Healthcare administration career in healthcare administration

Healthcare administration career in healthcare administration

Think back to the interview you conducted with the administrator during the midterm exam. Reflect on your time in this course and your upcoming career in healthcare administration. Respond to one of the scenarios listed below. In your response, be sure to include the following: Describe, in detail, how you would handle the situation as an administrator. Discuss why you chose to handle the situation the way you described. Discuss what resources (people, manuals, trainings, etc) you would use to help in your decision-making process. Provide 1-2 references to support your decision on how to handle the situation. Please look beyond the textbook. If you use the textbook as a reference, please use one additional source. Scenarios Scenario 1: You are an administrator in a rural community clinic in Mississippi. Your clinic has experienced a 50% increase in patient volume due to another clinic in the community abruptly closing. This increase has resulted in longer wait times, disgruntled employees, and a few patient complaints. This patient volume increase was unexpected, therefore, your organization was not prepared. Describe how you will immediately respond to this change as an organization to better accommodate your patients and increase employee morale. Please be sure to provide practical strategies, feel free to be creative and explore what other clinics have done. Scenario 2: Your are an administrator in a rural community clinic in Mississippi. Your clinic is at risk of closing, due to unexpectedly losing some of your financial resources. Your clinic is essential to your community. Discuss your plan to a) keep the clinic open and b) ease the fears of your staff. Be creative in your strategy, but also be sure to explore what other communities have done. Remember Due Date: December 5, 2019 11:59pm ( no late assignments will be accepted) This paper should be no more than 4 pages Cite sources and provide a reference page All written assignments must be in Microsoft Word (to allow instructor feedback), typed, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman or Arial Font with 1” margins (left, right, top, and bottom). For writing assignments, students are expected to use APA style formatting All assignments should be submitted in Canvas with the following labeling format: Last name, First initial, Writing Assignment #

Diet and dementia

Diet and dementia

DIET AND DEMENTIA  FORMAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELOR THESIS The exam in PSY3990 The Bachelor thesis is a bachelor thesis where the core text should be 20 pages +/- 10%, the same as 18-22 pages. The core text is defined from the introduction to the discussion / conclusion. Front page, summary / abstract, abbreviations and glossaries, table of contents and reference list do not count in the calculation of the number of pages. Any attachments don’t count either. Otherwise, the thesis should be written in A4 format, line spacing 1 1/2, font size 12 Times New Roman, margins are 2.5 cm for left, right, top and bottom. Text in tables / figures can have a font size between 9 and 12. Content and structure: The assignment should at least have a summary, introduction, method, results, and discussion. The thesis will undertake a literature search and 10 or more original research articles based on this search, described under method and results respectively. The thesis will discuss a psychological issue based on empirical research. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of the tutorial through the assignments to meet these requirements. The exam answers are graded and graded, A – F. BRIEFLY ON THE BACHELOR THESIS

Social Media Campaign on Obesity

Social Media Campaign on Obesity

B. Write your community health nursing diagnosis statement. 1. Explain how the health concern from your community health nursing diagnostic statement is linked to a health inequity or health disparity within the target population. a. Discuss the primary community resources and primary prevention resources currently in place to address the health concern. b. Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern. 2. Discuss the evidence-based practice associated with the Field Experience topic. a. Identify data about the selected Field Experience topic from the local (e.g., county), state, and/or national level. C. Develop a community health nursing social media campaign strategy that will convey your health message and address the Field Experience topic by doing the following: 1. Describe your social media campaign objective. 2. Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions and justify how each would improve the health message related to your selected Field Experience topic. 3. Describe a social media platform you would use that is appropriate for communicating with the target population. a. Discuss the benefits of the selected social media platform in supporting preventative healthcare. 4. Discuss how the target population will benefit from your health message. D. Describe best practices for implementing social media tools for health marketing. E. Create a social media campaign implementation plan by doing the following: 1. Describe stakeholder roles and responsibilities in implementing the plan. 2. Discuss potential public and private partnerships that could be formed to aid in the implementation of your campaign. 3. Create a specific timeline for implementing your campaign. 4. Explain how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. 5. Discuss the costs of implementing your campaign. F. Reflect on how social media marketing supports the community health nurse’s efforts to promote healthier populations. 1. Reflect on how your social media campaign could apply to your future nursing practice.

