Off label and unlicensed drugs prescription for hospitalized children: reasons and justification
Paper details:
off label and unlicensed drugs prescription for hospitalized children: reasons and justification Abstract — Introduction — Literature data discussion—Conclusion — References – Definition of unlicensed and off-label drug use and Benefits of licensing – Epidemiology on off-label and unlicensed drug use – Basic problems for use unlicensed and off-label drug, and describe the safety related issues on off-label drug use here – Common reasons for use off label and unlicensed prescription, and Justification for the use of these drugs – Recommendations of international health organizations to avoid this use – What is changed and happened these days about uses unlicensed and off-label drug – Reasons for insufficient research to license drugs and research justification: Note: for Literature data discussion All research from 2015 to 2019: (setting, methodology, duration, number of patient and prescriptions, rate of used) And for references not less than 2010
1. Identify 3 clinical healthcare problems in primary care. This problem can be either from your clinical site location, personal clinical experiences or a review of the literature. 2. Critically examine this problem within the context of the most current evidence- based research. All references must be within the last 5 years and at least 5 references are required to support your findings. (Description of the problem, background information and significance to nursing). 3. Write a scholarly paper in APA format (6th ed.) that is well organized, succinct and proficient in grammar and composition. 4. The paper has a 3-page limit. This does not include the title page or the reference page. Any paper that exceeds 3 pages in length will get a 1-point deducted per extra page. Your topics MUST be approved by your clinical faculty, failure to do so will result in the paper not being accepted.
Aral Sea Crisis: Health Issues as Human Rights Issues around Aral Sea
The research paper should tackle any aspect of the dynamic relationship between health and human rights with specific attention to Aral Sea Crisis and people living in that region who have been affected by this man made catastrophe. The paper must answer these questions/themes: (1) Foundations of human rights as a framework for global health governance (2) The role of the WHO in the pursuit of a rights-based approach to health in a specific context (3) The role of inter-governmental or civil society organizations in advancing health-related human rights, (4) The recognition of global health among institutions working to advance human rights and/or good governance
Improving diabetes care for underprivileged society
a. Titleoftheresearcharticleandauthor(s)are listed within the first two paragraphs of paper. ALL authors should be listed. b. Type of research conducted. Refer to the Research course materials if you are uncertain about the types of research. (Case-control, epidemiological, clinical/intervention, qualitative/quantitative, etc.) c. NumberofsubjectsstudiedANDpopulationcharacteristicsofsubjectsusedinthestudy. (Example: 4,585 middle class Spanish women living in Argentina.) d. Methods utilized in the study. (Placebo, control & experimental groups, double-blind, cross- over, randomized, etc. Again, please refer to the Research instructional materials.) e. Lengthofresearchperformed(Ex:90days,5weeks,3years,etc.) f. Conflict of interest. Even if the paper states that there is no conflict of interest, you need to include a statement in your written summary paper. The conflict of interest statement is located in 1 of 2 spots, depending on which journal your article is from:
• For the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the conflict of interest statement is located on the last page of the article, after the reference list, within the “Author Information” section:
• For articles published in the Journal of Nutrition, the conflict of interest statement is usually stated at the bottom of the first or second page, within the footnotes section, under “Author disclosures”: g. Study findings.Thisinformationiswithinthe“Results” section of the paper.
You will most likely need to reread this section several times to get a good understanding of what the study’s findings entail. Tables and charts may accompany this section of the article. Please interpret as best as you can what the outcomes of the research are. The “Discussion”/“Conclusion” sections will also help to formatively explain the study findings. h. Study limitations.Limitationsareinfluencesthattheresearchersofthestudycannotcontrol. They are the shortcomings, conditions, or influences that place restrictions on the methodology and conclusions. Limitations that influence the results are most likely mentioned in the “Discussion” section, after strengths of the study are discussed. Your paper MUST include the following content IN YOUR OWN WORDS. If you are providing paraphrased, summarized, or quotes from the article and additional resources, you MUST cite accordingly. (Please see APA style guideline links below) :
Epidemiology and the four P’s of healthcare marketing
Explain how epidemiology can and should impact the four “P’s” of healthcare marketing. Provide an example of healthcare marketing (i.e., link to video, advertisement, etc.) and determine if the four P’s were impacted by epidemiology. Refer to the writing section in your syllabus to know what is expected of you. General Paper Guidelines • Double space your paper • Use Calibri or Times New Roman font, size 12 • Use 1 inch margins • Length must be a 1-2 pages • Cite all sources (including textbook) using APA guidelines and include a reference page (the reference page is separate from the 2 pages of text) • Include your name in the Header, right justified
Chapter 2: Literature review for each article. Must follow required format. Each article is to be reviewed and summarized exclusive of the other. Each review must include the following: Author Topic/Subject (IV influence on DV (Topic) Instrument (s) participants Measure Results Example follows: Hirsch, DeYoung, Xu, and Peterson (2010) conducted a study to examine factors of the Big Five personalities and political conservatism. Participants included 481 member of the Eugene-Springfield Community Sample. The Big Five Aspect Scale was administered to determine participant’s level of Big Five personality traits. To measure political preference, participants subsequently complete two Likert-type scales measuring their political orientation. Items included statements such as, “Politically, I favor the Democratic Party” and “Politically, I favor the Republican Party.” Liberalism was assessed using the IPIP Liberalism Scale. A regression analysis was conducted using each of the broad Big Five domains to predict political party preference. As expected, significant effects were observed for Conscientiousness (Beta = -.16, t(425) = 4.71, p < .01), Openness (Beta = -.16, t(425) = -3.28, p < .01), and Agreeableness (Beta = -.37, t(425) = -3.53, p < .01).
