The HCA 450 Term paper guidelines and rubric assignment

This is a paper that is focusing on the HCA 450 Term paper guidelines and rubric. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper in detail.

The HCA 450 Term paper guidelines and rubric

HCA 450 – Term Paper Guidelines and Rubric

This Term Paper applies the Harman, L.B., & Cornelius, F.H.  (2017). Ethical Health Informatics: Challenges and Opportunities (3rd ed.) textbook to lead students through a process of health leadership competency, affective domain of learning, self-reflection, personal assessment, and professional development planning.

The Term Paper is designed to facilitate the student to comprehend, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create a better understanding of the research topic, as well as how to apply emerging health care information technologies to articulate professional interests, strengths, and areas for further learning and development in preparation for managing and leading health care organizations in the future.

The Term Paper is structured into seventh sections, with comprehensive guidelines provided in each section. APA formatting is required. Please follow this formatting style sections and make sure your paper is clear and well-structured following this writing style format.

Section 1:  Module 5   The electronic medical records (EHRs)
 Provide at least three (3) motives why some health care organizations have been indisposed to implement electronic medical records (EHRs). Suggest one strategy which helps to reassure the implementation of a new health information system.

Section 2:  Module 2   The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
 Discuss the role of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and also its impacts on patients’ medical records.

Section 3: Chapter 17   The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act
 Determine the main functions of The Health Information Technology for Economic and also Clinical Health (HITECH) Act for health care professionals. Next, suggest one (1) strategy that the medical staff members could use in order to increase the quality of
medical services.

The HCA 450 Term paper guidelines and rubric

Section 4: Module 7   The digital health technologies
 Firstly, discuss the key risks of digital health technologies for consumers, patients, and caregivers.
 Secondly, propose one (1) strategy to diminish the risks in question. Provide a rationale to support your response.

Section 5: Chapter 20    The laws and penalties
 List the laws and penalties concerning fraud and abuse in health care. Select one act and describe its impact on patient decision.

Section 6: Module 1       The ethical principles of the (HIM) professionals
 What are the four ethical principles the HIM professionals would use in developing and competing values?

Section 7: Saint Leo core values of integrity and excellence into section 6.
Firstly, the Term Paper is structure into seventh sections, with comprehensive guidelines provided in each section. An introduction and a conclusion are necessary in your term paper.
Secondly, use briefly these headers (questions or sections) and discuss each question precisely and concisely.
Thirdly, do not exceed the length criteria which requires 6-8 pages only, not including the cover page and references page.
Fourthly, use at least eight high-quality resources from AHIMA, CMS, HIMSS, AHRSQ, and medical journals only within the last past five years.
Lastly, do not use resources that are not high-quality as an encyclopedia or a dictionary information.

A 25-year-old female presents to her primary care physician

A 25-year-old female presents to her primary care physician with complaints of muscle tension, especially in her shoulders and neck, contributing to tension headaches.

A 25-year-old female presents to her primary care physician

Give a diagnose and reason why you have determined the diagnosis. There is a “correct” answer; however, you will earn points for justification of your answer by identify symptoms that align with the criteria.  How might a mental health care provider decide to treat the individual?

1. A 25-year-old female presents to her primary care physician with complaints of muscle tension, especially in her shoulders and neck, contributing to tension headaches. She describes decreased sleep, chronic fatigue and constant restlessness in addition to poor concentration at work, with repeated run-ins with her coworkers. She has been a worrier since childhood, with worsening bouts when under stress. Physical exam reveals a healthy, tense female with normal vital signs and generalized muscular tension. She does not abuse substances, and medical history is unremarkable.

2. A 53-year-old female has longstanding shyness dating back to childhood. She always feels self-conscious around others, and never feels that she knows what to say or how to act. Has never dated, and reports few friendships over her life. She works as a computer programmer so that she does not have to interact with others face to face. Has passed up advancement opportunities at work as these would have placed her in a more interactive role with others. After these situations, she will often replay these events in her head in an extremely self-critical manner. Spends most of her time alone and lacks social skills. She is sometimes describe d by others as “odd” or “a loner”. She avoids almost all social situations.

3. A 25-year-old woman presents to the emergency room complaining of sad mood, nervousness, difficulty falling asleep, and disinterest in her friends for the past 2 months.

She notes these symptoms started following a rape by a former male friend after a party. She appears visibly uncomfortable when asked further questions about the attack. The patient has disclosed the incident to some of her peers, but did not report it to authorities. She reports nightmares.

