Discuss the compliance with occupational safety and health administration

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss the compliance with occupational safety and health administration. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of this assignment paper. Below are the instructions to follow before submission of the assessment:

Discuss the compliance with occupational safety and health administration


For this assignment, imagine that you were recently hired as the safety officer at a chemical manufacturing facility with over 1,000 different chemicals on site. The facility does not have a functioning hazard communication (HazCom) program. You determine that you need to start from scratch on the program. Provide a detailed approach for the steps you would take to develop an effective HazCom program for the facility. Your paper must at least address the issues listed below.

Firstly, what steps would you take to ensure you are in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) HazCom regulation?
Secondly, which best practice steps would you include that go beyond compliance with the OSHA regulation to make the program more effective?
Thirdly, which employees at the facility would you use to complete the process?
Fourthly, how would you conduct training after the initial steps have been completed?
Also, how would you make the safety data sheets (SDSs) available to employees?
Finally, what procedures would you use to evaluate the effectiveness of the program?

Your essay must be at least three pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. You must include at least two credible references and use APA Style for in-text citations and references. The textbook may be used as one of the references.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

Citation Guide
CSU Online Library Research Guide
Submit Writing Center Request
Study guide

The Handmaid’s Tale: Current Reality

The Handmaid’s Tale: Current Reality In several of the articles that we read during our introduction to The Handmaid’s Tale, we read about historical and political events that Atwood used to create her fictional novel. The Handmaid’s Tale “ has become a sort of tag for those writing about shifts towards policies aimed at controlling women, and especially women’s bodies and reproductive functions.” (2012 The Guardian) Your task is to find real life examples of current policies in the world that reflect the fictional dystopia in the novel or how laws continue to change to empower others for the good. Read the article on Speculative Fiction in The Handmaid’s Tale folder. Read several news reports /articles and choose one article to discuss that proves that policies exist or groups are trying to change policies that disempower women. Provide a link for the article or news report that you have used as your source at the beginning of your response. Comment on the significance of the novel’s fictional “what if?” scenario to the realities of society today. You will now comment on the “so what?” question. You can look at news/media related to Western culture or around the world in your research in 2017 to 2019. Your response should be approximately 1-2 pages double -spaced, and include direct reference from the article/report sourced for the response. Use proper MLA format. The following day, In one well-developed paragraph, each member of the class is required to respond to one of the discussion posts. It would be prudent to read the classmate’s article choice prior to responding to their analysis. 30 marks for analysis 10 marks for peer response /40 Writing – Canadian news article and write based around Haindmaids tale, Offred and Gilead. Use quotations from book also write pg. number after quote in small brackets https://www.masterclass.com/articles/what-is-speculative-fiction-defining-and-understanding-the-different-genres-of-speculative-fiction#the-history-of-speculative-fiction speclutaive fiction link above please use info from that too

Role of Health Professional/Code of Ethics

Role of Health Professional/Code of Ethics

Role of Health Professional/Code of Ethics

Role of Health Professional Case Assignment All health and allied-health professions have a Code of Ethics that is designed to guide those within the field. For this assignment, if you work in an allied-health field, please locate your professional Code of Ethics. If not, please choose a Code of Ethics from the Optional Reading. 1.Provide an overview of the Code of Ethics that you have chosen. What are some of the major areas that are covered? Why are these important to the profession? 2.Are there areas that you think are missing and relevant to the profession? Explain why or why not. This should not be opinion but should be supported by reliable sources. For example, you can use another Code of Ethics that covers the area(s) that you feel are important to support your argument, or also use scholarly and professional articles. 3.Are any of the ethical principles discussed earlier in the course mentioned in the Code of Ethics? If none are mentioned specifically, are they alluded to in the Code? Give examples. 4.Why is it important for all health professionals to have a Code of Ethics? Assignment Expectations 1.Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your writing. This should not be an opinion piece, but an analysis. 2.Avoid the use of first person in your paper. 3.Limit your response to a maximum of 3-5 pages. 4.Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources, and use at least 3 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php and for evaluating internet sources: https://www.library.georgetown.edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content 5.You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

