Social Health determinant challenges that exist for communities

This is a paper that is requiring the student to discuss Social Health determinant challenges that exist for communities. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Social Health determinant challenges that exist for communities

Assignment Purpose: To demonstrate scholarly writing
The purpose of this assignment is to perform a review of scholarly information on a selected Social Determinant of Health and describe both the challenges that exist for communities, patients, families, etc. as well as the implications for nursing practice when addressing these challenges. More specifically, students will (a) structure paragraphs, (b) use appropriate spelling, grammar and sentence structure, (c)retrieve, analyze, and utilize scholarly resources, (d) compare research findings, and (e) cite and reference sources correctly in APA format.

The following is a guide to help you organize your written assignment. You are to refer to the Assignment Evaluation Rubric (see Evaluation Measures Grading Criteria. The Written Assignment folder in the course BB/D2L Learn site) for further guidelines and expectations for completing this assignment.

Assignment Format

·         Select a Determinant of Health that you wish to explore (see Appendix A). You must get approval from your professor in writing prior to the start of this assignment.

·         Research literature should be utilize to support the paper. A minimum of 3 scholarly journal articles (with one of the articles from a Canadian source) from within the last 5 years (reflects current information) must support the paper. At least 2 of the 3 articles must come from the nursing literature. A Standard of Practice or Best Practice Guideline may be used as one of the articles.

·         The body of the essay will be a maximum of four (4) pages in length, double space (12 font), excluding title page and reference list. If you submit a paper that exceeds 4 pages, the content on the additional pages will not be graded. If you reduce the font size and/or margins. The grader will determine which content is beyond the page count, and this content will not be graded.




OBJECTIVE FROM THIS TOPIC IS : REDUCE DEATHS FROM WORK RELATED INJURIES Using the concepts of health literacy and health disparities, you will develop a 2-3 page (not including title and reference page) APA style paper using the following criteria: 11/27/2019 Writers Hub – Freelance Writing 5/7 A title page in APA format including a running head, title, your name, institution and date. An introductory paragraph describing the topic and issue to include a thesis statement at the end. Describe how does health disparities affect your chosen HP2020 topic and objective. Discuss three nursing and interdisciplinary health care strategies to minimize the impact of the disparities you identified in criteria three. Determine three education strategies as a patient educator that will improve your patient’s health literacy. These strategies can be utilized to effectively communicate to patients and families to enhance comprehension of information received. A closing paragraph that summarizes your paper. A reference page formatted in APA. Ensure to use at least two scholarly sources dated within the past five years. You must use the course textbook and the HP2020 website

Pharmacoeconomic Analysis in Saudi Arabia: Compare the Price between Saudi and Other Countries

Pharmacoeconomic Analysis in Saudi Arabia: Compare the Price between Saudi and Other Countries

give an introduction regarding the economy and how will the price of the Saudi. Also, I would like you to indicate the how the price of the medication in Saudi are much expensive than other countries such as USA, UK…etc. and talk the price ceiling and price flooring Please use minimum 7 references. 15% plagiarism This is the most important link: Other links:

Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer

1. Describe the diagnosis and staging of cancer.

2. Describe at least three complications of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychological effects.

3. Discuss what factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans.

4. Explain how the American Cancer Society (ACS) might provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend and why?

5. Explain how the nursing process is utilized to provide safe and effective care for cancer patients across the life span. Your explanation should include each of the five phases and demonstrate the delivery of holistic and patient-focused care.

6. Discuss how undergraduate education in liberal arts and science studies contributes to the foundation of nursing knowledge and prepares nurses to work with patients utilizing the nursing process. Consider mathematics, social and physical sciences, and science studies as an interdisciplinary research area. You are required to cite to a minimum of four sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice.

