Clinical information system CIS financial impact on the organization

Clinical information system CIS financial impact on the organization

This activity focuses on the clinical information system (CIS). It also focuses on the financial impact on the organization as an important aspect of data storage.

Clinical information system (CIS)-financial impact on the organization

Activity: Clinical Information Systems Instructions .This activity focuses on the clinical information system as a unique solution to the issue of collecting and storing data and making it accessible and adaptable to many needs. In addition, this activity will touch on the financial impact on the organization as an important aspect of data storage.

To complete this assignment, review the Activity Guidelines. This activity focuses on the clinical information system (CIS) as a unique solution to the issue of collecting and storing data and making it accessible and adaptable to many needs.

In addition, this activity will touch on the financial impact on the organization as an important aspect of data storage.

For this activity, complete th‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍e following:

Firstly, Complete the MindTap Quick Check for Chapter 8 in Essentials of Health Information Management: Principles and Practices.

Secondly, Consider the following:

Thirdly, How is a CIS a better solution to collecting and storing data?

Fourthly,  Explain at least one way a CIS is adaptable and accessible compared to a paper system.

Furthermore,  What is the financial impact on an organization?

Additionally, What is clinical information system?

A clinical information system (CIS) is an information system designed specifically for use in the critical care environment, such as in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). It draws information from all these systems into an electronic patient record, which clinicians can see at the patient’s bedside.

Lastly, Support your answer with relevant sources. Note on the MindTap activities:

Guidelines for Submission: Complete the MindTap activities within MindTap. The answers to the questions should be in a Word document and should be a APA style All sources should be cited and refe‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍renced.

Healthy Classroom Rewards National School Lunch Program

Healthy Classroom Rewards National School Lunch Program

This essay entails a paper on the Healthy Classroom Rewards which is involves the National School Lunch Program. Healthy Classroom Rewards helps every student to participate in the school activities. It also influences the feeding schedule of the children.

Healthy Classroom Rewards National School Lunch Program

Firstly, Healthy Classroom Rewards (INTASC Principle 3). In June 2004, the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act signs into law, makes it mandatory for schools who participate in the National School Breakfast Program or the National School Lunch Program to have a written school wellness policy by July 1, 2006. One main area of the policy relates to nutrition standards for all the foods served at the school, including food used for school and classroom rewards for students.

Furthermore, while children like food rewards, these rewards often contradict the nutrition lessons being taught in the classroom. This activity will help you examine different approaches to classroom rewards and aid you in developing your own classroom practices.

Secondly, identify five school corporation/district policies regarding the use of food as a school or classroom reward for students. Compare and contrast the various policies in terms of whether or not food can be used as a reward and the different types of suggested alternatives.

Also, the Action for Healthy Kids ( (Links to an external site.)) and USDA Food and Nutrition Service Team Nutrition websites ( (Links to an external site.)) are great sources for locating such policies.

Thirdly, develop a reward policy for your classroom. Imagine you are in a school district that does not permit the use of food as a reward. Attach your reflection. Reflection: What did you learn from this activity?

Lastly, what types of rewards do you believe will motivate children the most? What are your beliefs about using food as a reward? Does your reward policy support your teaching philosophy and your beliefs about health? Support your statements.

Malnutrition and identify a specific disease from it

Malnutrition and identify a specific disease from it

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to define malnutrition and identify a specific disease from it. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Define malnutrition and identify a specific disease from it

Nutrition plays a vital role in a person’s overall health and well-being. Not getting enough of the recommended nutrients over the long-term can lead to malnutrition which often results in disease and illness.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

Define malnutrition and identify a specific disease that can result from it.

Perform library research about the selected disease, and explain its physiological effects on a person’s body.

Describe the relationship between specific foods/nutrients and the disease. Use the questions below to guide your response.
Does research indicate that a lack of specific foods/nutrients increase a person’s chance of contracting the disease?
Are there specific foods/nutrients that should be avoided by an individual afflicted with the disease?
How do specific foods/nutrients work physiologically within the body to help combat the disease?

Evaluate nutritional recommendations to help combat the disease.

Cite at least 3 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page.

