Develop a Health Program based off of Healthy People 2020 HP 2020 target objectives

State target objective from HP 2020. Description of Target Community. Description of your “community” at the city or county or municipality level; in other words, “who are the people whom you will be providing your program for?” Include information about your target community. This includes target population size and target population demographics (you can typically find this demographic data from census databases or other national or local databases). Also include local incidence and prevalence rates of health outcomes that are directly related to your chosen HP 2020 health behavior. ***With regards to the “community”, I strongly recommend you target a relatively narrow segment or community. For example, it would be better to choose to target the issue of underage drinking and subsequent car crashes in a target community within your county, city, town or local school district versus addressing the issue for the entire state. Provide detailed and specific information about your “Health Promotion Program”. Your health program should meet your HP 2020 objective, health behavior and associated health indicator. Make sure to include your plan on funding your program, the duration of your program (stop and start date), what your program will accomplish (example, reduce teenage pregnancy by 5 % in one year). Guidelines: Assignment should be a minimum of 12 slides, excluding the title and reference page. Utilize a minimum of 5 references, only 1 can be the text book. Provide details in your content to all the sections listed above. Follow proper APA guidelines. Substantial Speaker Notes throughout presentation. Reference your readings and include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar articles. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Analyze the current trends in patient data capture

You work for a health care organization that frequently needs to share information with other providers. Your organization has a very important relationship with a diagnostics center in particular where you frequently need to share patient information such as lab results, X-rays, and other diagnostic information. You have been asked to review your company’s protocols on sharing and receiving patient information for outside providers to ensure that your organization is in compliance with the latest standards and regulations. Write an executive summary that examines the compliance procedures and practice guidelines that these organizations would need to establish to achieve optimum operational effectiveness while complying with federal, state, and local laws governing patient information security and records retention. Analyze the current trends in patient data capture and information sharing among health care providers, assessing their impact on your organization’s operations. scholarly sources within 5 years, details is uploaded.****** Some basic reminders regarding discussion board posts: Your initial post is due each week by Friday 11:59:59 PM Central Time. There will be a 10% deduction for not meeting the deadline. Posts must address the weekly topic. Points will be deducted for not addressing all components of the DB assignment). Posts must be relevant, coherent and well written (free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors). All posts must reflect critical thought. All posts must draw from relevant course readings that demonstrate that you read and understand the material. All posts must provide proper in-text reference citations. Do not list as source as a reference unless it is actually used and cited in the body of the post. Draw from additional relevant research (be sure to provide proper reference citations). Use relevant, credible sources expected at the college level. That is, use the textbook, other course readings and top-tier research journals. Describe interesting ideas from the readings and explaining new insights. Discuss relevant professional experience and relate that experience to appropriate course materials. Comment on what you learned, and what you might do differently. Comment on what you have learned from other’s postings. Offer a different perspective about an idea that is being discussed. Do not use attachments – post your responses in the body of the message. Do not drift too far from the original subject. In general, just posing follow-up questions is not sufficient. The expected length of all follow-up posts is a minimum of 4-5 robust sentences (i.e., salutatory, laudatory and other conversational sentences, do not count towards this minimum) Posts not meeting the above criteria will not be counted towards participation. Remember, rules regarding academic integrity apply to discussions question posts. A similarity score above 30-40% suggests that you have not adequately paraphrased the work of someone else. Posts with scores over 35% will not count towards the participation requirement, and you may be subject to university sanctions. High-Quality Sources: Support ideas by drawing from (and citing) “good” sources; i.e., recent, relevant, credible materials. The selection of references should represent the best available references on the topic. Avoid using information posted on websites – visit for information on evaluating websites. Do not use sources like Wikipedia and – these may provide good background information; but these are not scholarly. Some other unacceptable sources include:,,,,,, and so on. If in doubt, ask. Instead of performing an internet search (using Google or other similar search engines) to find something to support ideas, take advantage of the university’s online library.