Medicine and Health

Read the CDC document entitled Public Health Preparedness: Mobilizing State to State. There are nine recommendations in the background section. Choose one of the 5 public health disasters listed below and write a 3000-word paper (plus or minus 10%) that briefly describes the incident and then how and why aspects of the incident were handled well or could have been handled better according to this document. Each of the nine main points of the CDC document must be addressed in your paper. If a particular one does not apply, state why (with a detailed enough explanation to support your opinion) and move on. I expect that you will be able to discuss or cite relevant topics we cover in the course as evidence that you have read the material and are facile enough to write about the importance of this subject matter even if you are not an expert. Do not include irrelevant extraneous material. The paper should utilize APA format. If you have ANY questions about the paper, please contact the faculty member AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to avoid wasting time doing the assignment incorrectly. Topics: 1. H1N1 outbreak US 2009-2010 2. Flint, Michigan Lead-Water concerns 2015-16 3. Salmonella outbreak 2008-2009 4. Zika Outbreak in Central and South America 2015-16 5. US measles outbreak 1989-1991 (you may include the current concerns if you desire) 6. Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and global response 2013-Present

Medication Management System

RESEARCH PAPER (50 POINTS) Approach: Your paper does not have a chance to be substantive unless you have substantive sources. Find at least 5 VARIED (NOT all Internet sites, for example) sources – including professional journal articles and professional publications, Internet sources, and possibly (but not required) an interview. I recommend viewing publications from HIMSS and AHIMA. In addition, please use GALILEO for searching “rich” content. Avoid using “Google” too much. DO NOT INCLUDE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE! This paper should be evidence that you can gather a body of knowledge on a particular subject, narrow it down to a particular focus and show that you can synthesize the information and make some intelligent, insightful observations about the subject. A significant part of the paper should be your interpretation of the information and how your knowledge about the subject has been enriched. I will allow 2 of these sources to be from our “readings” in the course content modules. Your paper should contain these parts: Introduction: Your introductory material should set up your topic for your audience. Briefly summarize your findings on the subject – If the sources disagree about the value of or perspective on the subject, point out the areas of disagreement. Your introduction should not meander around the point of your paper. It may be more than one paragraph in length, but at some point, very early in the paper you then need to start the substance of the paper. Your thesis should come at the end of your introductory material. State your thesis in the form of a sentence or two. It should not be in the form of a question. Your thesis should be a brief statement, in your own words, that points out the major issues about this topic that you discovered in your research. If you can’t articulate in a sentence or two what your main point is then you probably don’t have a good idea of what you will be writing about. Body of Paper: Use subheadings, where appropriate, to separate different aspects of your paper which support your controlling idea (your thesis). The body of your paper should provide supporting evidence to support your thesis, in a logical, fully developed manner. For each new topic which supports your overall thesis, provide a topic sentence or two which is, in effect, the thesis for that sub-topic. If you do not use subheadings, you need to provide transition sentences to move your reader from one paragraph to the next. A writer of a research paper should synthesize the information gained from sources and weave them into a well ordered discourse, using the sources as evidence to support key points. A paper which is just a string of quotes shows that the author made no attempt to come to grips with the subject and is relying on the sources to speak for her or him. Conclusion: Your conclusion should make some “wrap up” statements about what you learned about your chosen topic. Don’t be reluctant to address any issues that aren’t easily resolved or have negative or ambiguous outcomes. Format: Please use the MLA (Modern Language Association) style. If you want to use another one, check with me. There are numerous guides on the Internet on how to use MLA style. Length – minimum 8 double spaced pages of text (not including graphics, cover page, appendices, or reference page). Twelve “rambling” pages is not better than 8 clear, fully developed pages. Font – Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial style, font size 11 Margins – 1 inch top, bottom, left, right Cover Page – in MLA style (which should include your name, course and section, date, my name. The title should give your audience a good idea of what your paper is about. Pagination: Put page numbers in top right hand corner of each page, including the cover page. Also include your last name and abbreviated title: Smith – Internet 2 Works Cited: – list all resources in MLA style, listed alphabetically. Documentation: Follow the online MLA Style Guide for documenting the sources in your text and your Works Cited page. Use quotes judiciously. Use them only when paraphrasing will make the statement unclear or a kernel of an idea is so perfectly stated that trying to paraphrase in your own words will ruin the impact of the statement. Remember, Turnitin will review your paper for originality.

