You work for a health care organization that frequently needs to share information with other providers. Your organization has a very important relationship with a diagnostics center in particular where you frequently need to share patient information such as lab results, X-rays, and other diagnostic information. You have been asked to review your company’s protocols on sharing and receiving patient information for outside providers to ensure that your organization is in compliance with the latest standards and regulations. Write an executive summary that examines the compliance procedures and practice guidelines that these organizations would need to establish to achieve optimum operational effectiveness while complying with federal, state, and local laws governing patient information security and records retention. Analyze the current trends in patient data capture and information sharing among health care providers, assessing their impact on your organization’s operations. scholarly sources within 5 years, details is uploaded.****** Some basic reminders regarding discussion board posts: Your initial post is due each week by Friday 11:59:59 PM Central Time. There will be a 10% deduction for not meeting the deadline. Posts must address the weekly topic. Points will be deducted for not addressing all components of the DB assignment). Posts must be relevant, coherent and well written (free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors). All posts must reflect critical thought. All posts must draw from relevant course readings that demonstrate that you read and understand the material. All posts must provide proper in-text reference citations. Do not list as source as a reference unless it is actually used and cited in the body of the post. Draw from additional relevant research (be sure to provide proper reference citations). Use relevant, credible sources expected at the college level. That is, use the textbook, other course readings and top-tier research journals. Describe interesting ideas from the readings and explaining new insights. Discuss relevant professional experience and relate that experience to appropriate course materials. Comment on what you learned, and what you might do differently. Comment on what you have learned from other’s postings. Offer a different perspective about an idea that is being discussed. Do not use attachments – post your responses in the body of the message. Do not drift too far from the original subject. In general, just posing follow-up questions is not sufficient. The expected length of all follow-up posts is a minimum of 4-5 robust sentences (i.e., salutatory, laudatory and other conversational sentences, do not count towards this minimum) Posts not meeting the above criteria will not be counted towards participation. Remember, rules regarding academic integrity apply to discussions question posts. A similarity score above 30-40% suggests that you have not adequately paraphrased the work of someone else. Posts with scores over 35% will not count towards the participation requirement, and you may be subject to university sanctions. High-Quality Sources: Support ideas by drawing from (and citing) “good” sources; i.e., recent, relevant, credible materials. The selection of references should represent the best available references on the topic. Avoid using information posted on websites – visit for information on evaluating websites. Do not use sources like Wikipedia and – these may provide good background information; but these are not scholarly. Some other unacceptable sources include:,,,,,, and so on. If in doubt, ask. Instead of performing an internet search (using Google or other similar search engines) to find something to support ideas, take advantage of the university’s online library.