Revenue and Reimbursment for proposal for billing changes

Revenue and Reimbursment for proposal for billing changes

Revenue and Reimbursment for proposal for billing changes, and explain how the proposed changes will benefit the organization, the physicians, and the patients. Academic Level : Professional Paper details Imagine that you have just stepped into a new role as the office manager for a very successful clinic. The clinic is a conglomeration of physicians who offer specialized care. Each group of physicians tried to manage their own billing process but it quickly became obvious that one billing office would be more efficient. You realize that there has been a lack of consistency in the clinic and that you will need to update the billing policies and procedures immediately. You also realize that there is always resistance to change, and you will need to provide evidence supporting the changes you plan to make. Prepare a proposal for billing changes that you would present to the physicians. You will need to support each proposed change with relevant evidence to assure buy-in from the physicians. There is no specific format you must follow for this assessment, but be sure that your proposal is clear, logical, and succinct. Follow APA guidelines for any in-text citations and references. Include a title page and reference page.

Community Health Care Plan

Community Health Care Plan

Health Care ” concept paper”  Concept Paper Guidelines are below, please let me know if you have questions. Sometimes an organization requires applicants to submit a concept paper for review and approval prior to the submission of a full proposal. The development of a concept paper serves two purposes:

1) it allows the applicants to receive informal feedback on their ideas and projects before submitting a full proposal, and

2) it provides an opportunity for the funding or supporting organization to give feedback and guide applicants toward project ideas that are more likely to be supported. Title The title should be concise, but descriptive. Team Resume (1/2 page): Include team name, names of project team members, brief list of team assets (highlighting the group members’ strengths that the organization can benefit from) Project Partner(s) (1 paragraph): Short description of your community partner. If you do not have a partner, then describe the type of community organization that might benefit from your project. The project partner(s) may include representatives of the University and/or community organization. Include background information on the partner including history, mission, and major services offered. Need/Problem Statement (1 paragraph): Identify the problem, need, or opportunity to be addressed. Your community partner should be a primary source for this information in addition to any research you conduct. Background/Significance of the Problem (1-2 paragraphs) Include information gathered from your research about the history of the problem, the target population, statistical information, etc. (include at least three sources with in-text citations in APA format). Ideas for information to include here are: Length of time problem/need/opportunity has existed Whether or not the problem has been addressed before, and if it was, what the outcome was Impact of the problem on the target population and other stakeholders Evidence may include anecdotes, (quotations/testimonials) as a result of any information from stakeholders. Use data that best support the case you are building, if appropriate. Sketch of Your Proposed Solution, or Project Design (1-3 paragraphs) Overarching goal. Explain the basic elements of your project including details of the target population, what services/activities are going to be performed, and how your group’s project intends to address the problem. Benefits of Your Solution/Project (1-2 paragraphs) Explain the benefits of your solution using sound arguments, data (if appropriate), and relevant sources (at least two). Deliverables: List the major action items and/or products you plan to deliver to your community partner and when (see example below which is not exhaustive); this list should be for both semesters: Final Concept Note to partner, 12/20/2019 Final full proposal to partner, 1/30/2020 Commence community action plan and obtain feedback on Capstone product, 1/15/2020 Reference Page: Include a reference page in APA format listing all sources cited within your Concept Paper Appendix Include any attachments that you would like for your community partner to review, e.g., storyboards, sketches, outlines, charts/graphs, marketing collateral/graphic designs, etc. Format: 1.5 space, 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins, page numbers, two to five pages max. Concept Paper Guidelines.docx 2. Assignment Submission Text Submission Write Submission Attach Files 3. Add Comments Comments Character count: 0