4. A 62-year-old man is arrested for disturbing people on their way to work by insisting they take his prepared reading materials with them. The topic of the materials was the man’s special communications with God and his instructions for following him on a special path to heaven. There are no other known symptoms and no known history of mental illnesses according to the man’s family.

5. A complained of continued hypersomnia and daytime lethargy, increased appetite, frequent crying, headaches, and memory problems. We asked her to describe the timing and quality of her initial improvement on the increased dose. Her hypersomnia reversed abruptly to her needing only 3 to 4 hours of sleep per night. Ms. A described feeling of elation and of having her mind filled with ideas and activities, racing from one thought to another.

She became markedly more talkative and social. Those around her noticed her behavior as distinctly different than usual. This sudden and dramatic response lasted about 1 week, ended suddenly, and was followed by a steady decline in energy and motivation over the next several weeks. When asked if these episodes had ever occurred in the past, Ms. A described experiencing similar brief periods of expanded mood that occurred every 2 to 3 weeks, typically lasting from 2 to 3 days, but occasionally as long as 5 days.

6. The patient is a 42-year-old single male, who lives with his parents.

He has been unemployed for some time. He presented to the anxiety disorders clinic at a major teaching hospital, because of concerns regarding his long-term unemployment. His intention to procrastinate when making decisions or carrying out plans. On weekends, when the family planned to visit the grandparents he would start packing on Friday afternoon, but on many occasions, did not finish the packing until Sunday, by which time it was too late to go. He spent long periods of time in the bathroom, would take half an hour to wash his hands-first washing the tap, then his hands, then the tap again.

This routine also made it difficult for him to go out and look for job. In fact, it totally prevented him from doing so. After leaving school, he has had 30 or 40 jobs, mostly factory work. The longest he has lasted in a job has been one week, often only one day. He was very punctual in treatment and never missed a session; he talked freely, and in great detail. The initial part of therapy mainly dealt with family relationships. When the time came to leave the sessions, he would often continue talking and delaying even when the therapist was standing at the door.

7. A 27-year-old male, Brian, has a history of misconduct and has stayed in a high-security hospital for 10 years for semi-violent and petty crimes beginning at 17. He was an intelligent boy who did well in school until his peers began to tease him. This made him feel helpless and unable to defend himself.

A peer introduced him to the criminal milieu where he felt accepted and appreciated.

During a robbery, he became incredible angry and physically violent without really understanding why. The victim died as a consequence of his attack. He was send to prison for 2 years, followed by a high security hospital for treatment. While he accepted his prison sentence he protested treatment in a psychiatric hospital
What else do you need to know? List specific questions. What could this diagnose be?


8. A 23 years old woman reacted with depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts after the death of her grandfather.

She was treated with antidepressant medication without addressing the loss. Three years later after a suicidal attempt, she was admitted to hospital where she first presented with depressed mood and suicidal thoughts, but quickly engaged in vivid conversations with the others patients. Since childhood she had unstable mood, aggressive temperament and self-destructive behavior (head banging).

At the age of 10 she was sexually abuse d by an older man. Suicidal thoughts and urges to kill herself was first experienced at age 11. Since age 13 she has had multiple sexual partners but also one 7-year long relationship which was quite unstable with frequent conflicts and impulsive acts. She dropped out of school and has been living on government benefits, interrupted by short periods of unskilled employment. In a two-year psychoanalytic treatment program with one individual session and one group session a week in addition to psycho education, she worked together with other patients understanding the characteristic, and dynamics of on self-destructive behavior.

In addition to a mood disorder, what are other possible diagnosis?

9. Stephanie is 20 something, fragile appearing waitress who attends college part-time off and on.

She lived with a roommate who recently moved.  After leaving home at 18, to attend a four-year university, Stephanie has suffered several physical problems. Once an “A” student, her grades began to suffer and she could no longer concentrate or complete assignments. Recently, she stated to her supervisor that she was having problems getting to work on time because one of her neighbors was following her. She called the police and reported the neighbor; however, the police were not able to locate a man that matched the description.

Formerly, happy and outgoing, Stephanie tends to stay alone much of the time. Her former friends note her odd behavior and conversations, but finally dismiss anything serious stating that Stephanie was known to smoke marijuana and then say odd things. Stephanie is about to lose her job because many of the customers have complained about her and she often misses work.

