HEALTH EDUCATION 1 INDIVIDUAL STUDENT WELLNESS FINAL PROJECT Important Deadline- Due December 15thby 11:59 pm. 2,000 Word requirement is mandatory. Use your wellness worksheets and information from our course including your behavior change to complete the Final Project. You will need to interview your family members to complete the first portion. REMEMBER 2000 word minimum!!! Wellness Project Requirements 1. Must be typed. (college project) 2. Reference footnotes required for all information 3. Due Date: December 15th, 2019 4. Word Count requirement: 2000 • Cover Sheet (must include the following information) Students Name: Students ID Number: Semester: fall 2019 Project OUTLINE I. Student History Statement (background) A. Suggestions- Include Student and Family History B. HOW to College Health History – A complete medical history can help your physician identify diseases and conditions that you may have inherited. Here is some advice on whom and what to ask: 1. Make a list of relatives to interview. The most important are your parents, siblings, half-siblings, and your children. Next on the list are your grandparents, great-uncles, great-aunts, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. For the relatives who are deceased find out whom to ask about the causes of their deaths and their age when they passed away. 2. Prepare your questions- The questions should include: Do you have any chronic illnesses such as heart disease or diabetes? Have you had any serious illnesses such as cancer or stroke? If so, how old were you when you developed them? What medications are you now taking? Make sure to ask your parents or older relatives these questions: What country or countries did our family come from? Has any family member had Alzheimer’s disease, learning or developmental disabilities? 3. Before getting started explain to your relatives what you are doing. He or she may be able to help you with other family member’s histories. 4. If a family member does not want to share some information with you respect his or her feelings C. Minimum Work Requirement – 400 Words II. Student Wellness Review A. Suggestion- Content should include 9 dimensions of wellness and how they contribute to healthy living. By understanding the nine dimensions of wellness discussed in Chapter 1 and please discuss wellness as it relates to you. Wellness is a self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential. B. Reference to Chapter Wellness Worksheets or your textbook. You must provide footnotes if you refer to your textbook materials which include your wellness worksheets. C. Minimum Word Requirement- 800 words III. Student Wellness Summary A. Suggestions include an intellectual inquiry approach to your summary. HOW CAN YOU APPLY this Multi-dimensional Approach? • How a person contributes to their environment and community, and how to build better living spaces and social networks • The enrichment of life through work, and its interconnectedness to living and playing • The development of belief systems, values, and creating a world-view • The benefits of regular physical activity, healthy eating habits, strength and vitality as well as personal responsibility, self-care and when to seek medical attention • Self-esteem, self-control, and determination as a sense of direction • Creative and stimulating mental activities, and sharing your gifts with others B. Discuss what your future plans or goals are for your personal wellness as it relates to the 9 dimensions of health. Wellness in any dimension is not a static goal but a dynamic process of change and growth. How are you going to live life actively, energetically, and fully, in a state of optimal personal, interpersonal, and environmental well-being? Applying a wellness approach can be useful in nearly every human endeavor. As a pathway to optimal living, wellness is being applied to related fields, such as health promotion and holistic health, and has seen a growth in “helping professions” including counseling and medical arts and practices. The National Wellness Institute devised three questions that can help persons and organizations assess the degree to which wellness is incorporated into a particular approach or program: 1. Does this help people achieve their full potential? 2. Does this recognize and address the whole person (multi-dimensional approach)? 3. Does this affirm and mobilize peoples’ positive qualities and strengths? C. You can reference your behavior change( eating healthier) and the areas of wellness that you would like to change. How can these changes make a positive impact on your personal wellness? D.Minimum word requirement- 800 words