Genetic variation and individualised drug therapy

Description A Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics literature review entitled “Genetic variation and individualised drug therapy” Would you please produce the best possible written work (the literature review examiner is a Chair Professor), thank you. Marking criteria: 26-30 An exceptional degree of insight, independent thought, and skillful argument, yielding a product that is of potentially publishable quality, in terms of originality. 22-26 The work provides a fully effective response to the question and shows an ability to integrate literature and go beyond it. The analysis should achieve a high level of quality to lead the conclusion. 19-22 A sharply-focused essay incorporates with high intellectual input. It should show the capability to engage critically with the literature, using the sources creatively to arrive at its own independent conclusions. 16-19 The question and the sources should be addressed. The work of other authors should be presented critically. Effective use of the literature. There should be no significant errors of fact or interpretation. 10-15 The answer should proceed to a convincing conclusion. The quality of the writing and presentation should be without major problem. Below 10 Unsatisfactory answer with deficiencies such as restricted use of sources, poor expression, and irrelevancies to the question asked. The general impression may be of a rather poor effort, with weaknesses in conception.) ESSAY FORMAT An essay is made up of the Introduction, Main Points (the body), and Conclusion(s). Depending on the length and breadth of your paper, you may have up to six main points. Below is an example of the essay structure: Title (same or similar as the topics assigned by lecturer) Name & Student ID I. Introduction II. Point One III. Point Two IV. Point Three V. … VI. C

The effects of stigma in mental illness

The final paper will be 10-12 pages long and follow APA formatting throughout. Include: Cover page; Headers and page numbers; Abstract and keywords; body of text with subject headings and subheadings; and Reference section. 1.

The effects of stigma in mental illness

Abstract and keywords: 100-120 words that summarize the paper and address main points; 4-8 keywords that would be used to search for the paper 2. Introduction 3. Proposed Research Study 4. Strengths/Limitations; Recommendations 5. Reference Section

Psychotropic Drugs

Psychotropic Drugs Research Paper

Psychotropic Drugs

The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of neural structures and mechanisms through writing about a particular pharmaceutical drug.

Your paper must be approximately 5-6 pages in length, not including the title page or reference page. Your paper must conform to APA format.

Use Times Roman in size 12 with margins of approximately 1 inch. All citations and references must also conform to APA style.

You will need to consult at least five professional sources for this paper, although one of those may include literature produced and distributed by the drug manufacturer.

Professional sources are generally peer-reviewed journal articles. You may cite the text if appropriate, but the text does not count as one of your professional sources. I would expect to see articles from clinical psychology journals (to address the specific disorder under consideration and treatment efficacy), as well as journals from the medical/psychiatric field that discuss neural mechanisms, efficacy, and adverse effects.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are useful government sources. Web resources (other those that of the pharmaceutical companies and the two .gov sites) are not appropriate unless specifically approved by the instructor in writing. Your goal is to demonstrate your understanding of the drug, describe its impact on the human nervous system, and consider the behavioral consequences.

Your paper should provide a

1) brief history of the drug and its use(s)

2) description of the neural mechanisms involved

3) discussion of the efficacy (including placebo effects) of the drug

4) coverage of side effects (or any adverse effects) associated with its use, or any other controversies associated with the use (or misuse) of the drug.

Use headings for each of these sections of your paper. You are encouraged to pick a drug that falls into one of the following general categories: antidepressants, antipsychotics, sleep aids, anti-anxiety drugs, stimulants (used to treat ADHD), and drugs used to treat bipolar disorder. However, other drugs may be appropriate as well, as long as you gain approval in advance.

There are limits on the number of students researching any particular drug. This paper is due in hard copy at the start of class on 12-2.

You will be evaluated on:

1. the extent to which your paper addresses items 1-4 listed above.

2. your overall writing skills: organization, writing mechanics (e.g. grammar, usage, spelling, editing), analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

3. adherence to APA formatting guidelines.

4. conformity to criteria for page length and required sources. *the drug I chose was prolactin*

Complementary Alternative Medicine

This is a research essay paper in Complementary Alternative Medicine The topic must be related to healthcare and/or nursing and should be relevant to your education.

Complementary Alternative Medicine

Cover page, in APA style References page, in APA style 3-5 scholarly sources cited in the body of the paper in APA format. 3-5 scholarly sources with full citations on a reference page in APA format. 12-15 pages in length A clear, well-defined, thesis statement. Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font, 1-inch margins

Legal & Ethical Issues in Health Care Paper

Paper details

Legal & Ethical Issues in Health Care Final Research Paper Assignment Due Wednesday of Week 14 Throughout this course, the topics that we cover have threads (connections) that attach to and support or hinder public health initiatives in the US.