10. Patricia has been married to Peter for 19 years.

The couple have two children, 15 and 17. They own a home and have no health problems. Peter is a contractor, whose jobs have been off and on for most of their marriage. Patricia initially thought that Peter would find a new career, but instead he goes on unemployment in the winter and picks up jobs in the spring, summer, and fall. Patricia is an administrative assistant for a legal office and earns about $65,000 a year, but still the couple have money problems.

Their son attends a private school because of a learning disability. Patricia does not have any close friends, and had gained about 100 pounds over the last 19 years. Although she is a good employee, she does not enjoy her job or many things about her life in general. She attends all of her children’s school events, and sees her out of town family on holiday. She often picks up side jobs as a paralegal so that she can buy extra things for her kids.One day her daughter asked her what he favorite activity was and Patricia, responded honestly, that she did not have a favorite activity and found nothing very pleasurable.

The financial resources to promote organizational health PowerPoint

This is a paper that is focusing on the financial resources to promote organizational health PowerPoint. The paper also provides a clear demonstration of proficiency in writing the paper.

The financial resources to promote organizational health PowerPoint

For this assessment you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups. It is to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment.
As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to stakeholders and leadership about projects that you have been involved in or wish to implement. The ability to communicate a plan—and potential implications of not pursuing such a plan—to stakeholders effectively can be critically important. This is in creating awareness and buy-in, as well as building your personal and professional brand in your organization. It is equally important that you know how to create compelling presentations for others’ delivery and ensure that they convey the same content you would deliver if you were the presenter.

You are encouraged to complete the Evidence-Based Practice: Basics and Guidelines activity before you develop the presentation. This activity consists of six questions that will create the opportunity to check your understanding of the fundamentals of evidence-based practice as well as ways to identify EBP in practice.

Demonstration of Proficiency

Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and also financial resources to promote organizational health.
Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could  implement and how the human and financial resources would be managed.

Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be to achieve a desire patient and systems outcomes.
Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal.

Competency 3: Describe ways to incorporate evidence-based practice within an interdisciplinary team.
Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.
Propose evidence-based criteria that could be used to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
Communicate the PowerPoint presentation of the interdisciplinary improvement plan to stakeholders in a professional, respectful manner, with writing that is clear. Also, use  correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Factors that can lead to the emergence of zoonotic disease

This is a paper that is focusing on the factors that can lead to the emergence of zoonotic disease. The paper also provides instruction to analyze and use in writing the assignment paper.

Factors that can lead to the emergence of zoonotic disease

The essay question is: Discuss the factors that can lead to the emergence of zoonotic disease in named animal populations. Provide examples of named diseases with relevant animal populations to illustrate your answer.


1-   The word limit per question is 700 words. Correct Harvard referencing is but will not contribute to the word count.

2-   Secondly, you need to support your arguments on scientific grounds and back-up your claims with relevant case-studies.

3-   You cannot cover everything! You will have to be selective of your arguments and supporting case studies, and also balance breadth with detail. To excel in this exam, you are expected to show evidence of relevant independent research.

4-   Make sure to:
Firstly, include a clear introduction. This is where you set the scene for your essay and provide essential background. Make sure that the final part of your introduction provides a concise overview of what your essay is addressing.

Secondly, ensure your essays have a clear structure. Each sentence and paragraph should logically flow from one to the next. You can use sub-headings to help structure the main body of your essay.

Thirdly, write in a critical rather than descriptive manner –marks are awarded for additional background reading and clear synthesis of detail with the use of citations.

Fourthly, include a clear conclusion which should provide a concise integration and appraisal of the key points made during the main body of your text – no new information should be introduced here.

Write in the 3rd person and be objective.

Avoid super long sentences and/or overuse of commas!

Factors that can lead to the emergence of zoonotic disease


Try and include scientific names for species on first mention (italics).
Keep your writing scientific and avoid colloquial language/slang.

• Do not use conjunctions: it is, do not rather than it’s, don’t. • Try and put aside some time after writing each essay to proof-read it.
Marking criteria and descriptors
The elements for marking are below:
1-Does the essay comprehensively address the question posed?
2-Does the essay demonstrate understanding, exploration, insight and independent research into the topic?
3-Does the essay demonstrate a good and accurate understanding of associated ecological and conservation theory?
4-Is the piece embedded and informed by a wide range of relevant scientific literature (both classic and cutting-edge) – going beyond the scope of the lecture material (i.e. additional background reading).

5-  Is the organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work exemplary throughout – including a clear introduction, main discussion and conclusion?

6- Is there evidence of very high quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal? Does the work demonstrate high levels of initiative, personal responsibility, and also decision-making?

