Develop a Health Program based off of Healthy People 2020 HP 2020 target objectives

State target objective from HP 2020. Description of Target Community. Description of your “community” at the city or county or municipality level; in other words, “who are the people whom you will be providing your program for?” Include information about your target community. This includes target population size and target population demographics (you can typically find this demographic data from census databases or other national or local databases). Also include local incidence and prevalence rates of health outcomes that are directly related to your chosen HP 2020 health behavior. ***With regards to the “community”, I strongly recommend you target a relatively narrow segment or community. For example, it would be better to choose to target the issue of underage drinking and subsequent car crashes in a target community within your county, city, town or local school district versus addressing the issue for the entire state. Provide detailed and specific information about your “Health Promotion Program”. Your health program should meet your HP 2020 objective, health behavior and associated health indicator. Make sure to include your plan on funding your program, the duration of your program (stop and start date), what your program will accomplish (example, reduce teenage pregnancy by 5 % in one year). Guidelines: Assignment should be a minimum of 12 slides, excluding the title and reference page. Utilize a minimum of 5 references, only 1 can be the text book. Provide details in your content to all the sections listed above. Follow proper APA guidelines. Substantial Speaker Notes throughout presentation. Reference your readings and include a minimum of 5 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar articles. Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Analyze the current trends in patient data capture

You work for a health care organization that frequently needs to share information with other providers. Your organization has a very important relationship with a diagnostics center in particular where you frequently need to share patient information such as lab results, X-rays, and other diagnostic information. You have been asked to review your company’s protocols on sharing and receiving patient information for outside providers to ensure that your organization is in compliance with the latest standards and regulations. Write an executive summary that examines the compliance procedures and practice guidelines that these organizations would need to establish to achieve optimum operational effectiveness while complying with federal, state, and local laws governing patient information security and records retention. Analyze the current trends in patient data capture and information sharing among health care providers, assessing their impact on your organization’s operations. scholarly sources within 5 years, details is uploaded.****** Some basic reminders regarding discussion board posts: Your initial post is due each week by Friday 11:59:59 PM Central Time. There will be a 10% deduction for not meeting the deadline. Posts must address the weekly topic. Points will be deducted for not addressing all components of the DB assignment). Posts must be relevant, coherent and well written (free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors). All posts must reflect critical thought. All posts must draw from relevant course readings that demonstrate that you read and understand the material. All posts must provide proper in-text reference citations. Do not list as source as a reference unless it is actually used and cited in the body of the post. Draw from additional relevant research (be sure to provide proper reference citations). Use relevant, credible sources expected at the college level. That is, use the textbook, other course readings and top-tier research journals. Describe interesting ideas from the readings and explaining new insights. Discuss relevant professional experience and relate that experience to appropriate course materials. Comment on what you learned, and what you might do differently. Comment on what you have learned from other’s postings. Offer a different perspective about an idea that is being discussed. Do not use attachments – post your responses in the body of the message. Do not drift too far from the original subject. In general, just posing follow-up questions is not sufficient. The expected length of all follow-up posts is a minimum of 4-5 robust sentences (i.e., salutatory, laudatory and other conversational sentences, do not count towards this minimum) Posts not meeting the above criteria will not be counted towards participation. Remember, rules regarding academic integrity apply to discussions question posts. A similarity score above 30-40% suggests that you have not adequately paraphrased the work of someone else. Posts with scores over 35% will not count towards the participation requirement, and you may be subject to university sanctions. High-Quality Sources: Support ideas by drawing from (and citing) “good” sources; i.e., recent, relevant, credible materials. The selection of references should represent the best available references on the topic. Avoid using information posted on websites – visit for information on evaluating websites. Do not use sources like Wikipedia and – these may provide good background information; but these are not scholarly. Some other unacceptable sources include:,,,,,, and so on. If in doubt, ask. Instead of performing an internet search (using Google or other similar search engines) to find something to support ideas, take advantage of the university’s online library.

Public health visiting

Public health visiting

You are visiting Sophia for a new birth visit and a discussion has taken place regarding immunisations. Sophia has decided not to vaccinate her son, Jack, after seeing the children of friends react badly to the injection. She also says that her son was ill very shortly after birth and doesn’t want him subjected him to any more needles. • Demonstrate a coherent and logical evaluation of a range of communication and interpersonal skills that the school nurse could utilise to develop a therapeutic relationship with Sophia. • Present a critical justification of a range of interventions that could be employed to support Sophia to address her and Jack’s health needs. • The interventions should be supported with a critical discussion of relevant theories and research evidence. • Critically discuss how you will maintain your professionalism during the visit. • Identify areas for personal development and create an action plan to address the aspects of your development

Health Care Organization

Suggested by Writer Research a health care organization or network that spans several states with in the United States (United Healthcare, Vanguard, Banner Health, etc.).

Assess the readiness of the health care organization or network you chose in regard to meeting the health care needs of citizens in the next decade.