Legal & Ethical Issues in Health Care

The Final Paper Assignment for this course is to write a six-page research paper that incorporates the terms and concepts from the course on the topic of Public Health.

You will notice that there is not a chapter in the book titled “Public Health.” As you conduct your own original research on the topic of Public Health in the US, you will find that the topics that we have covered are intertwined with public health issues and initiatives (I am looking for you to identify those connections). Please provide a brief history of Public Health over time. Provide insight to how Health Care Systems interact with Public Health initiatives and public policy.

Identify current events in the areas of Public Health, and how current events (such as: recent elections, legislation, public policy, or the economy) may impact Public Health initiatives. Review the concept of evidence-based public health strategies (and provide examples). Identify cultural and religious impacts on public health initiatives. Please be sure to investigate various segments of public health such as: ? Community wellness initiatives. ? Environmental risks. ? Public health education. ? The economics of public health initiatives. ? Governmental agencies such as the FDA, and their impact on public health, healthy food, and pharmaceutical approval. ? Demonstrate your understanding of the regulation and enforcement of healthcare law & policy through local, state and federal agencies; and how that affects the application of policies and standards-of-care at the provider level.

Your paper should have an introduction, and a summary-conclusion. Your paper should be in APA format with in-text citations and a reference list. The paper should be six pages in length not including title page, reference list, or attachments.

How are medical technology companies enhancing care options for patients and providers?

In class, we have mentioned how technology, updated patient care models, and data are innovating how health care is being delivered to individuals. In this assignment, you will research and summarize a specific innovation area and how policy is impacting innovation and in return how innovation is impacting care delivery.

How medical technology companies enhance care options for patients and providers

Below are the three steps to approach this assignment. 1. Select one of the four following broad research areas. Tip: Look into research that is relevant to the past 10 years. a. Medical technology innovation i. How are medical technology companies enhancing care options for patients and providers? b. Innovative ways technology companies are supporting better employee health i. How are technology companies working to support employee health? c. Accountable Care Organizations i. How are these organizations changing care delivery? d.

The power and ethical considerations of health data i. How is health data being used to improve outcomes? 2. It may be in your best interest to narrow down your research areas to a specific technology/company/organization/example. We gave examples of these in class, however, feel free to get creative with your research. This should be set in stone for the following step. 3. Develop a slide deck (Microsoft PowerPoint) summarizing your findings and the policy implications for your specific innovation example.

You will not be presenting in class. a. The slide deck should be a minimum of 10 slides and maximum of 15 content slides (please remember proper PowerPoint etiquette). The minimum slide count does not include the title and works cited slides. b. Use the following as a guide but feel free to add other slides as needed.

As always, the use of photos, tables, graphs and other infographics are supported. i. Summary of your research area and specific technology/company/organization/example 1. What service(s) are being provided, if any? ii. Summary of research 1. What public health problem is this innovation area working to address?

2. Evaluate the pros and cons of this type of innovation. (innovation can take form of a practice, organization, or technology)

3. What are the policy implications of this innovation area? a. Describe the types of policy that impact this innovation area b. Describe how stakeholders are involved in the innovation area and in policymaking (e.g. providers, patients, interest groups) 4. Summarize specific outcomes (if any) or future outcomes

The Colombian Exchange and the spread of disease

The Colombian Exchange and the spread of disease

Focus on the spread of disease between Africa and North America, as well as Europe and Asia because of the Colombian Exchange. Follow the effects disease had on certain populations over the course of a 200 year period, especially the Smallpox virus.

The Colombian Exchange and the spread of disease

The list of infectious diseases that spread from the Old World to the New World is large but please primarily focus on Smallpox.

In final paper: 1. Title (main and subtitle) 2. Introduction (roadmap of the paper): topic/scope and thesis statement 3. Main text: arguments and evidences; minding the relevance between each paragraph, in relation with the whole argument; transitional terms; one idea in one paragraph 4. Scholarship: in order to emphasize the significance of the paper 5. Conclusion 6. Work-cited About the format of footnoting and citation: 1.

The citation of this class is Chicago Author-Date Citation System (not Notes and Bibliography System) (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html). 2. The footnotes are not to cite the sources but to explain or add information that is better to separate from the main text. Course Description: This course offers a cross-cultural exploration of medical traditions, knowledge, and practices through history and across boundaries of geographical spaces, social groups, and disciplines. We examine the differences, similarities, and connection in the ways that people approached illness and healing by the examples from various cultures and societies, as well as the ways in which have changed over time.