessment tool allows organizations to understand the range and breadth of elements of patient- and family-centered care and to assess where they are against the leading edge of practice. Use this self-assessment tool to assess how your organization is performing in relation to specific components of patient- and family-centered care, or as a basis for conversations about patient-centeredness in the organization.


Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care

Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on patient education. Secondly, give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors could have on patient education.

Give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional

1) Firstly, give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the health care professional and the effect those factors could have on patient education.
2) Secondly, give examples of psychosocial factors that affect the patient and the effect those factors could have on patient education.
3) Thirdly, explain what is meant by personality styles and give examples of approaches that uses to help the patient. Include self-perception as a factor.
4) Fourthly, list the steps in adjustment to illness and how the patient copes with each step.
5) Further, explain the health professional’s role in teaching the patient at different life stages.
6) Additionally, define the role of the family in patient education.
7) How might the family influence the compliance of the patient and what measures can the health care professional use in communication with the family?

More details;

Sense of well-being at work is an important aspect of a workforce strategy. In recent years, close attention has been paid to this especially for health care professionals. In western nations, unattractive working conditions in combination with work-related stress, an aging population and workforce shortages all highlight the need for up-to-date research in this field. Well-being can be described as a summative concept and includes “physical, emotional and social factors, both inside and outside the workplace”  and is a major determinant of productivity. An important impact on well-being at work can be attribute d to psychosocial work environment including work climate, work recognition, and social support . Psychosocial factors comprise aspects such as workplace social support, job satisfaction or physical load at work.

In recent years, different work-related factors impacting on well-being at work for have been evaluated. For example, there was a reported positive association between medication error, working overtime and poor job security for nurses. It has also been shown that higher qualified health care professionals resulted in a lower mortality rate for patients.

The summary of your organization’s security weaknesses

This is a paper that focuses on the summary of your organization’s security weaknesses. The paper also identifies the threats, risks, and vulnerabilities across an entity.

The summary of your organization’s security weaknesses

Develop a two-page summary of your organization’s security weaknesses. Identify threats, risks, and vulnerabilities to achieve a holistic view of risk across the entity.
Consider areas that should be improved from a technology perspective, a people perspective, and a policy perspective. Also note potential risks associated with maintaining the current security posture. You will reference this security assessment later when you make your business case and final recommendation.

The summary of your organization’s security weaknesses

Step 6: Security Models Summary
Confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA triad) as well as authentication and nonrepudiation are fundamental security concepts that must be considered when assessing and developing security options. Cybersecurity models have been develop to address some or all of these security concepts. While these models were generally created to address a specific business case, each of the models has attributes that could be used to assemble a custom security plan. In order to draft a custom security plan for your organization, you will need to understand basic security models.

You will identify key features, weaknesses, and targeted sectors and/or infrastructures. In this step and in Step 7, you will develop a short summary for each of the security models listed. These reports will serve as an Appendix A to your final memo and will document the security models and their attributes in advance of the memo that you will deliver with your recommended approach.

Each summary should include a descriptive and evaluative paragraph on the following attributes: Include the origins of the model. Main characteristics of the model (details on the business, sector, industry for whom the model was develop). Also, key features of the model. Write summaries for the following models:

Biba’s Strict Integrity Policy
Chinese Wall

When you have completed these summaries, continue to Step 7, where you’ll write a summary for the next four security models.