Strategies to improve health outcomes in moral and ethical responsibility
This is a paper that is focusing on the existing strategies to improve health outcomes in moral and ethical responsibility. The paper also provides additional information to use in writing this assignment paper well.
Strategies to improve health outcomes in moral and ethical responsibility
Assessment Task 3 – Essay/Proposal/Report
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to:
Create or expand on existing strategies to improve health outcomes that incorporate moral and ethical responsibility toward the common good as well as a person-centred care approach. The written submission should draw upon your understanding of clinical governance relevant to safety and/or quality processes. Examples of strategies that could be create or expand upon include but are not limit to: processes around open disclosure, risk management, benchmarking or reporting systems within the healthcare sector. The written submission can be in the form of an essay, proposal or report. It should have a minimum of 10 recent (within the past five years), peer-reviewed journal articles.
This assessment task provides an opportunity for students to appraise, critically analyse and evaluate clinical governance systems that incorporate moral responsibility. A person-centered care approach in creating quality and safety strategies aimed at improving health outcomes in an identified healthcare setting.
Student instructions ;
You are to appraise and evaluate the literature pertaining to the topic task above. Also, create strategies that address safety and/or quality within a healthcare setting. The submission can be as an essay, proposal or report and must adhere to the academic conventions of writing. For example, you may choose to propose to senior management that the strategies you create be an implementation within the healthcare setting. You may also choose to write a report to senior management detailing how the strategies that you create were implemented and how they will be evaluated. The submission must incorporate elements of moral and ethical responsibility and a person-centred care approach within the strategies