What are the benefits of cultural competence in an healthcare organization? Select one of the analytical models of teamwork, and discuss how its implications for healthcare organizations?
What are the benefits of cultural competence in an healthcare organization?
Cultural Competence and Teamwork
This class is PBHE111 D003
Provide a 100 word response to each of the following question.
1)What are the benefits of cultural competence in an healthcare organization?
2)Select one of the analytical models of teamwork, and discuss how its implications for healthcare organizations?
(Please ensure you cite your references in APA format with a minimum of 3 references ,Assignment will be graded based on the following areas: Foundation and synthesis of knowledge, application of knowledge critical thinking, writing skills, and organization of ideas and format.)
here is an overview of the reading
Why is teamwork challenging in healthcare organizations? Increasing specialization of health care, burgeoning allied healthcare disciplines, a diversity of healthcare organizations, greater variety in jobs, higher expectations for healthcare outcomes, and demanding consumers mean that healthcare organizations must be able to respond appropriately, effectively, and efficiently. Interdisciplinary teams and teamwork provide the mechanism for improved responses to these demands. Despite demonstrated need and effectiveness of interdisciplinary teams, formal educational training in this skill for physicians and nurses is rare.
Compared to medicine and nursing, healthcare management is a young discipline. The University of Chicago founded the first program in health administration in 1934 under the leadership of Michael M. Davis, who had a PhD in sociology. Davis recognized that there was no formal training for hospital managers and that an interdisciplinary program of education was needed. Envisioning the role of the healthcare manager as both a business and social role, he utilized the expertise of medical, social service administration, and business faculty to create an interdisciplinary model that has been replicated repeatedly across the United States and throughout the world (University of Chicago, n.d.). Schools with a degree in healthcare management or administration were originally all master’s degrees, geared to preparing hospital administrators.
To convince clinicians of the benefits surrounding teamwork, it is important to show them how there is a relationship between effective interdisciplinary team efforts and patient care.
Teamwork has proven to be beneficial in healthcare settings given the following outcomes: improved coordination of care, efficient use of healthcare services, increased job satisfaction among team members, and higher patient satisfaction. Additional benefits of teams include sharing different areas of knowledge and expertise, learning from different perspectives, and realizing innovative ideas that come from other team members.
Teamwork Challenges
On the other hand, the costs of having meetings, along with a place to meet and food and coffee; the costs of trying to arrange a time that’s convenient for most of the participants; time spent in meeting and the accompanying opportunity costs, that is, how that time might have been better spent; the hard-to-measure interpersonal costs associated with having to work with other people (such as a perceived loss of autonomy and the need for compromise, which is very hard for some persons); the development of mutually respectful behaviors and trust; the costs of risk taking associated with letting go of one’s turf; and the potential embarrassment of looking bad in a group.
As a manager, it is important to take time out to learn about each individual on your team. There are different frameworks or guidelines to manage team dynamics and facilitate effective communication. One of the things a team leader can do to facilitate good communication early in the life of the team is to establish guidelines for expected behaviors, processes, and outcomes in a written document. A manager can facilitate effective team functioning within her unit by providing support for struggling teams and by allowing teams to share their successes in improving teamwork and team results.
Cultural Diversity
Another dimension to team effort is cultural diversity. Cultural proficiency for a healthcare manager goes beyond who they work with to who they also serve. For many years now, we have seen a disproportionate burden of illness and injury among underserved populations. Cultural competency is one strategy to begin addressing health disparities and to drive towards equity in health and healthcare delivery.
On the organizational level, a culturally competent organization is one that is vigilant for ethnic disparities in screening, prescriptions, procedures, and health outcomes and has policies and procedures in place to address any disparities found. Healthcare managers must recognize the issues of health disparities and build a framework to link interventions to eliminating disparities. Cultural proficiency requires that organizations and interdisciplinary staff value diversity and manage the dynamics of difference.
Healthcare organizations should pursue initiatives that acquire the awareness, knowledge and skills to maintain cultural competence.
Here are some common components of a culturally proficient healthcare organization:
Firstly, a diverse healthcare workforce.
Secondly, management practices including supportive leadership and culture and appropriate human resource policies
Thirdly, Education and training for all staff
Fourthly, Effective multilingual services and support materials
Further, system capacities such as evaluation and research data collection for tracking health outcomes
Finally, the ability to adapt to the context of and respond to and engage the community served.