For information about the impact of diseases on body systems and assessing the credibility of resources, consult the resources below.

Remember, ensure that the pages are exclusive of the cover and the reference pages. Also, ensure that you include all the references you use in finding research for this assignment paper. References should be at least three for the paper. All references, citation, and writing should follow the APA formatting and styling guidelines. Finally, ensure you focus on the assignment topic in detail.

Ensure that you follow the instructions provided keenly. Marking of the assignment is on how you do the task and how you submit the assignment too. In case of any question feel free to ask your instructor for more guidelines before doing the assignment.

Cerebral Occlusion analysis and development of the OLDCHART

Cerebral Occlusion analysis and development of the OLDCHART

This is an assignment that discusses the Cerebral Occlusion analysis and development of the OLDCHART. The OLDCART will to summarize the patients experience.

Cerebral Occlusion analysis and development of the OLDCHART

You will need to understand the celebral occlusion issue in depth so as to get a better understanding in answering the questions.

Firstly, you will need to compose an APA paper that is at least 4 full pages (not including cover or references pages) addressing the following issues:

Summarize a patient encounter you had this week, and describe the acute care/pathophysiologic issue you addressed together with your preceptor.

Secondly, develop a complete OLDCART note about the encounter. Then, review the AHRQ National Guidelines for the pathophysiologic condition you are treating. Summarize the current recommendations in 1–2 paragraphs.

Lastly, you can find the guidelines here Search the Library for three peer-reviewed articles on the pathophysiologic condition you managed. Summarize the current research on the issue, and how they affect your clinical decision making.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ Requirements: Before finalizing your work, you should: be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above); consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors; and for assistance, please visit the Writing Center.

Your writing Assignment should: follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.); be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful; and display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Your paper should be in APA format and follow APA guidelines, including: properly formatted header 12-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font use of in-text citations title page and reference page use of headings (if applicab‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍le)

Healthcare Marketing in relation to Situational Analysis

Healthcare Marketing in relation to Situational Analysis

This is an assignment that discusses the Healthcare Marketing in relation to Situational Analysis. This paper also conducts a situational analysis for internal and external.

Healthcare Marketing in relation to Situational Analysis

M‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ilestone Two: Situational Analysis To complete this assignment, review the Guidelines Situational Analysis you will conduct a full situational analysis to identify the internal and external market factors that impact the Bellevue Hospital, propose a service to market for the organization, and generate a marketing goal for this proposed service. Prompt:

Firstly, review the text readings and course resources you have so far studied. In addition, review your Final Project Milestone One and Module Four The SWOT analysis is one method by which to conduct a situational analysis. Use this process to assist you as you complete the situational analysis in this milestone. Also refer back to the Bellevue: Community Health Needs Assessment to inform your analysis.

Secondly, conduct a situational analysis that analyzes the internal and external market factors that impact Bellevue Hospital. In addition, propose a service to market for the organization and develop marketing goals for this proposed service. The paper should explain how the proposed marketing goals align with the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization. However, keep in mind that your marketing goals should follow the SMART goal framework (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely). The following critical el‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ements must be addressed: I. Situational Analysis: In this section of the marketing plan, you will be conducting a needs analysis to identify and propose a service for the organization.


A. Analyze the internal and external market factors impacting the healthcare organization.

B. Also, propose a service to market for this organization. Include an explanation as to whether it is addressing an opportunity or weakness from the market factor analysis.

C. Then, develop a marketing goal for the proposed service, applying the SMART goal framework.

D. Justify the alignment of the marketing goal to the mission, vision, and strategic goals of the organization.

E. Analyze the competition for the proposed service.

F. Evaluate how the current marketing strategies used by the organization adhere to industry ethical criteria.

Additionally, you can use external sources and do proper citation with referencing in APA format Strategic Planning and SWOT Analysis This resource outlines the steps of conducting a SWOT analysis in a healthcare organization. Use this resource to support your Milestone Two assignment as you complete a situational analysis. Harrison, J. (2010). Strategic planning and SWOT analysis. Essentials of strategic planning in healthcare (pp. 91–97). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Pre‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ss

Pediatric pain management and the use of distracting techniques

Pediatric pain management and the use of distracting techniques

This is an assignment that discusses the pediatric pain management and use of distracting techniques. The assignment also discusses the significance of the techniques.