Prepare a 1,000-1,250 word paper that presents your assessment and proposes a strategic plan to ensure readiness. Include the following: Describe the health care organization or network.

Describe the organization’s overall readiness based on your findings.

Prepare a strategic plan to address issues pertaining to network growth, nurse staffing, resource management, and patient satisfaction. Identify any current or potential issues within the organizational culture and discuss how these issues may affect aspects of the strategic plan.

Propose a theory or model that could be used to support implementation of the strategic plan for this organization. Explain why this theory or model is best.

Mechanisms of phantom limb phenomena

Mechanisms of phantom limb phenomena

“The first part of your paper should include a description of the topic. To take the topic ‘phantom limb’ for example, you should start out by providing a definition of ‘phantom limb’ and then list various theories of why it occurs. If animal studies have provided insight into your topic, a few could be presented next. If not, then provide a history of how this topic came into the forefront of research with humans (in other words, the origins of this research and how it has evolved over time). If there are differing theories about the origin of the phenomenon, then you can outline them. For example, in the topic of right hemisphere language functions, there are neurologic, biologic, genetic, evolutionary and environmental theories. You should then address underlying neurophysiological reasons/correlates of your topic. Tis may involve certain brain structures and/or neural pathways. For example, in phantom limb, several theories abound about where in the somatosensory system the issues arise. If your do not include a discussion of brain structures/processes involved you will have failed this assignment. Finally, you should address future directions for research

Medical vignette

Medical vignette

write on this vignette detail. State the theory or theories that you would use in the case. It is fine to use an integrative approach. You can use any of the main theories in psychology such as feminism therapy, gestalt therapy, etc. Explain in detail your role, how you would approach the case, what you would do, etc. Be specific. For example, if you say that you would develop rapport with the client, explain what you would do in order to develop that rapport. You can either, explain the theoretical orientation(s) that you would use and how you would apply it/them to the case, or describe the orientation(s), write a “mock” session or sessions, and then justify the approach that you chose as a therapeutic intervention. You do not need to give a diagnosis. You may add additional information to the vignette.

Lab report: the effects of high impact exercise on cardiovascular health

Lab report: the effects of high impact exercise on cardiovascular health. Academic Level : Bachelor Paper details Discussion(3-4 pages) •Analyze and interpret your findings by answering the following questions: a.Do the results reflect the hypothesis of the experiment? b.Do the results agree with previous findings as reported by yourscholarly sources? How?c.Do the results disagree with previous findings as reported by yourscholarly sources? How?d.Could the results have another explanation? e.Did the procedure you used help accomplish the purpose of theexperiment? f.What would you do differently next time? Conclusions(1 paragraph)•Summarize the main findings of your lab repo

Describe the purpose of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) Common Security Framework (CSF), and MeaningfulUse in protecting patient rights

1. Describe the purpose of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST) Common Security Framework (CSF), and Meaningful Use in protecting patient rights. Does HiTRUST replace HIPAA or Meaningful Use? Explain your answer. (200 Words) 2. Explain how health care providers comply with the HIPAA privacy laws.

What do the HIPAA privacy laws enable a patient to do? What do the HIPAA privacy laws enable the health care provider to do? ( 200 Words) 3.

The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with a health care organization’s strategy for aligning to health care regulations and laws. Select a health care organization of your choice. Research your selected health care organization’s strategies for aligning to health care regulations and laws. In a 750‐1,000 word essay, address the following:

1. Provide a brief overview of the organization you selected.

2. Describe the tools used to enforce regulations.

3. Describe the organization’s communication strategies.

4. Describe the organization’s strategies to align with health care regulations and laws.

5. Explain the most significant task the organization uses in the implementation of strategies to align with health care regulations and laws. 6. Describe challenges associated with ensuring compliance within the organization. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

The impact of smoking cigarettes on other organs except for lungs

You are to write a Business letter that is argumentative It needs to be in APA format and in-text citation There must be a thesis sentence (how cigarettes effect other organs in the body other than lungs, how cigarettes effect a human being a lot, how cigarettes also effect the environment), the body must explain the issues thoroughly and provide strong evidence from credible sources, then write about how the stakeholder (U.S. FDA) must take action and order the reduction of nicotine in cigarettes to non-addictive levels, then write a paragraph on one different perspective and/or opposing view as a “counter-argument”, then a conclusion: restate main points and call to action. I have already provided 5 sources which i encourage you to use but you may use other google scholarly sources to deliver best work. Must be plagiarism free

Examine various uses of informatics in healthcare

Modern Technology Paper

For this assignment, you will examine various uses of informatics in healthcare. In this paper, you will want to describe the three types of technology that are changing the face of healthcare today. In addition to discussing the three different types of technology, also discuss how these technologies help to create a safer practice environment. Also discuss any ethical or legal issues related to these technologies. This technology may range from something that directly affects the patient or something that is used by the healthcare professional. Examples of technologies could be something large like Electronic Medical Records or the Patient Portal or something smaller like an insulin pump or calorie counting application for your phone. The rubric is attached for the assignment.