n Interpret the meaning of each of the patient’s abnormal lab and diagnostic test results, as it relates to his medical problems. Include Scholarly References. See Case Study Data below: Mr. Tompkins is a 62 year old Native-American male. He comes in today because of the following symptoms: 1. Increasing dyspnea on minimal exertion (DOE) and 2. Swelling in his legs for the past week. 3. He has also noticed that his lower legs are red, warm to the touch, and mildly painful (4/10 on a pain scale). 4. His blood sugars on his fingersticks have been high – 190 fasting in the morning and 290 before evening meal.
5. He has gained 10 pounds since his last visit one month ago. His diet has not changed although he has been less active the past week due to the swelling in his legs. He denies chest pain, cough, fever, hemoptysis, taking any OTC meds, polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. Medical History Diabetes Mellitus Type II for 5 years Family History Wife, children, and four living siblings have diabetes mellitus type II. His father and two brothers, now deceased, had hypertension as well as DM type II. Causes of deaths are not known. Medications Metformin increased to 1 Gm bid 30 days month ago to bring his sugars down about 20- to 30-points in the morning and evening. Allergies None reported. Social History Patient does not smoke or drink. Physical Examination Weight 225 lbs +10 pounds since his last visit 1 month ago, BMI 30 BP – 158/100, P – 100, T – 98, O2 sats – 94% room air at rest S3 & S4 gallop, + JVD, bibasilar crackles, 3+ pitting edema. The skin on his ankles to mid-calf is red, warm, slightly scaly, and tender to the touch. Labs Hemoglobin – 12 (13.8 – 17.2) Hematocrit – 38( 41 – 50) RBC Indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) – In normal ranges WBC (white blood cells) – 12 (4.5 – 10.5) (differential is pending) BUN (blood urea nitrogen) – 22 (7 – 20) 6/8 Creatinine – 1.6 (0.8 – 1.4) Total cholesterol – 240 (<199) HDL (high-density lipoprotein) – 35 (>59) LDL (low-density lipoprotein) – 180 (<130) Triglycerides – 400 (30 – 149) Radiology Results of recent chest X-ray are pending.
Exploring the Level of Founder’s Awareness on Corporate Governance in Large Saudi Enterprises: The Contribution of Family Ownership
Dear writer, I need you to identify and write the gaps in between the uploaded Literature Review but only in terms of what has not been said by the respective researchers who approached my topic. then summarize them at the end of the literature review section in paragraphs. #minimun 4 gaps are required. # for example, in section 2.8.4, at the end of this section I identify one gap and highlighted it in yellow color so you can understand how to find the gaps.
Selective isolation, distribution and diversity of marine actinobacteria for the discovery of new anti-cancer drugs
Paper details the review should discuss the 9 following topics
1- abstract
2- Introduction
3- Secondary metabolites from marine actinobacteria( with table include all compounds up to date) and mention if any compounds has used commercially 4- Anticancer drugs from marine actinobacteria ( with table include all compounds up to date) and mention if any compounds has used commercially 5- Habitats and sampling for isolation of marine actinobacteria 6- Selective isolation of marine actinobacteria 7- Distribution of marine actinobacteria 8- Diversity of the most potent marine actinobacteria in anti-cancer activities ( with pie chart that illustrate percentage of microorganisms species that produce useful secondary metabolites) 9- conclusion and Future perspectives * should use new papers up to 2018 * references should include papers published from Saudi University two or three is okay * references please refer to Forntiers Microbiology Journal and follow their requirements * plagiarism should be less than 5% * create your own tables and figures do not copy them * images should be refereed to the original paper
Safe Nurse Staffing Policy
For this assessment, you will be required to develop and thoroughly analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally (local, state, national, or international).
To do this, you will reflect on several aspects of being a policy maker within the nursing position. A few things to consider are: • Why did you select the health or nursing profession policy issue?
• How does this issue affect nursing practice, healthcare delivery, and health outcomes for individual, families, and/or communities?
• What are the values and the ethical positions that underpin your perspectives?
• What are the criteria you will use to evaluate the success (outcomes) of your proposed policy change? By using both a top-down and a bottom-up approach, you will analyze and bring the nursing perspective to policy makers and stakeholders.
Identifying the values and ethical perspectives that underpin your position, you will develop criteria to evaluate the success of your work.
This will lead to a created a policy brief that can be sent to decision makers and created a plan to work with an organization/community to promote policy change at the local level. To guide you to your conclusion, using nursing research to support your position is vital.
This should include principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR).
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