Public health visiting

Public health visiting

You are visiting Sophia for a new birth visit and a discussion has taken place regarding immunisations. Sophia has decided not to vaccinate her son, Jack, after seeing the children of friends react badly to the injection. She also says that her son was ill very shortly after birth and doesn’t want him subjected him to any more needles. • Demonstrate a coherent and logical evaluation of a range of communication and interpersonal skills that the school nurse could utilise to develop a therapeutic relationship with Sophia. • Present a critical justification of a range of interventions that could be employed to support Sophia to address her and Jack’s health needs. • The interventions should be supported with a critical discussion of relevant theories and research evidence. • Critically discuss how you will maintain your professionalism during the visit. • Identify areas for personal development and create an action plan to address the aspects of your development

Health Care Organization

Suggested by Writer Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.).

Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade.

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following: Describe the health care organization or network.

Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.

Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.

Propose a theory or model that could be used to support implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.

The Healthcare Financial Management Association

Association HFMA (The Healthcare Financial Management Association Research a Professional Association In terms of networking and professional development (e.g., continuing education), one of the most effective ways to stay connected in our field is through membership in a professional association. For this assignment, research and find one professional association in the field of health care. For example, ACHE. However, you can look into your own interest that you are considering, such as IT, Compliance, Risk Management, Finance, Executive Administration, or Quality. Plus many more. If you don’t have an area of interest picked out yet, research one that seems interesting to you. Once you find the professional association, research the following and submit the document in the Canvas assignment link. Please remember APA formatting. Copy and paste = plagiarism. Name of Professional Association (include a link to the website) Mission of Professional Association Benefits to membership (resources, tools, continuing education, conferences, etc.) What initiatives is this professional association involved in to help strengthen the greater community

Final project health

HEALTH EDUCATION 1 INDIVIDUAL STUDENT WELLNESS FINAL PROJECT Important Deadline- Due December 15thby 11:59 pm. 2,000 Word requirement is mandatory. Use your wellness worksheets and information from our course including your behavior change to complete the Final Project. You will need to interview your family members to complete the first portion. REMEMBER 2000 word minimum!!! Wellness Project Requirements 1. Must be typed. (college project) 2. Reference footnotes required for all information 3. Due Date: December 15th, 2019 4. Word Count requirement: 2000 • Cover Sheet (must include the following information) Students Name: Students ID Number: Semester: fall 2019 Project OUTLINE I. Student History Statement (background) A. Suggestions- Include Student and Family History B. HOW to College Health History – A complete medical history can help your physician identify diseases and conditions that you may have inherited. Here is some advice on whom and what to ask: 1. Make a list of relatives to interview. The most important are your parents, siblings, half-siblings, and your children. Next on the list are your grandparents, great-uncles, great-aunts, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. For the relatives who are deceased find out whom to ask about the causes of their deaths and their age when they passed away. 2. Prepare your questions- The questions should include: Do you have any chronic illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes? Have you had any serious illnesses such as cancer or stroke? If so, how old were you when you developed them? What medications are you now taking? Make sure to ask your parents or older relatives these questions: What country or countries did our family come from? Has any family member had Alzheimer’s disease, learning or developmental disabilities? 3. Before getting started explain to your relatives what you are doing. He or she may be able to help you with other family member’s histories. 4. If a family member does not want to share some information with you respect his or her feelings C. Minimum Work Requirement – 400 Words II. Student Wellness Review A. Suggestion- Content should include 9 dimensions of wellness and how they contribute to healthy living. By understanding the nine dimensions of wellness discussed in Chapter 1 and please discuss wellness as it relates to you. Wellness is a self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential. B. Reference to Chapter Wellness Worksheets or your textbook. You must provide footnotes if you refer to your textbook materials which include your wellness worksheets. C. Minimum Word Requirement- 800 words III. Student Wellness Summary A. Suggestions include an intellectual inquiry approach to your summary. HOW CAN YOU APPLY this Multi-dimensional Approach? • How a person contributes to their environment and community, and how to build better living spaces and social networks • The enrichment of life through work, and its interconnectedness to living and playing • The development of belief systems, values, and creating a world-view • The benefits of regular physical activity, healthy eating habits, strength and vitality as well as personal responsibility, self-care and when to seek medical attention • Self-esteem, self-control, and determination as a sense of direction • Creative and stimulating mental activities, and sharing your gifts with others B. Discuss what your future plans or goals are for your personal wellness as it relates to the 9 dimensions of health. Wellness in any dimension is not a static goal but a dynamic process of change and growth. How are you going to live life actively, energetically, and fully, in a state of optimal personal, interpersonal, and environmental well-being? Applying a wellness approach can be useful in nearly every human endeavor. As a pathway to optimal living, wellness is being applied to related fields, such as health promotion and holistic health, and has seen a growth in “helping professions” including counseling and medical arts and practices. The National Wellness Institute devised three questions that can help persons and organizations assess the degree to which wellness is incorporated into a particular approach or program: 1. Does this help people achieve their full potential? 2. Does this recognize and address the whole person (multi-dimensional approach)? 3. Does this affirm and mobilize peoples’ positive qualities and strengths? C. You can reference your behavior change( eating healthier) and the areas of wellness that you would like to change. How can these changes make a positive impact on your personal wellness? D.Minimum word requirement- 800 words

