The financial resources to promote organizational health PowerPoint
This is a paper that is focusing on the financial resources to promote organizational health PowerPoint. The paper also provides a clear demonstration of proficiency in writing the paper.
The financial resources to promote organizational health PowerPoint
For this assessment you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups. It is to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment.
As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to stakeholders and leadership about projects that you have been involved in or wish to implement. The ability to communicate a plan—and potential implications of not pursuing such a plan—to stakeholders effectively can be critically important. This is in creating awareness and buy-in, as well as building your personal and professional brand in your organization. It is equally important that you know how to create compelling presentations for others’ delivery and ensure that they convey the same content you would deliver if you were the presenter.
You are encouraged to complete the Evidence-Based Practice: Basics and Guidelines activity before you develop the presentation. This activity consists of six questions that will create the opportunity to check your understanding of the fundamentals of evidence-based practice as well as ways to identify EBP in practice.
Demonstration of Proficiency
Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and also financial resources to promote organizational health.
Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could implement and how the human and financial resources would be managed.
Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be to achieve a desire patient and systems outcomes.
Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal.
Competency 3: Describe ways to incorporate evidence-based practice within an interdisciplinary team.
Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.
Propose evidence-based criteria that could be used to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
Communicate the PowerPoint presentation of the interdisciplinary improvement plan to stakeholders in a professional, respectful manner, with writing that is clear. Also, use correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.