Pediatric pain management and the use of distracting techniques

Pediatric pain management and the use of distracting techniques
Firstly, write a summary of the significance and background of a healthcare problem by doing the following:

1. Describe a healthcare problem that can be used to develop a PICO question. (my PICO question is “In pediatric patients, will the use of distracting techniques compared to not using distracting techniques improve pain management”)

2. Explain the significance of the problem from part A1.

3. Describe the current healthcare practices related to the problem from part A1.

4. Discuss how the problem affects the organization and patients’ cultural background (i.e., values, health behavior, and preferences).

B. Secondly, complete a literature review by searching for a total of seven articles consisting of five research articles and two non-research articles related to the healthcare problem from part A1, and describe the search strategy you used to conduct the literature review by doing the following:

1. Discuss two research evidence sources and two nonresearch evidence sources that you considered.

C. Thirdly, use your research articles to develop a PICO (patient/population, intervention/indicator, comparison/control, and outcome) question based on the topic. (my PICO question is “In pediatric patients, will the use of distracting techniques compared to not using distracting techniques improve pain management”)

Pediatric pain management and the use of distracting techniques

D. Complete the attached “Evidence Matrix,” using the five research evidence sources from scholarly journal sources you located during the literature review in part B. For each article, address the following points: • author, journal name, and year of publication • research design (e.g., quantitative, qualitative, mixed‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍ design, systematic review) • sample size (e.g., numbers of study participants, number of articles, number of control group participants) • outcome variables measured (e.g., identify what the research is measuring) • quality (using the following scale: A, B, C) • results/author’s conclusions (e.g., briefly summarize the outcome)

E. Additionally, recommend a practice change that addresses the PICO question, using the evidence collected in the attached “Evidence Matrix.” You must use all five research articles from the “Evidence Matrix” attachment to support this recommendation via in-text citations.

F. Describe a process for implementing the practice change from part E in which you do the following:

1. Explain how you would involve three key stakeholders in the decision to implement the recommendation from part E.

2. Describe two specific barriers you may encounter when implementing the practice change from part E in the nursing practice setting.

3. Identify two strategies that could overcome the barriers described in part F2.

4. Identify one indicator to measure the outcome (the O in PICO question) of the recommended change practice from part E.

G. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Impact of High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA

Impact of High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA

High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA and its impact on healthcare setting and solutions. Review of Current Healthcare Issues: High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA compared to other Countries such as Canada.

High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA and its impact

Review of Current Healthcare Issues: High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA compared to other Countries such as Canada.

Introduction: One of the current stressors in the healthcare profession is the increasing cost of prescription drugs. In this discussion, examine a national healthcare issue, such as the High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA compared to other Countries such as Canada, and consider how this issue may impact your work setting as a healthcare professional. You also analyze how your organization has responded to this issue.

To Prepare:

Review the attached detailed instruction document and uploaded research articles and other current relevant peered-reviewed resources (within 5 years) of your choice and write a 2 page discussion APA style on the following;

1) Post a description of the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis such as the High Cost of Prescription Drugs in the USA compared to other Countries such as Canada

2) Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your healthcare work setting.

3)Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to this healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples.


More details:

Why are drug prices so high in the US?
The simple explanation for excessive drug prices is monopoly pricing. Through patent protection and FDA marketing exclusivity, the U.S. government grants pharmaceutical companies a monopoly on brand-name drugs. But monopolies are a recipe for excessive prices.
What is the impact of higher drug prices on the healthcare industry?
Higher Drug Prices Linked to Higher Hospital Prices

The most recent study found that after historic increases in hospital spending on drugs of 38.7% per admission from 2013 to 2015, total inpatient and outpatient spending continued to rise by an additional 18.5% per adjusted admission from 2015 to 2017.

Physical health and mental health correlate in the community

Physical health and mental health correlate in the community

This is an essay that discusses the topic- how does physical health and mental health correlate in the community. The essay also explains the impact that each other have to each other.