The Handmaid’s Tale: Current Reality

The Handmaid’s Tale: Current Reality In several of the articles that we read during our introduction to The Handmaid’s Tale, we read about historical and political events that Atwood used to create her fictional novel. The Handmaid’s Tale “ has become a sort of tag for those writing about shifts towards policies aimed at controlling women, and especially women’s bodies and reproductive functions.” (2012 The Guardian) Your task is to find real life examples of current policies in the world that reflect the fictional dystopia in the novel or how laws continue to change to empower others for the good. Read the article on Speculative Fiction in The Handmaid’s Tale folder. Read several news reports /articles and choose one article to discuss that proves that policies exist or groups are trying to change policies that disempower women. Provide a link for the article or news report that you have used as your source at the beginning of your response. Comment on the significance of the novel’s fictional “what if?” scenario to the realities of society today. You will now comment on the “so what?” question. You can look at news/media related to Western culture or around the world in your research in 2017 to 2019. Your response should be approximately 1-2 pages double -spaced, and include direct reference from the article/report sourced for the response. Use proper MLA format. The following day, In one well-developed paragraph, each member of the class is required to respond to one of the discussion posts. It would be prudent to read the classmate’s article choice prior to responding to their analysis. 30 marks for analysis 10 marks for peer response /40 Writing – Canadian news article and write based around Haindmaids tale, Offred and Gilead. Use quotations from book also write pg. number after quote in small brackets speclutaive fiction link above please use info from that too

Role of Health Professional/Code of Ethics

Role of Health Professional/Code of Ethics

Role of Health Professional/Code of Ethics

Role of Health Professional Case Assignment All health and allied-health professions have a Code of Ethics that is designed to guide those within the field. For this assignment, if you work in an allied-health field, please locate your professional Code of Ethics. If not, please choose a Code of Ethics from the Optional Reading. 1.Provide an overview of the Code of Ethics that you have chosen. What are some of the major areas that are covered? Why are these important to the profession? 2.Are there areas that you think are missing and relevant to the profession? Explain why or why not. This should not be opinion but should be supported by reliable sources. For example, you can use another Code of Ethics that covers the area(s) that you feel are important to support your argument, or also use scholarly and professional articles. 3.Are any of the ethical principles discussed earlier in the course mentioned in the Code of Ethics? If none are mentioned specifically, are they alluded to in the Code? Give examples. 4.Why is it important for all health professionals to have a Code of Ethics? Assignment Expectations 1.Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your writing. This should not be an opinion piece, but an analysis. 2.Avoid the use of first person in your paper. 3.Limit your response to a maximum of 3-5 pages. 4.Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources, and use at least 3 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see and for evaluating internet sources: 5.You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:

Genetic variation and individualised drug therapy

Description A Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics literature review entitled “Genetic variation and individualised drug therapy” Would you please produce the best possible written work (the literature review examiner is a Chair Professor), thank you. Marking criteria: 26-30 An exceptional degree of insight, independent thought, and skillful argument, yielding a product that is of potentially publishable quality, in terms of originality. 22-26 The work provides a fully effective response to the question and shows an ability to integrate literature and go beyond it. The analysis should achieve a high level of quality to lead the conclusion. 19-22 A sharply-focused essay incorporates with high intellectual input. It should show the capability to engage critically with the literature, using the sources creatively to arrive at its own independent conclusions. 16-19 The question and the sources should be addressed. The work of other authors should be presented critically. Effective use of the literature. There should be no significant errors of fact or interpretation. 10-15 The answer should proceed to a convincing conclusion. The quality of the writing and presentation should be without major problem. Below 10 Unsatisfactory answer with deficiencies such as restricted use of sources, poor expression, and irrelevancies to the question asked. The general impression may be of a rather poor effort, with weaknesses in conception.) ESSAY FORMAT An essay is made up of the Introduction, Main Points (the body), and Conclusion(s). Depending on the length and breadth of your paper, you may have up to six main points. Below is an example of the essay structure: Title (same or similar as the topics assigned by lecturer) Name & Student ID I. Introduction II. Point One III. Point Two IV. Point Three V. … VI. C

The effects of stigma in mental illness

The final paper will be 10-12 pages long and follow APA formatting throughout. Include: Cover page; Headers and page numbers; Abstract and keywords; body of text with subject headings and subheadings; and Reference section. 1.

The effects of stigma in mental illness

Abstract and keywords: 100-120 words that summarize the paper and address main points; 4-8 keywords that would be used to search for the paper 2. Introduction 3. Proposed Research Study 4. Strengths/Limitations; Recommendations 5. Reference Section