Health Promotion in the Workplace

Health Promotion in the Workplace

Class: Health Promotion in the Workplace

Create a sample program proposal with the following subheadings. Define and explain your ideas under each in detail. Your program proposal has to be detailed and include all the following points that you think through carefully. 1. Problem Identification 2. Goal 3. Environmental Assessment 4. Work site Strategies 5. Resource Assessment 6. Proposed Program 7. Expected Costs 8. Expected Benefits 9. Overall benefit cost projection

Healthcare administration

Healthcare administration


Think back to the interview you conducted with the administrator during the midterm exam. Reflect on your time in this course and your upcoming career in healthcare administration. Respond to one of the scenarios listed below. In your response, be sure to include the following: Describe, in detail, how you would handle the situation as an administrator. Discuss why you chose to handle the situation the way you described. Discuss what resources (people, manuals, trainings, etc) you would use to help in your decision making process. Provide 1-2 references to support your decision on how to handle the situation. Please look beyond the textbook. If you use the textbook as a reference, please use one additional source.


Scenario 1: You are an administrator in a rural community clinic in Mississippi. Your clinic has experienced a 50% increase in patient volume due to another clinic in the community abruptly closing. This increase has resulted in longer wait times, disgruntled employees, and a few patient complaints. This patient volume increase was unexpected, therefore, your organization was not prepared. Describe how you will immediately respond to this change as an organization to better accommodate your patients and increase employee morale. Please be sure to provide practical strategies, feel free to be creative and explore what other clinics have done.

Scenario 2: Your are an administrator in a rural community clinic in Mississippi. Your clinic is at risk of closing, due to unexpectedly losing some of your financial resources. Your clinic is essential to your community. Discuss your plan to a) keep the clinic open and b) ease the fears of your staff.

Be creative in your strategy, but also be sure to explore what other communities have done.

All written assignments must be in Microsoft Word (to allow instructor feedback), typed, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman or Arial Font with 1” margins (left, right, top, and bottom). For writing assignments, students are expected to use APA style formatting All assignments should be submitted in Canvas with the following labeling format: Last name, First initial, Writing Assignment #

End Of Life Preparation Old Age Chronic Diseases

End Of Life Preparation Old Age Chronic Diseases

For this assignment you are to choose an end of life preparation option. You are to write a full length paper (minimum of 1200 words). Examples are a funeral and the various ways they are done, cremation, organ donation and/or any other acceptable way to work with the deceased. After you have chosen a topic your assignment is to describe the planning, cost, etc. that goes into the end of a person’s life. Cost is an important part of this discussion. If you have chosen to explore organ donation include an costs to the donor and receiver. You must also read, review and comment on the work of a peer. Lastly, you will describe how you felt researching this topic and what you learned from it. You do not have to plan your own services but may do so if you choose to.

Health information systems security

Health information systems security

Research theory for health information systems study  My supervisor is asking me to remove the theory section from my study ( theory i used to support my result and used to bave the study) cause she does not see an impact of it in the results. So before i do that, i need some support that it is not a must or mandatory for a study to have a theory used . So i need you to find me all relevant studies that support that a theory is not a must for each study and therefore i can use it to support my result and why i am not using a theory since i have to remove it. please make me a 2 pages of writing in a literature format explaining that a research can go with no theory and why is that and in which study and so on…. hope this is clear.

Differences between Clinton’s healthcare reform Obamacare and current proposals

Differences between Clinton’s healthcare reform Obamacare and current proposals

Compare and contrast the differences between Clinton’s healthcare reform, Obamacare, and current proposals or new policies.  A double spaced formal paper (including an executive summary) that provides an insightful analysis using the economic concepts of Supply and Demand and Opportunity Costs- The last page is to be the reference page. Paper format and reference page will be APA. The paper should have a short literature review, a main body of the paper that uses economic concepts and tools to discuss all the relevant issues on that topic, a discussion on policy and implications, conclusion, and a bibliography section citing all the sources. APPLY FOR THIS CASE