The counselling on schools after school shooting research

This is a paper that is focusing on the counselling on schools after school shooting research. The paper also provides additional information for the assignment. The information is useful in writing the assignment paper in detail.

The counselling on schools after school shooting research

RESEARCH BIBLIOGRAPHY & HANDOUT:. Counseling in schools after a school shooting. References should include primary sources, research literature, and web sites from organizations such as APA and ACA, but not NGO’s, etc. Create an annotated bibliography that will be a reference for you and classmates in the future. This would mean reviewing 8 articles and preparing a one-page handout for your peers to keep. Additionally a paper that reviews the 8 articles and then has a summary integrating all of the articles. The paper could be about 6 pages long but you may take up to 10 pages.

You need to summarize 8 articles The summaries were real and not reworkings of the abstract; they pulled out gems in the research; they were brief (1 paragraph/half a page) 8 Articles appropriate to topic These came from clinical counseling, psychology, mental health, or social work journals and not psychiatry or nursing; it did not focus on diagnostic issues.

The counselling on schools after school shooting research

Also, they weren’t taking a medicalized view The articles were varied At least 3 were on treatment; they weren’t repetitive; some were research articles presenting evidence; some were case examples; Also, some were treatment focused; taken together they’re a nice little comprehensive bunch on the topic Your summaries were well written, using APA style when appropriate, and free of typos and grammatical errors Your summary focuses on treatment and integrates the 8 articles. It reads as a reminder of what you might want to consider or try if you were to have a child with this problem in your office.

The factors that Henry’s primary health care provider should consider

This is a paper that is focusing on the factors that Henry’s primary health care provider should consider. The paper also provides a brief description of Henry’s case study to use in the assignment.

The factors that Henry’s primary health care provider should consider

Case Study

Henry Brown is a 67- year old American living in the rural central United States. He is prescribed multiple medications for hypertension, depression, diabetes mellitus type 2, and a recent bacterial infection. Henry is not alone. In fact, estimates suggest at least 70% of the U.S. aging population is prescribe multiple medications due to the rapid increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases. This presents a major challenge for our healthcare system. Most medications require consistent adherence to the prescribed regimen for them to achieve therapeutic effect.

Yet it is known that adherence rates remain suboptimal across populations and disease states. Because Henry uses a smartphone, his primary healthcare provider might recommend a mobile app called the Medication Tracker to help him manage his complicated medication regimen. Henry’s primary healthcare provider recognizes apps have the potential to address the specific needs of patients in a manner that is timely, cost-effective, informative, and engaging. This app can be configure to deliver automated, personalized messaging to remind Henry to take his medication; can help Henry reinforce good self-management behaviors; can provide education on his chronic disease; and can provide information about his medication, such as black box warnings, side effects and contraindications.

Discussion Questions

1.      Firstly, describe the factors that Henry’s primary health care provider should consider when selecting an app for him.
2.      Secondly, identify the features most important to facilitate the primary treatment goals of Henry and his primary provider.
3.      Thirdly, describe how Henry should communicate his activities with the app to his primary health care provider.
4.      Fourthly, list some risks for Henry associated with using this app.

The ambulatory surgery center service delivery to patients

This is a paper that is focusing on the ambulatory surgery center service delivery to patients. The paper also provides links to use in researching the assignment paper.

The ambulatory surgery center service delivery to patients


You just started working as a Health Service Manager within one of the following health care industries.  First choose an industry below to discuss the questions that follow:
a.   Ambulatory Surgery center
b.  Pharmacy
c.   Physician’s Office
d.  Cosmetic Surgery Center
e.   Laser Eye Center
f.    Dental Office

Your boss has asked you to write a report detailing how the demand for your product(s) is impacted by various economic factors.  In writing your memo, be sure to include your name and also in the subject line identify the health care entity you chose above. In order for your boss to easily review your memo, please include section headers to correspond to the questions below.

The ambulatory surgery center service delivery to patients

Answer the following questions relying primarily on the course readings and also other resource material presented in this class (do not cite any other outside sources).
Course material below plus PowerPoint lesson review (attached):

3.  Thirdly, describe a product or service your company provides to your patients
4.  Fourthly, evaluate the demand curve for your product and relationship between the price of your service/product and the quantity demanded.