Speculative design on end of life care to create a better death experience

Speculative design on end of life care to create a better death experience  Prompt: For this term paper, please write between 1000 to 2000 words that articulates your beliefs and possible solutions about a particular issue related to 21st century design. Use at least three outside credible bibliographic citations/sources. 1. Begin with a statement to the effect that there is an important change in history/historical circumstances. Then try to define this change in a few key terms. 2. State your design related solutions to this circumstances. 3. Use case studies and researches to back up your designs, and state the importance of your work. Topic: The topic for this term paper is about how we should improve current end-of-life care to those who are terminally ill, and thus change the perspective of death to create a better “death experience”. First spot flaws on existing end of life care design (miscommunication, patient stress, etc.), and then think of a better design system for this specific topic. Sources must be credible, and ideas must be creative. It can be idealistic and speculative.

Types of Therapy

3 page reflection paper (not including cover page and references) describing a preferred approach to counseling from the theories we have covered throughout the semester. You may select one of the types of therapies that we have studied throughout the semester (e.g., behavioral, CBT, PCT, Gestalt), or a combination of them, that you found to be most compatible with your beliefs, and most effective for helping clients deal their problems. All of the following needs to be addressed in your paper and you must label each section accordingly as follows: Selected Theories: Which therapy or therapies from the selected readings did you select and why? Goals for Therapy: What are the most important goals for therapy according to the selected therapy? Role of Therapist: What is your role and function as a therapist from the selected therapy? Techniques: What techniques would you be likely to apply to a specific problem(s) (from the selected approach)? Expectations of Client: What would you expect from your client when using the selected therapy? Make sure that your opinions and assertions are supported by the information in the text and consistent with the theory or theories you selected. You should use the text as a reference as well as at least one outside resource and refer to it in your paper.

Health Policy Legislation Paper

Health Policy Legislation Paper

This paper should be 4-5 pages (not including the title page and references page). The final paper must use APA format, title page and references page with a minimum of six references. Health Policy Paper Format (Minimum six references) Find a current health policy legislation issue that is under review or being considered for passage. Develop a paper that addresses the following: 1) Identify and describe the legislation and/or proposed bill. 2) Describe the key aspects of the legislation or bill and discuss the areas of health care addressed. 3) Provide a description of the health care issue included in the proposed bill and how it influences nursing practice or nursing care as well as how it will potentially impact the health care system , patients and communities. 4) Include two to three newspaper articles in your references (eg. The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, or Journal News) that address the legislation or proposed bill. 5) Support your position about this legislation or bill using evidence and literature.

Barriers to the implementation of the surgical safety check list Critical review


The easy way to start this is by: “I have selected this issue from my workplace because….” It supposed to be an issue not a topic, The issues are: – there still remains a dismissive attitude by some of the team members toward the check list regarding its influence on patient safety. – Unfortunately this negative attitude towards surgical safety check list is often linked to surgeons and anesthetists.

– The surgical check list generates some confusion over who in the team is ultimately accountable for items on the check list, the team member who i is answering the question, or the one who sign the check list. This leading to the tension between team members and the differing opinions of the value of the check list. This has negative impact on the team work. – The last stage of the check list is the sign out and it seems to be an area of concern( anaesthetist busy with extubation, surgical team concentrating on counting the swabs and instruments than on the whole process) Identifying solution: _ The area of staff perceptions of safety is a complex and is closely linked to communication and team work. -The staff need to fully understand the purpose of the surgical check list (Deliver appropriate and effective training to staff, including leadership training. These training sessions should be designed to remind theatre staff the correct way of using the check list). – Key points in doing this is that education must be continual and multidisciplinary. critically generating an evidence base, concluding with what is best practice for your issue