How does physical health and mental health correlate in the community

Mental Health in the Community
Write a 1000-1500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. There should be three main sections, one for each bullet below. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least three (3) sources using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page in correct APA do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment. Go to website and search for Mental Health and Mental Disorders.

After reading the Overview section, pick and note 2 objectives/goals from the list that you feel affect your community and explain why these were chosen. As a nurse, what can you do to help the community move towards this goal? Explain how physical health and mental health are correlated. What impact does each have on the other? Give at least one detailed example of how either a specific physical ailment leads to a breakdown in mental health or how a specific mental health disorder can lead to physical issues. Explain Trauma Informed Care in detail. Also, how you can use Trauma Informed Care to assist a child who has been impacted by trauma?

The essay should be written using APA format and style. Ensure that you use at least four sources as your resources for writing the essay. Proper formatting and citation of the sources is mandatory following the APA citation guidelines.

Artificial intelligence AI in delivering quality patient care

Artificial intelligence AI in delivering quality patient care

Write a report evaluating the role played by artificial intelligence (AI) in delivering quality patient care at reduced costs. Information systems have revolutionised the way data is stored, organised and managed.

Artificial intelligence (AI) in delivering quality patient care

Information systems have revolutionised the way data is stored, organised and managed.
Write a report evaluating the role played by artificial intelligence (AI) in delivering quality patient care at reduced costs.
Apply the report to the following Health and Social Care organisation: (Pharmaceutical)
§  Pfizer Inc. (


Explain the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI). Then analyse the challenges and benefits of its employment in health care delivery.

Qs.1, 3 and 4 are general.

Q.2 – Identify some of the AI that Pfizer specifically uses that helps them to produce effective drugs.

Q.5 – Choose 3 or 4 of these identified AI Pfizer uses and analyse their impact.

 Points to consider:
Firstly, What are the capabilities of artificial intelligence (generic)

Secondly, The applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare. (specific)

Thirdly, The benefits of artificial intelligence (generic)

Fourthly, The challenges of artificial intelligence (generic)

Lastly, Analyse the impact of the AI in health care delivery of chosen organisation (specific).


Evaluate the ethical, social and legal challenges artificial intelligence presents for patients and care providers.
Points to consider:
Firstly,The ethical challenges of artificial intelligence (generic).

Secondly,  The social challenges of artificial intelligence (generic).

Thirdly, The legal challenges of artificial intelligence (generic).

Fourthly, Evaluation of the challenges that artificial intelligence presents for patients and care providers of chosen organisation (specific).

Analytical report – Full structure
Firstly, Start with an introduction of the subject matter.

Secondly, Then a brief background of Pfizer organisation after the introduction

Thirdly, Then an explanation of what artificial intelligence (AI) is.

Fourthly, Identify few AI generally – both in healthcare and businesses.

Furthermore, Choose 3 or 4 of the AI that are used in Pfizer organisation and discuss how they are applied.

 Points to consider
Number 5 of task 1 and number 4 of task 2 must be based on Pfizer organisation.

Revenue and Reimbursment for proposal for billing changes

Revenue and Reimbursment for proposal for billing changes

Revenue and Reimbursment for proposal for billing changes, and explain how the proposed changes will benefit the organization, the physicians, and the patients. Academic Level : Professional Paper details Imagine that you have just stepped into a new role as the office manager for a very successful clinic. The clinic is a conglomeration of physicians who offer specialized care. Each group of physicians tried to manage their own billing process but it quickly became obvious that one billing office would be more efficient. You realize that there has been a lack of consistency in the clinic and that you will need to update the billing policies and procedures immediately. You also realize that there is always resistance to change, and you will need to provide evidence supporting the changes you plan to make. Prepare a proposal for billing changes that you would present to the physicians. You will need to support each proposed change with relevant evidence to assure buy-in from the physicians. There is no specific format you must follow for this assessment, but be sure that your proposal is clear, logical, and succinct. Follow APA guidelines for any in-text citations and references. Include a title page and reference page.