In this evaluation, be sure to identify:
Firstly ,whether demand is sensitive (e.g. elastic) or less sensitive (e.g. inelastic) to changes in the price and evaluate why this relationship might occur.
Secondly, include a discussion of how the existence of health insurance would impact the elasticity of demand.
Thirdly, define “substitute” goods and identify potential substitutes for your product/service. Also, evaluate how does the existence of a substitute impact the demand for your product/service.
Lastly, define “complement” goods and identify potential complements for your product/service. Additionally, evaluate how does the existence of complement goods impact the demand for your product/service.
Identify and also discuss the economic factors that might lead to a shift in the demand curve for your product/service?

The ethical implications for Samantha a natural health practitioner

This is a paper that is focusing on the ethical implications for Samantha a natural health practitioner. The paper also discusses the legal ramifications in the case study in the assignment.

The ethical implications for Samantha a natural health practitioner

This assessment requires you to read the case study below and fully answer each of the following questions:

Question 1
What are the ethical implications for the health practitioner in this case study?
Identify the key factors the health practitioner needs to consider in this scenario
Explain why you believe these issues are unethical, using relevant literature to support your decision/s

Question 2
What are the legal ramifications involved in this case study?
Identify the key factors the health practitioner needs to consider in this scenario
Explain why you believe these issues may have legal ramifications, using relevant literature to support your decision/s

Case study
Samantha is a natural health practitioner working in her own private practice.  Recently her neighbour and friend Margaret approached her and told her she was suffering from a terminal illness, and asked Samantha to help her with treatment.  Samantha had always liked Margaret and was very keen to help her, and so she agreed.  Samantha would regularly go to Margaret’s house after-hours and provide treatment, as well as help her with cooking and cleaning.  As the weeks progressed, Margaret’s health deteriorated and her son Jack moved in to help with Margaret’s end-of-life care.  Samantha and Jack established a good rapport, and Jack showed
an interest in Samantha’s treatment practices – soon becoming a client himself.  Quite often Samantha would join Jack for a glass of wine and dinner after treating Margaret, and they would stay up late discussing their personal lives.

Ensure that you include a reference page and a cover page for the assignment. All sources use for this assignment should be in the reference page. Also, cite the references in the paper as it is a requirement.

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie. She is in the office for a follow-up visit by herself. Josie reports, “I think my symptoms are 80% better on medication. But I do still worry and obsess, particularly at work.

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie

Based on the discussion, be sure to decide what medication you prescribed to Josie at that first visit. Use that medication as needed in this paper.

Review the case study and then answer the questions that follow.

It has been six weeks since you first saw Josie. She is in the office for a follow-up visit by herself.

Josie reports, “I think my symptoms are 80% better on medication. But I do still worry and obsess, particularly at work. I am also getting horrible anxiety attacks, where I freeze and am not able to move. It has happened about once a week since my last visit.

“…. Ah…. I hate to admit this. Ummmm…. This is confidential, right? The last one at work was during a code blue.

“…. But yes, overall, I feel much better. The medication is working in general. It’s just, occasionally that I feel like that. I’m tolerating the medication well but I have noticed dry mouth and a decreased sexual drive. And, um, yeah, you can imagine the friction that is causing in my relationship with Robs.

“So, what I’m thinking is, could I have Xanax? Or maybe Ativan? I know those are really good for anxiety like this. I think they’d really help me.”


From your perspective as Josie’s psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions in a-page double-spaced paper (not including the reference page) and in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based references.

1-Compare and contrast at least four medications that Josie could take “as needed.” Please include generic/brand name, pros, and cons for each medication.
2-Are there any additional questions that you would want to know and/or labs that you would order before prescribing an “as needed” medication?
3-Which pharmacological treatment would you choose? Please include rationale, starting dose, tapering schedule (if any), how the medication works, major drug/drug interactions, and patient education.
4-What community and support resources would you provide to Josie?
5-Would you refer Josie to therapy? If so, what type? Please provide evidence for your decision.

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

This is a paper that is focusing on the Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing the assignment paper in detail.

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child The needs of the pediatric patient differ depending on age, as do the stages of development and the expected assessment findings for each stage. In a 500-750-word paper, examine the needs of a school-aged child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old and discuss the following: Compare the physical assessments among school-aged children. Describe how you would modify assessment techniques to match the age and developmental stage of the child. Choose a child between the ages of 5 and 12 years old. Identify the age of the child and describe the typical developmental stages of children that age.

Applying developmental theory based on Erickson, Piaget, or Kohlberg, explain how you would develop mentally assess the child. Include how you would offer explanations during the assessment, strategies you would use to gain cooperation, and potential findings from the assessment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Remember, ensure  that the paper is at least three pages exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.